The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me

Chapter 62: The end of the world (eight)


Ning Xingzhou's driving skills are not bad. Although he encountered many zombies trying to attack along the way, they were all avoided or directly knocked away by him. However, as time went by, Ning Xingzhou had a feeling that the zombies they encountered The strength of the zombies seems to be gradually getting stronger.

For example, now, there is a zombie with twisted limbs behind them, chasing their car? There are many obstacles on the road. Ning Xingzhou didn't dare to drive too fast, but he still has a speed of at least 60 mph. How could the zombie behind him catch up? This is too outrageous, right

"That zombie in the back is so annoying, it has been following us, and it can't be shaken off." Ning Xingzhou glanced at the zombie chasing after him through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help complaining.

He didn't know why, that zombie was so obsessed with them, it stands to reason that blood should be the only thing that can make a zombie so crazy, but neither he nor Li Yuan was injured. Could it be... that zombie is the owner of the car they were driving

Li Yuan obviously also noticed the zombie behind. Unlike Ning Xingzhou, he vaguely guessed the purpose of that zombie, which made him a little displeased, and even said in a cold voice, "Stop the car."

"Ah?" Ning Xingzhou was bewildered, not understanding why Li Yuan stopped suddenly, thinking of what he had said casually earlier, Ning Xingzhou had a ridiculous guess, "Brother don't think you want to stop How about dealing with that zombie?"

"En." Li Yuan responded lightly, with a calm expression, as if he was discussing the weather today.

For some reason, Ning Xingzhou felt a little warm in his heart. After all, a certain guy wanted to find a place because of his casual complaint, and he acted like it was a matter of course.

"I know Brother Yuan is very powerful, but that zombie doesn't look easy to deal with, and I don't know what will happen later, or... should I save some energy first?"

Ning Xingzhou knew very well that a zombie that could catch up to the speed of a car must be difficult to deal with. Li Yuan is very powerful, but after all, he was unarmed, so he was not at ease, "I just complained casually, not because I was afraid of it, Let's observe and see, maybe it's just on the way."

This made him feel a little guilty in his heart, after all, the posture of the zombie was chasing them no matter what.

Ning Xingzhou's worry was written all over his face, Li Yuan looked at his nervous and guilty appearance, and unconsciously smiled, "Trust me."

Li Yuan's voice was very low, but the three simple words had an irresistible persuasive force. Ning Xingzhou hesitated for a moment, but finally got cruel and stepped on the brakes.

After Li Yuan said that, he really had no reason to continue to refuse. At worst, let's fight together with Li Yuan, no matter how powerful the zombie in the back is, there will only be one, and his hypnotic ability may come in handy.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Li Yuan opened the car door and rolled over, the zombies behind were galloping towards him without any intention of slowing down, Ning Xingzhou looked very nervous, and couldn't help but exhorted: " careful. "

"En." Li Yuan responded, briefly stretched his muscles and bones, and his eyes fell on the zombie who didn't know what to do, his eyes were full of cruelty.

As the earliest evolved zombie, it is not a loss to die in his hands.

As if aware of Li Yuan's provocation, the zombie roared angrily, the carrion on its face trembled due to the high-speed movement, its speed was too fast, from a hundred meters away to close at hand, but in an instant.

With a cold face, Li Yuan staggered a step when the zombie approached him, exerted force with his right hand, forcibly reversed the zombie's forward force, and smashed the zombie's head into the ground.

The ground was smashed into a big hole, and the hole was soon filled with viscous blood. The zombie only had time to twitch a few times before it stopped moving.

Ning Xingzhou finally noticed something was wrong.

Although he thought that Li Yuan's combat power was high before, he only stayed on the cognition of the opponent's quick and precise movements. Now he vaguely realized how terrifying Li Yuan's physical fitness had reached.

In contact with such a high-speed moving object, no matter how strong a person is, they should be knocked back or sent flying, and the bones should not be able to bear it, but Li Yuan forcibly withstood the high-speed impact without retreating a single step. And smashed the zombies into the ground!

What a terrible physical quality this must be.

Ning Xingzhou imagined that if he were replaced by that tough zombie... he would be directly knocked into the air, and his arms would be broken, right

But Li Yuan won so easily.

Could it be that... Li Yuan has awakened a power like body strengthening

Ning Xingzhou blinked, remembering that in the original plot, it was indeed mentioned that Li Yuan's physical fitness was better than ordinary people, but he was only slightly stronger than ordinary people, and it was very difficult to survive in the early days of the end of the world.

Hmm... stronger, tough.

Thinking of the combat power Li Yuan showed just now, Ning Xingzhou swallowed, feeling even more absurd in his heart. Sure enough, the original plot has no credibility.

After Li Yuan put the zombie down, he didn't rush to get into the car, but bent down, reached out his hand to dig inside the bloody head, and found a bloody crystal.

