The Palace of Youth

Chapter 19: fate


After Qingli got into the car, she became a little drowsy. Maybe it was because she hadn't rested for a few days, but Ye Songsong had been chatting with Mo Mirage. She was very curious about everything about Central Plains.

She smiled and asked: "My son, what is the custom of marrying there? I heard the older generation of Li Jin talk about it, it seems to be very cumbersome."

Mo Wei turned his head and looked at Qing Li affectionately and said, "Indeed, you have to prepare seven or eight days before you get married. There is a lot of etiquette."

Seeing his infinite tenderness in Qingli's eyes, she felt a little uncomfortable, and said: "Is the son only a wife, Qingli?"

Unexpectedly, Mo Mirage shook his head and said, "I really want to marry her alone, but because of my identity, I have a few more concubines."

Qing Li closed his eyes, but he heard it clearly, and couldn't help but sneer: "Song Song, don't believe him, because I am not his original partner. He has someone he likes." The words refer to Xiangning, and Mo Mirage naturally understood.

He smiled, and said: "Lady, this is jealous, I will treat you well in the future, and all those insignificant people in the family will be ignored." Qing Liming knew that he was acting for and singing, but he said softly. He hummed: "Who you like has nothing to do with me, but if you still don't take your heart, I'm afraid that Xiangning at home will be sad, or you don't even care about her, do you insist on being nice to me?"

Mo Mirage was silent for a moment. As expected, Xiangning is the most important thing in his heart. Songsong heard that he has so many concubines, anger flashed in his eyes, and his mouth hummed: "The people in Central Plains are really different. We, Li Jin, are much better. Except for the royal family, other men can only take one woman."

She turned her head and thought for a while and said: "If the person I am going to marry is so carefree, I will definitely hate him."

She was referring to Mo Mirage, but he looked at her softly and said, "Sing, you don't understand. If a man really likes you, then the other women in his family can only be a decoration. Maybe our Central Plains men are not better than you, Li Jin, who only marries one person, but if you are sincere, you will not necessarily lose to you."

Although Ye Songsong did not speak any more, it seemed that this passage was printed on her heart.

The road from Xiaocheng to Mobei is much easier than the previous mountain road, and it is no longer bumpy, and the sky has arrived before it gets dark. Li Yi's barracks were in the southernmost part of Mobei, but Mo Mirage only stayed in the city. Qingli got out of the car and saw the sunset slanting in the sky, which was beautiful.

I couldn't help sighing: "The evening here is so beautiful. I have only heard others talk about it before. It feels so good to be so in person."

Mo Mirage looked at the sky quietly, but thought in his heart, this land will be mine sooner or later, and the world will also be mine.

Ye Songsong looked at him a little bit dumbfounded, the orange light brushed over his face, as if he felt a breath of the king, and his firm facial features had long been deeply rooted in her heart.

Qing Li sighed softly: "The beauty is beautiful, but it is as desolate as it is approaching the end. Such a color is about to die."

Lianye knew that she was thinking of Yu Chen again, so she only persuaded: "Miss, relax, the night is here, the same sky full of stars." Qingli smiled, there was a desolation...

A few people walked to a tavern, and Mo Wei said as he walked: "One day, I think everyone is hungry. Let me eat something first." Looking around, there are full of people, there is no room for a while, and Songsong can't help but feel a little annoyed. , "Unexpectedly, business here is so good."

Qingli doesn't like crowds of people, so he only said: "Otherwise, it's too noisy here." Mo Mirage didn't care. "When you come to Mobei, you have to feel the local folklore. You shouldn't be too noisy. ."

Qing Li was puzzled, and saw that he was determined to look at one of the big tables, but there was only one man sitting. He hurriedly stepped forward and looked like a local dress. He clasped his fist and said: "Brother Zhong! I don't want to be here. It's fate to meet you here, haha."

Qing Li stepped forward and saw that even though she had dressed up in disguise, she still recognized that the man was General Zhong Xia who had arrived in Mobei the day before yesterday. She didn't know what they were doing in this play.

Zhong Xia also showed a surprised expression and got up and said: "Haha, but by coincidence, the last time I spent in Nanfeng City was very short, it can be said to be a rare confidant, I still want to write to invite you to Mobei."

Qingli's eyes turned out to be contemptuous. She really didn't want to see these hypocritical images. She just said: "You guys eat here, I will let Songlan and Lianye accompany me to go shopping on the street."

Mo Mirage was a little worried, but after thinking about it, there is no danger here, and he said: "You go, I am here to talk with the old friend." He turned his head and looked at and chanted. Said: "Songsong, sit down, I will introduce you."

