The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me

Chapter 63: The end of the world (9)


Once the idea of doubt is initiated, it will ferment endlessly. Thinking about Li Yuan's previous actions, Ning Xingzhou became more and more panicked.

The abnormal calmness and calmness when facing zombies, the familiarity with supernatural powers and energy crystals... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like something that can be mastered at the beginning of the end of the world.

Could it be that... Li Yuan, like himself, knew the plot of the end of the world in advance? Or is the plot I know too unreliable, and now it is not the pre-apocalyptic period at all

Ning Xingzhou was extremely curious. Thinking of Li Yuan's friendly attitude recently, he boldly asked: "Brother Yuan, how did you know the function of that crystal?"

When the question was raised, Ning Xingzhou became nervous, and he didn't know what answer he was expecting. Because in either case, it seems that it is not conducive to him to complete the task.

Li Yuan sensed Ning Xingzhou's suspicion, he turned his gaze away, and replied calmly: "Oh, I had such an impression in my mind the moment I got the crystal, it may be some kind of mutation produced after possessing supernatural powers."

Regarding his rebirth, he himself could not be 100% sure, so it was naturally impossible to tell others.

"Ah? Is that so—" Ning Xingzhou was stunned for a moment, unable to tell what he felt in his heart. He felt that it was absurd but also quite reasonable. He never expected that he would get such an answer.

Li Yuan clearly answered his question, but the confusion in his heart was still difficult to dispel.

"Turn right at the intersection ahead, we are almost there, there is fog, be careful." Li Yuan reminded.

Ning Xingzhou drove in the direction pointed by Li Yuan, the scene in front of him left him no time to think about it.

After turning right, there is gradually no clear road, but an unrepaired wild road, surrounded by fog and visibility is not high.

Ning Xingzhou slowed down, and the more they walked in, the more they felt as if they had entered a wild jungle, where all kinds of trees grew luxuriantly, and the territory was extremely wide. He couldn't help being a little puzzled. Is there really such a place around the original city

The fog thickened.

Different from the usual white mist, the mist here is gradually showing a bit of red, which is really weird.

Ning Xingzhou was a little scared, the speed of the car slowed down to a slow speed, and moved forward little by little.

"Brother Yuan... Are we really going the right way?" Ning Xingzhou swallowed his saliva as the red mist became darker and darker, and asked guiltily.

Thanks to Li Yuan sitting beside him, it made him feel more at ease, otherwise he would have turned around and fled away.

"Well, it's here." Li Yuan saw that he was so nervous, he couldn't help teasing him, "The car should stop here, let's get off."

"Ah? Oh..." Ning Xingzhou stopped the car, reluctantly moved out of the car, and followed Li Yuan's footsteps step by step, but still felt that it was not enough, "Brother Yuan...can I hold you?"

Ning Xingzhou was a little embarrassed, but the situation did not allow his self-esteem to flood.

Li Yuan glanced at him with some amusement, took his hand directly, and walked slowly towards the depths of the jungle.

This is not the first time that Li Yuan held his hand, Ning Xingzhou still felt a little cramped, but compared to the embarrassment and fear when holding hands for the first time, Ning Xingzhou felt more at ease this time.

The red mist thickened visibly with the naked eye. Ning Xingzhou took a visual inspection and could only see a distance of two or three meters. As he went deeper, Ning Xingzhou found that the shapes of the surrounding plants became more and more weird. Some flowers were inconceivably huge, and some fruits were in rare shapes. It was difficult to identify what they were.

Vaguely, Ning Xingzhou could even hear some strange sounds, like a child crying, coming from afar.

"Brother Yuan, did you hear any sound?" Ning Xingzhou paused slightly, fear written all over his face.

Li Yuanming knew what was going on, but pretended not to know, closed his eyes and pretended to listen for a while, then shook his head, "No, don't be too nervous, it's easy to have auditory hallucinations."

"Really?" When Li Yuan said this, Ning Xingzhou became even more nervous. He immediately thought of the horror scenes in countless film and television works. Every time he encountered such a situation that only one person could hear or see , basically something is going to happen.

