The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 91: Wealthy people have less cold legs


But a few days ago, I never saw him come to please, but today I saw Fu Ziyuan came back, so I came here to please? It's probably too obvious. Shen Lingshu was still very upset, snorted coldly, and just about to speak, the phone next to the bathtub rang.

Rong Wan threw the towel for wiping his hair aside casually, and leaned over to glance at his phone, but Shen Lingshu got it before him, looked at him expressionlessly, and Rong Wan immediately sneered: "I'm not afraid of your phone Fall into the bathtub."

Are you not allowed to look at your mobile phone now? Rong Wan felt a burst of resentment in his heart.

Shen Lingshu withdrew his gaze from staring at Rong Wan, and opened the information sent by his assistant to take a look. It clearly recorded how many letters Shu Tianyan wrote to Fu Ziyuan - three or four letters a year, a total of more than 30 letters. Looking at this number, Shen Lingshu felt that the depression in his heart that he had finally relieved was choked again.

There are so many letters, each with so many words, and I don't know how much painstaking effort it takes to add up. And this person has never written a letter to himself, not a single word! Compared with the two sides, Shen Lingshu felt more and more depressed.

Pointing to the outside of the bathroom, he gritted his teeth and said, "Go out."

"..." Rong Wan saw that he was still shaken just now, and his mood eased. Now he didn't know who sent the message, and suddenly his face turned cold. pole.

But it was already late at night, and Rong Wan was afraid that if he continued to pester him, Shen Lingshu would not be able to rest tonight, so he had to wait until tomorrow to figure out a solution. He sighed and had no choice but to stand up: "Then I'll go back to my room first, and the soup I made for you is on the side of the bed, drink it before you go to bed."

Shen Lingshu ignored him, and after taking another look at Shen Lingshu, he hugged his pillow and went back to the room.

As soon as he left, the bathroom and even the room became silent, eerily silent. Shen Lingshu looked up at the door he had closed, pursed her lips tightly, her chest was sad, and there was a nameless anger in her heart that couldn't be relieved. She couldn't help but slap everything on the edge of the bathtub to the ground.

If he was told to leave, he would leave, so why did Fu Ziyuan tell him not to write letters, why did he persist in writing, and why was he not so persistent with himself

Not only did he persevere, but he also didn't come when he made such a big noise. I don't know if he didn't hear him at all or he didn't want to see him at all. The more Shen Lingshu thought about it, the more depressed she became, leaving the bathroom, her eyes fell on Rong Wan's cooked soup, but she couldn't figure out any sweetness.

After coming to this villa for so long, this is the first time this person cooks soup for himself - after Fu Ziyuan appeared, not necessarily for himself.

Shen Lingshu stayed up all night.

Suspicion and jealousy are like an impenetrable net, wrapping his heart tightly, making him unable to help but wonder if Rong Wan likes him at all. Does he really like himself, or does he like only his own skin that is somewhat similar to someone else.

Fu Ziyuan had clearly met him, but he still came to provoke him, which meant that he really wanted to take him away—but how could he let him go? But what if his mind is no longer with him


Shen Lingshu didn't sleep well, and Rong Wan also didn't sleep well. One night, he typed thousands of words in his belly, planning to say something nice to Shen Lingshu the next day, and vowed not to see Fu Ziyuan. The matter was over, but he never expected that when he got up the next day, Shen Lingshu was no longer in the villa.

Rong Wan turned his head and asked the driver waiting at the entrance: "Where is Mr. Shen?"

The driver said: "I went to the company early in the morning, and told me to take you to school later."

Rong Wan asked in disbelief: "What else, didn't he say anything else?"

The driver didn't know, so: "... I didn't say anything."

Rong Wan: "..." Ruthless enough!

There was breakfast on the table, which was prepared by a hired chef. There were two servings, but one was left untouched. Shen Lingshu left without eating.

After eating breakfast alone, my heart was empty. I wondered whether Shen Lingshu would eat it after he went to the company, and whether he would have a stomachache if he didn't eat it. Is this a cold war? When will the cold war end? ! Shen Lingshu was easy to coax when he was a child, but he is not easy to coax when he grows up. He is not afraid that he will not calm down for ten days and a half month, but he will remember this matter for the rest of his life. All in all, it's all Fu Ziyuan's fault for instigating dissension.

