The Palace of Youth

Chapter 49: Red lotus brand


Old man Qian looked at Qing Li in surprise. Before he said anything, he dragged away with a huge force. Qing Li looked at Yu Chen incredulously. He was full of hostility at this time. Suddenly, Yu Chen was lifted in the air.

He kept pedaling his feet, Yu Chen squeezed his neck fiercely with one hand, and said, "You are too naive to play these tricks with the master."

The old man’s crutches had already fallen to the ground, and his face became more and more livid. Yu Chen glanced at Weisheng, and he went straight to Qingli. The man who hijacked Qingli, seeing the appearance of the old man, immediately did not know what to do How to do.

Weisheng smiled softly: "You now have only one choice. Let Qingli go, then we will leave the whole body of the old man. If you don't let go, your life will not be that important.

He had to tremble and remove the dagger. Weisheng frowned and pierced the man's heart with a sword. He stared at Weisheng with wide open eyes, and he drew the sword out, and the man slowly fell back. go with.

There was still unwillingness in his eyes, Qing Li opened his mouth in surprise, Weisheng wanted to come forward and pull her hand, but Qing Li took a step back, "How can you be so cruel?"

Weisheng shook his head and said, "These people deserve to die." Qing Li pressed her lips tightly, and did not want to speak any more. She looked back and saw that there were corpses everywhere, and only a few people were still doing it. Struggle.

The old man held his neck with both hands, trying to break Yu Chen's hands apart, but it was in vain. His old and muddy eyes swept around, and gradually desperate in his eyes, he slowly said: "Yu Chen, you It's crazy."

Upon seeing this, Qing Li hurried over and said with a slight pleading: "Let him go." Yu Chen looked at Qingli sideways and sneered: "Have you never heard the story of the farmer and the snake, I If you let him go, you will definitely bite me back in the future."

Qingli could see that his eyes became blood red, Yu Chen used his hand, and the old man said intermittently: "You, it seems that you have really forgotten the past, forgotten, even the one you love. , No one can remember, it's really sad, sad..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and died. Yu Chen threw his body on the ground, but was meditating for his talent. He turned his head to look at Qing Li, tears in her eyes, "Achen, why, you just refuse to let others go. "

Wei Sheng only looked at the two with cold eyes, Yu Chen frowned and approached Qing Li. There was no ordinary people's fear in her eyes, but heavy sadness.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to caress Qingli's white face, with messy hair on his forehead, and Junyi's face was even more evil.

Qing Li raised his hand to cover him, and said angrily: "Achen, don't kill anymore, okay." Yu Chen could feel the coolness of her palms, and asked irrelevant words, "Your hands are still so cold. "

Qingli lowered his eyes and tears fell. He was distressed and his head hurt. There seemed to be scattered fragments that appeared in his mind. He said in a deep voice, "Who are you, Qingli, tell me, what are you? Who?"

Wei Sheng came up and held Yu Chen in his arms, and said, "Master, are you uncomfortable?" Yu Chen had to let go. Qing Li seemed to have lost something most precious, and his cheeks were suddenly lost. temperature.

Yu Chen pressed his head tightly with both hands. He was already suffering from a splitting headache. His expression was painful. Weisheng held him back. Qingli saw this hastily stepped forward to support him, "Achen, Achen, what's wrong with you? ,do not scare me."

Yu Chen gritted her teeth, blood was flowing down the corners of his mouth, Qingli's tears could not stop falling, she hurriedly reached out to wipe the corners of his mouth, her expression full of panic.

"Weisheng, take a look at what's wrong with him, why is this?" Qingli said in tears. Weisheng reached out and touched Yu Chen's wrist and said, "Qingli, stay away from him now. I'm afraid that it is because you are by your side that he will suffer this way."

At this time, Qingli was crying, but he hurried back a few steps after hearing Weisheng’s words, but fell backwards in an unstable state. Fortunately, Qingyou came up to support her when she saw it, but Qingli was still It was sitting limp on the ground.

"Achen, you can't do anything, you can't..." At this time, Qing Li's mind is full of the scenes of him on the cliff back then, or in other words, Qing Li's current thoughts are already a little confused.

Weisheng helped Yu Chen and sat down on a stone chair on one side. Sweat ran down from Yu Chen's forehead. He opened his eyes and his face was pale, but he fixedly looked at Qingli and shook Weisheng. He sighed, and quickly nodded Yu Chen's sleeping acupuncture point. In the blink of an eye, he leaned back on Weisheng's shoulder.

Upon seeing this, Qingli hurriedly pushed away Qingyou's hand and ran towards Yu Chen. She picked up Yu Chen's hands and choked up and said, "What's wrong with him? Did Qing Shang's old illness have committed again?"

Weisheng said solemnly: "I just clicked his sleeping point. Now he doesn't feel pain anymore, but it's not what you think, Qingli."

She raised her head to look at Weisheng, crying: "Then, Achen..." But she couldn't speak, Weisheng took out a small white bottle from his sleeve and poured out one. The whitening pill was put into Yu Chen's mouth.

He said after a while: "I'll tell you why he is like this, it's because of you, Qingli." She looked very puzzled, and she couldn't help but tighten Yu Chen's hand tightly.

Weisheng paused, and continued: "He remembered a lot of things, only you, he couldn't remember it, because you were deeply in his heart, like a brand."

When Qing Li heard the word "brand", she couldn't help spreading out her hands. The brand that Weisheng had planted on her palms not long ago was still clearly visible. There was a faint anxiety in her heart, and she hurriedly spread out Yu Chen's hands. Come.

Sure enough, there was a blood-drop-like brand mark on his right hand like the palm of his hand. Qing Li suddenly raised his head to look at Weisheng, and said in a puzzled way: "What does this mean?"

Weisheng’s chief ordered someone to bring the horses, and then he looked at Qingli and said, “It seems that I cannot change many things. Now that you have seen it, you must have guessed it. I didn’t plant it for you. , But you bring it with you."

Qingli shook Yu Chen's hand again, and a slight coolness surged from the bottom of his heart. Weisheng paused and continued: "I saw something wrong with your body that day, and only then knew that the brand was about to appear, so I didn't It makes you worry, just say that I planted it."

Qing Li stared affectionately at Yu Chen's closed eyes. She slowly stretched out her hand and stroked him, stroking his thick black eyebrows. Although his face has changed, Achen is Achen. This is nothing. The fact that will change.

Qing Li asked faintly: "Then what does this brand mean?" Weisheng stretched out his index finger, and a faint blue light flashed. He pointed to the ground as if he was drawing something. After a while, a fluorescent picture appeared. on the ground.

Qingli stared intently. Those were two red lotus flowers, and Weisheng said softly: "You must have heard of the legend of the red lotus hell."

She nodded lightly, and Weisheng continued: "This drop of blood is the predecessor of the red lotus flower in hell. It is the fate of both of you. When the flowers bloom, everything will be relieved, or in other words, everything will disappear. No matter what, everything will drift with Na Wangchuan."