He was so panicked that he instinctively moved closer to Li Yuan, almost wrapping Li Yuan's entire arm in his arms, "Brother Yuan, you won't disappear suddenly, will you?"

Noticing Ning Xingzhou's small movements, Li Yuan unconsciously evoked a smile, and said softly, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

There are many mutated plants in this forest, headed by a mutated manjusahwa in the middle of the forest, and constantly evolving with the blood of other creatures.

When he grew up as the zombie king in his previous life, the jungle expanded to an unimaginable extent, far larger than all the human survivor bases combined. No one has seen the real appearance of the manjusawa, because everything Anyone who entered the hinterland of this jungle died.

This jungle has been listed as a forbidden area by human hunters. For a long time, they only dared to explore on the edge. As the zombie king, he is the only one who can come out alive after entering. Back then, the human lord spared no effort to encircle and suppress him. The core purpose was to explore the secrets of the forbidden area.

Back then, the manjusawa plant could use the mist to kill intruders in the illusion, and it was easy to create all kinds of terrifying illusions, but now, the manjusawa plant obviously does not have this ability.

At present, the blood mist has no real effect except to confuse the line of sight.

Originally, he wanted to find out the guy who was hiding his head and showing his tail, but Ning Xingzhou's behavior of throwing himself into his arms was very useful to him, and he didn't mind getting lost for a while.

But he can wait, some guys can't.

"My God, what is that?" Ning Xingzhou noticed something wriggling on the ground with sharp eyes. At first, he thought it was a caterpillar, but when he got closer, he realized that it was countless thin and long vines. quietly approached them.

"Why... why do the vines move..." Ning Xingzhou pulled Li Yuan's arm tightly, the hairs all over his body stood on end, his voice trembling.

Even though he was terribly scared, he still tried to control these vines with his abilities, but he didn't know whether it was because the vines themselves were not spiritual or because there were too many of them, he couldn't control them at all.

"Don't be afraid." Li Yuan patted Ning Xingzhou, and the corner of his mouth smiled even more, "You are holding on too tightly, I can't handle it."

It was only then that Ning Xingzhou realized that his entire body was hanging on Li Yuan's body, wrapping him so tightly that only one hand could barely move.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ning Xingzhou let go reflexively, apologizing persistently.

"It's okay, after I finish it, you can hug it as you like." Li Yuan chuckled lightly, his tone full of teasing meaning.

This is the first time Ning Xingzhou saw such an emotional expression on Li Yuan's face, but at this tense moment, probably because he trusted Li Yuan's strength too much, the panic faded a lot, but because Li Yuan Feeling very ashamed.

Li Yuan was in a good mood, but he was completely rude when he started. He directly stepped on the vines and tore off one after another with his hands.

Gradually, those vines that were not moving fast really stopped growing.

Seeing this, Ning Xingzhou realized that he had made a big fuss just now, these vines were not as powerful as he imagined! Fortunately, he thought that these vines would be the kind that were particularly strong and would grow endlessly, and then tied him and Li Yuan into a rice dumpling.

However, it seems that there is no infinite growth, and it is very fragile.

Ning Xingzhou stepped forward, trying to pull a vine to test its toughness, but was stopped by Li Yuan.

He was a little puzzled, but he was attracted by the sudden childish voice.

"Wow Kaka! Stupid x, dare to touch Lao Tzu's vines directly with your hands! Lao Tzu's poison is the best in the world, and you will have to burp in less than two minutes, let you pretend to be x hahahaha!"

It was probably determined that the strong enemy had gone, and the red mist gradually dispersed, revealing a large group of manjusawa flowers. In the middle, there was a giant manjusawa flower half a person's height standing in it, with swaying branches, like a victorious general.

There is no doubt that the naive but extremely vulgar child's voice just now came from this flower.

