The Paranoid Tyrant’s Illness Got Worse Today

Chapter 20: Never the same again


If you want to fight to the death with cultivators on the Star Reaching Platform, the most basic prerequisite is that there must be a Star Reaching Platform, right

Wei Jinchao removed his big hand from Mei Xueyi's eyes.

He arched his back and lowered his head to stare at her, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"It really spoils the scenery!" he said bitterly.

After being disturbed like this, all the violence and coldness in her heart disappeared.

Mei Xueyi curled her lips: "Let's just tell the truth. The Star Reaching Platform has indeed not been built yet. Your Majesty must rush to work, otherwise when the enemy comes, Your Majesty will be standing on top of the blank, which will be very embarrassing."

Wei Jinchao: "..." See how spoiled she is.

"Your Majesty," she raised her arms and held the back of his neck, "What exactly is the story in the storybook? Why does it seem like Your Majesty has experienced it personally?"

A dark flame that she couldn't understand slowly appeared in his black eyes.

"Queen, do you believe that you can start your life over again?"

Mei Xueyi shook her head: "I don't believe it."

In that case, wouldn't the world be in chaos

His voice became completely hoarse again: "You don't even believe it, how dare you!"

Mei Xueyi: "?"

Hunjun became ill again and began to say things she couldn't understand.

"Does your Majesty have to start his life over again?" she asked.

He stared at her for a while: "What do you think?"

She thought seriously for a moment: "It's like getting a storybook in advance. The storybook records the trajectory of your life. Your Majesty cheated and rewrote the storybook. Therefore, everything that happened in the storybook cannot be taken as true, because they It didn’t really happen.”

"You dare not admit the good things you have done." He covered her down bitterly and held her between his arms, "You love me so much that you would risk your life for me. But why do you always go with Shen Xiuzhu!"

Mei Xueyi: "..." It came again, and it was Shen Xiuzhu again. As soon as she heard this name, her whole body was numb and her head was numb.

She knew that paranoia was a disease, and that he was terminally ill.

Demonic cultivators are more or less mentally abnormal and are often paranoid. As long as they believe in one thing, even the nine dragons cannot bring them back.

The person in front of me can be said to be the best among the sick.

It doesn't make sense to reason with patients. To deal with them, we must find another way.

"Your Majesty, I have a proposal I don't know whether to say or not..." Mei Xueyi's eyes flashed slightly.

There was a violent possessiveness in his black eyes, and his tone was extremely dangerous: "Say."

Mei Xueyi said a little embarrassedly: "Why don't we accept Shen Xiuzhu as our adopted son?"

Wei Jinchao: "???"

His handsome face twitched violently several times.

His narrow eyes were almost round.

Mei Xueyi smiled shyly: "In this case, even if he really takes me somewhere, it will be a loving mother and a filial son, and the happiness of a family."

Wei Jinchao: "..."

There was one word written on her beautiful face - confusion.

After a long while, he turned to the side and raised his wide sleeves to cover his face, revealing only the slightly pulsing veins on his forehead.

Mei Xueyi raised the corners of her lips slyly.

While the foolish king was in confusion, she got up and leaned lazily on the edge of the golden soft couch. She picked up the storybook and turned to the last page.

Sure enough, there are words.

King Wei and the Queen died on the battlefield, and after a very long blank period, there was another erotic narrative.

Mei Xueyi only took a quick glance and saw many words that made her ears warm and her heart beat.

She glanced secretly at Hun Jun, who was still pretending to be dead, and then shamelessly started reading from the first word.

It's still the same as the previous times, the brushstrokes are extremely wanton and wild, straightforward and passionate.

After watching it for a long time, Mei Xueyi didn't understand what the situation of the two protagonists in the storybook was.

Not recalling the past.

They are broken.

The collision was more intense than before, and the love and pain spurted out across the pages of the book, hitting Mei Xueyi's heart.

The pain became nothing to mention, and they loved each other madly with all they had. In blood and fire, they loved each other to the bone and soul.

Give everything you have and pour out your most ardent love to the other person.

