The Paranoid Tyrant’s Illness Got Worse Today

Chapter 38: Invisible to color


Wei Jinchao looked calm, without saying a word, and his body faintly exuded the power of an emperor.

Zhao Rong asked Mu You expectantly: "What I saw in my dream, is there any help?"

"Help?" Mu You slowly came back to his senses and shook his head in disbelief, "I really want to know why the lives and deaths of so many people are just trivial matters in your opinion?"

"He's just a mortal, and besides, it's just a dream! Why worry about the life and death of the person in the dream!" Zhao Rong's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

Her face, which is not good at lying, has written all over it - "Women are just emotional, not in a hurry to get down to business, but they just stick to trivial matters." '

Mu You crossed his arms to his chest: "Then why should I worry about your life or death?"

Zhao Rong: "!"

He was angry and anxious.

Wei Jinchao suddenly laughed lowly, his voice unusually gentle: "Don't be afraid."

Zhao Rong looked at him in shock.

I saw this man with picturesque features saying in a quiet and peaceful tone: "The sand is already in your body, what's the use of it?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Rong suddenly let out a changed scream.

The flesh and blood under the skin instantly withered, and the lingering sound was still swirling in the underground space. The person had turned into a piece of dry skin wrapped around the bones.

Mei Xueyi was startled and looked at Wei Jinchao in astonishment.

She had obviously killed the earth spirit, so how did Zhao Rong die

He squeezed her hand comfortingly, walked over slowly, picked up Zhao Rong's skinny body from the sand, and threw it into the abyss.

He turned his head and just moved his thin lips when he heard Mu Longlong's heart-rending wail coming from the stern of the boat -

"Ah wow wow wow wow wow wow I don't want to die yet!"

Even Jiang Xinyi's belt couldn't stop his mouth.

"I, I, I have also had very, very vivid dreams!" The unlucky boy cried loudly, "I dreamed that I was caught by a ghost and thrown into the eighteenth level of hell. It was so dark, so dark, so scary, so scary! It’s like it’s real, it’s not like a dream at all, I remembered it, and suddenly I thought wow wow wow! Is it going to be my turn next? wow wow!”

The extreme thrill stimulated Mu Longlong's old memories.

Mu You's eyebrows jumped, and he rushed forward, squatting beside him and softly comforting: "Don't be afraid, actually this sand..."

Upon hearing the words 'don't be afraid', Mu Longlong almost rolled his eyes and passed away. He had seen it really just now. After Wei Jinchao said "Don't be afraid" to Zhao Rong, Zhao Rong died like a skin and bones.

"Uh!" The half-dazed poor Long Wa almost started to twitch, and she opened her mouth and screamed, "Don't mention this sand!"

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Mu You shrugged helplessly: "... Then can you tell mother, when did you have the dream?"

Mu Longlong burst into tears: "Five years old!"

The baby pursed his lips. Even with his wife by his side, he couldn't maintain any masculinity - with his wife around, he felt that he and Jiang Xinyi were like two little babies squatting on the ground and playing in the mud.

He is still a little baby who has suffered a lot.

"Is it after that dream that you started to be afraid of the dark and ghosts?" Mu You asked warily.

Being afraid to the point of convulsions and fainting is no longer an ordinary 'fear'.

Mu Longlong nodded and cried again: "Mom, am I going to die soon? Why did I suddenly remember that I had such a clear dream! I didn't remember it at all... Mom, I just I don’t want to die after finding a wife..."

The demon dragon beside him nodded quietly and sharply in sympathy.

Mu You suddenly shook his head and rolled his eyes sharply: "I'll kill you! Did you just find a wife?"

The demon dragon lowered his head guiltily and rolled his eyes to peek at her.

Mu You smiled and said coldly, "You don't have a wife anymore."

Demonic Dragon: "Woo..."

Mu Longlong looked at his mother in astonishment: "???"

No, Taoist Master Long has a wife or not. Why would my mother know

Mu You was exhausted both physically and mentally. He held his forehead and reached out to pull Mu Longlong out of the sand.

