The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 89: Wealthy people have less cold legs


in the car.

Rong Wan's mood today was completely ruined because of that annoying Fu Ziyuan returning to China. But fortunately, after seeing Shen Lingshu's case report, it did not deteriorate into stomach cancer. He was still very emotional and extremely excited. In any case, the two years he traveled back had played a role in the end.

If it didn't work, how guilty he would be. I'm afraid he will think of it more than once in the future. If he thinks about it again, he will be able to persist in that villa for two more years.

He was in a complicated mood, leaning on the back of the car, looking at the yellow car lights outside like a long dragon, and finally suppressed his bad mood with joy, couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth, thinking about what to cook after going back, etc. Shen Lingshu went back to eat.


Looking for a conference room alone, Shen Lingshu stared at the person opposite him coldly. Standing opposite him, Fu Ziyuan didn't dare to sit down. Whether it was twelve years ago or now, under Shen Lingshu's cold and stern gaze, he felt a sense of oppression inexplicably, and goose bumps all over his body.

His cousin is obviously only two years younger than him, but his methods are much more decisive than his, otherwise he would not have driven his family out of the country back then. When staring at a person, that gaze seems to pierce the flesh and bone of the person, which is really terrifying.

After a while, Fu Ziyuan forced himself to smile twice: "Lingshu, long time no see."

Shen Lingshu sneered, looked away, and didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all: "What are you doing back?"

This oppressive feeling didn't dissipate even after he turned his gaze away. Shen Lingshu's face was expressionless, and he didn't show the slightest bit of sullenness, but Fu Ziyuan somehow felt that the aura was astonishing, and it was some kind of coldness that had been infiltrated in his bones for a long time.

Fu Ziyuan couldn't help feeling a subtle jealousy. Originally, all of this could be his.

It was his for a while, too.

But later, when Shen Lingshu escaped from the villa, he started a desperate counterattack. After winning half of Shen's hearts, the first thing he did was to ruthlessly drive their family abroad. These years they were living abroad, the tuition fee Shen Lingshu gave him was not enough at all, it was used by his mother as a household, and he had to work part-time to earn his own tuition fee.

It's been a miserable year.

Fu Ziyuan withdrew his thoughts, faced Shen Lingshu's questioning, and subtly opened the topic: "I'm coming back to find someone."

Shen Lingshu frowned, obviously did not expect him to come out like this: "Who?"

"When I was still in China, I sponsored a few children. One of them I have a good eye for, and I have kept in touch with me all these years. Don't worry, I don't want to fight for property when I come back. I just worry about it and want to see it. How is he doing, after all he hasn't sent me a letter for a while."

Fu Ziyuan said so, observing Shen Lingshu's expression, seeing that he was unmoved, he couldn't help but smile: "Lingshu, you have a lot of contacts in the country, maybe you can help me find them?"

Shen Lingshu sneered coldly in his heart, he didn't believe Fu Ziyuan's nonsense at all—

write a letter

It's been so many years, and there are still people who use such an old-fashioned way to communicate, let alone travel across the ocean to send letters.

But when Fu Ziyuan put a few letters on the table beside him, his pupils shrank suddenly.

There are three large characters on the envelope: Shu Tianyan.

"This is a letter he wrote to me before. I don't have any photos here. You can take a look at them. If you have time, you can help my cousin look for them." Fu Ziyuan said: "Once I find it, I will go back to the country right away." , take him back."

Shen Lingshu's eyes were only filled with those letters, he completely ignored what he said, and opened one of the letters with a dark complexion.

Mr. Fu:

I don't know what you are doing now. I have already entered the university. Everything is fine. Don't read it. If it weren't for your support back then, I wouldn't be able to go to university now. Anyway, thank you very much. Your address is in a foreign country, but for some reason, I saw someone who looks a little like you in a foreign country, so I probably misunderstood it.

I hope you are well.

Shu Tianyan stays.

Two points alike in appearance...

Shen Lingshu's heart was beating wildly, and she suddenly raised her eyelids to look at Fu Ziyuan's annoying face—

The temperament is indeed completely different, but they are cousins, how can there be no similarities in facial contours

And this is indeed Shu Tianyan's handwriting.

It's just that I don't know if it was written by "Shu Tianyan" or "Xiao Rong". When he was still trapped in the villa, he was twelve years old, Fu Ziyuan was fifteen, and Shu Tianyan was five. It was also at this time that Fu Ziyuan began to go to the village to help those children. Could it be that "Xiao Rong" was already there at this time? On "Shu Tianyan"

So, these letters were written by "Shu Tianyan" or by Brother Rong.

All this time, why did his brother Rong get close to him

Shen Lingshu just felt that he had no sense at all. Once it came to Rong Wan's matter, he couldn't figure out the cause and effect, and couldn't tell the difference. His chest was stuffy, and his mind was buzzing for a while, as if he had been slapped by someone, and he couldn't find the south, east, north, and west.

Seeing that he was not in the right state, the assistant promptly reminded him, "Boss Shen."

Fu Ziyuan stood opposite, looking at Shen Lingshu with a smile: "Lingshu, what's wrong?"

