The Paranoid Tyrant’s Illness Got Worse Today

Chapter 61: Extra The Queen's Diary


queen's diary


Yonghe seventh year·February 13th

Today, I met someone.

He saved my life.

He walked towards me with a bloody sword in his hand. The evil aura after the killing remained on his body. The corners of his lips were tense and slightly drooped, looking extremely cold. He was born extremely well, better than any man I have ever met.

At that moment, I finally understood why it was said in the storybook that the gift of saving one's life must be pledged with one's own body.

Such a man is so aggressive and can easily break through his defenses, which is fascinating.

I didn't dare to look at him more, for fear that I couldn't help but reach out and touch his strong and smooth chest, or that I couldn't help but tiptoe to kiss his cold thin lips.

I never knew that I was a disciple of Meng Langdeng

Fortunately, over the years, I have become accustomed to being an impeccable lady. I pretended to be more calm and steady than usual, briefly told him my experience, told him my identity, and thanked him by the way. A life-saving grace.

He spoke very little, and his voice was very low, a little hoarse, and sultry. There was a faint cold masculine fragrance on his body, hidden in the smell of blood, which was brought to me by the night wind from time to time, making my heart tremble slightly.

Women are all keen, and based on the smell on his body, I knew there was no one around him.

He was extremely serious and didn't even look at me. He had no intention of repaying any favors. After he dropped me off at the door of my house, he left without looking back.

It wasn't until his figure completely disappeared that I woke up and found that my nails were embedded in my palms, pinching the skin.

I actually... forgot to ask his name.

I think I may have been too stimulated today and am a little confused.

It was obvious that such a big thing had happened, but all that could be thought of was his bewildering face and his neat and cold figure as he went on a killing spree.

Can't think about it anymore.

I have to go to bed, calm down, and sort out everything today.

I know that what harmed me today must be related to Aunt Sun and Me Qiaoqiao.

I want justice for myself.


Yonghe seventh year·February 14th

After talking with my father today, I am completely disappointed with this blood relative.

He didn't believe that it was Aunt Sun and Me Qiaoqiao who harmed me, which I expected. What I didn't expect was that he would scold my deceased mother as well, accusing us mother and daughter of deliberately promoting a good reputation to attract covetousness, which was unbecoming of a woman. He asked me to keep the incident of being robbed in my heart and stay at home waiting to get married.

What's even more ridiculous is that not long after I finished talking to him, the crying Aunt Sun and Mei Qiaoqiao came to my yard and shouted that they were wronged. They openly and secretly accused me of bullying my frail aunt and concubine, who were as beautiful as my mother. Unpopular.

How disgusting!

Now it seems that there is only one way left for me, to get married to Shen Xiuzhu and leave this messy Mei Mansion.

But I don't want to. I have already decided to break off the engagement.

What's more, the mother and daughter did so many things just because they wanted Shen Xiuzhu. How could they stop.

Sure enough, in the evening, rumors spread throughout Kyoto that my innocence had been stained by thieves.

Mei Qiaoqiao and her daughter really figured out this gentleman Shen Xiuzhu. They knew that Shen Xiuzhu would never break up a relationship because of something like this. If I ruined my reputation, the Mei Mansion could send Mei Qiaoqiao to the Duke's Mansion as a wife or concubine as 'compensation'.

If Shen Xiuzhu refuses, Mei Qiaoqiao will hold her heart and cry in front of him, saying that she doesn't blame the eldest sister. It doesn't matter that the eldest sister has a bad reputation and is tired and she can't get married. Anyway, she is not in good health and won't live long. She is lonely. That’s it for life.

In this way, Shen Junzi had no other choice but to agree to include her in the mansion.

From then on, Meiqiaoqiao and I served the same husband. Because I had a bad reputation, I could only bow my head in Shen's house, and Meiqiaoqiao became the real mistress.

The second half of my life makes me suffocate just thinking about it.

Shen Xiuzhu is a good person and a gentleman, but he is definitely not the husband I want. I understood this as early as when Mei Qiaoqiao pulled his sleeve for the first time but he didn't turn his back directly.

but me…

I really didn’t decide to break off the engagement with Shen Xiuzhu just because of lust!

If they hadn't bribed people from Jinling to deal with me, I would have made it clear to Shen Xiuzhu yesterday. In fact, he has already felt it. In the past two months, whenever I want to talk about this matter, he always suddenly remembers urgent business and leaves in a hurry. Yesterday at the Dongjiao Outing Festival, he couldn't find any reason to avoid me, so I even brought the token with me, and planned to return it to him after explaining everything.

Who knows, the mother and daughter still can't wait.

That happened and I met that person.

I want to break off the engagement. If you want to marry in this life, you must marry such a person.

But, am I being too sentimental? He didn't even look at me yesterday.


