The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me

Chapter 32: Campus World (32)


During self-study next night on Tuesday, Lu Yuan and Ning Xingzhou said they had something to do that night, so they would not go home with him.

The other party didn't say what was going on, and Ning Xingzhou didn't go into details. Moreover, he also had his own thoughts—tomorrow is Lu Yuan's birthday, and the other party is not here tonight, so there is no need to worry about how to hide from the other party to buy gifts.

After saying goodbye to Lu Yuan, he went to the mall to pick out an oversized doll, a lazy polar bear, which is both a decoration and a pillow, and it feels very good.

He carried the doll home all the way, and put it directly on the bed where Lu Yuan slept, just waiting for Lu Yuan to come back tomorrow night to give him a surprise. He also ordered a birthday cake, and asked Yu Qing and Wei Ping to celebrate Lu Yuan's birthday together at noon tomorrow.

It's strange to expect.

I don't know whether it was because of emotional excitement or fatigue, but the right eyelid kept twitching. He rubbed his eyes, turned over, and fell into a deep sleep.

Underground black boxing, no gloves, no rules, only winning or losing.

The surrounding shouts were deafening, mixed with a lot of savage swearing and scolding, Lu Yuan warmed up expressionlessly, secretly observing the opponent he was going to face later.

The opponent is very tall and muscular. It is said that he has won more than a dozen games in a row, and he is crazy and ruthless. The last person who fought with him was beaten with blood all over his face and broke seven ribs. He almost died , This kind of bloody violence is the favorite of the audience here, but if things go on like this, even if the reward is doubled, it will become more and more difficult to find people who are willing to be his opponents.

After all, most of the people who come here to fight boxing are to make money. When encountering such a real killer, the money earned in one match is not enough for medical expenses, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"Next, it's the turn of the most anticipated Gray Valentine! Prior to this, our Gray player has won 13 consecutive victories. I don't know if he can keep the winning streak today! This time his opponent "Yuan" It looks relatively unfamiliar, uh... seems to be a little thin, I hope he won't be beaten too badly~"

Lu Yuan's figure is considered first-class among his peers, with smooth and beautiful muscles, but compared with Gray's figure, it is still not good enough.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience. The host deliberately waited for everyone to get emotional before stepping back from the stage and said with a smile: "Not much to say, let's wait and see how the battle will go today!"

The audience cheered wave after wave, all shouting Gray's name, mixed with many vulgar shouts. No one thought that Lu Yuan would win. What they wanted to see was the excitement of being punched to the flesh and seeing blood.

Lu Yuan stood on the stage, observing every move of his opponent coldly, turning a deaf ear to the surrounding voices. This time the opponent is different from the past. If he is directly confronted, he will not be able to please him at all, so from the very beginning, he planned to...

With a sound of "shua", the fist wind brushed past his ears, Lu Yuan did not meet him head-on, but dodged to the side. The punch was missed, but the opponent didn't waste any time, his legs quickly exerted strength, and kicked out an extremely strong kick.

Lu Yuan focused on observing the opponent's attack intention, and took two big steps back the moment the opponent kicked out, once again letting the opponent's attack miss.

Hit again, hide again.

But obviously, the opponent is not a simple character. His fist was missed again. He expected that Lu Yuan would continue to dodge, so he turned around and kicked sideways to quickly close the distance. The force of his legs hit Lu Yuan's arms, causing him to be paralyzed for a moment. .

Continue to fight, continue to hide, and occasionally hit a few times, but because Lu Yuan hides too fast, he can't take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack. This cycle went back and forth, and I don't know how many times it went back and forth. It wasn't a big arena, and there were Lu Yuan dodging and running away in every corner.

"Whoa! What are you running for? You're right on the front!"

"That's right! Where did this guy come from? Don't fucking run away! Can you still compare!"

Gradually, the audience lost their patience, and the shouts and curses from the audience resounded through the sky. However, Lu Yuan turned a deaf ear to these voices, he just observed the pattern of every action of the opponent with great concentration.

Finally, let him wait for the opportunity.

After the punch fails, the opponent is always used to turn around and then kick in the air. At this time, the opponent's center of gravity will be unstable for a moment.

But this time, Lu Yuan didn't hide. He looked at the right moment, took advantage of the gap when the opponent raised one leg, kicked the opponent's balance suddenly, and forced the opponent to fall to the ground. Then, he strangled the opponent's neck with one hand, and greeted the opponent's face with his fist like crazy, as fierce as a hungry wolf.

She is a different person from the coward who was only concerned about escaping before.

He won.

There was a sudden burst of cheers from the auditorium, excited for such a sudden reversal. Of course, there are also some people who are full of bad words and feel that Lu Yuan's victory is not martial and does not deserve to win.

But these, Lu Yuan didn't care.

He left the ring with a blank face, went to the boss to receive the bonus, and his serious expression that had been tense all night finally eased. He looked at the thick wad of cash in the bag, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

He can buy a gift for his dear tablemate.

"Fuck you! How can a hot chicken like you win! Damn!" Seeing Lu Yuan, an emotional audience started to curse without saying a word, grabbed something, and slammed it at Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was walking distracted, and didn't have time to escape. For a moment, he only felt a pain in the back of his head, and he could faintly feel the wet touch on his scalp, and his vision kept shaking, with double images layer after layer.

With a bang, the world fell into darkness.

