The Paranoid Tyrant’s Illness Got Worse Today

Chapter 53: Queen help


Xia Houyu's tent was very simple. Mei Xueyi helped her move the piles of messy documents to the large wooden shelf in the corner, and then freed up the table for the 'banquet'.

The drinks are also genuine 'bojiu', not self-effacing at all.

Mei Xueyi picked up the blackened copper wine cup and took a sip of the spicy yet bland spirit mixed with water. Her little face couldn't help but wrinkle up.

Disgusted and distressed. It turns out that Nanzhao country is so poor!

Xia Houyu pursed her lips and smiled, raised her neck and drank the wine in the glass neatly, and said: "There was a traitor a few days ago, and the supply line was cut off by the cooperation between inside and outside. Traffic was just restored yesterday, and the supplies have not caught up." She He came a little closer, with his black wide sleeves hanging on the desk, covering half of his face mysteriously, and said: "Nan Zhao, you are really not that poor. I will serve you with good wine next time."

After all, she is a woman who has practiced the art of emperors since she was a child. She can see through Mei Xueyi's undisguised thoughts at a glance.

Mei Xueyi slowly turned her eyes to the other side.

This Hei, when he is a puppet, he always likes to put on a look that is revealing to people's hearts. When Mei Xueyi is proud, she always likes to call Hei in front of him and murmur to him to show off. She knows that it can feel her pride and pleasure. And when she was embarrassed, she would always face the wall, because this thing's dull face would actually show subtle emotions of comfort and distress.

How could the majestic blood-clothed demon show his embarrassment? How could these little guys see through my mind

Being a parent should be as reliable as the mountains and as mysterious as the deep sea.

Mei Xueyi rolled her eyes, completely unaware that her thoughts were clearly on her face again.

Like a proud and inoffensive cat.

She was very unconvinced and picked up a large wine jug and filled it for herself. After drinking three glasses in a row, she said calmly: "It makes no difference to me whether it is fine nectar, jade liquid or coarse tea and light wine. Those who break the illusion and return to the truth, How can you care about the desires of your mouth and stomach?"

Xiahou Yusurong said seriously: "What the fairy said is absolutely true."

Her upbringing and education were enough to prevent her from smiling at all.

Mei Xueyi stared at her.

After all, he was a puppet that had been with him for thousands of years. She could tell Xia Houyu was smiling at a glance.

In fact, Mei Xueyi always felt that the puppet was not a real dead thing, because Zhu took the initiative to block the Ten Thousand Blades Demon-Slaying Array for her, and Black and White did not ask for her opinion when he finally self-destructed.

Thinking of the past, Mei Xueyi became even more angry. She felt that she did not have the dignity of an old mother in front of Xia Houyu, but rather that he was doting on her and manipulating her.

Fortunately, Wei Jinchao was able to hold up the scene. With a gentlemanly and imperial face, he spoke politely to Xia Houyu. It felt like a stepfather talking to his adult stepchildren.

Xia Houyu talked seriously about the war between Nanzhao and Kou.

Mei Xueyi drank one glass after another. Halfway through, the kitchen brought several pots of fried and roasted birds. (It’s wrong to eat game. It was different when marching and fighting in ancient times.)

Nan Zhao's taste was on the strong side, and the ingredients were spicy and spicy. Mei Xueyi drank wine to relieve the spicy taste, but unknowingly drank too much.

"It's so delicious!" She felt her body was light and her heart was filled with overflowing joy. She couldn't help but raise her chin and shouted to Xia Houyu, "I'll come to your place next time!"

Xia Houyu: "...We are waiting for you."

Is it true? No appetite? This is clearly a drunk cat and a greedy cat.

Mei Xueyi was about to pour the wine, but Wei Jinchao's big hand gently held her down.

"Queen, moderation." The voice was gentle and endearing.

Mei Xueyi gave him a sideways glance: "I asked you to moderate yesterday, are you moderate?"

Wei Jinchao: "..."

Seeing her move her plump and moist red lips, as if she wanted to say something more terrifying, Wei Jinchao quickly picked up a piece of crispy bird meat and blocked her mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

Later, Xia Houyu explained the war between Nan Zhao and Kou in detail. Wei Jinchao analyzed the war situation from a mortal perspective. When he was serious, he was like a stern master. Xia Houyu gradually calmed down his momentum. His expression became more and more serious, like a student paying attention in class.

