The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me

Chapter 42: Hologram + Entertainment Circle (5)


The northern villa area of City H is built on the hillside, with a beautiful view and a perfect security system. If it wasn't for Qi Yuan's phone call in advance, it would be impossible for Ning Xingzhou to get in.

He carried a small suitcase with some daily necessities and a few changes of clothes, as well as a laptop and a tablet.

Now at the beginning of September, the college students have already started school, in order not to worry Qi Yuan, he said that he is a freelancer and usually receives some sketches for a living, so at least he has to put on a show so as not to be fake.

Thinking of living with Qi Yuan in the future, Ning Xingzhou tightened his grip on the suitcase, feeling a little nervous. Probably because he didn't have much contact with Qi Yuan, and he still felt unfamiliar in his heart.

After entering the gate of the villa area, after walking for a while, there was a black car with a neat appearance and smooth lines parked beside him. Although he didn't know the brand of the car, he could guess that it was a valuable luxury car. car.

The owner of the luxury car rolled down the window slowly, revealing an extremely familiar face. When Ning Xingzhou saw it was him, he waved his hand quickly and bowed his eyes to say hello, "Hello, brother~"

Qi Yuan responded with a smile, looked at Ning Xingzhou's flushed cheeks due to the heat, and said helplessly, "You don't mean to walk there, do you?"

With that said, he got out of the car, took the suitcase in Ning Xingzhou's hand, put it in the trunk, opened the passenger door, and motioned to Ning Xingzhou, "Get in the car first."

"Oh, good." Ning Xingzhou responded, trotting past Qi Yuan, and quickly got into the car.

Qi Yuan keenly felt the slightly different perspective gap from the game, he couldn't help but curl his lips, and the smile reached his eyes.

When Qi Yuan returned to the driver's seat, Ning Xingzhou sat up straight and embarrassed, and explained: "I don't have a driver's license, and taxis are not allowed in, so I can only walk."

And because of the luggage, the public bicycles in the community are useless.

Speaking of the driver's license, Ning Xingzhou felt helpless. The system can provide him with many identity conveniences, such as a ready-made residence and ID card, but not a driver's license. It is said that for the safety of him and the aborigines in the small world, skill licenses such as driver's licenses must be tested by themselves.

But he is a job worker and doesn't have enough time to take the exam, so traveling is either by subway or by taxi.

"It takes at least half an hour to walk from here to where I live, and the weather is so hot at noon..." Qi Yuan tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips, and said apologetically, "I didn't think carefully, I should have come down earlier."

In fact, he could have his private driver pick up Ning Xingzhou, but he didn't know what to think, so he wanted to pick him up in person.

"It's okay, I'm already very happy that my brother came here to pick me up~" Ning Xingzhou turned his head to look at Qi Yuan's impeccable profile, and couldn't help but get a little nervous, "Brother is worthy of being an idol of the whole people. Even more handsome in the game."

This is not a lie. Although "Jianghu" is a holographic game that claims to be 99% realistic, although the characters generated by projection are similar to real people, they cannot simulate the expressions of real people. It's like the difference between 3D modeling and real people, similar in appearance but indifferent.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan laughed softly, remembering that someone's height was deliberately raised in the game, he saw through it without telling him, "You too, a real person... is cuter."

The space in the car is limited, and Low Magneto's voice is infinitely amplified, just like Lu Yuan whispered in his ear countless times, even more mature charm than Lu Yuan at that time. Ning Xingzhou's face was slightly red, and he looked out the window uncomfortably.

But he thought about it, Qi Yuan is not Lu Yuan after all, he shouldn't pass on his unnecessary feelings to Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan is just a simple task object, the business is important, there is nothing to be ashamed of!

The road conditions in the villa area are not complicated, Qi Yuan is driving the car, but he will glance at Ning Xingzhou from time to time, seeing the suspicious blush on the other party's face, the smile on Qi Yuan's face is even stronger.

So easily shy... so cute.

Ning Xingzhou took a deep breath and tried his best to immerse himself in the identity he was playing. After a while, he raised the corner of his mouth and said casually: "It's cohabiting with idols, and being praised by idols. Fans know that, so they must die of envy."

"Really?" Qi Yuan sneered, thinking of the bloodbath on the Internet in the past two days, he said mockingly: "With my current reviews, I don't have any fans, but to be honest, if the media really find out that you and I If I stay together, you may also be implicated, aren't you afraid?"

"No, my brother has a lot of active fans, but the troll is so strong that it drowns out the fans' speeches. As for whether I'm afraid or not... I know my brother is innocent. For this alone, I have no reason to be afraid."

Speaking of business, the distracting thoughts in Ning Xingzhou's mind disappeared in an instant. He sat up straight and asked his own doubts, "Didn't my brother doubt my company? In the early stage of the matter, it is the most important thing to issue a statement for my artist." Basic, right? In fact, as long as brother is willing to speak out, many fans are willing to believe that brother is innocent."

He spoke in a hurry, with unconcealable concern in his words, Qi Yuan was in a trance for a moment, remembering the days when he first started acting.

The Star Entertainment Company he works for was initially a small, unpopular business with not many artists, and it was in danger of going bankrupt at any time.

