The Palace of Youth

Chapter 220: Show off your cooking skills


He was originally glaring at my eyes, but after seeing the master turn and leave, he glared at me hastily and followed behind him.

Urgently called: "Master! Wait for me!"

I looked at her back, following her, and suddenly a feeling of loneliness came to my heart.

"Girl, come on too, don't stand alone, it's lonely for the teacher to see you." The master's voice came from the front coldly, and I was stunned for a moment, and then followed.

Unexpectedly, this room is not too big, but the dining room is huge, and it can even be said to be no less than the dining room in the Cining Palace, with everything you need to use.

I watched the master roll up the sleeves of my arms swiftly, and couldn't help but smile slightly, but the one on one side gave me a glaring look, and said angrily: "What are you laughing at there? funny!"

I didn't bother to pay attention to her at all, so I whispered back to her, "I didn't laugh at you, just be nosy."

Her voice was as delicate as dewdrops, and she said to her master crisply: "Master, look at her! Lawless! Is there still a sister like me in your eyes!"

The master glanced at her coldly and raised the corner of her lips lightly and said: "Okay, it was also your fault first. Did she blame you for pushing the girl down the mountain yesterday?"

Knowing that she was boring, she stopped arguing. I walked forward. She was dressed like a fire. I always felt that standing next to her was not a woman, but a huge chili pepper, full of hotness.

Looking at Master, I still asked all the doubts in my heart, "Master, why do you want to eat?"

When I said it, I felt regretful. In fact, what I thought in my heart was that as a real person, I shouldn't have to eat. But when I said this, it became extremely ridiculous.

I stood here at a loss. Master couldn't help but laughed loudly. After laughing for a long time, I could almost see the tears from the corners of his eyes, and my face flushed unnaturally.

He finally stopped laughing, but looked at me gently, and said, "Actually, your concerns are not wrong. For a teacher, you can eat or not. But, there is a girl, you are here, there is Now, both of you need to eat, and the teacher thinks that the cooking skills are quite good."

I looked at Master’s relaxed and lively appearance, and then I laughed for a while, then glanced at me with disdain, and lost all the temperature in my tone, "As for you girl, you can eat Shangyu. I'm really grateful for the craftsmanship of real people, huh."

I just thought she was funny, so I fought back: "He is my master, and the disciple eats the dishes that master cooks. It is justified, and why can you eat it, but I can't!"

Chuan was irritated by my words again, she looked at me with a look of resentment, if it weren't for the master, she would have rushed up to be ready to beat me.

The master leaned over and glanced at the big water tank and asked, "How about the steamed mandarin fish?"

Who knows that as soon as he heard the name of this dish, he immediately leaned over, pointed his hand toward the water tank, and said, "Master, that one, grab that one, it's not too big or small, the meat is the most tender!"

I looked at her with a stunned look, her face was greedy, and Shu'er's appearance appeared in my mind, she is also very good at eating food, thinking about this, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, I don’t know. She and Qiuling had a happy time together.

The master stretched out his hand to fish in for a long time, but still looked at me with a sigh, and said, "Girl, go and get the fishing net behind the stove for the teacher."

I hurriedly responded, and then I took it and handed it to Master, but was snatched by it. At this moment, there was no such "enemy" in her eyes, and her eyes were staring at the water tank.

Her eyes were quick and she picked up a fish in one hand. I was a little surprised seeing the joy of the two of them, and I couldn't help asking, "Master, immortal, don't you eat meat?"

Unexpectedly, the master rolled his eyes up and looked at me with a light smile: "Nonsense, those are stupid monks, girl, think about it, if you don't have enough, how can you have the strength to cultivate? They all These are people with good looks, who think they are superior, but in fact they are just inferior."

When Master said this passage, although it sounds like a joke, I have to admit that what he said is indeed the truth. The so-called rules of cultivation and the red tape are nothing but imaginary. That's it.

Master put the fish on the chopping board. Actually, to be honest, it was the first time I saw a fairy kill, and he looked like a cook. For a while, I couldn't accept it.

He was quite accustomed to it. After the fish was killed, the master skillfully scraped off the scales of the fish, then cooked it in the pot, raised his eyebrows, and looked like a chef.

I couldn't help but praise him, "Master, you are really amazing, much better than some people."

I blurted out these words unconsciously. Master looked at me and sneered and said, "Some people the girl said are mirages. Why, it's only the next day. I miss him?"

