The Paranoid Tyrant’s Illness Got Worse Today

Chapter 2: Very ill


Mei Xueyi felt suffocated.

She originally thought that sleeping with a man out of nowhere was already miserable, but she didn't expect that something even worse was waiting for her.

As a queen, she had a secret affair with a wild man outside the palace, and was discovered by the king

Mei Xueyi felt that Tiandao might have thought her death was too quick, so he sent her back to life in order to humiliate her again.

She stared at him with extremely sad eyes.

Sure enough, the emperor on earth has no intention. When he catches his wife Hongxing cheating on her, he is not in a hurry to kill her, but makes the best use of her property. He uses it on the bed first and then attacks her.

There was a smile on his face, and the moonlight and snow made his skin color even colder. His voice was deep and deep: "The queen will go back to visit her family tomorrow, so feel free to go see Shen Xiuzhu. Gu, I can trust you."

Mei Xueyi: "..."

The murderous aura almost shook the snow off the eaves. Only those who believe in him are ghosts.

She has experienced too many strong winds and waves in her life, how could she capsize in this small gutter

She lowered her eyes slightly and pretended to be heartbroken: "If the king believes in me, how can he doubt me? I won't meet anyone!"

The wild man's name was Shen Xiuzhu, she remembered it.

"I have to see you." A cold-as-snow finger reached out from under the wide sleeves and lightly stroked her cheek. "Every look, movement, word, and sentence will be watched by Gu Hui with his own eyes. Don't worry, I won't disturb you." , If you want to say something, just say it boldly.”

His thin lips parted and closed, and the moonlight flickered through his teeth from time to time, which was both cold and eerie.

Mei Xueyi: "..."

He was still smiling, and his smile was so gentle that it was frightening.

It was obvious that this man was not only sick in his body, but also in his brain, and he was seriously ill. She couldn't tell for a moment whether he wanted her Hongxing to cheat on her or not.

Mei Xueyi looked at the sky speechlessly.

The moonlight suddenly dimmed a bit.

A gust of dark wind swirled past His Highness' Corridor. The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and a black gauze-like shadow was cast over the golden tiles, jade pillars, snow, moon and flowers.

The atmosphere became completely different, ghosts seemed to be shaking in every unclear corner, the wind whistled, and the hair on the back stood up, as if something was blowing on the back of the neck.

Mei Xueyi's eyes froze slightly.

Suddenly, the corridor became eerie and dark. She looked around and found that the surrounding environment had quietly changed - she was standing alone in the middle of the corridor, and the seriously ill king disappeared. The palace attendant who was standing beside her also disappeared, and she seemed to be alone in the huge palace.

She was wearing a snow-white middle coat, and waves of coldness penetrated her bones. Her intuition warned her wildly, telling her that something was standing behind her.

Is this... the Yin spirit coming

In mortal terms, he is a fierce ghost.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, a woman's extremely sad wail rang out from the courtyard.

Mei Xueyi looked sideways and saw the snowman kneeling in the snow getting up rustlingly and staggering towards her, blood and tears gradually falling from his eyes. The face was covered by falling snow, looming, adding a bit of unknown horror.

"Don't... believe... him!" The ear-piercing scream echoed around.

It is indeed an illusion of Yin spirits.

Mei Xueyi couldn't remember how many years she hadn't seen such a thing.

Yin spirits cannot directly hurt people. Their only method of killing is to launch a spiritual attack on the soul, causing people to hallucinate. In panic, they will not choose their way out, and they will fall into the trap prepared by the Yin spirits and die. The most common one is Drowning or falling from a building.

She recalled that there seemed to be no well in the courtyard.

At this moment, her body was held in the arms of the sickly king, and she was wrapped in a satin quilt, wrapped like a rice dumpling. She couldn't move at all. Besides, there were maids on both sides of the corridor. There were so many living people, and they couldn't just watch her, the queen. Break out of the satin quilt and run to seek death without any trace of clothing, right

Mei Xueyi felt that this Yin spirit might not be very bright and could not harm anyone.

Stupid thing.

As the 'snowman' approached step by step, blood began to pour out of its seven orifices, and its appearance became more and more terrifying. Step by step, it left a line of bloody footprints in the snow.

Mei Xueyi held her breath - she was afraid that she would make too much noise and scare it away.

This kind of thing can also harm mortals and young monks. The Nascent Soul has a clear mind and can see its nature, and can break through the illusion and capture the true form of the Yin spirit at a glance. It is actually a ball of chaotic and broken soul power condensed by resentment. After the evil spirit is removed, it becomes a great tonic and beneficial to the soul.

Mei Xueyi is a demon cultivator. She can catch Yin spirits and swallow them whole without even removing the evil spirit. In the past, when the demon passed through, the ghosts of all sizes began to flee thousands of miles away. She had not seen them for a long, long time. At this moment, such a silly ghost suddenly appeared, and it was trying to scare her by posing in front of her. Mei Xueyi couldn't help but burst into tears.

Although the body is not hers, the soul is still hers. Even though she has no soul power, in terms of primitive devouring, who can beat the blood-clothed devil who dismantles himself every day

As for the scary appearance... the truly terrifying devil is this delicate and frail one.

