The Palace of Youth

Chapter 109: Shanyin Ancient Ferry (12)


The appearance of Qiu Ling completely disrupted Qingli's original plan. She lowered her head and thought, but the emperor took a few steps forward. His speech was a little bit cool, and she quietly looked at Qiu Ling with no waves in her eyes, "Yao Where is Ji now?"

There was a flower falling on the emperor's mirage's hair, and that little blue lined the head of the blue silk, but it made Qingli feel like a world away. Qiu Ling's eyes were gazing, and her voice was calm, "What, do you want to see her?"

The emperor miraged his eyebrows without moving, "It doesn't matter whether you see or not, and you tell her, it's useless to escape." Qingli looked at Yin Yi, he seemed to be still thinking about Shu'er, some absent-minded, Qing Li stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and whispered, "Shu'er, don’t worry, the most important thing now is to quickly explain to the prisoner that punishment must be inevitable, but I still hope things can get better. Direction development."

Qiu Ling's eyes shone brightly, "Little lady, don't you hate Yao Ji?" The emperor was even more angry when he heard him call him. "Put your mouth clean." Qiu Ling sneered, "My little girl" The lady hasn't spoken yet, and the emperor is in charge of too much, right."

Qingli said sharply, "Don't call me like that, I don't like it. To Yao Ji, it is false to say that I don't hate, but now I can be more considerate, and it is not easy for her."

Yin Yi sighed, I don't know if it was Yaoji or he and Shu'er. After a while, he looked at Qingli and slowly said, "Qingli, you give me the soul book, and I will return to the red lotus hell now. Go." Yao Ji nodded, and took out the old soul book from the little bag behind her. After Yin Yi took it, she said to them both: "Then I will go first, and Qing will leave you and the emperor. I’ll take a few days off here in Qiuling and I will do it as soon as possible."

Qingli's expression loosened slightly, and his head bowed sadly, "Bring a word to Mu Chen for me." Yin Yi raised an eyebrow and smiled: "His Royal Highness will be very happy to know."

Qing Li smiled, "Last time he saved me, but the knot in my heart has not been able to open. After these days, I have also figured out a lot. Tell him, I don't hate him anymore."

The emperor sighed softly and didn't say much. Yin Yi nodded and smiled, "Yes, don't worry, your Royal Highness has been thinking about you all the time. If you have a chance, you should see him."

Qing Li shook his head decisively, "No, I'll talk about it later, you go early and return early."

Yin Yi left, Qiu Ling arranged a residence for Qing Li and the Emperor Mirage here. Qing Li had to admit that the place where Qiu Ling lived was indeed extremely beautiful, like a fairyland, that was what the Emperor Mirage said.

It was the third day after Yin Yi left. It was night. Qingli couldn't remember how long she hadn't seen the sky full of stars. At the moment, she was sitting on the grass in front of the waterfall, beside the little girl who had met the white fox before. Boy, although she looks like a child, there is a faint air in her eyes.

"Sister Qingli, why don't you like Master Qiuling? He is so good. Many girls in the clan love him." She asked with her big bright eyes in a childish voice.

"Xiao Qi, you are still young, and you don't know what emotions are." Qing Li said lightly. Xiaoqi shook his head, and said with a stubborn look: "I'm not young anymore. I'm already one hundred and seven years old. Compared with human beings, I am already a very old and very old person."

Qingli laughed with a "pouch", Xiaoqi took Qingli's hand, and said softly: "Sister Qingli, how old are you?" Qingli frowned, "I can't remember, it should be better than you It's a lot bigger." Qing Li really didn't remember it, even she only remembered part of her days in the Red Lotus Hell. About Mo remembered it from the time she knew the emperor mirage, and going back, it was already vague.

"Three hundred and eighteen years old." A familiar voice came into his ears, Qing Li looked back hurriedly and saw that the two of the emperor mirages were walking. The white clothes were as clean as ever, and the bright moonlight reflected on him, like a dream and a fantasy, Qing Li Jian was lost for a moment.

Xiao Qi was a little afraid of the emperor mirage, after all, he was just a little demon, and the emperor mirage had spoken harshly to her before, and now he showed a frightened expression.

Qingli closed her thin shoulders and said softly: "Don't be afraid, he wouldn't dare to hurt you with me." Xiaoqi nodded slowly, and Qingli looked sideways at the emperor, "You How can I know, I can't remember it myself."

The emperor mirage stepped forward and sat beside her, the nice smell of sandalwood scented into the tip of the green nose, very comfortable, he looked up at the starry sky, "I checked you, naturally it is clear."

Qing Li looked at him slightly, "When?" He turned his eyes, and the infinite pain and tenderness flicked through his deep eyes for a moment of concentration. Qing Li was a little bored, wondering why he looked at himself like this.

"The day I left the red lotus hell, I secretly turned over the booklet that records you." His voice was light, and Qing Li was very curious, "Oh? Then please tell me and listen to it before you become the soul crossing agent. What have I been doing in those years?"

