The Palace of Youth

Chapter 83: Witch Star (5)


Xing Yan frowned, and Qing Li could see the distress in his eyes, "I am not a member of your clan, and naturally I won't do any harm to you. Believe me, only I can help Xingni now."

The rain seemed to have stopped. Qingli didn't hear the patter of rain anymore. She turned around and pushed open the wooden window. The morning sun came in. She smiled softly, "Whether you believe it or not, I will I know your brothers and sisters, but at that time, I owed you too much, even if it was to pay off the debt, I would help you."

When Xing Yan heard her say this, for some reason, there was an urge to believe her. After a while, he smiled sternly, "Well, I will tell you all, I hope Ani will be fine."

Sitting on the side of the bed, Qingli quietly listened to all the things Xing Yan had said, but he couldn't calm down for a long time.

It turned out that Xingni was not an ordinary woman of the Witch race. Since Xingyan was the heir of the king, she was born with blue eyes, which was also a status symbol.

Two years after giving birth to Xingyan, Xingni was born, but the fate of this baby girl was not as lucky as her brother's. When delivering the baby, Xingni did not cry like an ordinary baby, her eyes widened. , Quietly saw everyone in this room.

But no one is not afraid, just because her eyes are scarlet, this is a fierce image that would never be encountered in a thousand years.

According to the genealogy, those with blue eyes, the air of the king, can bring blessings to the people, and those with red eyes, the evil spirit body, if they are born, they must be strangled.

When everyone didn't know what to do, it was the child's Xingyan who came in. The brother and sister's mother had already passed away due to dystocia. At this time, Xingni was lying alone beside her mother with an innocent look.

But no one dared to go forward, Xing Yan shook his body and walked to Xing Ni's face, and said with a milky smile: "Sister, it's a younger sister!"

Just when Wu Shi was about to take Xing Yan out of the house, Xing Ni's red eyes turned black, and her bloodshot little hand pointed directly at Xing Yan.

Everyone was astonished. Looking at the baby who couldn't cry in disbelief, Xingyan trembled and hugged Xingni, but she heard her whisper, "Brother."

Since then, all the elders of the Witch tribe have gathered together to hold a blood ceremony. As the name suggests, they used the blood of several elders to see God's will, and Xingyan sat in the middle of them holding Xingni.

But the elders didn't get a trace of information for this blood ceremony, and this has never happened since ancient times.

Therefore, no one dared to move Xingni, the brother and sister grew up gradually, during this period, nothing happened, and Xingni's eyes were always dark.

She is like an ordinary girl, always like being tired of Xingyan's side, the relationship between the two is getting better and better, perhaps because there is no parents since childhood.

Xing Ni relied on Xing Yan very much, and he spoiled his only sister very much, and her life was so plain. Later, under the guidance of the elders, Xing Yan inherited the position of Sorcerer Master.

However, just when the clansmen were about to forget the fact that Xing Ni was a fierce spirit body, something went wrong with the Wu clan.

This is Xingni's seventeen-year-old birthday, but on this day, she has been feverish since early morning and has been falling asleep. The witch doctor has seen it, but she can't see the cause.

He stayed in her house, but the next day, the body of the witch doctor was found by the stream, and Xing Ni was still asleep at that time.

The elders were all puzzled. They looked closely at the witch doctor's body, and couldn't find a trace of scars all over the body. Only those eyes turned white and stared very wide, which was very horrendous.

Fortunately, Xing Ni woke up, just groggy. Her eyes turned scarlet when she woke up, but turned to pitch black by Xingyan's side. In the past few days, she has been so repeated. People are also very lack of energy, Xingyan is very distressed.

But in these few days, more than a dozen people in the clan died inexplicably, and their deaths were similar to that of the witch doctor. For a while, the people in the clan were panicked.

Xingyan was also puzzled. This night, after Xingni was asleep, Xingyan hid behind the side screen of her room, and watched quietly. Sure enough, within an hour, she opened her eyes and sat down slowly. When she got up, Xing Yan took a closer look, only to find that her red eyes seemed to emit a faint light.

She looked dull, and saw that she slowly got up and walked out of the house. Xingyan quietly followed behind her, Xingni's hands hanging straight, shaking with her steps, but it was very abnormal, as if It is generally controlled by others.

When she reached a small household, she walked in. There was a man sleeping soundly in the back room. Xing Ni stretched out his hand and opened the door, and the light in her eyes seemed to be brighter.

The man didn’t hear anything. He was still asleep. Xing Yan looked at her in shock. Xing Ni had already reached the man’s couch at this time. She gently raised her hand and Xing Yan saw the man’s eyes slowly. Opening it, Xing Ni's index finger stretched out to the man's wide-open eyes.

After a while, his black eyes turned white, Xingyan rushed forward and grabbed Xingni, but unfortunately it was too late. The man's head tilted and his breath was gone.

There was an evil smile on Xing Ni's mouth, and she looked at Xing Yan with scarlet eyes full of smile, "Brother, you are here."

Xing Yan didn't feel scared at all. He stretched out his hand and hugged Xing Ni into his arms. He couldn't let others discover that these people's deaths were all done by Xing Ni.

Xing Ni leaned his cheeks gently against Xing Ni’s chest, and after a while, she closed her eyes, as if she was asleep, Xing Yan hugged her upside down with a heartache, and the bright moon outside the house reflected on Xing Ni’s face. But it was so peaceful and calm.

He thought he could hide this matter, but it was useless. The elders were so clever. It didn't take long for the elders to guess Xingni's head. Despite Xingyan's objection, he quietly sent people to Hou Xingni's house.

For the first few days, Xing Yan always guarded her, but his physical strength gradually weakened, and finally fell asleep at night, which also gave the people sent by the elders a chance.

Leaving Xingyan's embrace, Xing Ni stood up like a puppet again like that night...

The next day, the elders issued notices in the clan, all pointing the finger of sin at Xingni, and the clan members began to resent and resent.

After Xingyan heard this, he became angry and ordered the killing of several elders on the same day. Now no one dared to accuse Xingni, it was the shaman master who was bewitched by the evil spirit.

But he knew that now only he could protect Xingni. In order to find a way, he ordered the elder to temporarily supervise the clan, but he took Xingni to the Holy Land Seven Valleys.

There is the most prestigious witch doctor of the Witch Clan, the Star Club, and the brother of Xingyan's mother and the uncle of both brothers and sisters, but he has been hidden in this valley for many years and no longer has to do with the world.

It is a pity that after Xinghui personally saw the changes of Xingni, he just shook his head helplessly, and said that the only solution, the evil spirit body, had to be strangled.