It shook its slender waist and was extremely arrogant. Not long after it awakened, it sensed the attack of a strong enemy. Fortunately, it was so cautious, and even made plans to hide and run if it couldn't do it, but it didn't expect the opponent to be so mentally retarded.

Its rattan itself is not strong enough, but there are countless spikes on it, and its poison is horribly poisonous. Some people are stupid enough to grab it with their hands.

After solving the difficult ones, it will naturally dare to show up to provoke it openly. As for the other vegetable chicken, it didn't care at all.

"Poison?" Ning Xingzhou was shocked that Hua could speak human words, but what made him more concerned was the poison that Hua said.

He quickly took Li Yuan's hand, looked left and right, but didn't see any wounds or abnormal colors.

Li Yuan patted his hand and gave him a reassuring look. For some reason, Ning Xingzhou suddenly became less panicked.

"Hahahaha! Play x again, now there are blood holes all over your hands, hahahaha! You can't move anymore!"

Ning Xingzhou looked at the opponent's palm without any scars, and fell into a bewildered silence.

"Oh, don't pretend to be calm anymore, it's time to cry and howl~ Oh, there is no time! Let's count down to death together!"

Ning Xingzhou and Li Yuan looked at each other, only the flower was cheering on itself.

"10, 9, 8, ... 3, 2, 1! Plop~"

Li Yuan stood there firmly, motionless.

"... Oops, it's normal to have a time error once in a while~ cough cough, do it again... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Plop~"

One second passed, two seconds passed, one minute passed, two minutes passed, five minutes passed...

Li Yuan was still standing there.

The air fell into a strange silence, and Ning Xingzhou felt embarrassed for it.

No matter how you look at it, this flower doesn't look very smart. He was really bluffed just now, and he lost face. Thinking about it carefully, Li Yuan took the initiative to bring him to this place, if he was not sure, why would he come here specially.

Li Yuan said to take him to some interesting places to see, among other things, just this mutated plant with no IQ is interesting enough.

The countdown was repeated countless times, Li Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, and turned his palm to the direction of the flower.

Only then did the flower come to its senses, its branches trembled in shock, and it yelled: "Ah! How is it possible! How could it be possible that you were not poisoned!"

Its spikes are clearly sharp enough, how can human skin resist it? How is this possible

Li Yuan sneered, he had fought with this Manjusawa plant many times, and even the spikes of the ultimate Manjusawa could not pierce his skin.

Later, the other party learned to be smart and incorporated the toxin into the air. He accidentally fell for the trick. Fortunately, his own poison resistance was abnormal enough, so he did not become the other party's nutrient.

But the little guy in front of him who has just begun to evolve is still far away.

Probably feeling the oppression brought by Li Yuan, the flower panicked, closed its petals, tried to summon the red mist again, and escaped while taking advantage of the chaos.

However, Li Yuan didn't give it this chance, he strode forward directly and pulled the opponent up by the roots.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts! Ah—" the Manjusawa plant screamed exaggeratedly, and the sharp sound was like a baby crying. After the thick rhizome was completely pulled out of the soil, the screaming stopped abruptly, and the whole flower fell crookedly, as if it had lost its life.

"Why doesn't it move?" Ning Xingzhou leaned forward and observed this overly huge manjusawa. Its petals were still red and bewitching, but they were wilted and lacked energy.

Is it because of being separated from the soil and dying

Such an absurd idea was born in his mind, and Ning Xingzhou himself felt that it was unscientific. This is a mutant species, the vitality is not so fragile, even if it is an ordinary plant, it is impossible to die immediately, right

Thinking of the arrogance of this flower before, Ning Xingzhou hesitated for a moment, and an even more absurd conjecture was born, "Could it be... pretending to be dead?"

The flower trembled violently, and then regained its corpse-like calm.

Ning Xingzhou: "..."

Li Yuan laughed, his eyes fell on Ning Xingzhou, and he teased, "It's rare for you to be smart."

"What, I've always been very witty." Ning Xingzhou retorted reflexively, but when he recalled his performance during this period, it seemed that there was really no element of wit. He touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, trying to win respect: "Hey, Brother Yuan will find out later."

