The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me

Chapter 61: The last days (seven)


Early the next morning, Ning Xingzhou was awakened by the roaring outside. Compared to wandering aimlessly at night, the zombies are obviously much more aggressive during the day.

The conditions in the supermarket were relatively poor, and they had to use limited mineral water to wash their hands. For this, Ning Xingzhou felt deeply pained. He secretly made up his mind that when he moved his position next time, he must find a place with plenty of water.

Hmm... It would be better to have two beds, one for him and Li Yuan.

Such thoughts flashed by, and Ning Xingzhou himself felt that it was not realistic. In the current situation, everyone is in danger, even survival is a problem, he is thinking about the comfort of life, it is a bit taken for granted.

He shook his head, while doing stretching exercises to relax his body that had been stiff all night, while chatting with Li Yuan.

The other party's reply was not positive, and he only made occasional remarks. Most of the time, he stood straight in front of the window, staring out the window, as if he was remembering something.

After exercising, Ning Xingzhou sat in front of the cash register and looked at the other party with his chin propped up.

The morning sun was just right, and it slanted in through the window, making Li Yuan's already outstanding facial features even more profound. He has a tall figure and a very cold temperament. Standing there casually, he has the air of a top male model field.

Ning Xingzhou has to admit that Li Yuan's appearance is really handsome, especially his side face, he is simply invincible, but because his aura is too intimidating, people always ignore this point.

But after last night, Ning Xingzhou could no longer feel any fear towards Li Yuan. It's strange to say that Li Yuan Mingming is a college student, and he doesn't know what he has experienced to have such a unique temperament.

"Brother Yuan, did you agree to show me yesterday? What are you going to visit?" Ning Xingzhou stared at the other party for a while, remembering what Li Yuan said before the break yesterday, and asked curiously.

Bringing up the topic of visiting again, Li Yuan turned sideways and looked at Ning Xingzhou who looked expectant, hesitating for a moment. The visit he referred to at the beginning was of course not a good thing. Without his intervention, a lot of things could happen in one night.

For example, those guys who ran away with Shan Xiao may have turned into a group of zombies now. He originally wanted to take Ning Xingzhou to visit those "old friends", to give Ning Xingzhou enough visual impact, and to expose his hypocrisy.

But now, he regretted it.

After a day of precipitation, the anger and impulsiveness of the re-start has been much weaker. In the second half of the night, he didn't close his eyes at all, just stood there, looking at Ning Xingzhou's sleeping face, thinking a lot.

He was thinking, what kind of mood did Ning Xingzhou betray him time and time again? Obviously... Ning Xingzhou in his first memory was very beautiful, at least before the end of the world, he was as cute as now, which made him secretly like him for so long.

Only after the end of the world, when human nature is weak, Ning Xingzhou will become what he was later. Perhaps in Ning Xingzhou's eyes, the countless times of sharing life and death together, giving up his life to save others, is just a synonym for suffering in Ning Xingzhou's eyes

Because they are not strong enough, they are always hungry and covered in mud, so they wander on the edge of life and death again and again. Even survival is a problem, so how can we talk about feelings

"Hey~" Ning Xingzhou saw that Li Yuan didn't speak for a while, and walked up to him, waving his hands in front of his eyes, "Really, just pay me a little attention."

Li Yuan came back to his senses all of a sudden, looking at Shangning Xingzhou's eyes full of expectations, his complex thoughts converged in his heart, and instead he asked half-jokingly: "Why do you feel that you accept the existence of zombies so well?"

He does not mean that.

Ning Xingzhou suddenly felt like the air was frozen, and the alarm bell in his heart rang loudly. He explained embarrassingly: "No, actually, I was very scared and hard to accept in my heart, but I just didn't show it..."

He was so nervous that his whole body tensed up, afraid that Li Yuan would find out that something was wrong.

Even if normal people experience a siege by zombies, they will not think about the end of the world at all. After escaping, they should be particularly active in confirming the situation of the outside world. But because he knew the plot in advance and had a clear understanding of the environment he was in, he never counted on outside support at all, but because of this, he seemed very abnormal.

Ning Xingzhou was calm on the surface, but he was a villain in his heart, secretly hating himself for not using his brain.

He paused for a moment, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, showing a sweet smile, "And with Brother Yuan by my side, I feel more at ease in my heart. If I was alone, I might have gone crazy long ago..."

Facts have proved that proper flattering is still useful, at least for Li Yuan, it is quite useful.

Li Yuan looked at the other party's contagious smile, and the last hesitation in his heart was wiped away. He smiled lightly, with a rare gentle voice, "Let's go, I'll take you to some interesting places."

The so-called apocalypse refers to a kind of environmental mutation, but it is not only human beings who have mutated in this situation.

All kinds of birds and beasts, plants and flowers have also undergone some unimaginable changes. He is going to take Ning Xingzhou to see these changes, which should be quite interesting.

Ning Xingzhou responded cheerfully, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li Yuan didn't continue to ask, otherwise he really didn't know how to explain. But after this time, he seemed to find that Li Yuan seemed aloof, but in fact, like thousands of people, he liked to listen to good things.

Hehe, this is quite good, now he knows how to get along with Li Yuan in the countless days to come...

"Uh... Are we being too ostentatious?" Ning Xingzhou never expected that Li Yuan's style of going out with him would be so vigorous.

The other party had no intention of bringing equipment at all, and the only weapons, food and water he brought consciously. He didn't hide at all, and he didn't run desperately. It was like playing a game. He moved forward unhurriedly, and killed the zombies when he encountered them.