After breakfast, on the way to school, Rong Wan called Shen Lingshu twice, but they were busy there, and he didn't know if it was a meeting or he didn't want to answer.

When the class started, the professor was stricter, and even Rong Wan couldn't take out his mobile phone to fiddle with it. He took a look at it halfway through the get out of class, but he didn't even make a phone call or send a text message!

This is an open class, and Xing Jiaxin was sitting not far from him, turning her head frequently, seeing that he hadn't attended the class and was playing with his mobile phone, and couldn't help but lie down next to him after class: "Shu Tianyan, you are a girlfriend Are you friends?"

Rong Wan was stunned for a moment, and said, "No."

"I see that you are absent-minded, you don't go to class, you keep staring at your phone, and thought you were in a relationship." For some reason, Xing Jiaxin was relieved when he said that he didn't have a girlfriend yet.

Xing Jiaxin's performance was a bit obvious, Rong Wan was afraid that she would think too much and had to kill her small thoughts in the cradle, so she turned around and said: "Although I don't have a girlfriend yet, I already have someone I like."

"..." Xing Jiaxin's expression suddenly collapsed.

It seemed that he couldn't accept that he had just had a crush on a boy, and he had no chance at all. It took Xing Jiaxin a long time to slow down, and asked with an ugly face: "Then you have been looking at your phone, because you have failed in your pursuit, and you are trying to find a way? "

After thinking about it, Rong said, "Yeah."

Xing Jiaxin's heart was dead, but she couldn't help giving advice to Rong Wan: "You can't do this, you have to prescribe the right medicine to chase girls. First of all, do you know what kind of type she likes?"

Rong Wan really didn't know. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out why. He paused and said, "What type am I?"

Xing Jiaxin didn't expect him to be so narcissistic, rolled his eyes, and threw him a bunch of URLs for chasing girls, "For your reference."

After opening the first website, the first thing that comes into view is "What is the zodiac sign of your crush?"

Rong Wan chose Shen Lingshu's Scorpio.

I quickly got the answer: "This kind of zodiac sign loves to be duplicity and face-saving. They worry about gains and losses and have deep doubts. If you want to capture her heart, it is recommended to express your love for her in front of others. There are many ways to express love. She goes to have fun, eats delicious food, and the best way to grab someone's heart is to grab her stomach."

What's there and what's not...

Rong Wan scratched his hair, and seeing that Shen Lingshu hadn't called yet, he couldn't help lying on the table, listless.


"This is all of Fu Ziyuan's whereabouts since he returned to China. Except for the hotel, he has rarely been out these days, and he has not seen any traces of Shen's shareholders." The assistant put Fu Ziyuan's recent consumption records in front of Shen Lingshu: "He There is not much money in the card, and there should be no chance to bribe, but Mr. Shen, once he has the opportunity, he will definitely counterattack, and this is the purpose of returning to China this time, why not drive him out of the country while he is standing still."

"Keep him first." Shen Lingshu closed the folder, pinched a few photos of Fu Ziyuan in his hands, and slowly tore them apart from his face. At first, he didn't think that Fu Ziyuan looked similar to himself, but after being reminded by that letter, now that he saw Fu Ziyuan's face, he felt like a stick in his throat, wishing he could change Fu Ziyuan's face.

"Keep it?" The assistant was a little puzzled.

"En." Shen Lingshu's face was stern, and he made up his mind that he would not let Fu Ziyuan go soft-hearted this time. But before that, he needs Fu Ziyuan to take certain actions so that he can catch them all.

The assistant cleaned up the trash can, went out and brought in another report, but saw that Shen Lingshu's expression was still extremely cold, he didn't know what he was thinking, and stared at the mobile phone on the table motionless.

There are three missed calls on the phone, all from this morning.

The assistant knew the conversation between Shen Lingshu and Fu Ziyuan the night before, so he understood Shen Lingshu's mood at this time. After finally finding his beloved, he found that he was most likely to be used as a substitute. Such a thing happened to an assistant, even the assistant couldn't accept it, let alone the arrogant Shen Lingshu

But the assistant also knew how unique and important that person was to Shen Lingshu, so he asked, "Boss Shen, don't you want to answer?"

Shen Lingshu stared at the phone screen, and twitched mockingly: "He only made three calls and never called again."