Mei Xueyi, the master's wife, took all the meat and wine on the table. She looked at Xia Houyu and Wei Jinchao with her chin in her hands, and the smile on her face became brighter.

After drinking too much, the poor wine turned into fine wine.

She squinted her rippling eyes and murmured: "This must be the scene I dreamed of in my previous life..."

In the past, when she took the puppets with her, she would sometimes get drunk.

She remembered that she was lonely, and that every time she drank a glass of wine, she would always throw another glass to the ground.

She knew that she must have been missing Wei Jinchao at that time.

At that time, I must have thought about what it would be like if he were here. At that time, I probably couldn't even dream that one day, with him by his side, the puppet would turn back into a living person.

Everything was perfect.

Mei Xueyi suddenly lost control of her emotions and cried bitterly: "I have reached Consummation... I will die without regrets!"

Wei Jinzhao hugged her shoulders, his heart twitching and hurting. In the past, when she was practicing magic, he knew that she was carefree and wanton, and he once thought that she had forgotten him, which made him sad and happy at the same time. Although his obsession burned his heart, he sincerely hoped that she would forget him - it was too painful and tiring to carry forward with such a past.

Finally, he finally knew that she hadn't forgotten. And at this moment, he could clearly feel the fierce, boiling grief and love in her heart that had never cooled down.

There are signs of rupture all around, including the tent, desk, wine cup, residual wine, and the faces of three people.

Wei Jinchao pressed Mei Xueyi tightly in his arms and said in a hoarse voice in her ear: "Is this enough? Zhu Hebai, don't want it anymore?"

Mei Xueyi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, half of her drunkenness scared away, and her eyes widened nervously: "Hasn't Your Majesty already closed the chapter on Shen Xiuzhu's matter?"

The shaking and crashing stopped.

Mei Xueyi realized something was wrong belatedly. She looked left and right with drunken eyes, and tactfully changed the topic: "Your Majesty, just now...?"

Xia Houyu, who was sitting opposite, suddenly stood up, his eyes wide open, and his pupils were trembling slightly.

"This is not an earthquake, what is this!"

Everything around him was collapsing, dead things and living people were all scattered into powder... This was far beyond Xia Houyu's understanding.

How can something that has been turned into dust be restored to its original form

There was no pain, nothing strange, just like breaking the reflection in the water, and when the water surface calmed down, it returned to normal.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," Mei Xueyi stood up unsteadily, pressed Xia Houyu's shoulders, and pushed her back down, "I... will solve small things!"

She slapped her chest so hard that it made a thumping sound.

Xia Houyu moved his eyebrows, somewhat helpless with her.

Mei Xueyi's drunken mind quickly recalled the last time and the last time the world collapsed.

The first time was in the fairy spring. She knew that Wei Jin had paid too much for her. She felt deeply guilty and felt that she owed him a lot. At that time, he shook his head and said, "If it weren't for you..." Just this sentence caused the surrounding people to collapse.

The second time, she casually asked, "I wonder where all the power that was sucked away by me went," which triggered a collapse.

But this time, she felt complete and happy from the bottom of her heart, dying with no regrets, and the world almost collapsed again.

Obviously, the reason lies with her.

Why does the survival of the real world depend on her

Mei Xueyi slowly turned around her thoughts that were numbed by alcohol. The last scene in her memory of her previous life was placing her hand on the Tongtian Dao Fruit that contained endless power, and acquiescing to some wish. Later, there was only a white light left in front of her eyes.

She died, disintegrated bit by bit, and returned to heaven and earth. She didn't feel any regrets. The only discomfort was that there seemed to be a big piece of empty space in her heart, and there was a dull pain. She thought about it carefully but found nothing.

Now she knows that the missing piece is all the memories of being 'Mei Xueyi'. My life, my beloved, my lost home and country.

The Fruit of Heaven, Wishes, Lost Memories…

If you could go back in time and pick the Heavenly Dao Fruit, what would you want? Shatter the void? Become an immortal or a god

No, it's not. I can’t let go at all—I’ve never let go!