"I hope so." Li Yuan gave him a meaningful look, and the smile in his eyes did not diminish.

His attitude towards Ning Xingzhou was pleasant enough, but when facing that flower, he was not so friendly.

"Don't pretend, just this acting, who are you fooling?" Li Yuan sarcastically shook the giant manjushahua in his hand.

Manzhushahua refused to face the reality and continued to play dead.

Seeing this, Li Yuan had a faint black light in his eyes, and said coldly: "If you keep pretending, I don't mind giving you a ride so that you can die thoroughly. Of course, if you are willing to cooperate well, I will spare your life." .”

The leaves of the Manjusawa plant trembled, and finally stood up unsteadily. In its heart, it doubted whether Li Yuan could completely destroy itself. After all, so far, all the human beings have shown are purely violent means. , with its regenerative ability, it seems not to be feared.

However, this guy's aura is too strong, and there is no guarantee that there will be no inhumane methods. If you are as cautious as him, you must be careful.

"Cough cough, tell me, what do you want to do?" Manzhu Shahua waved the slender petals slowly, obviously with a childish voice, but deliberately put on an old-fashioned tone.

Ning Xingzhou wanted to laugh. This flower looked ferocious, but it seemed to have the IQ of a child.

"We will live here in the short term. During this period, we will not interfere with each other. You need to ensure that the mutated plants in the territory will not attack us. In addition, the materials looted from the intruders will also belong to us."

Li Yuan explained the request calmly.

Ning Xingzhou was listening, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, his focus was not on whether Li Yuan's conditions were reasonable, but on the almost instinctive "we" of the other party.

Although the contact time is not too long, Li Yuan seems to treat him seriously as one of his own.

This discovery made Ning Xingzhou so excited that he couldn't recognize himself for a moment. Fortunately, he checked the progress of Li Yuan's probation value, and gave him a shot of sobriety at zero.

"Okay... okay, I will save face for you." Anyway, it doesn't need those human supplies.

Manzhushahua agreed with his mouth, but his abacus was crackling in his heart. For the time being, he pretended to compromise and coexist peacefully with these two people. After he fully absorbed the nutrients and evolved again, he would use these two people as nourishment!

I don't know if he saw the twists and turns of this manjusawa, but Li Yuan smiled inexplicably, and said slowly: "The second requirement, I want you to regularly pay high-quality evolutionary crystals."

"!!!" Manzhushahua trembled in shock, stretched out a slender petal in disbelief, and pointed at Li Yuan tremblingly: "You you you! You are dreaming!"

It never expected that this human being would push his nose to his face like this, opening his mouth to demand the energy he had accumulated for a long time, and regularly? Dare to open such a lion, where does the confidence come from

It struggled crazily, trying to break free from Li Yuan's grasp, the surrounding red mist once again filled the air, and the nearby plants gathered crazily, with such a large number that they seemed to be drowned in it.

Go to hell with peaceful coexistence, it will never die with this nasty guy!

"Oh, it seems that you know what I want, that's good, you don't need to waste time explaining." Li Yuan smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, it only made people feel cold all over.

He let go of the hand that restrained Manzhushahua, flicked his fingertips, and several small flames spread with lightning speed, but in an instant, the black flames engulfed everything recklessly, sweeping across the sky with monstrous momentum. the whole jungle.

He had no intention of negotiating peacefully. He came here as an aggressor.

The manjusawa plant screamed crazily, and the terrifying black flames instantly eroded nearly half of the manjusawa flowers. As the king of flowers, it only touched a little bit, and the roots, which were always indestructible, were scorched black.

What is even more frightening is that this flame cannot be extinguished at all.

As soon as the water called from the lake came into contact with the black flame, it immediately evaporated. It used the surrounding trees to turn up a large piece of soil, but it still couldn't weaken the fire. Moreover, under this level of flame suppression, its regenerative ability cannot function at all.

It kept screaming, its shrill voice full of fear. It finally understands now that this human being was not joking when he said that he wanted to let him die thoroughly.

