The Overbearing Demon Must Be Cured

Chapter 97: Wealthy people have less cold legs


A turmoil that was not considered a turmoil passed like this.

Fu Ziyuan seems to have suffered a major blow, and it has been silent for a long time. He had been active in the hospital before to visit Shu Tianyan's father, but now that Rong Wan had spoken to him clearly, he never went to the hospital again. Regarding this, Rong Wan didn't think there was any surprise. Fu Ziyuan was originally such a mercenary person, but the original Shu Tianyan was blinded.

This time is the same as the original plot, Fu Ziyuan still did not cause any big storms, but Rong Wan knew that he would never be willing to lose like this. Soon, he will deliberately release clues to let Shen Lingshu find out the truth about his parents' death that year. He knew that once Shen Lingshu was found out, he would not let his parents go, but he didn't care anymore, he just wanted to kill the fish and break the net, even if it hurt eight hundred enemies and one thousand. Since he can't take anything away from Shen Lingshu, he will make Shen Lingshu, a proud son of heaven who has everything from birth, suffer.

Although Rong Wan would rather that Shen Lingshu would never know the truth about the death of his parents, so that he would not suffer great pain, he also knew that his own thoughts were too selfish. For Shen Lingshu, revenge for his parents was the most important thing. ? Or is it important to be kept in the drum comfortably for a lifetime? Both Shen Lingshu twelve years ago and Shen Lingshu now have the right to know the truth.

Therefore, Rong Wan didn't do anything, and he didn't try to prevent Fu Ziyuan from releasing the news to lure Shen Lingshu to investigate.

But before that, he first moved all the pillows and belongings in his room to Shen Lingshu's room. He had to make a thorough reconciliation, and only when Shen Lingshu was sad could he become the support of the other party.

Naturally, Shen Lingshu didn't know what he was thinking, and thought he was taking the initiative to show his favor.

Whether it was twelve years ago or now, this was the first time this person was so proactive, and he didn't hide his desire to climb into bed.

It has to be said that the concern about gain and loss in Shen Lingshu's heart was finally filled. Since the reunion, although he finally got what he dreamed of, but holding it in his hands is like holding sand, and he is always worried about slipping away, and afraid that it doesn't belong to him, and even more afraid that he wakes up after sleeping and finds it is a dream. But now, a certain suspense in his heart finally came to fruition.

He watched Rong Wan get into his bed, and the fabric of his clothes was rubbed, which made him itchy both on his body and in his heart. He felt heat in his ears, coughed softly, and said, "I don't want to go in and out of my room as I want." Once you move in, you can’t move out.”

Rong Wan suddenly laughed, and patted the pillow: "What kind of overlord's clause is this?"

Shen Lingshu turned the pages of the book expressionlessly: "I have the final say on my family."

"Okay." Rong Wan couldn't help teasing him, got up and got out of bed with a pillow: "Then I'll think about whether to move in. In fact, my room is quite nice, big enough, and it also faces south."

Shen Lingshu's face turned dark immediately, and she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back: "How can you change your mind at any time after you've made a decision, so that you still keep your word in the future?"

Rong Wan couldn't help laughing, looking at Shen Lingshu's sullen eyes, he felt a little distracted. "Okay then." Reluctantly, he got into bed again, rubbed his head comfortably on the pillow, turned sideways and put his hands around Shen Lingshu's waist.

Shen Lingshu's whole body froze from his unexpected action, leaning against the head of the bed like a wooden board.

The quilt is very warm, even the cold knees can feel a bit warm, it hasn't been this warm for many years.

The empty room has been dead silent for a long time, and there has been no sound of this person's breathing for many years.

In the past, when the person was not found, the wish was very humble. I thought that as long as he appeared, even if he appeared in front of my eyes in a strange way, I even made preparations for the worst—looking for him in ten months, ten years, or my whole life. If you can't find it, then you have to find it. But once a person is found and held in the palm of his hand, human greed comes, not only wanting his company, but also wanting his care and love, not only wanting his care and love, but also wanting To ask him to only care about himself, only care about himself, and even use all means to prove it...

It's really greedy and demanding.

Shen Lingshu thought sarcastically, but at this moment, his heart was warm and full, and he finally had someone who could make him greedy for it, and he was the only one in the whole world who wouldn't look at him strangely, treat him A person who does not expect anything in return. His blood started to warm up, and he was even looking forward to the next day.

Seeing that Shen Lingshu didn't speak, Rong Wan took the initiative to say, "Lie down a little, and lend me your arm."

Shen Lingshu looked a little disgusted, but he didn't hesitate to take advantage of it. He stretched out his arms and pulled Rong Wan into his arms.

But leaning up like this is not comfortable, Rong Wan squeezed his shoulder, and said with a smile: "You relax, otherwise you will be like this every day, and sooner or later you will get ossification."

How dare you pick on his arm? No matter how picky I can only rely on this arm. Shen Lingshu was secretly in a good mood, but frowned on his face: "It's because your head is too heavy."

After taking a look at him, Rong raised his head and said, "Oh, then I can't rely on you."

"..." Shen Lingshu gritted his teeth and pushed his head back.

After this trick was tried and failed, Shen Lingshu felt a little aggrieved that he was eaten to death, but then he thought that it would not be fun to be eaten to death like this, so he loosened his brows and even raised his eyebrows. Mouth.