What Shen Lingshu hopes is that his position in that person's heart is more important, so he can't help but try. After knowing that he might be just a substitute, all thoughts were lost, and he couldn't believe that that person really liked him a little bit. When Rong Wan made the first call, although Shen Lingshu was ecstatic, he still held back and wanted to wait until the fourth call before answering, so that he could also feel the feeling of being upset—

But he never expected that he only played three links and stopped playing.

Shen Lingshu stared at his phone all afternoon, his mood was really like a roller coaster, the little joy that had appeared was gradually extinguished, and turned into dead volcanic ash again.

The assistant hesitated to speak: "Boss Shen, do you want to find a way to force him out of his mind?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Lingshu's eyebrows twitched. Naturally, it's not that I don't want to know what that person really thinks, but I'm just afraid that it's not what I want, because I'm afraid that his true intention is that he doesn't want to stay by my side. So Shen Lingshu avoided knowing at first.

The assistant said: "From the perspective of me as an outsider, Mr. Shu cares about you very much."

Hearing this, Shen Lingshu's expression softened, but he still asked hesitantly, "Really?"

He should have his own judgment, and should not judge based on the words of assistants and other outsiders. But now he is deeply in the muddy water, he can't see clearly, his heart is full of strong possessiveness and jealousy, which makes him completely unclear, who is in Rong Wan's heart.

The assistant said: "Yes, why don't you try it out, there will be a branch opening ceremony next week, why don't you find a female companion to see his reaction, if you can be jealous..."

"No need." Shen Lingshu frowned immediately, even if he wanted to know Rong Wan's intentions, he didn't want to do such a thing. He was extremely afraid of pushing Rong Wan further and further away, even if there was a slight possibility that Rong Wan might misunderstand him, he was unwilling. He stared at the assistant and said mockingly, "What a bad idea?"

The assistant thought to himself, it's just a hundred steps and fifty steps, Mr. Shen, you have never been in love in your life, how can you compare with me

"Is there any other way?" Shen Lingshu asked again with a stiff face. I have to admit that he is like a novice in the face of such a thing and has no clue. He pretended nothing had happened on his face, but his ears perked up.

The assistant said: "It's better to say that I want to go abroad. If he is in a hurry and misses you, he will keep you."

Shen Lingshu's face was frosty: "This method is terrible."

"..." The assistant was at a loss now.

"Go out first." Shen Ling waved her hand impatiently.

There was only one person left in the office, and it was extremely quiet. Shen Lingshu's eyes fell on the sofa, and he couldn't help but think of Rong Wan who came to the office with him a few days ago and sat there playing games. The sofa sags down a little, and the curve is reassuring because he's there. But now, only myself is left.

Just as Shen Lingshu was staring at the screen of the phone, hesitating whether to find an excuse to take the initiative to call, the screen of the phone suddenly lit up—

It was from Rong Wan.

Shen Lingshu reached out to pick up the phone in an instant, his gloomy face brightened a lot, but he didn't pick it up immediately, but waited for the phone to ring for more than 20 seconds, and when he saw that it was about to hang up, he pressed the phone Press the connect button.

"Hi." His voice was cold.

Rong Wan on the other end was lying on the corridor, and as soon as he heard his voice, he knew that he was still angry, but no matter what, it was already progress if he was willing to answer his phone. After thinking for a while, Rong said, "Mr. Shen, can we have dinner together tonight?"

As long as we can meet each other, I can always find a way to coax people, but I didn't expect that after Rong finished speaking, there was an indifferent voice on the other end of the phone: "I'm going abroad for a business trip for a while, so I can't accompany you Have a meal."

How do you say that you are on a business trip? Rong Wan asked doubtfully: "... How long have you been abroad?"

Shen Lingshu said coldly: "Half a month."

It's only been half a month, Rong Wan breathed a sigh of relief, hearing Shen Lingshu speak in such a serious tone, he thought he would go abroad for a year or so. He smiled and said, "OK."

OK? Just a word "OK"? Shen Lingshu pinched the phone, his fingers were faintly pale, and his face was already ashen. He paused, then forced himself to calm down, and changed his words: "I will come back in half a month to pack my things, and then I will leave for three years."

Rong Wan: "..." Are you serious, my dear