This guy really has the ability to kill it!

The terrifying black flames filled the air, and Ning Xingzhou was in a trance for a while. Some pictures appeared in his mind, and he had a strong feeling of déjà vu, but he couldn't remember anything.

Li Yuan stood calmly in the center of the black flame, with flames rising from his eyes, he manipulated the black flame to devour everything, like an abyss demon, judging the world.

This was the first time Ning Xingzhou had seen Li Yuan use this kind of flame ability, but strangely, he was not frightened.

The black flames formed a circle around him. Inside the circle, he couldn't feel the terrifying high temperature outside at all. Even seeing these small jumping flames, he actually felt a little kindness, which was incredible.

Manzhushahua's screams were endless, Ning Xingzhou couldn't bear it, he tugged Li Yuan's arm, and asked in a low voice: "Brother really want to kill it, right?"

In fact, up to now, Ning Xingzhou has almost guessed Li Yuan's purpose. If he wants the other party to provide evolution crystals regularly, he should just want to accept the other party as his younger brother or something? But according to the ferocity of this flame, if you don't stop, that little flower will really die!

Li Yuan patted Ning Xingzhou's hand reassuringly, and gave him a reassuring look.

He raised his hand and lightly tapped the void with his fingertips, and the flame of claws and claws instantly died down and dissipated into nothing.

Putting away the flames, he walked slowly in front of the scorched Manjusawa plant, knelt down, and asked slowly, "How are you thinking now?"

I have to admit that he was really ruthless just now. After all, they were old enemies who had disliked each other for a long time, but they couldn't kill each other. Now the gap in strength is too wide, and it is inevitable that they are not accurate enough.

"You!" Manzhu Shahua, who managed to save his life, was extremely tired and wanted to yell, but considering the disparity in combat power, the words changed when he spoke, "You can say whatever you say..."

Flame is the nemesis of plants, let alone this kind of flame that cannot be extinct.

Look at how its delicate skin has been bruised! Even if it has the ability to regenerate, it can't help but burn like this!

The instinct of survival tells it to admit it when it is time to admit it, wait for the time to come, and then fight a beautiful turnaround!

"It's quite sensible." Li Yuan stretched out his hand towards it.

Manzhushahua shrank back instinctively, and realized that the opponent was not trying to attack him, so he asked vigilantly, "Why?"

"A high-level evolutionary crystal." Li Yuan glanced at it lightly, and killed its sophistry in the cradle, "Don't tell me you don't have one now."

The evolutionary crystals of zombies grow in the brain, and if you want to take out the crystals, you must kill them first. But the plant variants are different, they can expel the crystals autonomously, and therefore, can be recycled.

"I, I, I..." Manzhushahua only felt that there was nothing to love in life. It didn't understand why human beings, who have always been incompetent, knew so clearly.

It is true that it can expel crystals, but that is all the energy it has worked so hard to accumulate. After handing it over, it has to start accumulating again, so unwilling!

"Hurry up." Li Yuan frowned slightly, revealing a little impatience.

There is no doubt that if it dares to refuse, it will definitely suffer again.

In desperation, Manzhushahua stretched out its branches tremblingly, forming a circle, moving slowly, like an old man in his twilight.

It deliberately slowed down, expecting something unexpected to happen, but to its disappointment, at this juncture, except for the big demon king in front of it, there were no creatures with sufficient strength to invade.

It can only condense energy with tears in it, the speed of energy accumulation is not controlled by it, and within a short while, it condenses into a tender green crystal.

The already weak Manjushahua became even weaker. It lay down on the ground, reluctantly handing the evolution crystal to Li Yuan.

Different from the nearly transparent crystal dug out from the mutant zombie's head, this crystal is pure green, but the color is lighter.

The energy strength of this crystal is not bad, and it is quite rare to have this concentration in the early days of the end of the world.

As for how much energy the other party left to guarantee the bottom line, he just turned a blind eye.

