The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 96: Wealthy people have less cold legs


Naturally, Fu Ziyuan couldn't tolerate his empty basket.

Originally, in his eyes, Shu Tianyan was just a poor kid whom he didn't remember deeply, a pawn used to shake Shen Lingshu. Even after reading all the letters that Shu Tianyan wrote to himself, he was still indifferent. His donation to those children was not out of good intentions, but just a show, so Shu Tianyan's gratitude in the letter could not touch him at all.

But now the situation is different, he has to use Shu Tianyan, maybe this is his only chance to come back.

So before going to see Shu Tianyan, he made careful preparations.

The location of Furong Garden has been decided, but there must be a violinist and bouquets to be arranged. Although the routine of eating surprises in the cake is old-fashioned, it should be worth doing for college students like Shu Tianyan who came from poor places. .

In addition, he also took a shower to cover up his frustration and put on hairspray. He was quite confident in his appearance. What's more, Shu Tianyan had been in love with him for so many years before, so it didn't make sense for him to climb up When he gets rich, he forgets about him.

After doing all this, Fu Ziyuan arrived at the agreed place fifteen minutes earlier.

He originally thought that Shu Tianyan should have been waiting there a long time ago. After all, in those letters that Shu Tianyan wrote to him, Shu Tianyan admired him so much, and his gratitude was beyond words. He even took the initiative to invite him to meet this time...

But he never expected that after he went, there was no one in the box, and the waiter only asked him to wait for a while, saying that the other guest who reserved the box hadn't arrived yet.

"Okay." Fu Ziyuan smiled slightly at the waiter, turned around, but his expression changed.

The last time I met him in the hospital, Shu Tianyan was very alienated from him, it was incomprehensible, and now he showed no expectation of meeting him, he was completely different from the enthusiastic kid who wrote the letter... If it is not confirmed that the current Shu Tianyan is the Shu Tianyan who received his funding back then and wrote to him year after year, he will suspect that he has found the wrong person.

After waiting for a while, Fu Ziyuan was already in a bad mood, but he could only sit down calmly and continue to wait.

Rong Wan didn't arrive early, but he wasn't late either. He got stuck and just opened the door to enter the box.

After entering, Rong Wan was slightly taken aback when he saw the scene inside. If Fu Ziyuan returned to China this time without the help of the person who provided him with funds, he would be in a very embarrassing situation. With less money, even if he has some savings, it is easy to squander it all, so after the person who provided him with funds freezes all the funds, it can be said that he only has the last small amount of life-saving money...

However, he obviously did not use the life-saving money wisely.

In other words, he thought he used it wisely.

A table of dishes has already been ordered in the private room, which is very extravagant and wasteful. They all come according to Shu Tianyan's preferences. It seems that Fu Ziyuan also put in some effort. He even lit candles, opened expensive champagne, and placed a three-layer cake in the middle And bouquets of flowers, music overflowing from a violin in the corner.

Hearing movement at the door, Fu Ziyuan quickly stood up and pulled out the chair with a smile: "Xiao Yan, are you here? Sit down."

This time he was visibly more attentive than last time in the hospital.

Rong Wan came over and sat down, and took a look at him: "Mr. Fu, you can just call me Shu Tianyan. We only met once in the past, and our relationship is not that good."

The smile on Fu Ziyuan's face froze, and he sat down opposite Rong Wan.

He paused, and said: "Is there any difficulty in finding me this time? Don't worry, I will help if I can."

He was sure that the relationship between Shen Lingshu and Shu Tianyan was nothing more than a sugar daddy relationship among college students. With Shen Lingshu's suspicious character, he would not trust anyone easily, let alone tell Shu Tianyan about his imprisonment that year. Therefore, Shu Tianyan naturally did not know about his disastrous defeat at the hands of Shen Lingshu this time. Then, in Shu Tianyan's mind, he is still the rich and wealthy young man who subsidized a dozen poor children at one time.

Therefore, he said this from the perspective of Gao Shu Tianyan.

Unexpectedly, Rong Wan suddenly took out a card.