Mei Xueyi controlled herself and tried not to show a perverted smile.

Across the corridor, I could see Yin Ling raising a pair of black eyes filled with blood, staring at her, and screaming at her at the top of his lungs: "Don't... believe... him!"

A pool of blood soon formed at its feet, spreading in fine pieces on the snow.

Apart from shouting this sentence, it seems to be unable to express any more meaning.

It looked very, very anxious.

The same sentence echoed throughout the courtyard - don't believe him.

After shouting for a long time, there was no next move.

Mei Xueyi was a little surprised.

It seemed that this ghost was not trying to harm her, but wanted to report to her.

"Ah..." Mei Xueyi sighed in disappointment.

She has been ruthless and cruel and killed countless people in her life, but she has always had a principle - not to kill anything that shows kindness to her, no matter human, demon, ghost or beast.

never mind.

She nodded towards Yin Ling: "I know, I won't believe him, just leave."

It probably didn't understand, so it looked even more anxious. It raised its hand and peeled off the snow layer by layer on its body, and the flesh and blood fell down.

It screamed: "Don't believe him!"

"I know, I know." Mei Xueyi pinched her eyebrows, "You should leave quickly."

This situation is like putting a roasted suckling pig or lamb leg in front of a person who has been hungry for ten and a half days, and trying to remind her to eat it.

Yin Ling held it in for a long time, and finally managed to choke out another sentence: "Don't believe him...he will kill me!"

Mei Xueyi felt that as long as a person with a normal mind could come to this conclusion on his own, there was really no need to go out of his way to report it.

Or does it want her to avenge it? Then it has the wrong person. She is a demon cultivator, she acts biasedly and ruthlessly, and she goes her own way. Unless she is directly offended, she will never do anything to do justice for heaven - she is a demon! It’s not the light of the right path.

Mei Xueyi nodded solemnly at the eager Yin Ling: "I know he killed you. If nothing unexpected happens, he will kill me tomorrow too."

Yin Ling: "..."

It stared at her with its two eye holes, continued to stir up the dark wind for a while, screamed at the top of its voice a few times, and finally dissipated unwillingly.

The illusion disappeared bit by bit.

Mei Xueyi came back to her senses and found that she had been carried into the hot soup pool in the side hall without knowing when.

He thought she was asleep, so he hugged her very carefully, and was cleaning her fingers very carefully, one by one, with creepy gentle movements.

Mei Xueyi could imagine the sick look in his eyes at this moment without opening her eyes.

Take good care of it and handle it with care, just like dumping a precious dead thing.

She felt that the only thing between her and the puppet was that wild man named Shen Xiuzhu.

What a sin.

He lowered his head, his breath brushing her cheek like a poisonous snake spitting a message against her. She leaned against his chest and couldn't feel her heart beating.

She chose to pretend to sleep.

From time to time, his thin lips would turn over his ears, and his deep sick voice would be soft and strong: "Mei Xueyi... Mei Xueyi."

The sound of gnashing teeth sounded like he loved her so much, but also seemed to want to eat her alive.

Oh, it turns out this body is also called Mei Xueyi. Mei Xueyi said in her heart.

After taking a bath in shame, he carried her back the same way.

Passing by the corridor under the snow, Mei Xueyi secretly opened a slit and looked towards the corner of the courtyard.

The body of the maidservant was no longer where it was, and the Yin spirit did not appear again. Maybe she was too disappointed in her.

She put the incident behind her.

He carried her into the bedroom, stopping to cough three or five times and vomiting blood.

In bed she could not tell that he was terminally ill.

He carried her onto the white jade couch, held her in his arms, and dried her hair one by one.

His clothes were half open, and the unique fragrance of his body lingered on the tip of her nose. His movements were gentle, as if he had played with her thousands of times, and their postures were incomparably perfect.

With his slightly cold body temperature, Mei Xueyi fell asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long I slept, but I suddenly woke up from my sleep and found that it was already bright outside.

She quickly woke up completely, her heart beating wildly in her chest, and waves of panic beating on her body like a tide.

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She hasn't slept for too long. For a big devil like her who is the enemy of the whole world, let alone sleeping, even if she shakes her head a little, there will be enemies who are eager to pounce on her.

At this moment, with all her cultivation lost and the road ahead dangerous, she actually fell asleep in this man's arms!

She looked up suddenly and found his deep eyes staring straight at her, with dark emotions that she couldn't understand surging in them.

Their eyes collided, and her pupils shrank unconsciously.

He slowly narrowed his eyes and said in a low, sick voice filled with anger, "Are you afraid?"

He grabbed her chin and forced her closer. The dark fire in his black eyes seemed to burn her to ashes. The contrast between the terrifying eyes and the gentle smile was shocking.

"In this world, there is only one person who will never let you down. What do you have to be afraid of!" He thought about it seriously, stared at her, his eyes softened softly, and the smile on his lips gradually spread, "Dead I won’t be afraid anymore, I want you to be peaceful and happy year after year.”

Mei Xueyi: "..."

If she understood correctly, did he mean to kill her