The silly boy suddenly shrank back, tilting himself into a bamboo pole stuck crookedly in the sand, his eyes bulging out of his sockets: "Mother! Mother! Stop it, mother! I am your biological son, mother! You touch me I'm going to die, mother! Why are you killing me? Do you dislike me for dragging you down so that you can't remarry? Mother, don't worry, I will never delay your second love! I, I promise not to talk to my younger brothers and sisters Fight for the family property!”

The scene where Wei Jinchao lifted Zhao Rong out of the sand, skinny and bones, really cast a huge shadow on him. A thin layer of skin hangs on the skeleton, like what... boneless duck feet? !

Mu You was furious: "I, Chun, you are a dead man! Mu Longlong, you bastard, how can you be my biological son!"

Mu Longlong was horrified: "Is it really not true?"

Demonic Dragon: "..."

Mei Xueyi sat on the side of the boat, unconsciously raising the corners of her lips and bending her eyes. Because of Shen Xiuzhu's incident, she felt a little heavy, but when she saw this family fighting and fighting, she couldn't help but be infected by them - it's so good, everything can be done again, amiable, lovely, and cute. Dear people, they are all still living well in this world.

She smiled, but a tear slipped from the corner of her eye unknowingly. Not sad or bitter, but moved by this moment.

On the other side, Mu You had nothing to do with his stupid son, so he simply sat down in front of him and said warmly: "Come, tell me more about your dream."

As a mother, she had long felt that there must be some cause for her son's fear of the dark and ghosts, but no matter how she checked, she could find no sign that her son had been tampered with. After so many years, I thought it would be impossible to find the answer. Unexpectedly, Zhao Rong's 'dream' today actually stimulated Mu Longlong to retrieve his childhood memories.

Mu Longlong pursed his lips: "After that, am I going to die too?"

"Yes." Mu You raised his eyebrows and sighed, "So remember it carefully and don't miss the details. How slow can you speak?"

Mu Longlong: "Wow..."

Mu Longlong, who was chatting with each other, began to talk about the night when he was five years old, starting from the softness of the bed, the temperature of the quilt, and the brightness of the spiritual lamp, and recalled the situation before falling into the dream little by little.

Wei Jinchao didn't know when he sat next to Mei Xueyi, raised his sleeves, and put an arm around her shoulders.

Mei Xueyi suddenly froze.

In the past, when she was conscientiously playing the role of the Demon Queen, every time he held her in his arms, she would always lean against him like a boneless body, clinging to him softly, treating herself like a piece of brown candy, clinging to him and clinging to him.

But at this moment, her heart stopped strangely for a beat, and then her body tensed slightly. She unconsciously held her hands in front of her and gently picked up her nails.

Her body seemed to be a hundred times more sensitive than usual. His temperature, the touch of his fingers and hands on her shoulders, and the elegant fragrance on his body were all powerfully attacking her nerves.

"Huh?" He moved closer and turned to look at her.

Her heart suddenly trembled, she held her breath unconsciously, and the side of her face felt numb by his breath.

What...what's going on

Not long ago, she could clearly put her face against his ear and tease him about his 'goodness' without blushing or heartbeat, but now, she was frightened by a touch that was not mixed with any desire.

Is it because of the kiss in the sand waterfall? No... It's because the mystery of the past life has been completely solved.

All the gaps were filled, and her past life and this life were completely connected. 'Mei Xueyi' and 'Blood-clothed Demon' were no longer separated. She was her, and she was her. No more doubts, no other possibilities.

Not someone else, but herself. There is no alienation or barrier, she is herself.

Now, she fully accepts herself.

All of this is no longer a matter between Wei Jinchao and his beloved little wife. She is no longer a bystander, let alone some ghost substitute.

She is his real wife. And he was also the man she had loved with her life.

The man is in love with his concubine, and the harp and harp are playing together.


Her feelings for him now are not that of an old couple at all!

Now that he was holding her shoulder through her clothes, her heart began to beat uncontrollably, not to mention that he could bring her joy so forcefully and skillfully. Thinking of the scenes in the past, Mei Xueyi felt numb all over and could hardly breathe.