When Mei Xueyi read the last word, she found that Hun Jun had quietly sat up at some point, his deep black eyes staring at her unblinkingly.

Her heart was pounding and her blood was running cold.

This description seemed familiar to her.

He explained everything from the standpoint of his own feelings. In the midst of the chaos and violent love, his description of his partner was very much like her being decapitated by a demon.

"Your Majesty... what is this part about?" She could almost feel her pupils shrinking and vibrating.

"A dream." A vague smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "A dream. Mine. Does the Queen like it?"

She pursed her lips and said, "There is pain in every word, and I don't like it."

"Don't be afraid." His big hands covered her eyes again, "I said, nothing in the script will happen."

Mei Xueyi took away his hand and stared at him faintly: "Really?"

"It's absolutely true." The hoarse voice assured her solemnly.

"Your Majesty is the king. The king keeps his word."

Wei Jinchao raised the corners of his lips, his sick energy rising into the sky: "Of course!"

"Then..." Mei Xueyi breathed into his Adam's apple maliciously, "Those things in the script... Your Majesty will not do it to me again, right?"

Wei Jinchao: "..."

Mei Xueyi climbed up from the soft couch proudly, stretched out her hand to pick up two berries, put one between her soft and moist lips, and handed the other to his beautifully shaped and pale thin lips.

"Your Majesty, eat berries~"

He opened his mouth and held the berry between his teeth with his fingertips.

The cold, porcelain-white teeth rubbed gently, the narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and she exhaled in a deep and vague voice: "I understand, the queen is tired of the ordinary. It will never be the same in the future."

Mei Xueyi: "..." Is that what she meant

She reluctantly changed the subject: "It's a long way to go, I'm afraid the cultivators will arrive while we're still on the way."

Wei Jinchao smiled lightly: "Qin Ji wants to be the human emperor, she must first put down the rebellion of the feudal lords. Queen, just sit back and watch the dogs bite the dogs."

After a while, he said in a deep voice: "It's not in vain that I threw so many meat buns to feed the dogs."

Mei Xueyi: "..."

Again, money can make the world go round.

The Weiguo army passed through Beilin City in mighty force and returned to the Weiguo territory.

As expected, several Jinling feudal kings had no intention of taking action against Wei Jinchao. They got out of the way, waited for the guards to pass, and then joined forces to attack the crumbling Kyoto, pointing their swords at Qin Ji.

Day by day, intelligence like snowflakes caught up with the northbound Patriot army and fell into Mei Xueyi's chariot.

After Zhao Runru was beheaded, Qin Ji was not depressed, but became increasingly inspired. She has the ability to dominate the government, so she is not incompetent. She deliberately abandoned her son and daughter in order to use them as stepping stones to help her embark on the road to heaven.

Now that Zhao Runru is dead, even if that person doesn't care about their mother and daughter, he will never tolerate his blood being killed by mere mortals.

As long as he sends people down, Qin Ji will use this power to achieve her own goals.


Everything is close at hand...

On this day, a Ganoderma lucidum plant was packed in a jade box and quickly delivered to Mei Xueyi.

She originally thought that Hunjun would wait until he returned to Kyoto before starting to discuss the matter, but she didn't expect that he didn't let her wait for a moment.

While the person is still on the road, the fairy grass has been delivered.

She opened the lid of the box and looked at the radiant Ganoderma lucidum. The light green wood spiritual energy is dense in the plants, exuding a spiritual fragrance that makes Mei Xueyi feel pungent.

Spirit grass is a very common thing in the Immortal Realm. In the eyes of a great demon cultivator like Mei Xueyi, they are like mildew spots that are densely covered on the ground. Every step on them brings bad luck.

But for mortals and monks, spiritual grass is an excellent supplement.

She waved her hand: "Stew it, simmer it over a slow fire, and serve it when His Majesty comes back."

She opened the curtain and looked outside.

The huge siege vehicle dragging Guan Jie was at the end of the team. After traveling for several days, the monk still had inexhaustible energy. He rubbed and rolled about three times a day, trying to break out of the cage. Anyway, the Golden Elixir Dzogchen cultivator's body is indestructible, and there is nothing these mortals can do against him.

