The Palace of Youth

Chapter 64: The old evil is green


She moistened her eyes uncontrollably, and only quietly looked at the distant and close figure above, slightly tilted her head to look at her, and did not speak much.

The prison lord of the red lotus rose slightly, with one hand on his chin, raised his eyebrows to look at Qing Li, and said lightly: "In this life, it's really hard for you, but it's fine to come back."

Qing Li frowned, couldn't understand what he meant, and just stayed there blankly. The Weisheng Honglian prisoner waved her hand on the right side of the stairs, but a woman walked out slowly.

She was dressed in green, with flowing skirts, and her familiar face. Qingli opened her lips and said in surprise: "Qing worry?" When she was near, it was indeed Qing worry's face, she was still the same. It was that cold look, but there was a touch of compassion in his eyes looking at Qing Li.

She said softly, "Qingli, you, but it's okay, blame me for failing to protect you."

Qingli couldn't hold back the shocked expression full of eyes, could not speak, but the tall figure in the seat slowly let out a voice, "You can't be blamed for this, but your fate will be the same in this life."

Qing Li calmed down his chaotic mood, and whispered to the prisoner: "If you are the prisoner here, can you tell me what is going on?"

He bowed his head and looked at Qing Li, but his eyes were unfathomable. He smiled, and the evil charm at the corner of his mouth was seven points like Weisheng.

"How difficult is this?" He turned his eyes to Weisheng again, and smiled lightly: "You can just talk to her."

Qing Li clenched his hands into fists, bowed his head, just waiting for Weisheng's words.

"Qingli, um, maybe you should be called Qingshang." She heard this familiar term, and she was taken aback for a while. Isn't this the martial arts Yu Chen used to practice

He put his hands on the back, and seemed to sigh, "You don't have to be so surprised, in this life, you are Qingli, just like your own current state of mind, desolate and painful, don't feel any good fortune, all this, It's all arranged."

Qingyou only stood on one side with his head bowed, silently.

"In the past, you were not a mortal, and the woman in front of you, who is called Qingsorry, is one with you. This is why you feel like three-pointers when you meet her for the first time.

You are the soul crossing agent of this red lotus hell. The endless souls of the river of Forgotten River are all made by you to cross and transform them into death, but those souls who are unwilling to leave are suppressed by you with the Qingshang formula. , And what's more, it will be dissipated, and will never be transcended.

Therefore, when I took you to Duwangchuan before, I asked you not to pay attention to those souls, because their resentment was too deep, and they all remembered you, so naturally I wanted you to be like them. It's lonely.

Later, when you went to the human world to collect your soul, you accidentally bumped into the mirage of the emperor of the immortal world, and had a dispute with you. He has a tyrannical character. He is not like the temperament that the immortal world should have. He has always been arrogant and domineering. After being irritated by you, he became out of control, and over time, he developed feelings for you that he shouldn't have.

Immortal, demon, and human worlds have always been forbidden to occupy each other, let alone this love. At that time, your temperament was extremely bad, and you always rejected him again and again. It is conceivable that as an emperor Your son’s pride and dignity are all trampled on by you. Your constant indifference made his heart more and more angry, so he asked the emperor to give you to him.

The emperor didn’t want to take care of the devil’s affairs. But the mirage was the one he loved the most. He had to send someone to the devil, but the prisoner was extremely disgusted and did not answer. In this way, the mirage Come in person.

Because of you, many people in the demon world were slaughtered, just to get you, the prisoner was helpless, so he agreed.

But your temper is so decisive, even at that time, I could see that you were moved by him.

Unexpectedly, you rejected him. He desperately wanted to take you away. You persecuted him with death.

I can still remember that you at that time said such a sentence, "If these innocent lives of them are used in exchange for my happiness, then this is a sin, and it is the deepest sin I have as a soul-passer! I would rather leave you, even if forever. '

Before he caught you, you fell into that Forgotten River, but no one thought that he would go with you. Such a very high-minded person can abandon everything and follow you. Forget the water of the river, as the name suggests, you will forget the past. I was also reborn, and you know everything afterwards... "

Qingli listened to Weisheng's words in an unusually calm manner, and did not make a sound for a long time. There was distress flashing in his eyes. Qingli slowly raised his head, looked at him, and asked knowingly: "What you said, mirage, is Mo mirage. Right?"

Wei Sheng only nodded lightly, and she smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, "Oh, it seems that it is because I lost him in my previous life, so this life will become like this..."

She said sadly, but she refused to let the tears fall. The prisoner saw her expression full of compassion, and Qing Li said coldly: "What about Yu Chen, eh? Why did he practice Qingshang?"

Wei Sheng's expression was a bit unnatural. He didn't speak, but the person sitting slowly said, "It seems that he is unwilling to tell you the reason for this, then I will tell you."

Qing Li didn't look at Weisheng again, nor did he think much about the reason for the change in his expression. He just turned slightly and looked at the prisoner with despair in his eyes.

The ethereal voice came to her ear word by word, but it shattered her whole heart like a bolt from the blue sky.

"He is not an elder Yu, let alone a microbe." He said lightly, and Qing Li nodded, with a clear look in his eyes, "I know, when he brought me here, he already knew. "

However, Qing Li could not see the painful look in Weisheng’s eyes, and the prisoner continued: “He is my eldest son, Mu Chen. It’s not easy for him to find you in the world this time. Then, in order to protect you, he Abandoned his soul, and turned this soul into a human man, calling him Yu Chen."

Qing Li closed her eyes and didn't want to listen any more, or that she could already guess what was going on just after she had said this. Qing Li said somewhat absolutely: "Enough, don't say any more."

Mu Chen frowned slightly on one side, and wanted to reach out to touch her, but it slowly dropped. She had been thinking for a long time, and she was about to forget the time for a long time.

I finally opened my mouth, and when I opened my eyes, I was already more tenacious, "Prisoner, what should I do now?"

He picked the crimson hair, and there was a sense of evil and charm between his gestures, "Qing Li, let Mu Chen take you down first, I think you also need to be quiet, and Qing worry will stay, and wait for you to ease. It’s not too late to talk about anything else."

She nodded, thought for a moment, and asked indifferently: "I, can I still restore my previous memories? I want to remember those things." The prisoner only nodded and smiled. After Qing Li thanked him, he followed Mu Chen. Walk slowly outside.

She walked out of the hall and looked at the blossoming lotus flowers under her feet, but she did not set foot for a long time, "Wei, no, is Mu Chen, you, have known me for a long time?"

Mu Chenxiexie smiled, "I have known you since you were born in this red lotus hell." How long has it been? Maybe it's been so long that he can't remember it, he thought.