Li Yuan nodded, and handed the newly exploited evolution crystal to Ning Xingzhou, "Try to absorb it."

Ning Xingzhou froze, and pointed to himself in disbelief, "Is this...for me?"

He really didn't expect that Li Yuan put so much effort into threatening a mutant plant, it was for him

"Who do you think needs me more at this stage, you or me?" Seeing his shocked look, Li Yuan smiled.

"Uh..." Ning Xingzhou knew that his strength was not enough, but he gave him the evolution crystal so easily, Li Yuan really didn't treat him as an outsider.

But what Li Yuan said was right, since he and Li Yuan were on the same front, it would be impossible to hold back like this.

"Brother Yuan, I won't be polite." Ning Xingzhou didn't evade any more, took the evolution crystal from Li Yuan with a serious face, and secretly made up his mind that he must become stronger as soon as possible and become a decent help.

Holding the evolution crystal, Ning Xingzhou made the oath in his heart over and over again. As time went by, he found an embarrassing question, "This thing... how to use it?"

"Just eat it." Li Yuan said.

There are many ways to absorb energy crystals, the simplest and most efficient way is to eat them directly. It was precisely because of this that he moved to cut Hu Manzhu Shahua's mind. After all, compared with the crystals taken out of the zombie's brain, the energy crystals condensed from mutated plants are much cleaner.

He didn't care, but the former... Ning Xingzhou might find it hard to accept.

"Eat it directly?" Ning Xingzhou didn't doubt it, but was a little worried about his teeth. After eating such a hard thing, it must be crunchy.

He shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and threw the evolution crystal into his mouth.

It was completely different from the difficult chewing as imagined. It was obviously such a hard thing, but it melted in the mouth and turned into a cool liquid flowing into the throat.

What followed was an unspeakable sense of comfort.

The meridians of the whole body seemed to be opened up, the whole person became lighter, and the senses became more acute. Ning Xingzhou only felt extremely energetic. He roughly estimated that he could control at least ten zombies at the same time!

He looked at Li Yuan excitedly, joy was written all over his face.

"Can I go?" Manzhu Shahua watched helplessly as he made a wedding dress for someone else with his hard-earned energy, and his heart ached so badly that he just wanted to escape from this sad place as soon as possible.

"Wait, there is one last condition." Li Yuan said lightly.

"!!!" Manzhushahua was so shocked that the flowers and branches trembled, fearing that his hidden energy would be exposed, he shouted loudly: "No more! Really no more! I have been hollowed out!"

There is quite a taste of three hundred taels of silver here.

"Okay, don't be too nervous, the last condition is very simple for you." Li Yuan didn't intend to argue with it, but instead pulled Ning Xingzhou with a rare kindness, "See clearly, this is your future protection Object, when I'm not around, you are responsible for protecting him."

"Huh?" Manzhushahua felt that this condition was simply inexplicable, protection? I don't even look at what its skills are, and where it is suitable for protection.

And let it protect a guy who has just absorbed its energy, really appropriate!

For the first time, it seriously looked at the guy next to the big devil.

Also human, this white and clean guy looks much more normal. He doesn't have the terrifying aura of the Great Demon King, nor does he have the perverted strength of the Great Demon King. He is gentle and gentle, and looks very easy to fool.

"Of course, if you let him get hurt, you don't have to live." Li Yuan narrowed his eyes and asked lightly, "Do you understand?"

"Understood." This time, Manzhushahua deserved it, and twisted his body, not knowing what kind of wishful thinking he was planning, "The condition is simple, leave it to me."

"We won't stay here for too long. If these three conditions are fulfilled, your benefits will naturally be indispensable." Li Yuan knew that the other party's thoughts were not pure, but he was not in a hurry to point it out. Instead, he insisted on beating him up. Give me another jujube attitude, "Of course, during this period, if you encounter danger, you can also ask us for help."

"Yeah!" Manzhu Shahua learned to be smart, even though he didn't think so in his heart, he agreed happily.

After negotiating the conditions with Manzhushahua, they have the autonomy to operate in this territory.