"This is the amount you have subsidized me for so many years, and I will return it to you at three times the interest." Rong Wan said indifferently: "Thank you for your help back then, but now I don't owe you anything. "

Back then, Fu Ziyuan sponsored more than a dozen children, and the money each child received was only tens of thousands of yuan. Even Shu Tianyan, who continued to receive funding, did not have more than 100,000 yuan in total over the years. But now, even if it is returned to him three times after using it, it will only be 300,000. But what he wants is more than 300,000? If Shen's can be obtained, the three hundred thousand is just a stepping stone.

Fu Ziyuan was in a bad mood, so he didn't reach for the card, but said gently: "Don't rush to talk about these things, let's have dinner first, and catch up on the old days."

He ordered a large table of dishes, and there was a surprise in the cake. If Shu Tianyan didn't move, wouldn't everything he did today be in vain

Rong Wan said indifferently: "Mr. Fu, I came here after eating, I'm not hungry."

Fu Ziyuan: "..."

Now how could Fu Ziyuan fail to see his full resistance and extreme indifference? It's like treating a stranger!

After looking at the wall clock on the wall, seven minutes have passed, and the stingy Shen Lingshu only gave him ten minutes. If everything can't be resolved within ten minutes, Shen Lingshu will start digging through the old rotten millet again old account.

Fu Ziyuan also noticed that Rong Wan had been checking the time, and finally couldn't hold back: "I have read all the letters you wrote, and I thought that your gratitude to me in the letter was true."

Seeing that Rong didn't make a sound, he showed a somewhat melancholy expression: "Actually, if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't go back to China due to certain restrictions in the past few years, I would have wanted to come back to see you a long time ago. The reason why I came back this time is also to see Let's see how you are doing."

Rong Wan said, "I'm doing well."

"Father is seriously ill and hospitalized. Does this mean you are living well?" Fu Ziyuan thought he was pretending to be strong in front of him, sighed, and asked, "Would you like to go abroad with me? The development opportunities abroad must be better, and I can do it too." Provide you with the conditions that Shen Lingshu gave you."

He couldn't understand why Shu Tianyan's attitude towards him seemed to be a different person. The only explanation was that Shu Tianyan was poor and afraid since he was a child. After he got close to Shen Lingshu, he began to be greedy for vanity, so now he treats him like this cold. Although he despises this kind of person very much, but now he has something to ask for, and he must perform the play well.

What's more, he believes that between him and Shen Lingshu, Shu Tianyan should still have more affection for him. Then, he only needs to offer the same conditions as Shen Lingshu, and Shu Tianyan will refuse him for no reason...

Thinking of this, Fu Ziyuan already had some confidence, and his gaze on Rong Wan was also full of complacency.

Now, all he needs to do is to win over Shu Tianyan, and then everything will be easy.

Although this box is filled with the sound of the violinist, the sound insulation effect is average. What they said here, Shen Lingshu in the next box must be able to hear clearly with his ears stunned. Rong Wan guessed that Shen Lingshu's handsome face must have turned black when he heard Fu Ziyuan digging the wall so openly.

Rong Wan couldn't help but smile.

Seeing him laughing, Fu Ziyuan thought that the matter was 80% sure, so he also smiled, but who knows, the next second he heard Rong Wan say: "I'm sorry Mr. Fu, I don't want to."

"If you're willing—" Fu Ziyuan smiled, and was startled suddenly: "Wait, you don't want to?"

His expression changed uncontrollably, he stared at Rong Wan, tried his best to hold back, but his voice almost broke: "Why?"

"There are people in China that I miss and like." Rong Wan deliberately raised his voice: "Mr. Fu, but it's not you."

This has been said quite clearly.

At this time, Fu Ziyuan didn't care about his gentlemanly demeanor, he stared at Rong Wan with a livid face. The words are so nice, isn't it because of greed for vanity? Knowing that Shen Lingshu is rich, that's why I went to be close to Shen Lingshu. Otherwise, I wrote so many letters to him back then, every word was heartfelt, how could I forget those feelings

But Rong Wan didn't care what Fu Ziyuan thought of him, after explaining everything, he planned to leave.

