The Palace of Youth

Chapter 51: Long-lost kiss


Meiyu looked at Mo Mirage in disbelief, but he was eating the meal as usual, and Zhao Xian wondered if he had heard it wrong.

He asked again, and saw Mo Mirage nodded, and then said in a flattering voice: "I also ask the nobleman Che to go with the slave." Although there is some doubt, Zhao Xian can't disobey Mo Mirage. .

Meiyu thought for a long time and didn't figure out where she caused Mo Mirage. She was crying, "The king, the concubine, the concubine did not know where it was wrong, so please ask the king... "

Before he finished speaking, Mo Mirage felt upset. He stretched out his hand and squeezed her chin, and said coldly: "Then I will tell you that if you look like her, it is your blessing, but you are your cheer. Nobles will do. Why don’t you listen to me? I said that I told you to put down the lime soup. If you don’t listen, I can’t blame it."

Mei Yu was already in tears, she was still in good condition a moment ago, but now she became like this. She immediately knelt down, hugged Mo Wei’s legs, and cried: "My lord, the concubine is wrong, the minister Concubine no longer dare, please don't let me go to the cold palace, I beg the king to go up."

Mo Mirage was already disgusted, "How can Qingli's things be touched by such cheap bones, drag it down!" After saying this, he kicked her away. Several people were too busy listening. Busy came in, and several people stopped Meiyu and dragged her out.

The sound of wailing and crying lingered outside the Nanxiang Hall. After a long time, Zhao Xian poured a cup of tea for Mo Mi, and the heat was strong, "My lord, it’s a bit cold this day, let’s drink hot tea to warm up." Don't be bothered by those unimportant people."

Mo Mirage took it and squeezed, but his eyes looked out the window, Qingli, soon, you will come back to me again, this time, you have been walking for too long.

Because of Qian Jiapu's affairs, the imperial court officially issued a general order to slaughter Yu Jiao at all costs.

After several days of recuperation, Yu Chen has fully recovered. On this day, he is practicing in Houlin, and Qingli will come to take care of the red lotus he planted in Houlin every day.

Qing Li took a slender wooden stick and stretched it into the pool and stirred it gently. She looked at the red lotus planted on the silt and sighed: "Is it necessary to wash away these filthy sins? Will it be reborn?"

She was just staring at the pond in a daze, but unexpectedly Yu Chen slowly walked behind her and said lightly: "What you said is extremely true."

Qingli was taken aback by the sudden words, and turned around hurriedly. Unexpectedly, Yu Chen was very close to her at this time, and Qingli turned his forehead against Yu Chen's slightly cold lips.

She was embarrassed and took a step back, but forgot that there was a pond behind her. Seeing that she was about to fall into the silt, Yu Chen subconsciously reached out and embraced Qingli's waist, and the two of them kept this posture.

Yu Chen took a close look at Qing Li's eyes and slowly moved closer to her. Qing Li frowned, but did not move. She watched Yu Chen's face getting closer, her palms were already sweating.

She had to close her eyes, and Yu Chen couldn't hold back her heart at this time. He looked at the person in front of him, just wanting to cherish her well.

Qingli felt the coldness on his lips, and slowly stretched his frowning eyebrows. Yu Chen kissed it carefully. Qingli involuntarily stretched out his hand to ring his waist, tears slid down the corner of his eyes. .

The kiss was so soft, something seemed to melt in her heart, and Yu Chen let go of her. Seeing her tears, he stretched out his hand and wiped it gently, Qing Li stood up and turned his head uncomfortably. go with.

Yu Chen twisted a strand of her hair, and the feeling was so familiar, he whispered: "Qingli, Qingli."

Qing Li turned his head and looked at him quietly. Even if the man in front of him changed his face, he was still the one she loved the most. This was never changed.

Qingli didn't want to think about other things at this moment. She pressed her face to Yu Chen's heart and hugged him tightly with her hands. At this moment, she just wanted to forget all the unpleasant things.

Yu Chen's mouth filled with that allure smile, and she also lightly embraced her, and the steady and powerful heartbeat sounded into Qing Li's ears.

As long as you stay so quiet, you are already happy. Qingli took a deep sniff. This is the unique smell of Yu Chen, "Achen, it's good for you to be alive."

Yu Chen stroked her full head of Qingsi, and said solemnly: "I used to know you, didn't you?" Qingli's eyes began to sore again, and she nodded choked.

The two did not notice the red tone standing not far away. She looked at the scene of the two hugging each other tightly, and couldn't help but touch her heart. Why, it hurts so much.

Hong Yin turned around, tears falling to the ground one after another, she resisted not letting herself make a sound, and walked step by step, Qingli, I am sorry for you, the teacher, he belongs to you, and I can If you are by his side instead of you, you are already content. Now that you are back, I should return him to you.

Yu Chen's jaw pressed against the top of Qingli's hair, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers coming from it. It smelled very good. He smiled lightly, "If this is the case, then, would you like to talk to me about the past?"

Qing Li left his embrace, and said in a sad tone: "No, some things have passed, whether you forget it, it's just memories that can't bear to look back."

Yu Chen held Qingli’s face in both hands, and sighed, “You haven’t smiled since I saw you for the first time. You are always so sad. I want to know if I did something painful to you before. thing?"

Qing Li stroked his hand, slightly cool, his hand is not as hot as Mo Mirage, and with Yu Chen, his heart will slowly calm down.

Qingli smiled faintly, "It's not you, but now I can see you every day, Achen, that's enough, all the so-called hatred and pain will also disappear."

Qingli suddenly remembered Hong Yin, and the smile that appeared after all fell so hard. She sighed and said, "Hong Yin, do you like her?"

Yu Chen raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and said, "Perhaps I like it, she is very good to me, and she saves my life."

Qingli gritted her teeth tightly, and she frowned, "I haven't seen you in a few years, she is now your wife." Yu Chen felt uncomfortable looking at her uncomfortable look.

"How many years?" he asked softly. Qing Li dropped his hands and looked at the blood-red pool, "Yes, I thought you were dead, I thought I would never see you again in this life."

Yu Chen blurted out: "Girl Li..." Qingli's eyes widened immediately. How long has she not heard of these three words.

"My liar, please don't be sad."

"My liar, I want you to live well, if you can, forget me."

Scenes from the past rushed to my heart, but these three most familiar words seemed to have been waiting for a lifetime.