Without the fog to block his vision, Ning Xingzhou was even more amazed at the magic of this jungle. Most of the flowers and plants here have mutated, with obvious changes in body shape and shape, and it is difficult to distinguish the original appearance.

Maybe it was the fire that burned them before. The plants in the jungle are very afraid of them. Those who can move have long since slipped away, and those who cannot move also shrink back, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

"Brother Yuan's fire was too deterrent." Sensing the fear of the surrounding plants, Ning Xingzhou couldn't help sighing.

That black flame is really terrifying, the land where it passes, not a single blade of grass grows. Even the manjushahua flower group with strong regenerative ability had to move its position and re-select a fertile soil to take root and develop.

Of course, he didn't mean to blame Li Yuan, but simply stated the facts.

And rather than discussing the power of that flame, what he wanted to know was when Li Yuan would use fire

Li Yuan glanced at Ning Xingzhou, seeing the curiosity that the other party was trying to restrain, he curled his mouth and said in a low voice, "Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Eh?" Ning Xingzhou's eyes lit up, and his tone was a little excited, "Of course!"

He doesn't want to ask too much! For example, how did Li Yuan know this place, and how did he know the characteristics of that Manjusawa plant? Of course, what he wanted to know the most was how Li Yuan could have the ability of flames. but…

"If I ask... Will Brother Yuan tell me the truth?" Ning Xingzhou looked up at Li Yuan and asked hopefully.

"Yes, yes." Li Yuan's voice was flat but very convincing, giving Ning Xingzhou an instant reassurance.

He smiled happily, and asked happily: "Brother Yuan, did you acquire two abilities?"


"How did you acquire the ability of the flame?"

"have no idea."

"...Brother Yuan, tell the truth." This is the first few questions, and Li Yuan is about to start fooling him!

"I didn't lie to you, and I don't know." Li Yuan shrugged and smiled helplessly.

He wasn't bluffing, and there are still many things he can't figure out about what happened to him. How he was reborn, and where the flame ability came from, he really didn't know.

In his previous life, he was the zombie king, but now he is still a human being, but his physical fitness is comparable to the peak of his past. Although it is bizarre, it is still understandable. As for where this flame ability came from, he really couldn't figure it out.

After all, he didn't have any ability related to flames in his previous life.

However, with the recovery of his consciousness, this ability appeared so abruptly, but it didn't feel strange at all when he used it, as if it was born to him.


"Really?" Ning Xingzhou looked at him suspiciously, "When did Brother Yuan discover this ability?"

"Yesterday, in the school activity room." Li Yuan did not hide anything and told the truth.

Hearing this answer, Ning Xingzhou's heart skipped a beat. The time when Li Yuan got the flame ability, shouldn't it be the time when he traveled over

He immediately thought of the virus mentioned by the system. Could it be because they brought the virus with them when they came to this world, that this kind of bug appeared in the plot setting of Li Yuan? After all, in the unreliable original plot, no matter whether it was the early or late end of the world, Li Yuan never had the ability of fire!

Thinking of this, Ning Xingzhou suddenly felt guilty, and even took the initiative to smooth things over for Li Yuan, "Hey, brother Yuan, don't think too much, I'm just asking casually, no matter how it came about, multiple powerful abilities It's always a good thing!"

"En." Li Yuan replied, deeply touched.

In the current apocalypse, the importance of strength is beyond imagination, just like the him now, who holds too many choices in his hands, and has embarked on two completely different paths from his previous self.

Ning Xingzhou was worried about trapping himself, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions. Instead, he turned his attention back to the surrounding vegetation. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this jungle was like a fantasy forest in a fairy tale.

Human-tall weeds, colorful mushrooms, towering trees that can walk... everything is very strange.

"Do you like this place?" Li Yuan looked at Ning Xingzhou who was looking around, with a tenderness in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

"Yeah!" Ning Xingzhou nodded vigorously, his eyes were as bright as hidden stars, "It's so chaotic outside, it's hard to imagine such a magical place. But... such an interesting place, why don't you see zombies and other humans?" Woolen cloth?"