Early the next morning, Ning Xingzhou went to the classroom full of anticipation. He stared blankly at the empty seat at the same table, with a smirk on his face. Will he say happy birthday to his deskmate when he sees him later, or will he give him a double surprise after school at night

ah! He should have watched a wave of 12 o'clock last night! It would be nice to send Lu Yuan a birthday red envelope on the hour!

He absent-mindedly recited the ancient poems, a faint regret rose in his heart. Forget it, it's too late, let's talk together in the evening, and when Lu Yuan comes later, he will pretend that he doesn't know anything.

So he waited and waited, but he couldn't wait for anyone.

The morning reading class has passed, but I didn't come.

One morning passed, still did not come.

Ning Xingzhou didn't know what happened. He was so flustered that he had to make calls one after another, but he kept reminding him to turn off the phone. No... Could it be some accident

He wanted to find the other party, but when something happened, he realized that he didn't know where to look for it.

At noon, Yu Qing and Wei Ping didn't go back to rest. They searched with him all afternoon, but found nothing. They went to the teacher to check Lu Yuan's home address, but they couldn't find anyone. They called Lu Yuan's nominal father, but only got a burst of cynicism.

The teacher reassured them to go back to class with peace of mind, don't worry too much, after all, Lu Yuan has done many things like skipping class before, and it is very likely that he got into a fight with some gangster again today. But Ning Xingzhou still felt uneasy, his face was pale, anxiety was written all over his face.

He was so anxious to call the police, but he had no substantial evidence of his disappearance, and he was not an interested person of Lu Yuan, so it was difficult to file a case.

"Xing Xing, don't worry, he may just have something urgent, and he didn't bring his mobile phone with him." Yu Qing was also very confused, and the matter was not yet settled, so she could only think positively.

"I hope so..." Ning Xingzhou pursed his lips tightly, and even his voice was filled with suppressed crying. When Lu Yuan told him about something last night, he should have asked him clearly, and he shouldn't just muddle along like that.

Think about it carefully, what can Lu Yuan do at this stage? His mother passed away, and his original family has nothing to do with him, so what can he say... ah! He knows!

black fist.

Ning Xingzhou's heart skipped a beat, and his thoughts suddenly became clear. How could he have forgotten that in the setting of the original book, black boxing was Lu Yuan's main source of money. In the current situation, it seems that there is no other possibility.

Obviously promised him that he would not fight again.

Ning Xingzhou lowered his head. Although there was still no news of Lu Yuan, the uneasiness and panic in his heart were less than before. However, it seems inappropriate to tell the teacher about Lu Yuan's black boxing.

After thinking about it, he took half a day off with his head teacher, planning to go privately to inquire about the location of the underground black boxing in this area. However, this kind of underground trading place is not so easy to find for laymen.

After tossing all afternoon, thirsty and tired, I got nothing.

Ning Xingzhou sat slumped on a bench in the park, his eyes empty. Obviously the other party said before that the economy is abundant this semester, why did they go to black boxing again

He pursed his mouth, and his heart felt sour one after another. He looked up at the sky, opened his eyes hard, and forced back the tears that were coming to the corners of his eyes. At this moment, he didn't want to find out why, he just wanted to see the other party appear in front of him safely.

It was only now that he realized that he cared more about Lu Yuan than he imagined. In other words, he didn't know when he started, he didn't regard the other party as a task.

Just as he was feeling sad, there was a "buzzing" vibration from the mobile phone in his pocket—it was Lu Yuan's call!

Ning Xingzhou's eyes lit up, he couldn't wait to answer the phone, his voice trembled with grievance, "Why didn't you call back until now?"

There was a moment of embarrassment on the other end of the phone, and after struggling for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Uh... Excuse me, are you Lu Yuan's... Uh, friend?"

Not Lu Yuan.

Ning Xingzhou thumped in his heart, hesitantly said: "Well, yes, what happened? Where's Lu Yuan?"

"That's right, your friend accidentally injured his head, don't have to worry too much, he didn't hurt his vitals, and his life is safe, but he is still in a coma and needs to be hospitalized for observation and observation, so he needs to find someone to accompany him. Is it convenient for you to come over?" ?”

"Oh, it's convenient. Which hospital is he in now? I'll go there right away." Ning Xingzhou bounced off the stone chair in an instant, walked out of the park in three steps at a time, and stopped a taxi at the door.

"Bed 1706, Ward 3, XX Hospital."

"Thank you, I'll be there right away." Ning Xingzhou thanked him, and after reporting the address to the driver, he stared out the window in a daze, his heart filled with panic and uneasiness. Coma... Did he get knocked unconscious

The little nurse finished the phone call outside the corridor with an embarrassed face, and continued to put the phone on the counter to charge.

It was so embarrassing, she never expected that it would be a boy who answered the phone, but fortunately, the sentence "Is this Lu Yuan's girlfriend" that she originally wanted to say stopped the car in time and did not ask.

The patient's address book is simple and clean, with only one number stored, so she can only contact this person.

The note says "little baby", anyone who reads it will understand it as a couple! How could it be a boy? Could it be that the other party is actually a girl with a neutral voice

The little nurse frowned, puzzled.

The author has something to say: dbq everyone, this book is still broken_(:з」∠)_

Alas, there is only one key word in my life during this time: tired.

And it's physically and mentally exhausting_(:з」∠)_

So I didn’t apply for the list next week. I plan to finish writing the first world and rest for a few days. There are about five chapters left, and I will finish it as soon as possible_(:з」∠)_