Yonghe seventh year·February 23

I reported to the police and caused a stir in Kyoto.

How could I possibly let that mother and daughter get their wish

I don’t know if I have some expectations in my heart, hoping that the person will think of me after hearing this...

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Speaking of which, I couldn't guess his identity at all and had no clue. The horse is a good horse, the sword is a good sword, and the black night clothes on his body are simple in style, but the material is unusual.

His temperament is completely different from that of the noble sons in the capital. Even Shen Xiuzhu, a dignified figure who is one of the best in the capital, is overshadowed by him.

Could it be that he is a knight-errant? Martial arts leader

Maybe he saved me casually, just like saving a cat or dog on the roadside, and he didn't take it seriously at all. Everyone says that I am the most beautiful woman in Weiguo, why can’t he be pretty

In the past few days, my good father was very worried about me reporting for office. Sun and Mei Qiaoqiao were like two frightened birds, crying in panic.

Fortunately for them, they actually moved Shen Xiuzhu here.

Thinking of his embarrassed appearance during the day, I couldn't help but feel my fingertips cramping in embarrassment for him.

He persuaded me bravely, saying that the Duke would urge the government to find out the matter as soon as possible, so that I should stop being suspicious. He was willing to withdraw the warrant for me and remove Mei Qiaoqiao and the maids and servants around Aunt Sun. He was released from the yamen to avoid being beaten into a trap, which would also ruin the reputation of Mei Mansion.

If I insist on having my own way, he will marry Meiqiaoqiao back to the house and protect this poor, helpless and wronged woman.

He was in pain and anxious. He thought I had taken advantage of him and wanted to kill Mejojo.

I have nothing to say.

He never believed me. He said he only believed in conclusive evidence, but didn’t he actually believe in Mejojo’s tears

Shen Xiuzhu and I finally broke off our engagement.

I didn't give up at all, but I wasn't happy either. Why do bad people never receive their retribution in time

Shen Xiuzhu was much sadder than me. He didn't really marry Mei Qiaoqiao, but he still protected their mother and daughter.

I collected and preserved everything he did for the mother and daughter as evidence. When my cousin comes back from the Qishu border, I will make a good complaint.

I have no evidence that Mei Qiaoqiao and her daughter harmed me, but I have evidence that Shen Xiuzhu worked hard for other women.

My cousin has a hot temper and must not be tolerated.

When the time comes, I will ask my cousin to take me to the border, and he will definitely agree.

I want to protect my family and my country, achieve military success, and be a general!

If we are destined, we will definitely see that person again in the future, right

These days, I don’t think of him often anymore.


Yonghe seventh year·February 24th

The hand holding the pen has been shaking, just like my mood at the moment.

It was as if a boiling stove was stuffed in his chest, with scalding bubbles surging out randomly.

When I was planning my 'future' yesterday, I never took that person into consideration.

Who would have thought that today, he would appear in front of me, saying that he would protect me from wind and rain, and asking me if I would marry him. He stretched out his hand to me. The hand holding the sword had slender fingers and clear joints.

I was stunned at the time, and I was so dizzy that I didn’t know what to say. I could only hold on to my ladylike airs.

He is so good-looking!

I thought that the dim light at night made him look flawless, but I didn't expect that on a sunny day, he was still as perfect as a jade sculpture.

It's just... When I think about it carefully at this moment, his expression is always calm and calm. A cool and dignified man, with deep and clear black eyes, and a cold and calm tone, he doesn't seem to be obsessed with sex.

He must have known what I was going through. He sympathized with me and decided to do the best he could and send Buddha to the West.

Yes, I am the most pitiful one in this matter.

But no one close to me has ever comforted me.

My father only doted on his concubines and concubines. Shen Xiuzhu was his cousin whom he had known since childhood, but he treated me, the victim, as a political enemy.

Is it because I never cry or make trouble

It looked like I was at a disadvantage in the past, but now I have a clear intuition that if I cry and cry, this man who has fascinated me will definitely not like me.

If he wants to marry me, besides seeing me as pitiful, he should also be interested in me being calm and dignified.

Did I really promise him

It seemed like he just hummed, and didn’t even ask what his last name was or where his home was...

But I held his hand! Big, beautiful hands, dry and warm, with thick calluses on the palms and fingertips. He is so skilled in martial arts, he must have practiced swordsmanship hard every day.

He said he would go back and prepare and come to propose marriage tomorrow, so I returned home in a daze and forgot about everything.

I was really fascinated by this man. How could there be such a good-looking person in the world

He was born in this world just to mess with my mind!

I really became interested in him, I was even more dandy than the most dandy in the capital.

I'm so...

I must not let him discover the Meng Lang in me. A person as cold and aloof as him cannot be blasphemed.

I must be a leader's wife who can convince everyone!

