The Palace of Youth

Chapter 70: First soul


Tonight, Qingli was resting in the home that Qi Xin arranged for her. It was the inner room behind the leaf curtain. The window was slightly open, and the wind blew in, along with the petals scattered on the ground.

The bright moonlight came in, looking sideways, the voice of Yu Ling that Qi Xin had said to her in the day was faintly heard in her mind, and she had a hint of affection for this woman inexplicably.

Just thinking about it and dreaming, but Qingli didn't know. After she fell asleep, a woman in plain clothes appeared beside her, and she quietly watched her all night.

In the early morning, Qingli was awakened by the sound of birds outside the window. She rubbed her sleepy eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she seemed to see a woman, but it was fleeting. Qingli only thought that she had hallucinations. I didn't think about it anymore.

She got up and opened the closet, choosing only a simple and elegant green dress. Because the climate of Yuding Mountain was still a bit chilly, she picked up a pair of deerskin boots and put on them. Qingli looked at it in the mirror. do it yourself.

It may not be appropriate to say this. It should be looked at Yu Ling, Qing Li could see a little sadness from this beautiful face, it seemed that Yu Ling was staring at her, this feeling was extremely weird.

It wasn't until someone buttoned the lintel that Qing Li came back to his senses. Turning around, he realized that it was a little boy. The look in his eyes did not look like a child at all. He was only about ten years old, but was full of sophisticated feeling.

The boy looked at Qing Li coldly, and said lightly: "Holy envoy, the patriarch asked me to invite you to the altar." When he opened his mouth, his voice turned out to be the voice of an adult man.

Qingli couldn't help being surprised, got up and walked over, saying: "Are you?" The boy frowned when he saw Qingli staring at him, and turned his head slightly, avoiding Qingli's gaze before slowly saying: "I am one. Ordinary people, if the emissary has nothing to do, please follow me."

Qingli wanted to ask again, but he had already said so, and it was not good to speak more. He only turned around and picked up the net sticks on the table. Different from the waist, the boy's pupils were seeing the net sticks. In an instant, it zoomed in a bit, but quickly returned to its original state.

Qing Li didn't pay much attention. He only followed him out of the house and walked all the way. The busy streets earlier were empty at this time. Qing Li couldn't help asking, "Why is it empty today?"

The boy still had that indifferent tone, "All the people of the clan have gone to the altar today, and now only the emissary is left."

Qing Li nodded, remembering what Qi Xin had said yesterday, and continued to follow him forward. Until a long stairway appeared in front of him, the end could not be seen at a glance, Qingli looked sideways at the boy, he pointed his finger, "That's it, go up."

Qing Li frowned, but smiled after a moment. This smile was very sad, thinking, I actually consider myself the weak body of the previous life, it is really ridiculous.

She even forgot once that Mu Chen gave herself most of his own skill, still caring about this mere stairway

Qingli lifted the skirt and stepped on slowly. The boy followed her. Gradually, Qingli didn't know how long he had been, and finally reached the top, stood firm, and just turned his head, the boy was gone. Trace!

Qing Li looked down anxiously, there was nothing, no one, but someone behind her pulled her, Qing Li turned around, thinking it was the boy, but didn't want to be Qi Xin.

She was looking at Qing Li with a complicated expression, and asked, "How did you know that you were here?" Qing Li opened her mouth slightly, but was stunned for a while before slowly saying, "Did you not send someone to find me? ?"

Qi Xin frowned, and then shook his head. Qing Li's heart was a little disturbed. After a while, he continued: "I was in the house this morning, and a boy came to me and said that you asked him to come. "

Qi Xin stretched her brows and sighed deeply. Qingli didn't understand why she was like this. Instead, Qi Xin asked her, "Does the boy you talk about speak like an adult man?"

Qingli nodded hurriedly, "Yes, and he doesn't feel like a child." Qi Xin let go of Qingli's hand, pointed to the front, and said: "All the people from the altar are here, so please follow me. I come."

Qingli looked around, the ground made of white jade was white and flawless, and outside the huge blue cauldron in the distance, the side could no longer be seen, only the blue sky was parallel to it.

Qingli followed Qi Xin's pace, "Who is he and how can he come to my room?" Qi Xin sighed as he walked, "That's not a boy, he is called Yu Che, he brought it back when Yu Ling went down the mountain. ."

Perhaps Qingli could understand Yu Che's look at him, but the two of them were called Yu, could it be due to other reasons

Sure enough, Qi Xin went on to say: "Yu Che's name was given to Yu Ling. He was originally a human man. After arriving at Yuding Mountain, after a long time, the two of them have gradually become in love with each other. In order to stop Yu Ling's hostility that day, Yu Che ignored his own life. Fortunately, I arrived in time, but Yu Che had already died at that time."

Qingli frowned, no wonder she felt the strangeness of Jingzhi, "Then he is just a ray of soul in the human world, but why is he like a child?"

Qi Xin stopped and looked back at Qing Lidao: "His obsession is too deep, but I have sealed Yu Ling at that time. Yu Che's soul is in the land of the Holy Spirit, so he can't stay long. I couldn't bear it, so I lost the curse to save his last appearance when he was about to die."

Qing Li's view of Qi Xin has changed since she said this, and she can also understand her various difficulties, "The soul-protection curse I know is extremely hurtful to herself, why do you want to save him, patriarch? This keeps his soul, but it is only occasionally to show up. Most of the time, there is not much difference between the same soul."

Qi Xin nodded sadly, "I understand the truth, but he would rather be so'alive' and want to wait until you, no, when Yu Ling reappears, fortunately he waited. "

Qing Li felt a little sad, "Unfortunately, it's just a body, not Yu Ling."

Qi Xin smiled meaningfully and moved on again. Qingli couldn't understand her smile at the time, and it was not until a long time later that she knew how great the woman in front of her was.

The Qingli is getting closer and closer, and Qingli can see that the people standing under the cauldron are winding to the distance. This is all the people of the tribe Yu Che said. It's just such a scene, but It's too vast.

Qi Xin first stepped on the floating lotus platform at the top of Qingding. Qingli saw her closing her eyes lightly, her hands dancing constantly, but for a moment, there was an ethereal and penetrating voice. , Spread in every corner.

"The emissary has passed away, this woman is a new emissary, whose name calls Qingli, she started from the red lotus hell..." She said for a long time, until everyone looked at Qingli's expression no longer so scared.

Qing Li stood there all the time, just unaware of it. A woman behind her looked at her sadly, with a faint light of blood in her eyes.