The Palace of Youth

Chapter 62: Red lotus hell


Qing Li hugged Yu Chen tightly, shook his head and kept moving back, still muttering: "Impossible, this is impossible, I must be dreaming."

Her eyes were full of disbelief, she smiled helplessly, and said, "Oh, Qingli, do you still remember that Mo Li took you to the drugstore that day, you vomited blood and vomited very badly."

Qingli frowned, her hands clenched into fists, but there was no pain at all. She tilted her head and pressed her cheek to Yu Chen's. There was no temperature there, or she couldn't feel it at all.

Wei Sheng followed her steps and slowly walked forward. He softly said, "Don't you still know why?" Qingli's eyes were already full of tears, she stopped, Yu Chen's body was very However, she is unwilling to let go.

"You were dead that day, fool." Weisheng smiled evilly, and Qingli's world seemed to collapse at this moment.

"Later, I, what I saw..." she murmured, seeming to be talking to Weisheng, and she seemed to be talking to herself. Weisheng returned to her lazily, "What you have seen is true, but since that day, you have only been alive as a dead body, no, you are temporarily staying in the world."

Qingli leaned her head on Yu Chen's shoulders and neck, tears flowed down his neck and washed away a little blood, but she could not see, Yu Chen's fingers moved slightly when the tears fell.

Qing Li raised his head, his eyes full of sorrow, "Achen, Mo Mirage, are all dead, right?" Weisheng nodded lightly, and Qing Li continued to ask, "Then why is he here?"

Weisheng knew that she was asking about the man he was hugging. He stroked his hair and smiled: "This is Yu Chen, he is dead, but the two of you are related, oh yes Inseparable."

Qingli was puzzled and couldn't understand what he was talking about, but Weisheng spread his hands out at this moment. Qingli slowly closed his eyes when he saw him, and a blue flame burst out of his palm.

In a short while, all the blood red around him changed. Qing Li looked at this place incredulously. There was a bustling crowd around him. No, it might not be appropriate to say that.

Because those "people" are all expressionless, walking stiffly, surrounded by buildings that are completely different from Nanfeng City. The most strange thing is that the roof of each building emits blood.

Occasionally, there are a few vigorous people, but they are all wearing dark, ink-colored clothing, and their eyes are the same as Weisheng’s. Qingli can’t take a step, just froze there, Weisheng stepped forward and patted On her shoulder, said: "Welcome to you, Qingli."

She opened her eyes wide and realized that the sky here was actually blood-red, but there were countless red lotus flowers floating there, one after the other, which was so beautiful, like a river, mysterious and full of weird aura.

She slowly looked towards Weisheng and said in almost silent words: "Where is this?"

"Red Lotus Hell." Weisheng uttered word by word, but Qing Li was unexpectedly calm. She no longer showed a surprised look, but her hands holding Yu Chen were a little strenuous.

Weisheng raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to Yu Chen. Qingli didn't understand what he was going to do. When his hand was about to touch Yu Chen, he stopped, and saw Yu Chen slowly. He got up and moved back, but his feet were floating in the air.

Weisheng smiled and said, "I'm afraid you are too tired. Isn't this much better?" Qing Li Xu was still unable to adapt. After a while, he let out a faint "Oh".

At this time, a man in ink clothes slowly approached the group of three. He respectfully said in front of Weisheng: "His Royal Highness, the prisoner is already waiting for you in the Hall of Forgotten Mind, and I am hereby informing the younger one to come and look for His Royal Highness.

Weisheng faintly replied: "I see, this king will go later." The man got the order, and then slowly withdrew. Qingli's heart can no longer be calm now, Weisheng looked at her sideways and said: " Don't be so surprised, let's go."

She even still hopes that she is just having a dream, but these real "people" or things around her make her have to accept this fact.

Wei Sheng walked forward, and Qing Li slowly followed him behind him, still not forgetting to hold Yu Chen, all the pedestrians on the road looked sideways at her with extremely strange eyes.

What's more, when she drifted to Qingli's side, she would inevitably be frightened. Weisheng glared at the man with her head sideways, and he drifted away in aura.

Qingli didn't dare to look at them anymore, only bowed his head and followed Weisheng, holding Yu Chen's hand tightly, and soon a river appeared in front of him. The blue water and this place full of hostility, completely different.

Qingli watched the river slowly flow along his feet, and his heart quieted inexplicably. There were still some people walking along the river, and only heard the sound coming from nowhere, a little vain. feel.

"I heard that someone came down yesterday." "Tsk, I don't dare to look at the evil spirit on my body." "Isn't it, it was picked up by the Taoist master of Samsara Road." "I'll stay here. It’s been so long and I’ve never seen it before, I’m afraid it’s the reincarnation of that amazing character."

Qingli just listened casually and didn't pay much attention, but Weisheng stopped and turned to her and said lightly: "The front is Shanyin Ancient Crossing. We have to follow this river to get along. Remind you, we will be in the river later. There will be countless evil spirits. You must never talk to them or watch them too much. Do you know?"

Qing Li took a breath, nodded even though he was very scared. At this moment, a large maple leaf drifted along the water and stopped in front of them.

Weisheng stepped on first, and Qing Li asked suspiciously: "This leaf can actually bear the weight?" Weisheng glanced at her and said, "Do you still treat this as the world? This place is similar to what you know. In that world, it can be said to be the opposite. Just like this leaf, in your opinion, it is just an ordinary maple leaf, but in the hell of red lotus, this is the most solid tool for crossing the river."

Qingli stepped on the letter suspiciously. As he said, it was very stable. She gently pulled Yu Chen up again, looking at his closed eyes sadly, and said uncomfortably: "Weisheng, what does he want? Will you wake up until then?"

Weisheng simply replied her words, "It's coming." Qingli was speechless, and it was difficult to ask for a while. After Qingli sat down firmly, Weisheng waved his hand and the leaves slowly drifted forward.

Qing Li suddenly felt the unprecedented coolness. She couldn't help but shivered and fell silent. After a while, the coolness became stronger and stronger. She had to hold her arms tightly, but glanced at her from sideways. The man floating on his side!

It was a woman, her black hair was scattered, and she was slowly unfolding like a huge fan in the water, and her eyes were full of resentment. Qingli was shocked, "Ah!"

The woman spoke slowly with a very ethereal voice, "Take me away, please." The tone was very sad, Qing Li was about to speak, but Wei Sheng stopped her with his eyes.

She had to watch the person drift away, but Qingli looked around, but found that more and more people were drifting towards her. There were children’s faces and young men’s faces, but they all had one thing in common. The characteristics are full of sadness.

Everyone seemed to be crying away from Qing Qing: "Girl, be kind, take me away, take me away..."

Qingli had to calm her heart and not listen to their mournful pleadings, until she saw her parents...