The Palace of Youth

Chapter 34: No one is allowed to move her


Qingli got up and followed Songlan into the side room. The bath was full of water. She took off her clothes and walked into the pool. Songlan gently washed her hair and sighed: "Madam has suffered these few days. "

Qingli took a cup of water with her hands and sprinkled it on her face, and said, "It's suffering everywhere. As long as I don't leave the palace, I won't be happy in this life, Songlan, can you understand what I mean?"

Song Lan took a comb and combed her hair, "Oh, ma'am, let's put it down if you can." The hot water in the pool made the whole room misty, which seemed to be true, and she felt refreshed after washing. a lot of.

Shaved wet and started up, Song Lan found a goose-yellow gauze for her. After Qingli put it on, she felt very cool and said: "Coarse cloth clothes really cannot be compared with these, but I It's just returning from a tattered cage to a gorgeous cage."

Songlan helped her into the room, took the rose head oil on the table, and gently rubbed it on Qingli's head. She took a deep breath and exclaimed, "This smells good."

Song Lan smiled, and said: "It was made by the prince who ordered someone to pick the freshest petals a few days ago. It is naturally good." Qingli didn't reply any more, Song Lan pulled her hair up.

He went forward to open the jewelry box and presented it in front of Qingli, and said, "Madam, which one do you want?" Qingli looked down and found that there were several finely crafted red lotus-like hairpins in the box.

She frowned and asked, "Where did these hairpins come from?" Song Lan glanced at the somewhat old red lotus hairpin on the table, and Chaoqing said, "The prince sees that his wife likes red lotus very much, so she asked the jewelry craftsman to make it. Yes, the materials are excellent."

Qing Cheng couldn't help but sneer, how can these vulgar objects compare to the thoughts made by Achen himself...

She still pointed to the old one and said, "I don't like these, it's better to use this one before." Songlan had thought about this a long time ago, and no longer persuaded him, and took the hairpin to plug it in for her.

After picking up a few small beads made of sapphire for embellishment, Qingli said indifferently: "Thank you, Songlan, I don't need to comb those complicated buns for me in the future, and keep my jewelry as simple as possible."

Song Lan helped her get up and said: "Yes, the slave and maid understands." The two slowly walked out of the house, Mo Mirage looked at her coming in, still dressed in a refreshing manner, and he was very satisfied in his eyes.

"You look very beautiful like this, although it is a little more elegant, but as long as you like it." Mo Mirage said admiringly.

Qingli looked out the window and said to him, "I want to go for a walk, can I?" Mo Mirage propped up his body and said: "Go, this king is going to sleep, Songlan, you are so good to be with her. ."

Song Lan Fufu said: "Yes." Qing Li walked over, helped his hand, and whispered softly: "I will help you get to bed and then go." Mo Mirage put his hand on her hand and said: "Yeah. ."

After Mo Mirage lay down, Qingli covered him with a quilt and went out with Songlan.

The two of them walked all the way. It was getting late at this time, and they didn't want to be as hot as day. Songlan said, "Madam, how can you care about the prince?"

Qing Li said indifferently: "Xu can't bear it. By the way, Song Lan, don't wake Aye tomorrow morning, remember to let her sleep longer." Song Lan Chui said, "Well, the servant has something to want. Asked Mrs."

Qing Li stopped and looked at her and said, "You said." Song Lan looked around and made sure that there was no one, then said softly, "Why didn't the madam hate you like the princess did to you that day?"

She whispered back: "What about hate, so what about not hating." Song Lan was a little anxious, "Madam, the servant can only say that your temperament is too good, the princess is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she is behind a set of faces one set of."

He paused and continued: "Madam, this time because of the prince, there was no major incident. If you don't prevent it in the future, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no accidents."

Qing Li was a little disgusted and said: "Why are these scheming ideas everywhere in this palace? I'm really annoying."

Song Lan felt a little sad, and still said: "The deep house compound and the palace are the same. Since ancient times, there has been no fighting. Madam, you can only adapt."

Songlan accompanied Qingli for a while, and didn't return to the house until the night was dark. At this time, Mo Mirage had already fallen asleep. After Qingli finished washing, he went to sleep on the bed in the hut.

Three days later, Mo Mirage was able to get up and walk slowly on his own. Qingli got up early in the morning and was having breakfast with Mo Mirage, but Lian Ye walked in and said, "Prince, Miss, Princess Wang. Send someone to ask if there will be a family dinner in the mansion tonight."

Song Lan said from the side: "The prince's body is not well..." Before she finished speaking, Mo Mirage interrupted her and said: "Go and tell her that it can be done tonight, and everyone in the house must participate. ."

As soon as Qing Li wanted to say that he would not go, Mo Mirage had already guessed what she was thinking, "Qing Li, you must go tonight, this king wants you to be with you."

She had to mute, and Lianye got the chance and hurried to reply.

When you were in Youshi, Qingli was already dressed up by Songlan, and Mo Mirage let her wear a beautiful red dress. Although she only put on makeup, she did not lose her luxury. She always feels that this is too heavy to wear.