I was so uncomfortable by him that I waved my hand quickly: "What nonsense the master is talking about, who misses him?"

This time I saw something wrong in my eyes. She leaned close to me and said with deep meaning, "I just said Qingli is so familiar with the name. It turns out that she is the girl that Mirage likes."

Although she was still full of disdain, her expression had become much more relaxed.

I smashed my mouth and said, "It's up to you what you say."

She nodded lightly. In fact, she was taller than me. Since she was called the emperor mirage, she was an old acquaintance.

Sure enough, the master immediately said to me: "If you are ranked according to seniority, you and the emperor are of the same generation, so it's okay to call you a girl, after all, it's much older than you."

I snorted and laughed, but if I looked at it from the appearance, I couldn't see much difference. It's just that the increasingly fierce and vicious eyes would make others fear new.

"In that case, your senior sister and my adult have a large number, so you won't be embarrassed in the future, as long as you are willing to be obedient." She has a generous appearance, and she really has a somewhat superior appearance, but the resentment towards her at the moment has disappeared A lot.

Master’s chopping technique was very skillful. Within a short time, many dishes were cut. I saw taro inside, which was still purple, so I swallowed my saliva. Master gave me a light glance and guessed. To what I thought.

He pointed to the purple taro and said at me: "When Mirage was here as a teacher, he liked to cook this dish the most. Although he didn't like to eat it, he could see it at a glance for the teacher. That was what the girl liked. Food."

I have to admit that I was so touched by Master's remarks. I looked at him a little at a loss. At this time, my heart was full of warmth.

The master smiled and said: "Look at you, tears are dripping on your eyes. In fact, mirage is not easy these years. Although you and him have been wronged, these are all love debts and are to be paid back, girl. Do you understand the meaning of being a teacher?"

I was silent for a moment, and then nodded, and said, "Well, it's just that in my current body, I don't know how many times it will happen. It will always be disaster for others.

He patted my shoulder, raised my eyebrows and stared at my eyes for a long while, and said, "Isn't it just red eyes? As for being so nervous, you see I like red. If these eyes are born on my eyes, I I don’t know how happy it is yet."

I watched with emotion. She is actually a pretty woman, the kind of feminine beauty, unlike other feminine and feminine women, she is also very straightforward.

At this moment, my stomach screamed in despair. Master looked at me a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "You have been tired all morning, and if you bear it again, you will be almost done, as the master’s craftsmanship. You must like it, girl."

Wei Wei and I set up the table top and placed the dishes and chopsticks in place. Master brought up the fragrant dishes. I couldn't wait to sit down first and filled myself with a big bowl of white rice.

I also moved my index finger, and the first target that the chopsticks pointed towards was the deep-fried crispy purple taro. The taste of the mouth was really good. After a while, this plate of taro was swept away by me. Lai focused on eating the steamed mandarin fish.

The master looked at the indecent appearance of the two of us, and smiled happily, "You two are exactly the same."

Me and I looked at each other, and when I was full, I sighed contentedly and couldn't help but admire: "Master, your craftsmanship is amazing. I don't know how many times it tastes better than that made by that person."

Master looked at me and smiled indulgently, "When he comes the next day, as a teacher, I have to tell her how she has learned craftsmanship over the years."

I looked sideways and smiled openly, "Sister, how long have you been with the master?"

He seemed a little surprised. I was willing to call her senior sister so easily, but only for a moment, I smiled and said: "When did the mirage come? When did I come. It’s just that he has the identity and the whole The immortal world is going to exercise, and I am only alone, so I don’t want to leave Master."

I suddenly felt a bit sentimental. Many people who seemed to be happy and hearty outside were not necessarily so in their hearts. Seeing that she had no desire to continue speaking, I didn't ask more.

But after we finished eating and tidying up, Master took me to the backyard. It turned out that there was a clear spring water at the back of the house. The blue water body made people feel relaxed and happy just by looking at it.

I looked at Master in a puzzled manner, but he slightly nodded towards him, and said, "In the future, you will bring your girl to this pool for three hours every day when she goes down the mountain."

I was shocked, "Three hours!"

How could I be able to stay for such a long time, but I was a little reluctant, "Master! My house is given to the girl. Where I will live in the future, I rested in Master's house yesterday."

I just remembered that she pushed me down yesterday, probably because the top room was occupied by me. RS