Could it be that that wish is... to turn back time and start everything over again? !

What price must be paid to realize such a great wish

Mei Xueyi pinched her palms unconsciously.

More inside information cannot be verified based on mere conjecture. If you want to know the truth, you can only set foot on the road to heaven again and pick the Heavenly Dao Fruit again.

Wei Jinzhao reached over, gently and forcefully separated her fingers, clasped them between his fingers, and gently squeezed her fingers and palms soothingly.

He asked Xia Houyu: "Is the prince married?"

Xia Houyu replied seriously: "I am not young. If I don't get married, I will arouse suspicion. I got married last year. The Crown Princess is a trustworthy person. She knows that I am a girl and keeps it a secret for me. We are Fake couple. Speaking of which, there has been a problem with her recently, and I have been keeping an eye on it."

Mei Xueyi came back to her senses.

Except that the 'husband' is a woman, the princess's situation is the same as mine.

As he was speaking, a personal guard came to report: "Your Highness, the talcum powder sprinkled outside the Crown Princess's palace once again showed light footprints! The demon once again sneaked into the palace to seduce the Crown Princess!"

"I know." A cold light flashed in Xiahou Yu's eyes, "I'll be there right away!"

"Tsk!" Mei Xueyi stared at Wei Jinchao with drunken eyes, "Your Majesty! Look at how careful the prince is, even sprinkled with talc powder!"

In the previous life, Guan Chui also came to her invisibly, threatening her with Wei Jinchao's life and forcing her to leave him. He discovered her abnormality, but failed to respond correctly in time. As a result, the two of them were separated by misunderstandings.

Wei Jinchao narrowed his eyes and said, "It was my fault that I didn't notice."

The attitude of admitting mistakes is very correct.

On the way to the Crown Princess's bedroom, Mei Xueyi asked Xia Houyu curiously: "How did you find out that an invisible person was approaching the Crown Princess?"

Xia Houyu replied: "I'm ashamed. It's not me who noticed it, but the princess told me."

Mei Xueyi: "..." Dig a hole and jump down.

Wei Jinzhao seemed to be smiling but not smiling. His fingers were cold across the jade garment, and he wrapped around her fingers like a poisonous snake, twisting them tightly tightly.

"Oh?" He said softly, "The Crown Princess has great trust in the Prince."

Mei Xueyi: "... Your Majesty, I was wrong! Is it too late to admit my mistake now?"

"Oh, it's too late." Wei Jinchao said ruthlessly.

The strange atmosphere between the two people amused Xia Houyu, who was looking serious.

She said: "It's not trust. The Crown Princess and I are not husband and wife, but monarch and minister. It is her duty as a minister to report everything to me in detail, without any personal emotions."

"Oh..." Mei Xueyi staggered into Wei Jinchao's shoulder, "You heard me, I am a monarch and a minister."

He looked fierce, as if he wanted to bite him.

These two childish ghosts made Xia Houyu pinch her eyebrows in annoyance, and she said: "You two, I don't have any feelings for the Crown Princess. Plus, I am a woman, so the devil's plan will fail. Listen to those provocative words. Both of us will only find it funny. For example, if the demon tells the princess that the little princess of Kou and I are already having an affair, how will the princess feel?"

She raised her hands and shook her head gently: "The more realistic and beautiful the words are, the more funny it will become to the Crown Princess. Especially the fabrication of how powerful I am on the bed... cough!"

Mei Xueyi: "...Although His Majesty is a man, I definitely don't believe a word of this provocation!"

Xia Houyu sighed: "The monster also forced the Crown Princess to take the medicine that will kill her... When the Crown Princess decided to marry me, she had already prepared to be infertile for the rest of her life. This kind of thing actually doesn't do much harm to us. , but the viciousness and evil of the demon is evident, I will not let these bastards go!"

Mei Xueyi couldn't help but slightly pursed her lips.

The medicine that will destroy the heir... She had also seen it in Wei Jinchao's "storybook". It was precisely because he knew that Zhao Runru had harmed the queen that King Wei drew his sword and killed her in anger.

These harmful methods are simply copied from the same mold.

Although Prince Nan Zhao was a woman and had escaped many open and secret attacks, Xia Houyu was still forced to a desperate end.

