The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 88: Wealthy people have less cold legs


After Shen Lingshu took back the property from the Fu family, he did not kill the Fu family. Fu Ziyuan's cousin is only two years older than him, and he was only seventeen or eighteen years old back then. Most of the bad things were done by Shen Lingshu's aunt and uncle, so Shen Lingshu drove the Fu family abroad After leaving, he gave a small amount of money to barely support Fu Ziyuan's education. As for the survival of the rest of the Fu family, it was completely out of Shen Lingshu's consideration.

In the original text here, Shen Lingshu is still repaying grievances with kindness. His real blackness came after he knew that his parents' car accident was also tampered with. People, it was only then that he completely sent the Fu family to prison.

Therefore, when Rong Wan, who is familiar with the original plot, knew that Fu Ziyuan secretly returned to China this time to win over other shareholders of Shen's and dig a hole for Shen Lingshu, he hated Fu Ziyuan to the extreme.

He received Shen Lingshu's support, and he should be very grateful, but he still came up with Shen's idea like his disgusting parents. It can be said that like a mother, like a son, the whole family is full of poisonous snakes.

However, he is Shu Tianyan's "Daddy-Long-Legs". If Rong Wan shows extreme hatred, he will quickly disintegrate his personality.

Fu Ziyuan also noticed something strange on Rong Wan's face, he just thought that he was a little unfamiliar to him since he hadn't seen him for many years, so he didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "I just returned to China, and I knew your father was hospitalized, so I wanted to come and see..."

He walked up to Rong Wan, stretched out his hand and gestured: "When I went to your village, you were still a little kid, reaching my waist. I didn't expect you to be so tall now."

Before the words fell, Rong Wan took a step back without a trace, and distanced himself from him.

This action seemed very vigilant, and the smile on Fu Ziyuan's face finally froze, and he couldn't help asking: "Xiao Yan, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Mr. Fu." Rong Wan let himself relax, and said lightly: "Thank you for coming to visit my father - I am very grateful for your support back then, but I will return the money to you, and the amount is not big , you give me the card number, and I will transfer it to you when I find a chance."

Fu Ziyuan frowned, and looked at Rong Wan inexplicably. Naturally, he never took Shu Tianyan seriously, he was just a casually sponsored child. At that time, his family had money, and for fun, he sponsored more than a dozen people in the village. But among the dozen or so, only Shu Tianyan wrote to him frequently, and the content of each letter was full of youthful yearning. As time passed, he had a special impression of Shu Tianyan.

But now, Shu Tianyan seems to be a different person, at least he doesn't like himself as shown in his letter.

But with Fu Ziyuan's character, he naturally wouldn't take the trouble to ask what happened in the middle, which caused Shu Tianyan to reject him so much, he immediately smiled: "Okay, bring the phone, I'll send you the phone number."

Rong Wan secretly thought that he had made a mistake, tore off a piece of paper from the bedside table, took another special pen for nurses, and handed it to Fu Ziyuan: "Mr. Fu, I don't have my mobile phone with me, so you can write on it."

Fu Ziyuan paused, but his demeanor remained intact, he wrote down his contact information on the note, and handed it to Rong Wan: "Take it well, and contact me anytime if you have any difficulties."

No wonder I'll contact you. Rong Wan thought, and then said: "Okay, I still have something to do, Mr. Fu, thank you for visiting my father."

This is the eviction order.

Fu Ziyuan hadn't stayed in the ward for a few minutes, but he couldn't help but feel a little displeased when he was chased away like this, but it was inconvenient for him to say anything, so he had to turn around and leave.

After he left, Rong Wan's cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from Shen Lingshu.

"Where have you been?" Shen Lingshu finished the examination and was tossed about, his voice sounded a little weak.

Rong Wan said with a guilty conscience: "Turn around at will."

He didn't say he had seen his father, otherwise Shen Lingshu would have known that he had met Fu Ziyuan by checking the interview records at will.

Shen Lingshu snorted coldly, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

Rong Wan immediately became nervous: "How are you? You're not feeling well. I'll go over now."

"I won't die." Shen Lingshu sneered, but when he heard Rong Wan's anxious voice on the other end of the phone, the uneasiness in his heart because Rong Wan didn't concentrate on waiting for him also dissipated a little, he paused, Some uncomfortably said: "Come on quickly."

miss you.