He had to admit that Li Yuan's fighting power was higher than he had imagined. The opponent's movements were crisp and neat, and he was always killed by one blow. The level of proficiency was as if he had done it thousands of times.

The absurdity of killing zombies like chopping vegetables made Ning Xingzhou doubt whether Li Yuan's fighting power was too strong or these zombies were too fake.

No wonder the system warned him not to rely too much on the known plot, Li Yuan's combat power value alone did not match the initial combat power in the original plot at all!

Hearing Ning Xingzhou's complaints, Li Yuan didn't think there was anything wrong with swaggering, but he felt a little unreal in his heart. With his strength maintained at the peak state, dealing with these low-level zombies that have not yet evolved is completely like a full-level boss coming to Novice Village to completely reduce dimensionality.

This feeling of being a bug... not bad.

But considering Ning Xingzhou's participation, he deliberately pretended to be a little tired, "It's really better to keep a low profile, it's a bit too exhausting."

When Ning Xingzhou saw this posture, he immediately felt that it was time for him to perform, and when he was with Li Yuan in the future, he might not follow Li Yuan too much, and he had to be in charge of IQ.

"I'm here to help too, please take your time." He straightened his face, and swung down with a stick at the oncoming zombie. The zombie seemed to have been knocked into a circle by him. After a moment's pause, he followed suit. I froze for a moment.

In the next second, the zombie opened its mouth wide again and rushed towards it. Ning Xingzhou was startled, and he swung his stick and smashed it wildly. He knocked down the zombie in front of him, and the next one followed. And up.

Reluctantly using the newly learned hypnotic ability to tie the two, more zombies flooded up, and the speed of eliminating zombies could not keep up with the newly added speed. Ning Xingzhou really felt the horror of the wheel tactics. Without Li Yuan's timely support, even if he had supernatural powers, he would inevitably be submerged in the tide of zombies.

This is also the essential reason why he opposes high-profile travel.

Fortunately, Li Yuan was strong enough to quickly kill the zombies that threatened Ning Xingzhou, then grabbed Ning Xingzhou's waist, took the stick in his hand, and walked straight from the last zombie's wide open The eyes go in and run through the back of the head.

"The key point of a zombie is the brain. A stick is not sharp. It would be a waste of time to attack the skull with it. It would be easier to pick some soft places or attack the back of the head directly." How to kill zombies.

"Thank... Thank you." Ning Xingzhou was dumbfounded, it was obviously the same stick, and it seemed that it was not the same thing in his hand and Li Yuan's.

But when the stick was pulled out from the zombie's head, red and white things were mixed together, Ning Xingzhou's expression changed suddenly, and he felt nauseated.

Seeing his pale face, Li Yuan threw away the stick stained with brains without thinking, and said, "This is not suitable for you, I will find you a convenient weapon later."

After finishing speaking, he led Ning Xingzhou to break out quickly without further delay, and picked a relatively good car on the road.

The end of the world is approaching, and the roads no longer have the original order. Most of the roads are damaged vehicles, stained with blood everywhere, and there are a few relatively intact vehicles. It should be that the owners abandoned their cars and fled in times of crisis. I don’t know if they escaped in the end.

"Let me drive...Brother Yuan just fought for so long, let's take a break." Finally, it came in handy, and Ning Xingzhou took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat.

"Okay." Sensing Ning Xingzhou's careful thinking, Li Yuan simply agreed. He sat in the co-pilot and was in charge of guiding the way. "Follow this road all the way west..."

After the car drove for a while, Li Yuan looked at the junior zombies outside the car who were not moving very quickly, and said, seemingly unintentionally, "When did you awaken your abilities?"

Ning Xingzhou's hand trembled, and he almost lost control of the steering wheel. Although he only used it for a while, he did use it. The key point is that even if he used the ability, it did not change the situation of the battle at all.

Fortunately, he had thought about using supernatural powers to save Bo Liyuan at a critical moment, but the actual operation was really different from what he imagined. It's fine that the matter of awakening the ability was exposed so early, and it was exposed in the form of this kind of dish.

How embarrassing!

Ning Xingzhou felt extremely ashamed, his face flushed red, and even his ears were stained pink. He was not good at lying, so he could only bite the bullet and admit, "I just woke up last night, but I'm still pretty good now."

Let Li Yuan have nothing to say if he admits to himself first!

"Spiritual abilities?" Li Yuan asked.

"Well... now I can only control two zombies." Ning Xingzhou didn't hide it, and was even a little frustrated because of the huge gap in ability. "I will work hard and strive to become stronger as soon as possible, so I can help."

"It's okay, it's already great." Li Yuan glanced at Ning Xingzhou's reddened ears, a smile appeared in his eyes, and comforted him in a low voice: "This ability is more suitable for hiding in the dark, not suitable for today's battle. style, in the future you will have more chances to express yourself.”

"Hey, you think so too." Ning Xingzhou smiled a little silly, only feeling that Li Yuan's words touched his heart. Before, he always felt that Li Yuan was very talkative and cold, but he was obviously very warm.

Seeing him smiling happily, Li Yuan's mood involuntarily improved. There were occasional zombies passing by outside the window, and Ning Xingzhou's nervousness could be seen with the naked eye, but when he narrowly escaped, the smug look on his brows couldn't be hidden either.

so cute.

Li Yuan stared intently at Ning Xingzhou who was close at hand, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion for a moment. He wasn't even sure if he was really reborn, or if it was just an illusory dream, because...

Ning Xingzhou in his previous life had no supernatural powers.

The author has something to say: I am very thick and long in every chapter now (∩_∩)