Everyone in the Shen family can tell that Mr. Shen is proud of his life, and he is proud of his love and business, which leads to a lot of discussion in the Shen family, wondering if Shen always settles down the people around him just like that. No matter how weird Shen Lingshu is, he has a difficult personality, and he suffers from leg problems, but after all, he has a lot of money, and there are still many people rushing for his money, so this matter quickly spread in the circle.

This led to an inexplicable increase in the meals that Rong Wan received—

Those who want to curry favor with Shen will naturally start with him, and some even bought ginseng high-end game consoles and sent them directly to the school, which made him at a loss. In the first two rounds, Rong Wan took it back and asked Shen Lingshu to deal with it, but Shen Lingshu didn't care, since it was given to Rong Wan, then accept it.

Rong Wan felt the benefits of the sugar daddy, and was flattered by people in all directions.

Although it is quite shameful for this kind of thing to fall into the eyes of others, Rong Wan is an actor, he has never suffered any kind of stare, the most fearful thing is other people's eyes, to him it is all like farting. In addition, the relationship between him and Shen Lingshu is not really a relationship of nurturing and being nurtured. He only wants to be comfortable for himself, and he treats everything others say as a paper man.

Therefore, he will be happy to refuse the next gift, and he will not take advantage of the bastard.

In addition, Rong Wan went to have a meal with his new roommate in the school. The three of them got along much better than Li Xiaoyu and his colleagues before. Rong Wan was quite satisfied with Shen Lingshu's operation of changing the dormitory for him. .

Half a month passed in a flash, and before the arrival of the unknown accident, everything seemed to be calm. However, the plot line is still moving forward like flying.

Rumors began to spread around Shen Lingshu, mentioning that there was another truth behind the death of the Shen couple in a car accident. This rumor was suddenly released, so it was naturally done by someone with a heart, but even if someone did it deliberately, maybe it was to disturb Shen's current financial behavior, but it involved his parents, how could Shen Lingshu not investigate? !

Back then, when his family of three went out in a car accident, his parents died, and he was the only one who survived. Afterwards, because he was controlled by the Fu family, he didn't have time to investigate the truth of the car accident. But when he escaped at the age of fifteen and finally had the ability to investigate, he found nothing and found nothing. The hired detectives and the police almost agreed that it was just an accident.

There is no evidence to prove that someone did something wrong, and the trip that day was just a temporary idea of his parents, so although Shen Lingshu was full of hatred and had nowhere to vent, he couldn't find any non-existent murderer, so he could only regard it as a natural disaster Man-made disaster, blame yourself for being hard.

But now that the rumor suddenly appeared, it was by no means groundless. Shen Lingshu didn't look very good for several days, so he found a few groups of people to re-investigate what happened back then. No matter whether there was a real culprit or not, whether it was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, at this time, someone with a heart to bring up his parents' affairs has already violated the bottom line in his heart!

When Shen Lingshu was busy re-investigating the events of the year, Rong Wan felt a little sad in his heart. In any case, reopening the old scars would only be a bloody process for Shen Lingshu, and in this case In terms of things, he can't play any role. So I can only send a few more text messages to Shen Lingshu every day, and go home early to be with Shen Lingshu.

But Shen Lingshu came back very late that day.

Rong Wan was very uneasy waiting in the living room, and couldn't help but went to the steps outside the villa to wait. The night was already very deep, the villa was halfway up the mountain, and the endless stream of golden cars and the lights of thousands of houses could be faintly seen. If Shen Lingshu's parents hadn't been killed that year, all the bad luck that happened to Shen Lingshu might not have happened.

Rong Wan was thinking worriedly, and couldn't help but took out his mobile phone to make a call, but before the call was made, there was the sound of a car driving in.

The system was also a little sad, and said: "In a few days, it will be the memorial day of Shen Lingshu's parents."

Rong Wan paused, not knowing what to say.

He went down to meet him, and the car slowly drove into the yard. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for the back seat, with a serious expression on his face, but when the door opened, Shen Lingshu got out of the car. Rong Wan couldn't help but walked over quickly and got into the car.

Shen Lingshu sat there, the white shirt on his body was soaked with sweat, his fingers crossed against his forehead, the night was too dark to see the expression on his drooping face clearly, but the sadness and anger emanating from his body almost overwhelmed people. submerged. This was the first time Rong Wan saw such a fragile Shen Lingshu in the timeline of twenty-five years old.

Before the age of ten, Shen Lingshu's family was originally very happy, his parents were loving, rich and powerful, but perhaps following the principle that beautiful things are always destroyed for others to see, a car accident took them away, and his fate upheaval.

Just when he finally gradually hid the shadow and haze in his heart and suppressed it, he discovered new clues and found out another layer of truth-his parents did not suffer from natural disasters, but were killed by others of! It is not an exaggeration to tear the Fu family into pieces, but what is lost is lost, and he will never come back, and he will never be called a nickname by his parents again.

Hearing the movement, Shen Lingshu raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world, but when Rong Wan came over, he seemed to finally see a little light, and a barely audible cry came from his throat, Emotions gradually stabilized.

At this moment, the questioning was all unnecessary, Rong Wan's heart was gripped so badly that he could only hug him silently.

Shen Ling desperately hugged Rong Wan's waist, buried her face in Rong Wan's neck, and wanted to vent, but couldn't make any sound. As if grabbing the last straw, he clasped the back of Rong Wan's neck tightly with his fingers, and said in a hoarse voice, "I only have you, don't leave me."