Emperor Mirage closed his eyes slightly, and Qing Li looked at his eyebrows carefully. Compared with his previous life, he was a little bit more clear. "There is no record in the booklet. It only says your age. It will be just three hundred and one by tomorrow. Eighteen years old."

Qingli smiled, "Tomorrow, I can't remember how long it has been since my birthday, and it was the same in my previous life." Xiaoqi raised an innocent smile, "That's not easy, Xiaoqi is here every year. By the way, tomorrow Xiaoqi will come to make arrangements for Sister Qingli, OK?"

She suddenly remembered her parents in her previous life. They are afraid that they have been reincarnated now. Although they have only been together for more than ten years, it was the happiest time for her. She looked sideways at Xiaoqi and raised her eyes. He touched the top of her hair and said softly: "No, I don't want to have a birthday."

The emperor mirage looked at her with a complicated expression, Xiao Qi was a little bored, the water falling from the waterfall saw Qingli's boots, the water was clear, she reached out to brush off the water stains, and asked Xiang Di mirage inadvertently, "Yao Ji, she, Still refuse to come out?"

The emperor sighed softly, "Well, she might come out when Yin Yi comes back."

The next day, Qing Li was still asleep. There was his parents there. They cooked a delicious meal for themselves. With such familiar taste, those two amiable smiling faces, Qing Li wept as he ate.

When she woke up, the pillow was soaked. She raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. The sun was still shining outside the window, "Sister Qingli!" She looked back and saw Xiaoqi ran in, her cheeks flushed from running. , Very cute.

"Slow down, what's the matter?" Qing Li smiled and squeezed her face. Although she was a fox demon, she was still innocent and cute. Qing Li liked this little sister very much.

"Sister, please freshen up and come out with me, you will love it." She said with joy. Qing Li was confused when she heard it, but she cleaned up quickly. Xiao Qi took Qing Li's hand and turned towards the outside. Go.

In front of Qingli's residence was a small bridge. Under the bridge was a gurgling stream, which was very quiet and pleasant. Walking along the stream, I saw Qiuling standing there after a while.

When the trip was near, Qing Li turned his head and asked Xiang Xiaoqi, "Are you going to bring me here to see Qiuling?" Xiaoqi pursed his mouth and said aggrievedly: "That's not it." Qiu Ling Waved to her, Xiao Qi ran away, Qing Li was a little puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Qiu Ling pointed to his side, and Qing Li sent out some small blue fruits around his feet, which looked good instantly, and asked, "What is this?"

Qiu Ling squatted down, the clothes on his shoulders slid down a bit along his movements, revealing half of his sturdy chest, Qing Li immediately blushed, Qiu Ling picked up one, and looked at Qing Li and couldn't help but laugh. : "Why, haven't you seen such a charming body?"

Qingli frowned and ignored him, he stretched out his hand to pull up the collar, walked towards her with a smile, and spread out the palm of his hand. The fruit was actually translucent and very beautiful. He smiled happily, "This is the seed of falling flowers. ."

Qingli was startled for a while, yes, Luo Hua was originally brought to Li Jin by him, so he smiled, "It's so beautiful." Qiu Ling took her hand, put one in her palm, and whispered: "Today is yours. Birthday, I don’t know what you like, so I want to let you plant falling flowers here by yourself. Is it good to use these trees as birthday gifts?"

Qing Li liked it naturally, and nodded again and again. Qiu Ling told her that she didn't need to plow the soil, just sprinkle it gently on the ground. Qingli didn't believe it, but did what he said.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the seeds touched the ground, they got in by themselves. Qiu Ling waved over. Something that looked like golden powder covered the seeds. In a short while, new sprouts sprouted. Stretching upwards, Qingli's eyes widened.

Looking at the falling flowers in disbelief, Qingli only realized after the longing that the trees here were much higher than those of Li Jin, and the blue petals blossomed one after another, revealing the full core, bright and beautiful.

"I never knew that Fallen Flowers actually grew like this." Her eyes were full of wonder, and Qiu Ling stretched out her hand to caress the tree trunk, lowering her eyebrows, "I didn't know it could grow so tall."

Qingli looked at Qiuling with wonder, "What do you mean?" He raised his hand and brushed the broken hair on his side, his movements swayed, "The method of planting the falling flowers is based on everyone's spirit jade. Changes have occurred. I always thought that the fallen flowers planted by my hands were the best. I didn't expect that Qingli, you are not a person from the immortal world, and you have such a powerful spirit jade."

Qingli knows what spirit jade is. Everyone in the Three Realms will have a piece in his heart. The person in the Immortal Realm is the strongest, the next is the Monster Race, and the weakest is the Red Lotus Hell. Qingli listened to him at this time. , I also feel very strange.

But the two of them only wondered for a moment, and didn't think about this problem anymore. These huge falling flowers blocked a lot of sunlight. Qingli had been thinking about falling flowers, but never thought that they would plant them here by himself. In front of him appeared a transparent blue crystal jade.

The shape is not very regular, so she floats quietly in front of Qingli's body. She stretches out her hand and puts under the piece of Erjing Jade, and the jade gently falls on Qingli's hand. The cold touch makes Qingli feel Surprised. RS