When she heard that Qing Li was about to leave, she was happy in her heart, so she hurriedly sat down and the three chatted happily.

Qingli walked aimlessly on the street, Song Lan couldn't help worrying: "Madam, you haven't eaten today, so why not eat anything first."

Just when Qingli saw what was being cooked in a small stall, he stepped forward and asked, "Boss, what are you?" There were small pots with colorful balls floating in them. They looked very cute and aromatic. It's also very tempting.

The boss hurriedly scooped a bowl and handed it to Qingli. "This is a special food in Mobei, Hongxin balls. The taste is good, the girl can taste it." Qingli was indeed a little hungry at this time, and saw the lotus on the side. Ye seemed to be swallowing saliva, and said hurriedly: "Then give me three bowls."

The three of them sat on a small table, Qing Li scooped one lightly, and ate slowly, and couldn't help but smile: "It's delicious. I haven't eaten at a stall outside for a long time."

Song Lan also smiled: "The slave maid hasn't seen the lady smile for a long time, just be happy for the lady."

A man sat on a small table next to him. Seeing Qingli eating cautiously, he said loudly: "Haha, the girls in Central Plains are really delicate when they eat. The balls are blown and cooled, and the taste is good."

Qingli heard the voice and looked over and said, "How do you know that I am from Zhongyuan?" She looked at the man. His costume was very similar to that of Ye Songsong, and he looked very handsome. People, but there is a feeling of evil in his eyes, the appearance of the birth is really not like ordinary people.

The man picked up a bowl of wine next to him and took a sip and said, "Isn't this the girl knowingly asking, since I have just said your eating style, naturally I can see it from here."

Qing Li looked at him with a bold idea in her heart. She got up and sat down on the man's table and asked softly: "I saw your costume, are you from Li Jin?"

The man raised his eyebrows and said, "The girl really has good eyesight, not bad, what's wrong?"

Qingli glanced back at the two who were eating, and whispered: "I want to go to Li Jin, can you take me there?"

The man was surprised at her straightforwardly, and smiled: "You girl is really interesting. How can anyone say these things to the first time I meet, let alone I am a man, and the girl is so courageous."

Song Lan looked up at them, because the noises of people coming and going on the street were noisy, but they couldn't hear clearly. Qingli turned to her and said, "Aye, I want to eat the cake opposite. Go and help me. Can you buy it?"

Lian Ye hurriedly put down the small spoon and said, "Hey, the lady, you are waiting for me here." After saying that, the two got up and walked across, Qingli put a few copper plates on the table, and said to the boss: " I’ll leave the money here and I’ll go first."

The boss smiled and said, "The girl will come again next time." After saying this, Qingli grabbed the man's hand and said, "You come with me." The man was a little angry, but she was pulled up by her, and said as he walked: " I said why you are like this? There is a saying in your Central Plains, what is it called, whether men and women give or receive kisses!"

After turning into a small alley, Qing Licai said, "I know you are not happy now, I'm sorry, but I beg you to help me, take me to Lijin, I have money, and you can give it to you."

The man saw her sincerely, but smiled: "You want to go to Lijin, why don't you go by yourself? I don't think you are short of money."

Qing Li thought for a moment and sighed: "Those two were my maids just now. I deliberately distracted them. Let me be honest with you. In the tavern behind is my husband. In fact, I was forced. That person killed my family and imprisoned me. I can't get revenge, and it's boring to live. I just have a chance now. I don't want to hurt my maid, so..."

The man looked at her firmly and said: "To be honest, I don't believe what you are saying is true or false, but since you insist on asking me to take you away, are you not afraid that I will sell you?"

Qing Li shook his head, eyes full of sadness, "Sold it, it's better than staying next to that person."

Seeing her appearance, the man felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, and said, "Okay, I'll take you away." Qing Li looked at him gratefully, tears welling in his eyes and said, "Thank you, thank you. .. ... ”

He shook his head, but sighed in his heart, how ridiculous I would make such a decision, nothing more.

He said again: "But I am not going to Li Jin for the time being, you can only go to a place with me first, and then take you away after I finish the matter."

Qing Cheng was worried, but he could only agree to him. After all, this was the only chance to leave him, even if it was death, there was no regret.

The man took her to another trail and asked, "Then what's your name?" Qingli replied softly: "Qingli." He was stunned when he heard these two words, and then he smiled again: "It's a good name. My name is Yejiaying."

Qingli remembered Ye Chungsong, and couldn't help but curiously asked, "Are all Li Jin people have their last names?"

"Not all, most of them."

I think, I can finally leave you, leave the place where my nightmares keep on day by day, and leave all my memories and love...