"Mo Mirage, can't I change one? This is too heavy." She said dissatisfied. Mo Mirage also wore the dark blue robe, and said lightly: "Just wear it like that, don't change it."

After saying that, he took Qing Li's hand and went out. Qing Li was unable to withdraw his hand because of his wound, so he let him hold it and entered the sedan chair. After a while, he arrived at Mufu Terrace. It was from Manchi. The table surrounded by hibiscus flowers is very gorgeous.

Two people and a group of attendants followed into the banquet, Xiangning sat on the main seat, Zheng Yuxinyu sat down, and the rest of Ji's concubines were faces that Qing Li had never seen before. She knew that Mo Mirage had many concubines. But when I saw it today, it was inevitable to have some contempt for him.

Xiangning stood up to greet, Yingying bowed down, and said softly: "The concubine welcomes the prince to the table." Mo Mirage responded lightly, seeing that there was only Xiangning next to the main seat, and Qingli's seat was on the right side of Xiangning. .

Song Lan was about to take Qing away to sit, but was pulled straight to the main seat by Mo Mirage. Because of the large seat, it was more than enough for two people. Qingli had no choice but to sit down with him, and Xiangning was embarrassed by the side.

I froze for a while before returning to my seat. Mo Mirage said to Xiangning again: "It's time to start." Xiangning clapped his hands downwards, and the maids filed in. After a while, everyone had a beautiful meal in front of them.

The dancer also slowly slipped into the room, and the music sounded, so lively. Xiangning was the first to get up and offered a wine cup with both hands and smiled at Mo Xiao: "The concubine is here to toast the prince with a glass of wine. Congratulations to the prince on returning home. Since the prince’s injury is not yet healed, I can’t help but leave my sister to drink for the prince. Last cup?"

Qingli was reluctant, Mo Mirage held the glass by himself, lifted the wine and drank it, and smiled: "The congratulatory message of the princess, does this king have any reason not to drink it?"

Xiangning was a little bit silly, and said: "Yes." She turned her head and looked at Qing Li again, and saw that she was actually wearing a red dress, and she couldn't help but become angry. It was the color that a normal wife should wear!

Mo Mirage continued: "Don't be restrained, everyone, maybe because of Qingli a few days ago, the princess had some misunderstandings, but today this king wants to warn you."

Qingli was a little uncomfortable eating the golden silk roll in front of him, and only listened to Mo Mirage continue to say: "She is the Ping Concubine of this king. This king is blind, and if he can't see those filthy things, then it is wrong."

Xiangning is neither sitting nor standing, Mo Mirage pointedly said: "In this palace, no one except this king is allowed to move her!"

Everyone in the seat did not dare to speak out at this moment, for fear that the prince would be angry, Qing Li did not expect that he would defend himself in front of everyone in the house, and his expression was very surprised.

Xiang Ning hurriedly said with a smile: "That's natural. The concubine was worried about the prince's body a few days ago, so he would have misunderstood his sister. Please don't worry about it." Lian Yehou snorted coldly from the side, "It's a fake."

Qingli motioned her not to say anything, Xiangning poured another glass of wine, and said with a sincere expression: "My sister is here to make a payment to her for making her suffer these days."

When she heard this, she was very disgusted in her heart, but due to the presence of so many people, she had to reach out and pick up the wine glass, and said calmly, "Where is the princess." She took a sip.

Mo Xiang smiled and said: "The princess has always been the most ceremonial person. I don't blame you for entrusting the affairs of the palace to you. I feel relieved." Xiangning had to sit down with a smile, and the music continued.

Zheng Yuxin's face was sullen in the seat. Since she slipped, Mo Mirage has ignored her again. She feels uncomfortable when she thinks about it, and tears can not be restrained.

Xiangning saw her appearance at a glance, and hurriedly asked: "Sister, what's wrong with you?" Zheng Yuxin wiped her tears and said, "Xie Wangfei cares, her concubine is okay."

Xiangning thought about it for a moment before saying, "How is my younger sister's body? After she has a tyre, I have to take care of it." Mo Mirage heard Xiangning's words and said lightly: "This king just remembered that Yuxin lived in a bit of a deviation. Concubine, you can arrange to vacate the empty Liju next to Yu Garden in the near future."

Zheng Yuxin didn't expect that Mo Mirage would change places for her. She was full of emotion, and hurriedly got up and bowed to him, saying, "My concubine thanked the prince."

Mo Mirage waved his hand at her and said, "Get up, this time I have no children. This king is also apologetic." Qing Li looked at him sideways, as if he was a little different from the indifferent person before.

Xiangning smiled meaningfully at Zheng Yuxin: "My younger sister is going to relax now, the prince seems to have you in her heart." She burst into tears and smiled, "Yes, my concubine will definitely serve the prince and concubine in the future. ."

There was no mention of Qing Li in the words. Xiang Ning thought she would be embarrassed, but saw Qing Li look at herself meaninglessly, and said calmly: "Sister Li must also take care of her body. Now you belong to the same prince. I spend the most time together, but there is no movement in my stomach."