The Palace of Youth

Chapter 27: Firefly


Mo Mirage and Li Yi were at the forefront of the team, and stopped in front of the gate of Qin Guan. At this time, the Eagles were also ordering people to open the gate.

Qing Li hid behind him, pressing his head very low, not daring to look at Mo Mirage. Naturally, he didn't notice this little soldier-like person, and Mo Mirage took a few steps forward.

Although there was still some distance away, the voice of his speech was still audible. He looked at the leader also plundering the eagle, and shouted: "King Li Jin! You have taken Qin Guan. If this country wants to report it, it will be worth it. The title of King Mo."

Ye Xiaoying only smiled and said: "I wonder if you remember me? Mo Mirage, my father was cowardly, only to tolerate you Central Plains bullying against Li Jin! But now it's different. Li Jin is now me. The world is not only Qin Guan, I will make you feel regret for what you did step by step!"

Mo Mirage said solemnly: "Really? How about Ben Wang bet you?" Yaying raised his eyebrows and didn't speak. Mo Mirage continued: "Let's bet on someone, do you care about her life or death?"

Qing Li knew that the bet he was talking about was Ye Songsong, but couldn't tell the eagle in front of him. The moment she saw Mo Mirage, her heart began to ache.

"If I said, no matter who you brought, I wouldn't care?" Qing Li stared at him with wide eyes, a little unbelievable, or he had never thought that Mo Mirage was talking about his own sister.

After hearing this, Mo Mirage smiled. This smile was exactly the same as the smile Qing Li had seen for the first time. That was how he killed his parents that day.

Qingli's hands were tightly squeezed, her nails were even embedded in her palms, but she didn't feel any pain, because she was behind her, and the eagle did not notice her abnormality.

Mo Mirage turned his head to look at Zhong Xia in the middle of the team. In his arms, Ye Chungsong, "Zhong Xia, bring people here." He nodded and walked to Mo Mirage's side.

"King Li Jin, you have to take a good look at who this person is? No wonder this king hasn't reminded you!" he shouted. Ye Xiaoying looked at him indifferently and said, "Yes, I saw it, so what?"

Mo Mirage was a little surprised, and said: "Don't you care about her?" Yan Ying snorted and continued: "So, do you think you can win this battle with her? Then I tell you, you lose deal."

Qingli couldn't help but whispered: "Yingying, that's your sister!" He turned his head and said: "Don't make a noise, I have my own way." Mo Mirage was irritated by his words and turned towards Zhong Xia. Said: "Give her the antidote."

Zhong Xia looked at Ye Songsong with a bit of pain, and gently stuffed the antidote of the green pine pill into her mouth, but after a while, she opened her eyes.

Zhong Xia said softly to her: "Songsong, how are you?" She frowned and said: "Big brother? Where am I, my head hurts." Zhong Xia lifted her up and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, Songsong."

She smiled and looked at Mo Mirage and said: "Lord." Mo Mirage turned to look at her, without speaking, she continued: "I really feel sad for my infatuation, what do you think? Lord."

Zhong Xia was puzzled, and Mo Mirage only said indifferently: "How would you know?" Ye Songsong raised his hand and rubbed his forehead and said: "I didn't really see it at first, but until you drank me the poison. I only reacted to the pigeon soup."

Seeing that neither of them spoke, she continued: "Do you all think I'm stupid and easy to deceive?" Zhong Xia silently shook her head and said: "Song Song..." She turned her head. Said: "Big brother, don't talk, just listen to me."

She whispered again: "Prince, you only know that I am the princess of Li Jin, but why don't you check it more carefully? For example, how did I come alive when I was sick and about to die when I was young? Three maids."

Mo Xiangyin had a bad feeling, waved his hand and shouted at the soldiers: "Retreat first!"

Ye Songsong shook her head and said, "It's too late." After that, she whistled softly, which sounded a very strange tune.

Blue smoke began to rise from her side. Zhong Xia tried to protect her, but she was blind and could not see anything. When the smoke dissipated, Ye Songsong was already standing on a slightly empty ground, and three maids were surrounding her.

Mo Xun wanted to move forward, but Ye Songsong frowned and said, "Master, don't come here. I am full of poisonous gas now. Although you can't see it, as long as you get close to me, you will immediately fall into a coma."

Li Yi waved, and several soldiers leaned towards her. They fell to the ground before they got close. She continued: "Why don't you listen to what I said."

Li Yi said to Mo Mirage: "Master, is it possible that this person is a monster?" Mo Mirage said indifferently, "Don't worry, let's see what else she has to do."

Ye Songsong smiled and said, "Master, I admit that when I first saw you, I was really tempted, but I didn't expect that you let me disappointed, sad, and pained again and again."

She paused and said: "You must be very curious now, don't worry, I will tell you that in Lijin, witch doctors are the most popular, but from the population of your Central Plains, they have turned into witchcraft, which is really ridiculous. ."

