The Palace of Youth

Chapter 89: Hecheng Robbery (3)


This is the first time that Qingli has seen the endless blue sea. It is a bit silly. The emperor mirage bought a boat from the boatman. At this moment, he quietly docked on the shore. Qimo was taken good care of by the treasurer by Qingli. Gave the shopkeeper a silver coin.

Looking from the side, the boat is not big, it has a small roof, which can be considered as a shelter from wind and rain. Emperor Mirage first stepped on the pedal, and then stretched out her hand to pull Qingli. She didn't avoid it this time, she held her hand gently. Put it in the familiar broad palm.

He used a little bit of strength to pull Qing Li up. The boat shook a little, and Qing Li's body became a little unstable. The Emperor Mirage stretched out his hand to support her waist, and then stood firm.

Qingli stepped away calmly, and Emperor Mirage didn't pay much attention. Qingli leaned on the mast. Emperor Mirage was holding the oars. After a while, he was already some distance away from the shore. Qingli sat down and explored his hands. In the water, the cold touch made Qingli feel a touch of comfort.

She looked at the sea, but there was a sense of sadness in her heart. She looked sideways at the emperor and whispered, "He City, is it on the bottom of the sea?"

His hair flicked across his eyes, a little ethereal, "Well, the Dragon Dragon Palace is in the middle of the river city." Qingli looked worried, "Then, how can I get into the water?" He was just a mortal. It’s okay if the body is closed in the water for a short time, but this river city is the bottom of the sea, and Qingli can't help but feel a little distressed.

The emperor mirage smiled, and the tone was calm, "Yiyi." Qingli was a little unclear, so when he saw the emperor mirage lifted his right hand, the oars began to row by himself, and he walked towards Qingli, his deep eyes gazing slightly. After a while, Qing Li's body was already covered in white silk robes.

She looked down at herself in surprise, just fitting. This was the first time she saw the legendary silk garment. It seemed white and not white. In Qingli's eyes, this color was more like unmelted snow, faintly Can see the waves above.

She thoughtfully said: "Where did you find this clothes?" The emperor mirage frowned a little impatiently, "Just dress, why do you ask so much?"

A trace of Qingli's throat flickered, she really couldn't figure out the thoughts of the emperor's mirage, she was still smiling for a while, and her face was gloomy the next.

But she didn't know that the reason why Emperor Mirage was impatient was because he felt the upcoming storm, and saw his brow furrowed, and he pulled Qingli over and held her shoulders. Qingli was a little annoyed. The mirage said solemnly: "Don't make a noise."

Only then did Qing Li feel the weirdness around him. At this moment, he raised his eyes and looked around. The shore was no longer visible. The sea was so calm that there wasn't even a trace of wind and waves, just like a mirror.

Qingli couldn't help but grasped the net branch around her waist. She could feel the smell of soul. As expected, a huge wave surged in front of the ship. The emperor mirage tightly guarded Qingli in his arms, with her other hand holding it. The ship propped up an arc-shaped barrier.

The huge wave slammed down, and Qing Li's face touched the front of Emperor Mirage's clothes, which inexplicably made her feel at ease. Turning her head slightly, Qing Li saw the thousands of souls outside the barrier, including limbs and limbs. There are also small children who look sad. These souls have one thing in common.

They were all human beings, and didn't see a shark man. The huge waves rushed over quickly. The emperor mirage looked up and lowered his face to Qingli and said, "I'm going to River City. Now I must abandon the ship."

Before Qing Li could react, the emperor mirage hugged her and jumped off the bow. The sea was cold and bitter, and the huge impact made Qing Li feel painful.

She frowned, and the two were descending rapidly. The emperor mirage was swimming towards the bottom of the sea with her arms around her. It was getting darker all around. Qingli couldn't help but grabbed his shirt, and the emperor mirage's calm voice came, "Don't be afraid, it's coming soon. "

At this time, the whole body was soaked, but Qingli no longer felt cold, she raised her head slightly to look at him, this warmth was radiating from his body, and the silk clothes on Qingli's body was faintly shining with a little white light. Qing Li didn't feel short of breath, just as if he was on the ground on weekdays.

It’s just that the long hair flows with the temperature of the water, which is quite strange. The two hairs intertwined in the water. Qingli watched, and the surroundings gradually lit up. Not far away, it was like a gate of the city, with some vague printing on it. The word "Hecheng".

Qingli stretched out his hand to untie the tangled hair, but a sentence came into his mind, the hair is a husband and wife, and there is no doubt about love.

Her hand stopped there, and a small red fish swam over, passing through the hair of the two of them, and then untied it. There was some loss at the bottom of the green centrifugal, but she quickly removed her own. Emotions are well disguised.

Emperor Mirage relaxed his hand and said lightly to her: "Here." Qing Li also followed his gaze, and the solemn and historic city gate appeared in front of Qing Li.

Qingli walked forward, and the emperor mirage followed her, and when she got closer, she discovered that there was someone guarding the place. Two men of the Yu clan were holding jade sticks in their forehands, standing one on the left and the other on the right.

The ink-colored fish tail swayed slightly, but its dress was somewhat similar to that of soldiers in the human world, and the eyebrows were no different from that of mortals. When the two saw someone coming, they crossed the jade stick and stopped Qingli, "You are who?"

The emperor mirage walked over and took out a sign from his waist, with the word Xian Ting on it, and it emitted golden light.

He held the sign in front of the two of them, and they immediately removed the jade stick and respectfully said: "It turns out to be a fairy, please forgive me for being rude."

After that, he moved aside, the emperor's mirage slightly raised his eyes, and looked at Qing Li with his side eyes, and said softly: "Let's go, you are still froze there." Qing Li smiled sadly and followed him in.

"If I come here alone, I'm afraid I won't even be able to enter this city gate." She laughed a little bit and paused. "Is the mackerel also under the control of the immortal world?"

The emperor mirage nodded, "Although it is not a matter of control, the immortal world has been in contact with the immortal world since ancient times, and slowly, they also have respect for the people of the immortal world."

Qing Li remembered the souls that had surged on the water before, and couldn't help but ask him in a whisper, "Why are the souls of the human world in the South China Sea?"

There is a trace of worry in the eyes of the emperor, "If I tell you, those people are sacrifices of ignorant mortals for Hecheng?" Qing Li was shocked, "Why?"

The emperor's mirage said coolly, "Have I ever told you that the sharks are fierce by nature and have violent tempers. What's more, their royal family likes to eat the human body."

A trace of nausea flashed in Qingli's throat, and a bit uncomfortable said: "I don't know..." She thought about the viciousness of the mackerel clan, but she didn't expect their methods to be so cruel.

"How can the residents near the South China Sea be willing to throw people into this river city?" She looked a little puzzled, and the emperor mirage said again: "If they don't worship every year, the Yu tribe will come ashore and become humans, murdering those in the village. "

Qingli looked at him, but there was anger in his eyes, "Should the immortal world take the blessing of sentient beings as its purpose? Why do you want to interact with them?"

"Oh, ridiculous, whoever told you that the world of immortality must be a place shrouded in Fuze, and who has told you that people in the world of immortality must be kind-hearted?" He frowned.