The Palace of Youth

Chapter 55: Nightmare


Yu Chen brought Qingli out of the illusion. He held Qingli all the way to Weitang. The disciples on the road were surprised to see this. Qingli had to bury her head in Yu Chen's chest, she didn't want to look. Those people's eyes are even more reluctant to face it.

When he walked to the main entrance of Weitang, Weisheng seemed to have known it, and he was already at the door. Seeing Yu Chen holding Qingli in his arms, he hurried forward, "Master, we’re afraid it’s time to set off. not early."

Yu Chen nodded and said, "Well, let Weisheng wait for a long time, it's mine." Qingli patted Yu Chen's arm and motioned him to put himself down. Yu Chen slowly squatted over.

Qingli got up, straightened her temples in her ears, and said, "Go, I'll wait for you to come back."

Weisheng glanced at her and knew what happened last night. He looked at Yu Chen again and said, "Master, Qingli comes back like this, I'm afraid the teacher will know what happened before long."

Yu Chen understood what Weisheng meant, and said slowly: "I know, when I return from northern Xinjiang, I will give everyone an answer."

An hour later, the two of them set off. Qingli and Hongyin sent them off at the main gate of Yujiao. The figures on horsebacks drifted away, and Qingli was wearing green clothes at this time.

The clothes made of light gauze fluttered in the wind, and Hong Yin looked at her sideways. Such a pure and beautiful woman would have such a look after experiencing what kind of pain.

"Qingli, don't you blame me for telling the leader all the things in the past?"

Hong Yin said lightly, Qing Li shook her head, she held Hong Yin's hand with a painful look in her eyes, "You, how can you say that, if it's me, I definitely won't say it."

Hongyin smiled happily. At this time, the two of them were no longer seen. "Let's go, it's windy here, go back to the house first."

Seeing that she didn’t want to say more, Qingli had to follow her back to the back room. The furnishings in the room looked the same as what Qingli had seen the other day. Hongyin went to the black sandalwood small table and got fresh lime Come on.

She put it on the main table, Qing Li also sat down slowly, and Hong Yin pointed to the plate and said, "Don't you like this food? Try it. It was delivered early today."

Qingli was a little puzzled. Few people knew that she liked lime, not to mention how could there be such a thing here.

She took a piece of it and ate it carefully, and a sour scent spread in her mouth.

Hong Yin said sadly: "You don't have to wonder, the leader said you like to eat, so I let me prepare it."

There was something astringent in the Qing Dynasty, she put down the lime cake, and said to Hongyin: "I'm sorry..."

These three words sounded earnest and emotional, but Hongyin is the least willing to hear them at this moment. I am afraid they are also these three words. She sighed and said: "You don't have to apologize to me, the teacher, he belongs to Yours, I’ve been able to accompany him all these years, it’s enough."

Qing Cheng sighed with emotion, and didn't know how to continue to say with Hongyin, she couldn't bear to hurt this kind woman, how hard she was to guard Yu Chen, and she was already a ruined body.

But Qingli also didn't want to let Yu Chen go. She waited for so many years, and now her heart finally had sustenance. Naturally, she didn't want to go back to the previous life.

Qingli talked with Hongyin for a long time this day, until late at night, she bid farewell to Hongyin and left the main house alone. The nights of these few days were always gloomy and gloomy. She looked up and looked muddy.

There was even a dull red color. Qingli didn't pay much attention to it. She felt the slightest coolness, so she raised her neckline with both hands and walked towards Weitang alone. It was strange tonight. It is not too late at this hour. It's just why I can't see a single figure tonight.

Qingli felt a little hairy in her heart, she couldn't help speeding up, and finally walked to Weitang. She stretched out her hand to open the door, but it was dark inside. She fumbled forward to get the candle, but she walked around without touching it.

She already felt that something was wrong, and the soles of her feet felt empty. She dropped her hands, cold sweat ran down her forehead, Qing Li slowly backed away, and a deeper and deeper sense of fear poured into her heart.

She finally touched the door lintel, but the night was too dark, she couldn't see anything, Qing Li walked aside along the door frame, but an unstable foot stepped on the stone steps, her body leaned back.

She had to close her eyes tightly, but she did not fall to the ground as she expected. A familiar breath drifted from the tip of her nose, and a pair of strong and powerful hands were holding her body tightly.

Qingli felt hopeless like never before, her feet slumped, but her body was firmly framed, she could feel the scorching eyes staring at her behind her.

A gloomy voice came in from my ear, "I have been looking for you for a long time, why did Qing escape? Have I told you not to disobey me..."

She was unwilling to turn her head, even if her fear was at its extreme at this time, Mo Mirage pressed her body tightly to her own, and pressed one hand on her crisp chest. Although it was separated from the clothes, Qingli Still feel the endless shame.

The other hand tightly locked Qing Li's shoulder, his side face was close to Qing Li's ears, he gently licked her pearly earlobe, Qing Li kept panting, she wanted to hide When he opened him, Mo Mirage bit Qingli's ear with a mouth.

She snorted in pain, and could feel warm blood flowing down her ears. Qingli opened her mouth to call for help, but Mo Mirage coaxed her softly, "Hey, if you screamed , I will want to love you more. If you don’t call, I can still consider taking you if you are not here."

Qing Li's tightly squeezed hands couldn't help letting go, as if she chose to give up resistance because of despair, the pain of Shi Cai's fingernails passing through the flesh, the moment she let go of her hands, it turned into bloody blood.

Because of Xu's hard work, Qingli's hands are now numb, and she weakly called: "I'll go with you..."

Mo Mirage raised her eyebrows, and when she was surprised at why she said this, Qing Li continued, "As long as you don't hurt the other people you teach."

He sneered. The laughter was extremely cruel to Qingli's ears. She felt that she was already weak, but remembered Weisheng's instructions to her that day. Qingli opened her right hand and she slammed it. Lifting up, shouted at the red lotus mark: "Weisheng! Weisheng! Save me..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Mirage squeezed her wrist. There was no Liuli bracelet on it, but he saw the red bloody mark on Qingli's palm, and said angrily: "What else are you doing? Struggle?"

He used his strength this time, and Qing Li's arm was bent into an extremely weird posture because of the pain, and she seemed to be able to hear the sound of her hand bone breaking.

Mo Mirage turned her body violently, and the face of the person in front of her was pale. Mo Mirage saw tears in her eyes, but he stubbornly refused to fall.

He gritted his teeth and said: "What are you holding on? Yu Chen is gone, you will never see him again!"

Mo Mirage put down her hand, Qing Li lost her center of gravity for a while and fell to the ground. She bowed her head and said nothing, but her shoulders were trembling constantly, and Mo Mirage could see her intense fear.

He also squatted down, stretched out his hand to pinch Qing Li's chin, those bright eyes were still clear, he could hardly control his kiss on Qing Li's lips, if it was a kiss, it would be better to say that bite is coming. appropriate.

He opened his eyes to see Qingli's frowning brows from pain. Her eyes were filled with deep despair. Mo Mirage reached out and clasped her neck, Qingli was already suffocated.

Bright red and dazzling blood flowed along the corners of the two's mouths, but Qing Li suddenly reached out and pulled out the red lotus hairpin from the bun, and slammed it towards his back!