Zhong Xia looked at her painfully, Xindao, Songsong, your past must have been very painful.

She felt Zhong Xia's gaze, she looked over, and slowly said: "I was seriously ill when I was a child, and I was about to die, but the witch doctor came to see and said that as long as I find Ying Ren, I can save me. So, I The emperor's brother, not far away, went to a very cold place, Su Ling, and met Suyin's mother-in-law there. It can also be said that I was lucky, and I found three fireflyers on this trip."

Li Yi asked, "Are you talking about these three maids?" Ye Songsong nodded and said, "Yes, they were actually picked out from the dead little girls, and then they cast spells, they have something that ordinary people can't match. Ability, and their host is me."

Only then did Mo Mirage fully understand, closing his eyes and saying, "This king underestimated you."

She slowly retreated in the direction of the eagle, and said to Zhong Xia as she walked: "But, brother, I want to thank you, maybe only you are sincere to me, but I must return to the emperor brother."

Zhong Xia sighed: "As long as you don't hate me, the poison in your body..." also praised him and said: "My physique will not be poisoned at all, I lied to you."

But for a moment she had walked up to Ye Jiying, and smiled: "Brother Emperor, I am back." Ye Jiying touched her head and said, "Brother Emperor knows you will be fine."

Qingli was speechless, she didn't expect things to turn into the situation it is now. Ye Songsong got on the horse, saw Qing Li at a glance, and couldn't help but say: "Qing Li! Heh, I guessed that you will come to Lijin, but I can't guess that you are with the emperor brother."

Qingli hurriedly said: "Songsong, please don't make any publicity, I don't want Mo Mirage to hear it." She raised her eyebrows and said, "Why don't I say?" She also asked suspiciously: "Songsong, how is this? thing?"

Xu was at the trouble of revenge, she said loudly: "She is Mo Mirage's wife, you don't know anything, Brother Huang!" He turned to look at Qingli and said: "Is that right?"

Qingli knew that he couldn't hide it, so he nodded slightly, and he continued to ask: "Then you said you want to follow me, did you want to see him and see how he died? Because you want revenge, I said Right?"

She said solemnly: "Yes, I do think so." Tears flashed in her eyes, and the eagle sighed: "Qingli, you should have told me long ago."

She whispered back: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will use me to leave me behind." Ye Songsong looked at the eagle, his eyes were full of pity, and said: "Brother Emperor, you are really stupid."

Because Mo Mirage was a little far away, he didn't really hear it. Naturally, he didn't notice Qing Li. He swung his sword heavily and shouted, "Offensive!" As soon as the voice fell, thousands of troops moved forward. Go!

Ye Xiaoying raised his battle axe high and went to fight. The scene was chaotic for a while. Qing Li had to follow him closely, holding an ordinary long sword in his hand. Although his martial arts had been lost, his moves were still there.

The two sides have already started fighting, and blood splashed into Qingli's eyes. She felt tingling, and her eyes were blurred. She had never been so scared before, and only shouted: "Eagle, where are you, Eagle!"

Ye Jianying heard Qing Li's shout, waved his hand to cut off the horses of the two soldiers in front of him, and hurriedly looked back for Qing Li. She was not far away from him, but she felt so lonely and helpless, so he ran on his horse. He took her hand and said, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Qingli was relieved, and Xiaoying helped her to wipe the blood off her face. Only then did she open her eyes, but saw that Mo Mirage in front of him was staring at him. At this moment, his eyes were in Qingli's eyes. , Is bright red.

Ye Jiying followed her gaze and immediately raised the battle axe, Mo Mirage rushed over, and the two of them fought together, Qing Li stepped back two steps, the tears in her eyes kept falling, she was scared at the moment. .

Mo Mirage pierced the eagle's arm with a sword. He waved his hand and saw that he was about to slash, but Mo Mirage leaned back, but his chest was still chopped and blood was flowing down. Zhong Xia hurried over. , Ye Xiaoying couldn't deal with the two of them alone, so he pulled Qingli over and got on his horse.

The two sides had many dead and wounded troops, they were evenly matched, and they couldn't tell the difference. When they were about to stalemate, Mo Mirage ordered the people to withdraw to Floating Village. After looting the eagle for a while, he did not want to fight, and withdrew to Qin Guan.

The battlefield was full of chaos, blood stained the whole land, Qing Li looked back at these corpses, and her heart was inevitably depressed. She still remembered the way Mo Mirage looked at her eyes, so decidedly, Qing Li had a feeling, as if she had lived forever. Can't escape him.

When I returned to the city, I sat in the room with the eagle clutching his arm, and Song Song hurriedly came forward and tore the piece of fabric apart, and Chao Qing said, "Go and get some hot water, the emperor's wound is very deep. , Must be dealt with immediately."

Qing Limong ran out and boiled the water in. She soaked her veil and looked at the eagle's wound. She thought of Yu Chen, who had been in Yisoru Valley and helped him deal with the wound in the same way.