Mei Xueyi had a lot of mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

The alcohol smeared her eyes, and she squeezed Wei Jinchao's hand tightly, leaving no gap.

She was right in her previous life, and so was Wei in this life. What was wrong were the evil people who deserved to be cut into pieces.

As he spoke, the princess's bedroom was already in front of her.

Mei Xueyi tilted her head and asked Xia Houyu: "If Your Majesty and I don't come today, how will the Crown Prince deal with this monster?"

Xia Houyu cupped his hands towards Dongfang and said, "I begged my father to spend more than half of the treasury to buy a piece of East China Sea dragon tendon."

Mei Xueyi: "..."

It was the Jiao sinew that Wei Jin used to weave nets. It takes dozens of dragon tendons to weave a net, and one dragon tendon net is worth five star-catching platforms. After all, even if Nanzhao State emptied its entire treasury, it would not be able to build a single star-catching platform.

Dare you say you are not poor? !

So poor!

Xia Houyu didn't know that Mei Xueyi was using the Star Reaching Platform as a unit of calculation to despise Nanzhao's national power. She continued: "This priceless dragon tendon has been made into a noose. As long as it is wrapped around the neck of this monster, it is guaranteed to be taken." His life!"

She smiled arrogantly: "According to his habit of coming and going in the past, I have accurately calculated his landing place, and I am sure it will be foolproof! Today, since Queen Mei got rid of the demon who played with fire for me, it is a double happiness. Send them to meet under the spring!"

Mei Xueyi looked at the shining prince and couldn't help but bend her eyes again.

Yes, her Hei is always so strategizing, conceited and free.

"Prince, just let it go and do it!" Wei Jinchao said with a gentle smile like an old father, "The queen and I will watch!"

"Okay!" Xia Houyu cupped his fists and raised his hands without any hesitation, "If anything happens, I will trouble King Wei and the Queen!"

After saying that, she rolled up her black robe, took out the dragon's tendon rope from her sleeves, lifted her body lightly, and disappeared neatly into the dense shadow of the trees in front of her.

Wei Jinzhao hugged Mei Xueyi and teleported into the air, observing the overall situation from a high position.

"Your Majesty..." Mei Xueyi said with a little bit of disappointment, "In my previous life, I shouldn't have hidden it from you. So what if I was poisoned by the poison of annihilation? Your Majesty won't care about that at all, he will only care about me. Now I know I was wrong. , Your Majesty, can you forgive me?"

Wei Jinchao closed his eyes and sighed: "How could I blame you?"

She hugged him tightly, lying on his body, listening to his non-existent heartbeat.

"Your Majesty, can you promise me one thing? From now on, you will never do anything for my own good without telling me."

His body stiffened slightly. Hidden under the jade clothes, it is not very clear.

She raised her head and looked into his eyes: "In that case, my life would be worse than death. If one day, everything is really irreversible, I don't want to repeat the tragedy of the past. I want to be with His Majesty, life and death, holding hands. Don’t let go.”

He stared at her deeply, and after a while, he suddenly chuckled: "Okay."

"That's a deal."

"That's a deal."

While the two of them were making an oath, there was also movement in the princess's chamber below.

Wei Jinchao threw a wisp of ghost fire, like a guiding light, guiding Mei Xueyi to observe the situation below.

The palace door creaked, and a beautiful woman in formal clothes walked to the door seriously, as if watching someone leave.

She looked around, her eyes flashed slightly, and she slowly closed the palace door.

The faint fire swayed, following something invisible like a shadow, and swept towards a flat stone slab five or six feet away.


The almost inaudible sound of footsteps was extremely clear in the quiet night. Through the moonlight, you could see that there was a small half-footprint of cloth on top of the extremely thin layer of stone powder.

Mei Xueyi squeezed Wei Jinchao's hand and stared at the wisp of ghost fire.

The invisible monk didn't know that he had been targeted and had a 'tail' thrown at him. He pointed his toes and jumped down to a landing point.

"Hey." Another half of the footprints fell.

Moving forward, he would pass by the big tree where Xia Houyu was hiding.

Monks below the level of Transformation cannot release their spiritual thoughts. An internal master like Xia Houyu can make this cultivator unaware as long as he keeps his breath.