After wiping off the blood stains, it turned out to be a transparent crystal, the size of a fingernail, with a little light green in the middle, which was radial.

Ning Xingzhou, who had been watching his movements the whole time, couldn't help but wrinkled his face, feeling nauseous for a while. Although he knew in his heart that in such an environment as the end of the world, he should adapt to such a scene earlier, but he really couldn't control his physical reaction.

The thing Li Yuan took out should be the evolution crystal produced by the mutation of the zombie, which contains the mutant energy, and the supernatural person can use this thing to improve his strength.

Logically speaking, this is a rare and good thing in the early days of the end of the world, but when he thought of the source of this thing, Ning Xingzhou's scalp tingled and he felt disgusted.

Noticing that Ning Xingzhou's face turned pale, Li Yuan hesitated for a moment, and threw the crystal in his hand towards the place where the zombies gathered. In an instant, those zombies became crazy and attacked each other like crazy. To compete for that crystal.

This is the instinct of zombies to seek evolution.

The zombie had been chasing them just now, also for the purpose of evolution. For the mutated zombies, the flesh and blood of the supernatural beings is the best supplement.

Ning Xingzhou silently took out a bottle of mineral water to wash Li Yuan's hands. Compared with the loss of drinking water, he couldn't accept Li Yuan sitting next to him covered in blood.

Li Yuanzai rinsed it carefully, thinking that it would be better to avoid Ning Xingzhou next time he did this kind of thing.

After getting in the car, Ning Xingzhou followed Li Yuan's instructions and continued to drive forward. After a while, Ning Xingzhou finally couldn't help asking: "What is that thing that just got out of the zombie's... er... head? Why throw it to other zombies?"

In fact, he knew it well, but it was normal not to know about this kind of thing, and he didn't want to make the same mistake as before.

"The crystals produced after the evolution of zombies can be used by supernatural beings to improve their strength." Li Yuan did not hide anything, and patiently answered Ning Xingzhou's doubts, "Evolution crystals are also effective for zombies. Throwing them into a group of zombies can speed up the process." their evolution."

He paused, his gaze fell on Ning Xingzhou, with a hidden smile in his eyes, "I wanted to give you that crystal, but that zombie just evolved, and the energy of the evolution crystal is relatively thin, so I changed my mind temporarily."

After this group of zombies develops for a while, it will not be too late for him to come to fetch higher-level energy crystals and give them to Ning Xingzhou.

"Eh? For me?" Ning Xingzhou was stunned. Li Yuan's tone didn't look like he was joking, which moved him but was also a little confused. He hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively, "Thank you, Brother Yuan." You can think of me, but isn’t Brother Yuan himself a supernatural being? You should need it too, right?”

"These are of little use to me." Li Yuan responded without explaining too much.

In his previous life, he evolved into a zombie king, and his energy intensity was far beyond that of these preliminary evolved zombies. Although he didn't know why he retained his original combat power, what was certain was that those zombies would have to evolve for at least a few more decades if they wanted to benefit his current strength.

Ning Xingzhou couldn't understand Li Yuan's words, but Li Yuan didn't mean to explain, so he didn't ask any more questions, and instead asked a question that he was particularly curious about, "What is Brother Yuan's ability? Is it body strengthening? "

"Well... almost."

Physical strengthening is indeed his ability, and it was also the basis for him to evolve into the zombie king, but now, this ability is only one of his abilities.

And the other ability seems to be... more powerful.

If Ning Xingzhou was staring at Li Yuan at this moment, he would have noticed a cluster of black flames burning in the other's eyes, but he was concentrating on driving and didn't notice it.

"Wow, it's really physical enhancement." The guess in his heart was confirmed, but Ning Xingzhou still felt incredible, "Brother Yuan's ability has just been awakened? It feels ridiculously strong, and I am not at all equal to him." Quantitative."

"It's been a while." Li Yuan smiled, feeling Ning Xingzhou's anxiety about his own strength, and comforted him: "Your ability is very special, practice more in the future, and absorb some evolutionary crystals, you will soon catch up. on mine."

"Hey, I'll work hard~" Li Yuan's consolation didn't really have any technical content, but it was quite applicable to Ning Xingzhou. He secretly made up his mind that he must train hard and improve his strength as soon as possible, at least not to be left too far behind by Li Yuan. .

When the time is right, absorb more evolutionary crystals to increase the strength of your abilities.

Um? etc!

Evolution crystals... The survivors at this stage probably don't know the function of these things.

He knew the plot in advance because of the system, but... what about Li Yuan

Ning Xingzhou felt a chill run down his spine, belatedly realizing a serious problem.

Li Yuan... why is he so clear about these things

The author has something to say: Ah, my writing is getting more and more routine now, and I am desperate_(:з」∠)_

I want to try to participate in the daily million activities in May, which is every weekend, so I will save more manuscripts in these two weeks^o^