"How many people do you think can withstand the poison of that Manjusawa plant?" Li Yuan chuckled lightly and asked questions instead of answering.

Ning Xingzhou understood in seconds. He instantly felt that his question was so naive. With such an obvious answer, do you still need to ask

All kinds of mutated plants grow on this fertile land. But at the same time, who can tell clearly how many corpses are buried under this fertile land.

Ning Xingzhou shuddered, and once again realized soberly what is meant by the end of the world, when the weak prey on the strong.

"Almost forgot something."

Just when he was thinking wildly, Li Yuan suddenly cupped his cheeks and approached him little by little.

Ning Xingzhou was startled, and instinctively wanted to retreat, but Li Yuan held him in place, and said in a strong tone that could not be refused, "Don't move."

He didn't dare to move anymore, or rather, he couldn't move at all.

Ning Xingzhou opened his eyes wide, seeing the other person's cheek getting closer and closer, his heartbeat accelerated a little involuntarily.

What is this for? Taking advantage of the good environment to take advantage of him? But this is too sudden!

And why didn't Li Yuan close his eyes!

Ning Xingzhou felt extremely awkward, and as the distance between the two sides got closer, he closed his eyes as if appointed.

However, the imaginary feeling of touch did not come. Instead, his forehead was hot, and he could vaguely feel waves of heat pouring into his body.

He opened his eyes without knowing why, but he was facing Li Yuan's deep gaze. The close distance made Ning Xingzhou's face feel hot, and he closed his eyes again like an ostrich, but the thick eyelashes kept trembling, It shows the restlessness in his heart at the moment.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he certainly understands that the other party seems to be doing something serious.

But they were so close that he could even feel each other's body temperature. This feeling was so strange that he didn't even dare to take a large breath, because it would be entangled with the other person's breath, creating an illusion of being too close.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Li Yuan was finally willing to let go of him, Ning Xingzhou's whole body was already ripe, from the base of his ears to his neck, it was completely red.

Li Yuan felt that his appearance was too cute, so he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the other person's head, and teasingly said: "It's just a kindling, what are you thinking?"

He raised his hand, touched Ning Xingzhou's brow with his fingertips, and said with a smile: "With this, no matter who fights with you, you won't get any benefits. Even though the mutated plant agreed to my conditions, it still has to Guard against it."

At this moment, a small cluster of black flames was condensed between Ning Xingzhou's brows, and if an attack came close, it would be able to draw out monstrous flames. With this, not only can he guard against that Manzhushahua plant and other enemies, and protect Ning Xingzhou in a real sense, but also allow him to perceive the location of Ning Xingzhou at any time, in case of emergency.

Since he had plans to keep Ning Xingzhou away from killing, it was inevitable that when he went out alone in the future, even though he had three chapters with that manjusawa plant, he was not stupid enough to completely trust an outsider.

"Ah, so it's like this..." Ning Xingzhou rubbed his eyebrows as he said, feeling the different temperature there, and the blush on his face remained unchanged, "I thought..."

In the middle of speaking, Ning Xingzhou suddenly realized something, and swallowed it back abruptly.

"What do you think?" Li Yuan raised his brows slightly, his gaze focused on Ning Xingzhou, obviously he had no intention of revealing it easily.

"It's nothing!" Ning Xingzhou turned his head to avoid Li Yuan's sight, he felt extremely ashamed, obviously the other party was seriously thinking about him, but his mind was full of dirty thoughts, it's too bad!

Li Yuan chuckled lightly, feeling that the other party's embarrassing appearance poked his heart too much.

After all, he couldn't hold back, raised his hand to caress Ning Xingzhou's cheek, leaned slightly, and kissed Ning Xingzhou between the eyebrows, "You think so?"

The author has something to say: Happy May Day!

My baby is going to explode this May Day!

There will be 10,000 updates before 12:00 tomorrow night~ Do you like to divide it into three chapters or one chapter