She was frightened when he touched her, but he knew her well.

This feeling... is like a new disciple who has not yet established his foundation, being held in the palm of the hand by an old monster from Hedao.

Isn't this bullying

Wei Jinchao found that everything was wrong with his wife.

He cooled his face, grabbed her wrist, opened her palm, and gently touched the red ice burn on her palm with his calloused fingertips. It actually looks like it's almost healed.

Mei Xueyi trembled heavily.

"It hurts?" Looking at her stiff body, he frowned, "The queen is the strongest one. She reacted so strongly. It must be that the pain is unbearable."

Mei Xueyi: "..."

If I tell him now that I can't stand his closeness, will it seem too pretentious

Mei Xueyi sighed sadly and threw herself into his arms.

Come on, come on, you'll get used to it!

She lay on his lap, looking up at the dark mountainside.

In the dark place, his skin color appears colder and whiter. Unhealthy color, like a gorgeous ghost.

Perhaps it is because he has been a ghost for so long that there is always a lingering yin energy surrounding his body, which is both dangerous and charming.

Mei Xueyi stared at his side face, her thoughts wandering to nowhere.

He rummaged in the Qiankun bag for a while, took out a bottle of cool ice ointment, dipped it in with his fingertips, and applied it to her injured area very carefully.

"I was careless and ignored the queen's injury."

"Yes." Mei Xueyi came back to her senses and stared at him faintly, "If it is not dealt with, it will heal itself."

Wei Jinchao laughed and kept moving, one by one, the cold touch from the palm of his hand went into the tip of her heart.

The tip of her heart trembled once and then again.

On the other side, Mu Longlong had a wrinkled face, still recalling things from his childhood.

After painstakingly delaying it for a long time, Foolish Dragon finally got to the serious part—

"I really wasn't asleep at that time! I just stared at the ceiling of the tent, watching helplessly as a hand with long, white nails tore open... I don't know what it tore open, but it just crawled out. Then, a blue and white sleeve fell out from that place, and the cold wind blew it down with a whine. I screamed and screamed, but no one heard me! The back of my neck, the back of my neck, it was like ten thousand The ghost was breathing on the back of my neck!"

Mu Longlong was shivering in the sand.

Jiang Xinyi's small belt was very considerately wrapped around his neck, helping him block the cool breeze behind him.

"It just crawled, crawled, kept crawling out, two hands came out, a tuft of hair fell out, covering its face, and then, half of its body came out, grabbing me..."

There were goose bumps on both sides of her fair face, and her voice was trembling.

"It grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me up. The unkempt hair covered my face. I couldn't see its appearance at all. It just grabbed me into a very dark place. It took me Covered in the robe, it started to fly. Its body and the robe were both ice, and it smelled like a zombie... "

Mei Xueyi couldn't help but interrupt and sincerely asked for advice: "What is the smell of zombies?"

Mu You: “…”

Demonic Dragon: "..."

Wei Jinchao: "Well, the queen's focus is really strange."

Mu Longlong sniffed and recalled: "The smell of spices, incense candles, sulfur, and old cloth? Anyway, it's just a mixture of ice and cold."

"It doesn't sound particularly unpleasant." Mei Xueyi said thoughtfully.

"Sister Queen! Is this a question of whether it smells bad or not?" Mu Longlong wailed.

"Wait a minute." Mei Xueyi raised her hand and corrected her in time, "The seniority is wrong."

If this idiot calls her sister, wouldn't Mu You and Yao Long become her elders

"What's that called?" The silly boy tilted his head.

Wei Jinchao smiled lightly: "Let's call them King Wei and Queen. In the future, the Queen and I will be the king and queen of these three realms."

The three members of the Mu family: "!"


Does this sick and wilting man want to dominate the world

Mei Xueyi was not surprised. If this man didn't speak loudly and cruelly for a day, she would worry about whether he would be taken over by others.

Wei Jinchao lowered his eyes slightly and smiled warmly and calmly: "Continue."