But... Mei Chengfeng will definitely not agree to this.

Shen Xiuzhu declined Mei Qiaoqiao, but she didn't know how to cry. Mei Chengfeng also hoped to buy one, get one free, and stuff me and Mei Qiaoqiao into the Duke Dingguo's mansion.

Tomorrow when my beloved comes to ask for help, he will definitely be humiliated.

What should we do

Will these charlatans directly steal the bride

If he really made a move, I would just go with him to avoid a long night and many dreams.

Starting from tomorrow, are you going to embark on a wandering escape? It would be exciting to work with him hand in hand.

The worst case scenario is to go to the border to join my cousin. As a great chivalrous person, it is more meaningful to serve the country and the people and protect the country than wandering around the world... right

If I can fall asleep tonight, my dream will be filled with the light and shadow of swords.


Yonghe seventh year·February 25th

I really don’t know how to describe my mood at the moment.


How could he be.

How could it be.

Looking through the book, the year numbers can be seen everywhere, as if they are floating on the page at this moment.

This is his reign name, and he is the young King Wei who has been on the throne for seven years.

Wei Jinchao. Today, I don’t know how many times I have recited this name silently in my heart. Every time I recite it, my ears feel faintly warm.

Thinking of the way Mei Chengfeng aggressively led the nurse to the front door to chase him away, but when he saw his appearance, his face turned pale and he fell on the ground shouting long live. I can't wait to fill this notebook with hahaha.

But I didn't smile during the day.

A lady like me who doesn't change her attitude even when the mountain is falling, of course has to keep her airs on her shoulders at all times. Regardless of whether he is a king or a martial arts leader, I will not treat him any differently.

He didn't make me his concubine, but made me his queen.

But at the moment I feel hypocritically sad.

It turned out that he really just took a fancy to my calm demeanor. The king of a country, what kind of beauty have you not seen? What he wants is for a decent lady like me to manage the harem for him...

Completely different from what I originally imagined.

I just want to live a life of love and affection with him, even if I wander around the world.

I want one person for the rest of my life.

Why is he a king

what do I do? Should she assist him by being a virtuous queen who is neither competitive nor jealous and leave a lasting reputation, or should she let herself fall in love like a moth to a flame and end up alone in the palace

Just be a virtuous queen. He saved my life, and today he took the initiative to investigate the Jinling kidnapping case for me. I owe him a lot.

It’s time to repay with your whole life.

After all, it was hard to calm down.

That’s all.


Yonghe seventh year·March 21st

Today, I get married to him.

Why I ended up taking notes here on my wedding night to write down all the events of the day... It's hard to describe.

I am really tired.

I want to write down something very dangerous: I will never do anything like a wedding again!

I got up earlier than the moon last night, and it took me nearly two hours to put on the fine clothes alone. It took another two hours to put on makeup and do some weird rituals.

Then he boarded the phoenix chariot and finally rested for a while.

Unfortunately, the journey by car is too short, and the end of the walking path is endless.

Fortunately, he held his hand and walked across the square, jade bridge, and palace steps, so it didn't feel so long.

The drums were beating loudly, and no human voice could be heard. Looking around, everything was full of joy.

Perhaps it was an illusion, King Wei seemed to slow down when passing by Shen Xiuzhu.

Yes, it must be an illusion.

How does he look like a jealous person? You only welcome me as your queen because I am suitable.

Tonight, he didn't want to touch me.

…Of course it finally moved.

He excused himself from being too tired today, put on his middle coat, and lay beside me motionless, letting me rest peacefully.

They were so divided that they wished they could put a quilt between them.

I had no choice but to tell him a lot of truth about what heirs are and what responsibilities they are. I was confused when I talked about it, and he was also confused when he heard it.

Those who want to be kings are usually most afraid of those pedantic old ministers reciting the rules of their ancestors.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he started to take off my clothes.

The rules were so serious that after I took off my shirt, the skin of my hands did not even touch me for an inch, as if I was some untouchable beast.

His breathing was heavier, but he was still very calm and controlled, and he gave me a chance to regret it.

It's like I suffered a huge loss.

Maybe I hid it too well and he didn't know that I had actually missed him for a long time.

With such perfect appearance, temperament and figure, I was embarrassed to look at her any more.

Because I was happy, I didn't feel the pain when he was doing it physically. I just took the opportunity to hold on to him and used my natural instinct to cover up my admiration for him.

He was very restrained, careful, and... jerky.

This took me by surprise.

Although it was known that he had not had any concubines around him for many years after taking the throne, he never expected that he was not knowledgeable about human affairs.

He stroked my hair and had no intention of kissing me.

Judging from his appearance, he could stop at any time.

This is not what I want. Although I am not a greedy person, it is really unreasonable for me to be lukewarm on the bed even though I am already married to the man I love.

