The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 77: Wealthy people have less cold legs


The time in the villa passed quickly. The Fu family left Shen Lingshu here and didn't care about it at all. Except for occasional occasions where he was needed, they would send bodyguards to take him out. At other times, Shen Lingshu was completely ignored. Those who are imprisoned here, of course, now have an extra capacity. After the extra time, Xiao Shen Lingshu began to feel that the life was not so difficult, and the sunshine and vegetation outside were no longer so attractive to him.

And Rong Wan searched the entire villa, but couldn't find a book that could be used for study!

The Fu family is really ruthless! Not daring to really harm Shen Lingshu's life, he came up with this method - if a ten-year-old child is kept under house arrest without any study, no matter how talented he is, he will be just a waste when he goes out one day one!

But fortunately, there are still some waste paper and pens.

So Rong finished cleaning the big table next to Shen Lingshu's window, moved a stool to the side, and began to try to teach in person. On his own, of course he can't teach much, just some knowledge other than Chinese and mathematics in junior high school. Explain some formulas to Xiao Shen Lingshu clearly, and then ask the system to help me find some questions, copy one by one on the waste paper, and let Xiao Shen Lingshu do it by analogy.

Every night, take these waste papers to the edge of the kitchen sink and burn them all, so that people from the Fu family will not see them when they come over occasionally.

Little Shen Lingshu saw his actions, but didn't ask, as if he knew it—

After eating every day, the two of them sat at the table for a whole day, copying some questions, and Xiao Shen Lingshu was responsible for solving them.

The table is next to the window, and the curtains are half-opened, so that some sunlight will come in from the closed gap. In the previous year, little Shen Lingshu couldn't even touch the sun, so his skin was unusually pale and his body was thin. Now exposed to a little sunshine every day, his body has gradually improved a lot. After all, it is the time when children grow up and need calcium.

Little Shen Lingshu is very smart, and in half a year, he has basically passed some of the knowledge in junior high school.

After that, Rong Wan began to ask the system to help him find high school textbooks. In addition to the things in these textbooks, he also asked the system to find some business cases, laws, literature and history, etc., and copy them down for Shen Lingshu to understand by himself. His head hurts from seeing it, and he can't explain much. In short, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual.

He, a scumbag, studied hard in his last life, but he really didn't expect to be able to use it in this life and become Xiao Shen Lingshu's teacher. Although sometimes he didn't know some questions and was left speechless by Xiao Shen Lingshu's rhetorical questions, but fortunately, there was a system to help him, and he managed to hold the stage for him!

In this way, in just half a year, little Shen Lingshu has grown a lot taller, and he doesn't look as haggard as when he first met him. His skin is still fair, but it doesn't look bleak. Gradually, he could occasionally have a smile on his face, as well as the innocence of a child.

In addition, he is extremely clingy, almost wherever he goes, he is clingy to follow wherever he rocks the wheelchair.

When Rong finished cooking, he also read in the back with a book in his hand, and occasionally helped Rong wash vegetables and cut fruits. When he finished cleaning, he shook the wheelchair and helped sweep some garbage to the corner with a broom. At the beginning, the cooperation between the two was extremely inconsistent, and when Rong Wan turned around, he might trip him up, but as time passed, the two of them swept the floor and mopped the floor one by one, and when they became more and more proficient, Rong Wan would let him Go, this way you can exercise your arm strength, and one day little Shen Lingshu will always go out to live.

Rong Wan felt that Xiao Shen Lingshu's temper seemed to be much better in front of him. Although sometimes it was still cloudy and lonely, but most of the time he raised his face and looked at him with round and watery eyes. Sometimes when I encounter a topic that I can't do, my eyes are still a little confused and ignorant, which makes my heart melt!

At the beginning, he kept a dark face and refused to allow Rong Wan to bathe him, but as soon as Rong Wan undressed him, he struggled desperately like a cat with fried hair, and Rong Wan was soaked in water! Now it's like a different person, I have to take a bath every night, and every time I take a bath, I must wait anxiously for the capacity to finish.

Fortunately, within half a year, he didn't gain much weight, otherwise, after carrying him around, his hand would really be broken.

The weather outside is gradually getting colder, and inside the villa is no exception. Fortunately, the Fu family did not treat them too harshly in this regard. After all, if they freeze people to death, they will not be able to eat and walk around. Rong Wan took out the winter quilt early in the morning and dried it by the only window, and spread it for little Shen Lingshu.