When he first arrived at Xing Chuan, he was just a little-known 18th-line actor. The company finally helped him get the qualification to audition as the second male lead in a web drama. He seized the opportunity and conquered the audience with his acting skills. Fly to the sky, win prizes and get soft hands.

And the company took advantage of Qi Yuan's fame and publicity to attract a lot of powerful fresh blood, and a virtuous circle gradually developed.

This is a happy situation for everyone, but Xing Chuan is not satisfied with the status quo, in order to maintain the topic, from time to time create some romantic scandals about Qi Yuan, in the name of helping Qi Yuan to stir up heat.

Qi Yuan repelled this kind of behavior very much, and agreed with the company's senior management not to engage in such fancy things, and he would speak for himself with his works. Who knew that those people promised well with their mouths, but they were still the same behind their backs, and he could only keep a distance from them at all times.

Recently, the contract with Xing Chuan was about to expire, and Xing Chuan wanted to renew the contract with him, but he refused. When other entertainment companies in the industry heard the news, they had been trying to contact him during this period of time, wanting to cooperate.

Even if the scandal broke out in the past two days, those companies did not back down, but contacted them more diligently, and promised that as long as they signed a contract with them, the matter would be handled by them. After all, those people are old foxes, so how could they not see the tricks hidden in this incident.

Choose any one, and Qi Yuan's current predicament will be easily solved. But if he really did this, he and Xing Chuan would definitely tear their faces apart. He missed the old relationship and didn't want to make it too rigid. He wanted to see how sincere Xing Chuan was to keep him, so he didn't make a decision for a long time.

But now it seems that their sincerity is 0.

"Actually, at the end of this month, my contract with Xing Chuan expires. If things have developed like this, I wouldn't believe it if Xing Chuan didn't push behind it."

Obviously, he and Ning Xingzhou have only known each other for two days, but Qi Yuan has the feeling that they have known each other for a long time. When talking about his career, he didn't deliberately hide anything.

He remembered what happened one after another during this period, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "If your dream is true, I have failed in life. Brothers, friends, and managers around me have betrayed me one by one. Treat people with sincerity, but in the end, there is no one around you who you can trust."

It's ridiculous.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, but the smile did not reach his eyes, and his deep eyes were filled with coldness, as if wrapped in a layer of ice that could not be melted away.

Looking at Qi Yuan like this, Ning Xingzhou couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart. It would be better if the other party was extremely angry, but this kind of self-deprecating irony reveals a kind of loneliness and desolation that makes people feel distressed.

"I'm not happy when my brother says that, there is someone you can trust... isn't there someone beside my brother."

Ning Xingzhou tilted his head, showing a sweet smile, "Brother is obviously such a great person, it is because those scumbags are not worthy of my sincerity. No matter what happens, there is me behind my brother, and there are thousands of others. fans, so, brother, don’t feel sorry for those scumbags, they don’t deserve it.”

Ning Xingzhou's voice was very clean and sincere. When he called his brother, it was sweet and soft, like sweet and soft cotton candy, all the way sweet into Qi Yuan's heart.

Qi Yuan chuckled, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

His little fans were right.

He shouldn't have hesitated and wasted extra emotion and energy on the scum, he was too polite to those people, one by one, did he really think he was a character to be bullied

For a moment, he seemed to be completely relieved, the tight string in his mind was broken, and the resentment accumulated in his heart disappeared without a trace. Even he himself couldn't figure out why he had been so tolerant in the past, why should he care about the old relationship of a bunch of scum.

When it is broken, it is in line with his character.

[Influence value +20, current influence value is 40.]

The sudden notification sounded in his mind, Ning Xingzhou was stunned, and reflexively glanced at Qi Yuan, very puzzled.

He seems to just comfort a few words, right? Why is this person's influence value so easy to brush up? Is it because of his words to feel the kindness from this world? But a few words really have such great power? It doesn't always feel scientific.

Before he could think about it, deep voices rang out again, "Emperor Entertainment or Yaguang Media, which one do you like?"

"What?" Ning Xingzhou was baffled by Qi Yuan's sudden question, and didn't react for a while.

Qi Yuan thought he didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it patiently, "Emperor Entertainment or Yaguang Media, which one do you like?"

Ning Xingzhou blinked, struggling to search for information about these two companies in his mind. Fortunately, in the past two days, in order to understand Qi Yuan better, he has made up a lot of things related to film and television. Neither company knew anything.

Emperor Tianhuang and Yaguang are the two leaders in the film and television industry. As a layman, Ning Xingzhou can't judge who is stronger, but if he wants to choose which one he likes, he can still choose.

"If I had to choose one, I would definitely choose Yaguang. I heard that Emperor Entertainment always likes to buy that kind of controversial IP adaptation, in order to stir up the popularity. Compared with it, I feel that Yaguang is much more low-key."

Ning Xingzhou didn't have any scruples, and just talked about his intuitive impressions of these two companies. After speaking, he felt that he seemed to be a bit ignorant and pretended to understand, so he quickly added: "Well, I'm just a layman, just talk about it. , if it is completely different from the actual situation, brother must not be offended..."

"It's okay, as long as you like it." Qi Yuan chuckled, his eyes filled with tenderness that he didn't even realize.

The next home has been chosen, and next, it's time to fight back.

The author has something to say: There should be no more game scenes in the future, I shouldn't have added this game setting in the first place!