The dragon net tightly bound him, and three long ropes twisted from dragon tendons tied the net bag tightly to the siege vehicle.

Mei Xueyi looked at the squeaking connections and frowned slightly.

Turning his eyes, he saw the green-faced young calf riding towards him.

He pursed his lips, and his two thick eyebrows were twisted together like the whiskers of a moth, which was very funny.

"Queen!" He said with a sad face, "My subordinates discovered that one of the dragon tendons has signs of wear and tear, and I'm afraid it will break soon!"

Mei Xueyi asked: "Can't you move a few from other places and use them?"

The young general lowered his voice: "Now that the monk finds that he can't break free, his daily flopping is just a routine thing. If he sees hope, he will definitely roll with all his strength again!"

Mei Xueyi nodded and pondered.

"How expensive are the dragon tendons!" The young general sighed, "A little bit of wear and tear, it's like cutting off the flesh of your subordinates!"

Mei Xueyi: "..."

She was raised too harshly by Hun Jun, so she didn't care much about money, but a broken tendon was still a troublesome thing.

What if the worry goes away when replacing the ribs...

Think about that scene, a cocoon is jumping in front of it to escape, and a group of defending soldiers are chasing behind to catch it - it is really eye-catching!

"I'll handle it." She stepped off the chariot.

"This guy is not good at anything. If you tell him not to jump around, he will flop even more!" Niu Calf frowned in annoyance, "It's useless to say anything!"

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Mei Xueyi smiled, mounted a small horse equipped with a nephrite saddle, and walked leisurely towards Guan Xun.

The siege truck had just rolled over several large mud pits. Guan Zui was splashed with mud and was staring at the sky in a daze.

"What an immortal!" Mei Xueyi taunted, "When you came to threaten me that day, did you ever think that you would be here today? Why, you can't stand still, do you still need someone to drag you away?"

Guan Wei moved his eyelids, glanced at her, and the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched uncomfortably.

After a while, he snorted coldly through his nostrils: "I just love lying like this."

Mei Xueyi sneered: "Do you like to wallow in the mud? What kind of immortal? I think you are a loach that has become a spirit."

Guan Zui's eyes widened: "Isn't it better to lie down somewhere? I'm happy for you to take care of it!"

"Ha!" Mei Xueyi sneered, "The loach spirit is the loach spirit. Mud can't hold up the wall. There is clearly a clean and cool ground..."

She covered her lips, as if she was sorry for the blunder.

Guan Zui followed her line of sight and looked below the siege log.

It is indeed a nice clean and cool place.

He raised his muddy eyebrows and said proudly, "Oh, thank you so much Queen for reminding me."

The cocoon jumped in and lay still.

The young calf opened his mouth blankly, and his eyes nearly popped out.

This is... too obedient!

The sky was getting dark, and Mei Xueyi heard Hunjun's cough from a distance.

The palace maid brought in the Ganoderma lucidum soup that was stewed on a small gilt medicine stove and placed it on the desk.

Mei Xueyi glanced at the bowl of fairy dew, a subtle embarrassment welling up in her heart. Even though the purpose of curing him was to get more benefits from him, it was the first time that a demon who only knew how to kill people cared about a person with actual actions...

She pinched her nails uncomfortably.

He got in the car.

Sitting next to her, feeling the fragrant and warm air, he couldn't help but bend his back and cough again.

When he stopped, she handed the jade bowl to him.

"Your Majesty, drink from it."

He lowered his eyes, sniffed a little, and then said away from her: "Drink it yourself."

She stared at him for a while, then raised the jade bowl with her delicate hands, took a small mouthful of Ganoderma lucidum soup in her mouth, and slowly leaned forward towards him.

The red lips were slightly parted, and the blue condensation between the lips and teeth was looming, and it was brought to his lips.

"Your Majesty, you really don't want to drink?" Han Hun's voice was extremely charming.

His eyes quickly darkened, and his Adam's apple rolled heavily.

"… drink."