"Almost." Wei Jinchao suddenly said.


He said: "That tree is not enough."

Before he finished speaking, a strange sound of slinging a rope was heard, and a figure suddenly emerged from the empty air!

"Caught!" Mei Xueyi was extremely excited.

Suddenly his neck was strangled and hung in the air. The monk was so shocked that he threw away his invisibility weapon, and the pinching skills were dispersed in panic.

Xia Houyu moved extremely neatly, wrapping the tendons around the thick tree trunk several times, then his body fell down, and he used his own strength to hang the monk in the air.

The golden elixir cultivator's body is strong, so he cannot be killed for a while, but his neck is a weak point after all, and the dragon's tendons can block the spiritual energy. As long as he hangs there long enough, he is not afraid of suffocation and death.

The monk kicked his legs and struggled. He raised his hand, grasped the noose around his neck and tore hard.

The dragon's tendons are very strong, so naturally they can't be pulled.

His face gradually turned red and his breathing became heavy.

Xia Houyu's face was as heavy as water, and he grabbed the other end of the dragon's tendon, his body falling like a thousand pounds, motionless.

"Look how calm she is!" Mei Xueyi said proudly.

"Yes, yes." Wei Jinchao agreed seriously.

The monk struggled for a while and found that the tendon could not be broken at all, and he was slightly panicked during his movements.

He inserted his fingers under his chin, trying to make some breathing room, but the noose was designed to be very harsh, and after his fingers were inserted, it became even tighter.

Countless soldiers poured out silently from all around, pointing cold spears and bows and arrows at his body, waiting for Xia Houyu's order.

The princess in the palace also came out.

When I got closer, I saw that she was a handsome woman. She raised the dagger in her hand and said with a smile: "I failed to assassinate you before. In fact, I just deliberately tested your strength. Now that I know you are invulnerable, I will use another method to deal with you. How about it? Does it feel good?"

"Heh...heh..." The monk breathed out in his throat, "You are seeking your own death!"

"Hmph, let's see who dies tonight!" The Crown Princess shouted to Xia Houyu under the tree, "Your Highness, work harder! Once he breaks through, shoot him into a big hedgehog!"

Mei Xueyi pursed her lips: "Looking at them, I always feel that I was so stupid before."

"It's okay," Wei Jinchao pinched her cheeks that were red from the alcohol soothingly, "The queen hasn't been stupid for a day or two."

Mei Xueyi: "..."

The monk below gradually stopped kicking his legs.

There was a look of pain on his face. He is not afraid of swords, guns and sticks in the world, but he cannot withstand the slow strangulation of Jiaojin.

There was a faint twitching tendency in the legs.

Everyone in Nan Zhao looked excited, just waiting for him to succeed.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, suddenly, the monk gathered enough strength to rise up and kicked the tree trunk hard.


Xia Houyu behind the tree was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

There was a "click" sound on the tree trunk, and a crack as thick as a bowl instantly snaked to the crown of the tree.

Mei Xueyi tightened her grip on Wei Jinchao: "Your Majesty!"

"Nothing." He said, "I still have Mu Longlong's Life and Death Human Flesh White Bone Pills, Daluo Jinxian Rejuvenation Powder, and the Life-Destroying Pill in the King of Hell's Hand... Xiahou is young, let her learn a lesson, and she will act more cautiously next time some."

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Although Mei Xueyi felt distressed, she calmed down and watched the battle situation quietly.

Wei Jinchao was right.

Xia Houyu did make some omissions when he set up this trap.

"Boom—" The monk swung up and kicked the tree trunk again.

This time, the big tree was no longer able to hold up, and with its dense branches and leaves, it slowly fell in the direction of Xia Houyu.

Xia Houyu had to dodge.

She grabbed the dragon tendon and ran quickly to the next tree.

However, the power gap between mortals and monks was like a chasm. The monk coughed and gasped, raised his hand to grab the dragon tendon, and pulled Xia Houyu back hard!

With a ferocious smile on his face, he raised his hand and pinched Xia Houyu's neck.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. Seeing that Xia Houyu was about to fall into the monk's palm, she suddenly shouted at the top of her voice: "Queen, help me!"

Drunk cat Mei Xueyi was in a good mood.
