The Palace of Youth

Chapter 84: Witch Star (6)


Ni, how can I bear to watch you die? I would rather bear the clan than you!

Xing Yan brought Xing Ni back to the Wu Clan, but she was guarding her day and night, and people gradually became haggard. Unfortunately, Xing Ni was not awake after returning from the Holy Land Qigu.

The elders were worried about Xingyan's body, and they all knew that Xingni was the culprit, but helpless with Xingyan's protection, they had to remain silent.

However, how long can I protect against such a day? Xing Ni died, dying on a starry night, Xing Yan held her warm body and looked up at the starry sky quietly.

Standing on one side of the Star Club, Xing Yan closed his eyes in despair, seeming to exhaust all his strength, and finally said weakly: "Uncle, why..."

There is also pain in the eyes of Star Club, but his slightly old face is deep, "Yan'er, you are now the lord of the Witch Clan. You are the hope of the clan. You can't be dragged down by any woman."

There were tears in Xing Yan's eyes, and Xing Ni's forehead fell in her arms, and she slowly fainted, but she was infinitely sad. She no longer had any expression, but she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

Xingyan choked, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and blue veins appeared on his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes and grinned his teeth: "Okay, I am the Sorcerer Master, but what about A Ni! Are you not her uncle? How ruthless you are!"

It turned out that the Star Society went out of the valley at the request and request of the elders. Last night, he sneaked into Star Yan’s room and poisoned Star Rebellion. This poison called Rebirth, and the middle one would not feel any pain. , And die peacefully as if sleeping.

It wasn't until early morning that Xingyan realized that his beloved had passed away, and that he was born again. It turned out that Xingni was a mistake since he was born.

When Sun Xingyan brought Xing Ni to seek medical treatment, Xinghui only told him the fact that the evil spirit body had to be strangled, but did not finish his words.

If one day, she can wake up, this will be a disaster for the entire Wu clan, Xing Ni will no longer have human nature, be a demon in nature, bloodthirsty for joy, for the sake of the people, how can she be able to tolerate her.

Even if she is the child of her own sister. "Xingyan, Uncle's life can be given to you, but Ni has to kill him."

Xingyan has no moving star club, because he knows that no matter who makes the move, Xingni will eventually die. This is his fate, and that is, Xingni's fate.

The next day, Xingyan personally buried Xing Ni in the ice pool according to the ancestral system of the clan. He ordered a coffin to be made, with cold jade throughout, to preserve his appearance.

Looking at Xing Ni's face slowly being covered by the coffin lid, he immediately knelt on his knees and did not get up for a long time until the Hanyu coffin slowly sank into the pool.

No one could persuade him, so he knelt until dawn, as if he was repenting and guarding.

After hearing the story of the two brothers and sisters, Qing Li sighed deeply, but Xing Yan grinned, as if the actor in the story was not himself.

He brewed a cup of fragrant green tea for Qingli, the tea was scented, and a sip, but it was bitter, just like Xingyan's heart at this moment, only if he is desperate, he will become so indifferent.

"After listening to you, I'm afraid that Xing Ni is not a member of the Witch Clan. The red-eyed person has always been a man of hell, but she is physically present, then there is only one possibility." Qing Li said calmly.

Xing Yan seemed to understand a little bit, Qing Li's mood was a little heavy, no wonder Xianjie would persuade himself that this trip would not be easy, and now it seems that being cautious is useless.

"She is a demon." After hearing the three words Qing Li said, Xing Yan didn't show too much surprise, but returned her flatly, "In my eyes, she is just A Ni. Yes, it is now."

Now that Qing Li knew her identity, she also knew that this would be an extremely tricky task. She put down her cup and slowly got up, "It's a devil, things are not that simple. Killing her is not the only way. Your uncle only thought of one, but didn't understand what would happen next."

Xingyan looked at Qingli's slightly heavy eyes, and asked softly: "What does the girl mean?"

Qing Li's right hand clenched the net branch, and the blue light was already faintly emitting, "If it is an ordinary demon, it will return to the demon world when it dies, but Xingni is different. Her body is flowing with the blood of the Witch family. She has been deeply rooted since she was born, so her magical nature has not been fully stimulated."

Qingli paused, looked at Star Yan's heavier eyes, and continued: "In other words, she has passed away, and now her demon body has been released. We must stop her when she is fully awakened. "

Xing Yan's body was a little unstable, he slammed the edge of the table, bowed his head and said nothing, Qing Li knew he was uncomfortable now, let alone accept these facts.

A moment later, just when Qing Li thought he would stay silent for such a long time, Xing Yan slowly raised his head, but his eyes were full of heartache, "Qing Li, please, help her."

She pursed her lips, "Why beg me, this is also my job." But Qingli knew that it was not easy.

It was night, Qingli let Xingyan follow her to the ice pond, because it was late at night, there was no one else here, the last time I saw Xingni here.

Xingyan frowned slightly when he looked at the ice pool under the moonlight, "A Ni is below. It must be cold."

Qing Li followed his gaze to see why the souls below were horrified? When they came last time, they were still very peaceful.

Qingli took out the Jingzhi and observed it carefully, only to see that the soul of a woman suddenly widened her eyes, her lips widened, "Help us, she, she is coming!"

Looking at Qing Li's weird expression, Xing Yan couldn't help but be concerned and said: "Qing Li? What's the matter with you?" Qing Li grabbed Xing Yan's hand and said, "Quick, we have to hide first!"

He was too busy to ask why Qing Li was so flustered so suddenly, she was quickly taken to one side of the dwarf pine bushes, and Qing Li stretched out his index finger to signal him not to vent his anger.

Within a moment, Xing Ni appeared. With a long branch in her hand, she moved towards the ice pond step by step. Her eyes were scarlet as blood, and their color was darker than when Qing Li saw her last time. a lot of.

I saw Xing Ni slowly pacing to the edge of the ice pond. She squatted down and moved her head towards the pond. Qingli could hear the cry of the soul in the ice pond.

But Xing Ni sneered and laughed. She stretched out a finger and gently stroked the surface of the water, making waves of ripples, "Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, I just need your help, a little bit. , Just a little bit is fine."

Qing Li was about to go out, but Xing Yan grabbed her hand. Qing Li looked back inexplicably, and saw Xing Yanzheng looking at Xing Ni's figure squatting on the edge of the ice pond with pain.

He said uncomfortably: "Don't go." Qingli was shocked, "What did you see?"

"A Ni." He smiled bitterly.

Qing Ligang wanted to ask him how he could see Xingni, but a flash of red light swept across her face. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover her face and turned around, but Xingni's scarlet eyes were staring at herself!