Shen Ling pinched the letter desperately, her fingers turned white, she did not continue to read the following, and tried her best to calm herself down.

"Go away first. I will contact you when I find someone. I hope that after that, you will never return to China."

His voice was as cold as winter ice.

But Fu Ziyuan was keenly aware of a tremor.

That's enough, Fu Ziyuan hooked his lips, and his goal was achieved.

"Then I'll go back to the hotel and stay here. I'll look for it by myself during this time, but I don't know anyone in China. Finding it is like finding a needle in a haystack. I need Lingshu to help me."

Shen Lingshu frowned, already impatient: "Go away."

Fu Ziyuan rolled very quickly, but left behind a mess.

Shen Lingshu watched him leave, sneered, and said to his assistant, "Send someone to follow him closely."

He didn't know the meaning of the story that Fu Ziyuan deliberately delivered to his door today. It was just that he knew that there were many people around him who wanted to take advantage of his weakness to make him confused. But he knew it clearly, but he still couldn't calm down. Perhaps it was because this person was indeed his weakness and rebel, and Fu Ziyuan really picked him.

The assistant was at the side, and after Shen Lingshu finished the examination, his face finally eased, and his face was as white as paper again, and even worse, he couldn't help reminding: "President Shen, it's a little late, why don't you go back first Take a break, and investigate this matter again?"

"Go and investigate." Shen Lingshu's face was frosty, and he said in a deep voice: "Everything related to Shu Tianyan must be investigated."

Last time he ordered his assistant not to investigate anything related to Rong Wan, but now, it was as if a thorn had been pierced into his heart, and the thorn slowly moved along the blood, and he didn't know when it would approach the heart. He never wanted to think about why Rong Wan would appear by his side at such a coincident time, like a god who redeemed him—

In other words, he didn't dare to think about it, for fear that it was not a coincidence, but some hidden purpose.

But now, he was even more unwilling to think about why Rong Wan crashed into his room that night. And why, both of them were drugged to create such a reunion.

Originally, it seemed that it was all exciting, but thinking about it now, it made people feel chills in their hearts.

He looked at the letters and, he admitted, was maddened with envy.


After cooking the tremella and lotus seed soup that night, she waited in the living room for a long time, but Shen Lingshu didn't come back. He thought that Shen Lingshu had something to do with the company, so he came back late, so he put the lotus seed soup in the kitchen and planned to go to bed first, but he was really worried, afraid that Fu Ziyuan would tell Shen Lingshu something, So I waited in the living room.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lingshu didn't come back until midnight—

This was really the last time he came back since the two reunited.

Usually Shen Lingshu is not in good health, he comes back early and goes to bed early, but now it is three or four in the morning.

Rong Wan was awakened by the sound of closing the door at the entrance, rubbed his eyes and hurriedly sat up, only to see Shen Lingshu changing his coat.

"Why so late?" He complained, and walked over to help Shen Lingshu hang up his coat.

But Shen Lingshu raised her eyes and glanced at him, then suddenly withdrew her hand and said, "I can do it myself."

I don't know if it's because the cold dew outside in the middle of the night is too freezing, or because Shen Lingshu has his own cold aura, Rong Wan just feels that something is wrong with Shen Lingshu.

He couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Shen Lingshu didn't speak.

Rong Wan took a closer look, only to notice that Shen Lingshu smelled faintly of alcohol - he rarely drank.

Rong Wan suddenly became very angry: "Mr. Shen, don't you have a stomach problem? How can you drink alcohol? You're dying?"

Shen Lingshu's eyelashes trembled slightly. Before today, such concern would have made him ecstatic and at a loss, but now, the thorn in his heart reminded him whether the person in front of him approached him for another purpose.

Or, a direction that he didn't want to think about - this person regarded him as a substitute.

He felt sad and ashamed, but still couldn't help asking: "Have you met anyone today?"

After Rong finished, she became hoarse. It seemed that Shen Lingshu knew that she had met Fu Ziyuan, so there was no need to hide it. So Rong Wan said: "I went downstairs to visit my father, but unexpectedly ran into Mr. Fu. Mr. Shen, you..."

"Don't call me Mr. Shen!" Shen Lingshu was suddenly furious.

Mr. Fu Mr. Shen, what's the difference? !

Rong Wan: "... what's that called?"

Shen Lingshu looked at the person in front of him, and felt that there was nothing like falling from heaven to hell. No wonder that after the reunion, this person was always lukewarm to him. He was not very happy to go to school to find him, and even proposed to go back to school several times, probably because he didn't want to stay by his side at all. Although she knew that she was not so clear-headed at this time, Shen Lingshu couldn't stop thinking about—

What should he do if this person really came to him as a substitute.

This is the only person left for him in the whole world, and this person does not belong to him completely.

Shen Lingshu suddenly felt a burst of unbearable anger mixed with it. He could no longer suppress his emotions, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Rong Wan's collar, pulling him down.

Rong Wan only thought that Shen Lingshu was drunk, so he didn't think too much about it, and bent down cooperatively.

Unexpectedly, the cold lips were pressed down overwhelmingly, trembling and painful.