The Palace of Youth

Chapter 53: Memories of the illusion


Hong Yin responded softly, and ate the vegetables with chopsticks in it. Yu Chen drank the soup and said: "Hong Yin, this time the Qianjiapu incident, the court has already started to move. I and Weisheng After discussing it, I will rush to northern Xinjiang to borrow troops early tomorrow."

The movements of Hong Yin's hand stopped, and she said worriedly: "Master, what do you mean by that, do you mean that Church Yu is in danger?"

He nodded calmly, only looking at Hong Yin faintly. She put the chopsticks on the bowl, reached out to hold Yu Chen's, and said softly: "I want to accompany you."

Yu Chen frowned, "This trip to northern Xinjiang is a major event, you can't go, I'm afraid it will be in danger." Hong Yin lowered his eyes, pondered for a moment and said: "Then, will Qing leave the meeting?"

This sounded a bit weak, Yu Chen shook his head, "She won't go, why would you ask her suddenly?"

Hong Yin took a deep breath, seemingly entangled for a long time, and then slowly said: "I know that the leader will not remember her, but that day, you two in the forest... I saw it all."

The red tone was over, but Yu Chen didn't say anything. She stopped and said: "If the leader likes her, it is better to marry Qingli into the door."

Little did she know how courage she had to say this, Yu Chen smiled sadly, "It seems that you also know her if she is, then why, only I don't remember her."

There was hostility in his eyes, and Hong Yin said with some sadness: "The leader does not remember Qing Li, I am afraid it is because of the practice of Qingshang. Last time, the leader also forgot Qing Li."

Yu Chen raised his eyebrows, feeling very puzzled, "What did you mean last time?"

The red tone sank. Although he didn't want to say it, he did take away Yu Chen. "Master, please forgive me and forgive my selfishness. Now I will tell you everything."

Looking at Hong Yin's painful expression, Yu Chen couldn't bear it. After all, after living together for so many years, if you say that you have no feelings, it is false. He waved his hand and said: "No matter, if you are uncomfortable, you don't have to say."

Hong Yin was grateful for his pity, but he told him about the past, because she always felt that she was owed to Qingli, and when Yu Chen heard these things, she just let her rest first, and went out alone. house.

Qingli followed Weisheng back to Weitang. She sat on a small chair, picked up an osmanthus cake and ate it carefully. Weisheng smiled and said, "It seems that I am going to the market today to buy this for you. By the way, you really like it."

Qingli tasted the sweetness between his teeth, and said, "When I was a child, he would often buy me quietly, but he was afraid that he would not digest it, so he always asked his servants to make lime soup."

She remembered the previous drips, filled with warmth in her heart, Weisheng took off some heavy robe, opened the window, and green leaves floated in, Qingli stretched out her hand to catch it.

Just stopping on the bright red in her palm, she called out sadly: "Weisheng." He stretched his waist against the wind outside the window, and replied: "Do you want to ask, why does this brand make you two? Has it become what it is now?"

Qing Li gave a faint "um" and continued: "Forget it, you must say that there are things I can't know, then I still have a question."

She didn't wait for Weisheng to answer and said to herself, "Will we win this time?" Weisheng was silent for a moment before slowly saying, "Actually, I'm not sure, maybe I can win."

Qingli's thoughts floated out the window, "Then he, will he die?" Weisheng was startled for a moment, and said, "Are you asking about Mo Mirage or Yu Chen?"

She sneered, "Naturally it is the one in Nanfeng City." Weisheng walked to her and sat down, patted Qingli's shoulder, and said, "Don't think about it too much, since you are no longer there. If you have a place, relax and live your life."

Qingli frowned and stared at Weisheng, "How can I be well, you know that my heart is not happy!" Weisheng did not expect that she would suddenly yell, only persuaded: "Yes, I don't It's always okay to talk."

Qing Li didn't know where his anger came from, so it calmed down slightly, and said, "How long are you going to go?"

Weisheng pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid it will look like a month. Just stay here. Don't run around. If it's dangerous, remember to use the method I taught you before. Remember?"

Qingli didn't answer any more, the sky was always dark and fast these few days, and Qingli's chest was a little stuffy, so he went out alone, and there was no starlight in the dark clouded sky.

She felt that her heart was as uncomfortable as it was covered by the dark cloud. She walked quietly, but she reached the place where the illusion appeared at the beginning. At this time, it seemed to be an ordinary scenery, but she wanted to try it. Give it a try, will there be the scene she wants to see.

So Qing Li closed her eyes lightly, carefully sketching the look of Yisoru Valley in her mind, and she opened her eyes a moment later. In front of him, he seemed to have changed into Yi Yougu.

She laughed like a child. Not far away was the green and clear lake. She raised the corner of her skirt and ran towards the lake. It might have been a long time since she was so happy. Her heart seemed to be like this. In self-release in general.

In this place in her environment, the moonlight is very bright, and there are many stars dotted in the sky. She has run to the lake in the blink of an eye. The water ripples reflect the moonlight, there are sparkling waves, and the blue is unfolding. His arm took a deep breath.

Even the smell here is so familiar. Qingli squatted down and took off the embroidered shoes stained with dirt. With her white and tender feet stepping on the fine velvet grass, she felt a little itchy, and she put her feet into the lake. in.

A coolness permeated her heart, but it was so comfortable. She put her hands on the ground, looked up at the starry sky, and recalled the past, but her feet were caught by someone. She was startled and hurriedly opened her eyes.

There was water splashing on her, but the people in front of her were looking at her with red eyes. Qingli looked at Yu Chen in disbelief. He actually came out of this lake, with his hands on her legs. , Showing only the upper body.

The black hair was wet against his forehead, and the upper body of * was against the moonlight's unspeakable charm, Qing Li was already shocked and speechless.

Yu Chen panted slightly. His face was only a finger away from Qingli. She looked at him motionless. Yu Chen's eyes were blood red, but her voice was hoarse, "Qingli, why are you In my illusion?"

She was also puzzled. She wanted to reach out and push him away, only to find that his eyes made her unable to move at all. She only intermittently said: "I, this, isn't this my fantasy?"

Yu Chen laughed lightly, pecked Qingli's lips, and said with a smile: "It seems that what Hong Yin said is true, and I have forgotten you again."

These words sounded with deep sorrow. Qing Li's eyes moistened in an instant, and Yu Chen wrapped her around her waist and slowly dragged her into the lake. Qing Li did not resist. The lake was cold, but she could be clear. Chu saw Yu Chen's face.

He held Qingli's face carefully and kissed her lips deeply. Qingli couldn't feel the suffocation in the water, it seemed that he could breathe in the water of this illusion.

She responded to Yu Chen affectionately, only wishing that time would stop at this moment, Achen, I will treat this as just a dream, a dream I dare not dream of, then in the dream, please allow me to indulge my heart , To love you well...