It rained heavily that night, and there was lightning and thunder outside.

When there is a thunderstorm, little Shen Lingshu will become very silent, because the night when his parents died in a car accident was also the same night, the winding mountain road was very slippery, and suddenly collided with the big truck in front, only he died He escaped and sacrificed a pair of legs.

Rong Wan knew that he was in a low mood, so he walked into the room quietly without disturbing him. After filling the bathtub with warm water, he poked his head out and asked, "Are you taking a bath today?"

Little Shen Lingshu's dark eyes were drooping, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing his voice, he just woke up like a dream and nodded.

"Don't think about it, wash up and go to bed early." Rong Wan walked over and patted his head.

Xiao Shen Lingshu's soft hair covered his eyes, and he said "hmm".

In the past six months, his hair has grown a lot, and the hair behind the ears has swept to his neck. Rong Wan originally planned to trim him, but he was afraid that when the Fu family came, seeing how well he was being taken care of by him, he would have doubts, so he let his hair grow gradually.

However, his hair is very soft, so the tail of the hair is slightly curled up, but it hides his sharp edges and makes him look docile and harmless.

"Take off your clothes." Rong Wan said.

Little Shen Lingshu finally came back to his senses, "Hurry up." With a face full of reluctance, he turned his head away, and the base of his ears was stained with a thin layer of red.

"..." Rong Wan suppressed a smile. He has been taking off his clothes for half a year. Why does he always look ashamed every time he takes off his clothes? How did he grow up to be twenty-five years old? Cold looking? It's long and crooked.

Rong Wan didn't dare to really laugh out loud, otherwise Xiao Shen Lingshu would bury his head in the quilt in shame and indignation, and hide for a long time. He squatted down and unbuttoned the pajamas for Xiao Shen Lingshu, leaving only a pair of panties, and carried him to the bathroom. As for the bathroom, Xiao Shen Lingshu didn't want others to scrub him, at most, he just wiped his back, and he did it himself.

While he was washing his front, Rong Wan squatted behind his back, squeezed a little foam, and rubbed his hair.

Xiao Shen Lingshu was used to this, and the warm feeling made him very comfortable and relaxed.

Getting along with him for more than half a year has allowed this person to occupy an irreplaceable position in his heart. He is both a brother and a friend, and even more so, his only reliance. He lowered his eyes and stared at the tiled floor, the shadow of the two of them being cast together by the light, he couldn't help but think darkly, if only they could be so dependent on each other for the rest of their lives—

Suddenly there was a loud lightning bolt outside.

Little Shen Lingshu's back trembled, and Rong Wan wiped his back, only to see that his face turned pale for a moment, and his little hands subconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes. After all, he was still a child of about twelve years old. No matter how strong he pretended to be and he no longer needed others, the night his biological parents passed away was a hurdle he would never be able to cross.

After Rong finished, he asked: "Xiao Shen, if you are really afraid of thunder, do you want me to come and sleep with you tonight?"

Little Shen Lingshu immediately raised her eyes fiercely: "Who said I'm afraid? I'm not afraid!"

Another thunder flashed, and his neck shrank reflexively.

"..." Rong Wan couldn't help laughing, but the child's self-esteem is very strong and sensitive, so he didn't say much, he just dried the child's hair and body with a dry towel, then carried the child to the bed, and re- Put on clean clothes.

Little Shen Lingshu blushed, stared at him, and emphasized again: "I'm really not afraid."

"All right, all right, you're not afraid." Rong Wan said perfunctorily with a smile, covered him with a quilt and planned to leave. His room is next to Xiao Shen Lingshu's. It used to be the old nurse's room. Every room in this villa is similar, so there is no difference between the master bedroom and the second bedroom.

But before moving away from the foot of the bed, little Shen Lingshu rushed over and grabbed the corner of his clothes. Rong Wan couldn't move, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Shen Lingshu, only to see that the corners of his clothes were tightly grasped, and the fingers holding the corners of his clothes were turning white.

"I'm not afraid." Xiao Shen Lingshu turned her head away, her face was tense, her lips were drawn into a line, and she said sullenly, "But Brother Rong, if you are afraid, I can sleep with you."

"..." Rong Wan was almost overjoyed.