Fu Ziyuan was a conceited person at heart, his eyes turned cold after being rejected so bluntly. But he didn't forget what purpose he came here to achieve, so he suppressed the anger in his heart, and still smiled: "I'll see you off?"

Rong Wan refused more thoroughly: "No need, Mr. Shen is here to pick me up."

Fu Ziyuan: "..."

The violin music was still going on in the box, the dishes were still hot, and the cakes were exquisite, but in just ten minutes, he came and left again, leaving only Fu Ziyuan sitting in his original position, getting nothing . Fu Ziyuan's expression changed, and finally he punched the table uncontrollably. He returned to China this time with the determination to die, and there is no end to this matter.

After Rong Wan left Furongyuan Hotel, a familiar car was parked outside to pick him up.

He opened the car door and went up. Shen Lingshu raised his dark eyes and looked at him. Although there was no expression on his face, he was obviously in a good mood. He was like a general returning from a triumphant return. He knew that he had won a battle, and the corners of his eyes and brows could not stop. I live in a happy spring breeze, and even the aura that has been suppressed all over my body for a few days has cleared up.

Although he knew that Rong Wan deliberately raised his voice to tell him some words, but he had to admit that when Shen Lingshu heard these words, the dark clouds that had been in Shen Lingshu's heart for many days finally dissipated. Saying these words in front of Fu Ziyuan, Rong Wan just wanted to give him a reassurance, and now that he took the reassurance, he still tasted some sweetness.

More importantly, since Rong Wan can treat Fu Ziyuan like this, it means that the "Shu Tianyan" who loved Fu Ziyuan and wrote letters to Fu Ziyuan back then has nothing to do with him.

This is very important to Shen Lingshu.

His restless jealousy and possessiveness also calmed down a little.

— There are people I miss and like in China.

Recalling these words in his ears, the roots of Shen Lingshu's ears gradually turned red, and the corners of his mouth almost wanted to raise uncontrollably, but he tried his best to hold his expression tight.

He raised his watch and said, "Ten minutes and thirty-six seconds."

After solving Fu Ziyuan's big trouble and eliminating the barrier in Shen Lingshu's heart, Rong Wan was in the right mood. He decided not to argue with him, and leaned over with a smile: "How about counting with a stopwatch like this? Thirty-six seconds passed , you still want to punish me?"

Shen Lingshu pondered: "Then, write all the letters you wrote to Fu Ziyuan."

"It's not fair!" Rong Wan said speechlessly, "You clearly know—" I was not the one who wrote those letters to Fu Ziyuan.

Shen Lingshu pretended to be ignorant and asked back: "What do you know?"

Rong Wan was restricted from speaking, so he could only stare at Shen Lingshu.

Shen Lingshu saw that Rong Wan didn't intend to say it clearly, but he was not in a hurry. He took the reassurance at this moment, his heart was more stable than ever, and the corners of his eyes and brows were full of joy. But he decided to pretend to be dead, "If you don't tell me, I won't know anything. Write slowly, and the future will last forever."

If it's just a letter, it's fine to copy it after it's done. It's just for fun, but Shu Tianyan is very persistent. He writes two or three letters every year. So far, there are tens of thousands of words in total. It takes so long to write. A love letter is better than chopping your hands.

Rong Wan resisted: "It's not good to write slowly, there are so many, how long will it take to finish writing?"

Seeing that he refused, Shen Lingshu was silent for a while.

Before Rong Wan could say anything, Shen Lingshu lowered his eyelashes and shoulders, looking a bit disappointed. He said: "Actually, I have always envied Fu Ziyuan since I was a child. I don't have everything he has, so I want to have it too."

His voice was very low, and there was still a bit of imperceptible breath, which seemed a bit pitiful, Rong Wan's heart suddenly softened, his mind lost all reason, he gritted his teeth and said: "...well, okay, okay ,I wrote."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Lingshu hugged her into her arms.

Shen Lingshu's heart was beating very fast, and Rong Wan could hear it. He couldn't help but smile, raised his head slightly, and saw the inevitable smile that appeared in Shen Lingshu's eyes. He couldn't imagine it just now. The dense water vapor—

Rong Wan: "..." Damn it was cheated again.