Mu Longlong took a deep breath: "Where did I talk about me?"

"Zombie smell." Mei Xueyi prompted.

"Oh, the smell of zombies. I was really scared at that time. I didn't know anything. I just kept in the darkness, being grabbed by it and flying around. Then when I got to a place, it finally let me out. . I don’t dare to look at it at all, I don’t even dare to cry.”

The poor kid blinked: "Then it floated in front of me, as if it wanted to peel off my skin. I just didn't dare to move anyway, and those long black nails were scratching on my scalp. Go, pinch here, press there, scratch a few times from time to time, and push my hair back and forth! It still laughs! Yes, it still laughs!"

Mu You didn't say anything, but his eyes were filled with distress.

The demon dragon's eyes were wide open, and the veins on its forehead were bulging, as if it was about to skin someone.

Mei Xueyi couldn't help coughing: "Are you sure it's not catching lice for you?"

Everyone: "..."

The queen had never been found to be wilted before.

Don't tell me, when she said this, it really reminded people of the scene of a monkey squatting on a person's shoulder to pick out lice.

The terrifying atmosphere that Mu Longlong worked so hard to create completely disappeared. He lowered his eyes and said with despair: "Well, then I don't have any lice for it to eat! Anyway, it messed with my scalp for a long time and pulled out a lot of my hair. He raised my chin to look at it, and while looking at it, he smiled weirdly, and it was scary. Finally, it pushed the hair away from its face, and then pushed back my eyelids, forcing me to look at it."

According to Mu Longlong's habit of peeing, thinking back to this point, the heart attack will definitely happen again, and most likely it will pass. However, when Mei Xueyi teased him, he suddenly lost his energy and fainted. The memory of monkey catching lice remained on his face.

"I was so scared that I rolled my eyes upwards. I didn't dare to look at it anyway, and then it started talking."

Long Wazi pinched his throat, imitating the ghost's voice, and said quietly: "You really don't dare to look at me?"

"I didn't dare to speak, and it kept asking and asking, until I couldn't stand it anymore, so I bit the bullet and said 'no' in a low voice. But it refused to let me go, and scratched my eyes with its nails. It almost touched my eyeballs several times. It also kept saying something, what is the use of eyes for a timid man? If he is so timid, he would dig out my eyes... Then he kept asking me if I dare to look at him? "

Jiang Xinyi put her belt around his forehead and pretended to protect his eyes.

"I, I was forced to panic! Who is not a man anymore, who is not angry enough? I also have the courage, okay!" Mu Longlong grinned, "I just yelled at it - 'I dare not ! I don’t dare to die!'"

Everyone: "..." As expected of Mu Longlong.

"What happened next? Hehehe!" Jiang Xinyi said anxiously.

"Xinyi, you are still smiling... If you are laughing at me, do you not love me anymore? Do you think I am cowardly?" Mu Longlong felt extremely aggrieved.

Everyone: "..." Hasn't this fool realized that the little female ghost can't control herself at all

The demon dragon coughed lightly and tried to smooth things over for the little ghost girl: "Young Jiang is a cheerful and optimistic person. You should learn from others and maintain a positive attitude no matter what happens."

Other people besides the father and son: "..." So the big dragon didn't realize that it was the ghost cultivator's oral habit.

Mu You looked dazed: "I regret it, I really regret it. I shouldn't have been carried away by male lust in the first place. If I could turn back time, I would never judge people by their appearance again. I must choose someone with great wisdom. -handsome man!"

Other than a family of three: “…”

Mei Xueyi couldn't help but gently raised her hand and tugged on Wei Jinchao's sleeve.

"Your Majesty..." She hesitated.

He lowered his head and looked down with a pair of black eyes, suddenly giving her a sky full of stars.


"I have a question, I don't know whether to ask it or not." Mei Xueyi looked confused.

"Just ask. Tell me everything you know." The man's voice was low and deep, and the king made a huge promise.

"In your previous life, weren't you also a ghost cultivator? Are you also hee hee hee?" Mei Xueyi said in a faint voice.