After Rong finished running back to the top floor, Shen Lingshu had finished the examination and was sitting opposite the doctor to read the case report. Shen Lingshu's side face looked a little pale, and Rong Wan kept struggling in his heart, and walked straight over. Although he knew it was wrong, he couldn't help it, and snatched the case from Shen Lingshu with his hands—

The paper whirled in the air with a "crash" sound.

The doctor on the opposite side was stunned, wondering where the young man was so reckless!

And Shen Lingshu was also taken aback for a moment, and his gaze fell on the glistening sweat on Rong Wan's forehead.

Rong Wan couldn't take care of that much, his heart was beating wildly, his eyes swept across the case in a hurry, most of the doctor's words were sloppy, and he couldn't understand them at all, but he could barely make out that this was a stomach disease report, not a stomach cancer Report…

God knows how excited Rong Wan was at this moment, as if he was the one who came back after walking through the gate of hell, and he sat down on the chair beside Shen Lingshu, almost exhausted. It's not stomach cancer, it's not stomach cancer, it's okay, it's okay...

"What?" Shen Lingshu said with a smile, "Do you think I'm terminally ill?"

The doctor also said that his stomach problem is very serious. If he does not take good care of it, it may easily turn into stomach cancer. He is a short-lived ghost. He didn't care about it before, but now that he meets this person again, he hopes to live well and live for a long time .

The corners of Rong Wan's eyes were sore, but he didn't want to show it in front of Shen Lingshu, so as not to appear too inexplicable. He collected himself, tried to calm his mind, and said, "Mr. Shen, it's better not to say these words."

Shen Lingshu looked at him, but the corners of his eyes and brows softened, and he chuckled, "Okay."

"I'll push you out." Rong Wan said, "I'm tired from the examination today, let's go back early and rest."

Shen Lingshu nodded.

At this moment, Shen Lingshu's assistant was waiting outside the doctor's office, as if he had something urgent to say. Shen Lingshu took a look, and said to Rong Wan: "Wait, I'll be right back." He rolled his wheelchair out, and in the corridor, the assistant bent down, handed him a stack of photos, and then said something.

With such a long distance, Rong Wan couldn't hear what they were talking about, but he felt that Shen Lingshu's face suddenly became ugly.

Then, it should be - Fu Ziyuan has returned to China.

When the Fu family was driven out of the country, Shen Lingshu said that they should not go back to the country if they have nothing to do. Once they come back, they will declare war. At that time, they will not know what they will do. These words were a good deterrent to the Fu family at the time, but twelve years later, Fu Ziyuan couldn't help but return home.

There is a piece of cake as big as Shen's in China, and those who don't covet it are fools.

The purpose of Fu Ziyuan's return this time was to get a piece of the pie from Shen Lingshu. According to the original plot, he failed in the end. But it wasn't a villain like him that worried Rong Wan, but Shen Lingshu learned the truth about his parents' death.

When the twenty-eight-year-old Shen Lingshu learned the truth, he couldn't stand it. His parents fell in a pool of blood, and it was only because of other people's coveting property? It was not an accident at all, but a long-planned plan by relatives. How could the twenty-five-year-old Shen Lingshu bear it? In the original plot, Shen Lingshu suffered from stomach cancer, and this truth was the poison that further catalyzed his fate.

So Rong Wan thought very selfishly, if it is possible not to know, then cover his ears to keep him from knowing.

After Rong finished here, he was feeling uneasy, Shen Lingshu came back again, and when he saw him, his expression softened a little, and he said, "I still have something to do, let the driver take you back first."

"Mr. Shen, can't I be with you?" Rong Wan grabbed his sleeve. What will Fu Ziyuan say to Shen Lingshu? The current plot has deviated from the original track, and he doesn't know.

—Suddenly so active today

Shen Lingshu was a little surprised, and his mood cleared up because of such a simple action, but he didn't want this person to know about the grievances between him and the Fu family. More importantly, he found a piece of treasure and wanted to hide it from anyone he hated.

The corners of Shen Lingshu's mouth turned up slightly, and he patted the back of Rong Wan's hand, and said in a rare soft voice, "You go back first, I'll be back later."

After Rong finished, he wanted to say something, but the driver had already come and asked him to leave.