So I deliberately blurred my vision, quickened my breathing, and held him tighter and tighter with my hands.

When she raised her body helplessly, she kissed his lips carelessly.

His lips were opening and closing, his breathing was messy, and his sounds were tempting him.

After all, he was a strong-blooded martial arts man with a strong body. He gradually lost his sense of proportion and could no longer control himself.

He tried to kiss back, so I softened my body and responded to him, pampering him.

He became bolder and relaxed a little.

Even though we were in this situation, he actually said to me, if I feel any discomfort, just stop.

I had to gag him.

He smells so good.

Thanks to his caution, I got through the initial discomfort.

Although I don’t have much skill to speak of, my heart is overflowing with joy as I embrace my husband who I am completely satisfied with.

I was a little happy.

What a serious and self-controlled man this man was, and I actually induced him to show some emotion.

The corners of his eyes were stained with a light crimson, just like the white jade turned red when it came here, gorgeous and cold.

I liked him, and I like him even more today.

Unable to find a solution, he quickly surrendered.

He hesitated slightly, as if he wanted to hold me in his arms, but he didn't know what he was worried about.

What can I do? Now that I am married to this incomprehensible piece of wood, I can only take the initiative.

I leaned against his chest and softly talked about the day he saved me. Of course, I hid the part of me that was motivated by sex.

I don’t know where I touched him, but halfway through my words, he lowered his head and kissed me, and then he started to feel wild and wild.

It was this time that he used too much force with his left arm, which was propped up on the couch, and the wooden couch collapsed with a bang...

After that, he temporarily placed me in the side hall while he repaired the wooden couch...

A person like him, who is upright and serious and cares about his appearance and appearance, naturally doesn't want outsiders to know about this embarrassing matter, which is very embarrassing and not embarrassing at all.

It's been so long and it still hasn't been fixed yet

he comes


Yonghe eighth year·May 11th

So many things happened this year. When I accidentally turned to this notebook, I realized that more than a year had passed since the last record.

I haven't seen him for three months.

He personally led the army to conquer Jinling and fought back the invading Jinling army to their own territory. Now he is like an iron wedge embedded in Jiawu Pass in Jinling, waiting for Jinling to bow down and negotiate peace.

I didn't tell him that the person escorting the food and fodder this time was the queen.

To be honest, until now, this man is still a bit elusive to me.

After all, he is a king.

During those days after we got married, he was so pestering that I couldn't even muster the strength to lift a pen every day.

But he never said it.

He didn't say he liked me, he didn't say he loved me, and when he left me to go to war, he never said he missed me.

Of course I won't tell you either.

He is a wise king and I am a wise queen. The relationship between us should be as respectful as guests and as plain as water. On the bed... I can't do anything on the bed, it's just natural instinct.

However, this time I personally escorted the food and grass over, which was a bit out of line.

I wonder if he will be able to see how much I am thinking

When he looked at others, his eyes were accurate and poisonous.

Uneasy, but unable to suppress joy. We are about to see him!

The camp is right in front, so I stopped here first. I don’t know what it will be like in the second half of today...

I am drunk.

He had just finished a victory in a battle, and when he saw me, he, who had always kept his emotions and anger a secret, could not hold back. He grabbed my waist, picked me up and spun me around three times.

Seeing that he was happy, I imitated the soldiers and drank a few sips of strong wine, congratulating him on his victory.

And then…

I was so happy that I couldn't stand still, so I hung on his body and told him that I was traveling fast and felt uncomfortable and needed to take a bath.

I didn't say I wanted to wash it with him! ! !

Not to mention meeting him in the bathtub...

Although I miss him desperately, I can still wait for a bath.

But as I was drunk, I could only smile at him stupidly and let him hold me up and carry me into the bathtub.

When I think about it now, I see sparkling water in front of my eyes, and circles of steaming water are swaying and swaying...

My soul was also swinging back and forth in the hot water. I could only hold on to him, cling to him, and gently ask him to slow down, and then slow down...

All my wine has sobered up in the barrel.

If the water hadn't cooled down, I doubted that I would have died or melted in the water.

After not seeing each other for three months, he seemed to have mastered the techniques in his mind.

The tip of my heart seemed to be pulled by a string, and it was killing me every time.

By the time he carried me to the soft couch, I didn't want to move a finger.


He also has official duties to attend to.

He sat on the desk at the other end of the tent, lighting the lamp, and nimbly giving instructions on official documents.

Not to be outdone, I pretended to be doing business and recorded everything today.

Look, how does this man look like he is obsessed with love

In this life, I'm afraid I'll never hear him say he loves me again.


Wei Jinchao closed the diary in his hand as if nothing had happened and put it back into time.

He looked up at her.

"Queen, come, I have something to say to you."

(Full text ends)

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