Wei Jinchao took a deep breath: "..."

After a long while, he explained seriously: "Each ghost cultivator has a different way of resolving the anger in his heart."

"Who is your Majesty?"

Wei Jinchao's eyes flashed slightly, and he calmly turned his eyes away: "Gu, invisible to the eye."

Tsk, they all say that they are lonely, there must be something evil! Mei Xueyi pursed her lips, opened her eyes wide, looked at his profile eagerly, and shook his sleeves.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Wei Jinchao was so determined that he ignored her at all.

"Then can I ask your Majesty another question?"

He very calmly raised his hand to cover her mouth: "Listen to the story. Be good."

As gentle and affectionate as a perverted murderer.

It seemed that if she said one more word, he would pinch her nose and strangle her to death in his arms.

Mei Xueyi could only roll her eyes and look at the living treasure of the family.

After a moment of trembling, Jiang Xinyi put her belt around Mu Longlong's shoulders softly, and said in a helpless tone: "What happened next? Hee... died?"

The witty little girl ghost turned 'hee' into 'death'.

Mu Longlong shook his head: "After I had the courage to yell at it, it must have been afraid of me and didn't force me to look at it again."

Mei Xueyi's eyes twitched. If Wei Jinchao hadn't covered her mouth, she would have said something.

Mu You didn't want to save face for his son at all: "You are the one who yelled, 'I don't dare to look, I don't even dare to die'? Is he afraid of you?"

Mu Longlong burst into tears: "Mother!"

The old woman waved her hand: "Go on, pretend I didn't say anything."

Mu Longlong: "Even you laugh at me! You all laugh at me!"

He is a man. He must keep his mouth shut now and never tell them a word!

gas! Mad!

Mu Longlong, who was very brave and arrogant, took two breaths and suddenly realized that he was half buried in the yellow sand. He was immediately discouraged: "Later, it didn't force me to look at it, but it took me to an even more terrifying place." The place was pitch black, there was nothing, there was nothing, you understand, right? It’s so hopeless! It was still laughing behind me, and kept laughing, and said something with a smile to let me know what it’s like to die.”

Mei Xueyi sighed softly, thinking, from this point of view, it is understandable that the silly boy is afraid of the dark and ghosts.

After all, he was only a five-year-old child when it happened. Maybe I was scared out of my wits at that time.

Mu Longlong's lips trembled: "After staying in the darkness for a long, long, long time, I felt like I was already dead, like a ghost, floating without a trace, forever without an end. That feeling of loneliness is so uncomfortable. !”

"But!" He roared loudly, "I didn't expect that there is something more terrifying! That kind of ghost, so scary, so scary, not Xinyi's kind, but that kind! Do you know that kind! Close your eyes The kind that everyone can see! If I don’t open my eyes, they will just run to my eyelids! There are all kinds of ghosts!”

"When I was about to die of fear, the person who captured me asked me if I should close my eyes and see all the evil spirits in the world, or should I open my eyes and see them?"

Mu You sighed, reached out his hand, and gently stroked his son's forehead: "Mom and dad are here, don't be afraid."

The excited Mu Longlong didn't hear anything wrong with this sentence. He curled his lips downwards, closed his eyes tightly, and said it all in one breath: "I had no choice but to open my eyes, and then, I saw it. Got it!"

The silly boy's lips were pale and he was trembling violently: "It, it has no face! Under the tuft of hair, there is just a piece of bare hair... no facial features, no eyes, nose, mouth, or ears, just like a round white stone! It's just like that It 'looked' at me, and I looked at it, and I fainted without even looking at it twice! I woke up later and never remembered this dream, because I was very afraid of the dark and ghosts."

The ghost realm, disheveled hair, old blue and white robes, long black nails and white hands, face without facial features...

Mei Xueyi thought about it for a moment, then suddenly sat upright, tilted her head in shock, and looked at Wei Jinchao.

She was shocked: "Boundary Keeper!"

He Gujing Wubo said: "The boundary keeper."

in unison.