The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me

Chapter 74: The end of the world (twenty)


After leaving Ning Xingzhou's room, Li Yuan leaned against the wall outside the door and stood quietly all night.

He thought of many things in the past, and felt a little sad. He still remembers his first meeting with Ning Xingzhou, no, strictly speaking, it was not a meeting, but he unilaterally... remembered Ning Xingzhou.

At that time, he was still very young and had not yet reached the age to test his mental strength. At that time, he was still living a life of hunger and food in the slums. A place where ordinary people gather.

Anyone who comes over can step on both feet.

Here, even if those arrogant ability users kill someone, they will not be punished in any way, and each seeks revenge according to his own ability.

He doesn't remember when he lived here. He heard from the older generation in the slums that he was abandoned here by his parents. Their relationship broke down and no one wanted him. He became the only one in that failed relationship. victim.

In this hopeless place, all that can be done seems to be to eat and wait to die. The only entertainment is probably the big screen next to the bayonet, which can occasionally show some entertainment programs or some real-time news that is near and far away.

That day, it was the first time he saw Ning Xingzhou on the screen.

The Ning Xingzhou on the screen was not a few years older than him, but he was completely different from the sloppy him. The other party almost interpreted the word "white and tender" to the extreme, with a cute baby face and clear eyes. Xu was facing the camera for the first time, a blush gradually rose on his cheeks, and he smiled shyly at the camera.

He was stunned for a moment, and inevitably, a bit of self-ashamed feeling rose in his heart. At one point, he even wanted to hide his dirty hands behind his back, but the other party... couldn't see him at all.

On the screen, Ning Xingzhou was giving a speech in a serious manner with an extremely immature face. Only later did he know that at this time, Ning Xingzhou had been detected with SS-level mental strength and had been enrolled in a special class by the God of War Academy in advance. At this moment, he was giving a speech as a freshman representative, and it was simultaneously projected on various electronic screens.

SS-level spiritual power means that it can be integrated with the energy of the best armor. It is a genius among geniuses, and it is a natural "God of War".

But, that's all futuristic.

A ten-year-old child can understand speeches, but he stumbles and reads out the manuscripts written by adults.

However, at the end of the speech, he put down the manuscript in his hand, looked at the surrounding cameras with a pair of big and round eyes, his voice was timid, still immature, but his words were quite serious, "Our ability is born to protect , I hope everyone can join me in working hard to become stronger and protect our homeland.”

After finishing speaking, Ning Xingzhou showed a shy smile to the camera, very cute and sweet.

"Hey, naive." At that time, he didn't like this, and even sneered at the serious baby face on the screen, mocking.

Only a flower in a greenhouse can have such a stupid and absurd idea.

In this world, the law of the jungle is nothing more than the law of the jungle, people become stronger, and it is never for the protection, but to satisfy their selfish desires. Bullying the weak is the natural nature of this world.

This, at every moment of his life, has been verified. Especially, after his talent test.

SSS-level spirit body, the only example in this world. He was judged to be SSS because his mental strength had reached a height that could only be achieved in theory.

He is known as the first person in all ages, and he enjoyed a short period of time. During that time, even the slums he once lived in were exalted. Those who have no ability dare to bully the ordinary people in the slums, because no one is willing to anger a future "God of War" figure.

This is probably the feeling that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Those vicious scumbags who bullied and humiliated him all treated him like a saddle, and the neighbors who always regarded him as a transparent person greeted him with a smile on their faces, treating him as a savior.

The treatment is so different, it's like a dream. And the dream will eventually wake up.

He entered the special class with a precipitous talent advantage, but what he experienced after entering school was completely different from what he imagined.

He can't use all the fusion skills taught in school. He couldn't even manipulate the lowest F-rank armor.

This also means that no matter how talented he is, he can't become an ability user, he can only be an ordinary person.

Kong has a talent, but there is no place to display it. He tried again and again, failed again and again, and the cold eyes and ridicule he used to have returned. The group of people in the slums also returned to their humble lives again. They cursed him and hated him for letting them go back to hell.

The academy did not expel him for a long time, and the only value of his staying there was probably that as an extremely rare experimental subject, the people of the institute took samples regularly.

Everyone looked down on him, except Ning Xingzhou.

The first time he met Ning Xingzhou was when he was besieged by a group of peers and beaten to death. With his status in the academy at that time, as long as he didn't die, he would be fine.

At that time, Ning Xingzhou had already started actual combat training, and he didn't have much time to stay in the academy. It was rare for him to go back to the academy, and he ran into this kind of thing. At that time, Ning Xingzhou seemed very angry, his face was flushed red, even more angry than his client.

"Ability is for protection, not for such nasty things. If you want to fight so much, come and fight with me."

In a blur of consciousness, he heard the very familiar words. Realizing who the other party was, the first thought that arose in his heart was not gratitude, but an extremely strong sense of shame.

It's really embarrassing for that naive and stinky guy to see his miserable appearance.

When Ning Xingzhou got rid of those people and stretched out his hand to help him up, he even held on to his last bit of consciousness and mocked, "Mind your own business."

Fortunately, Ning Xingzhou didn't care about his sensitivity and pricklyness when he was young. After knowing his situation, he always took care of him consciously or unconsciously.

Later, without knowing why, the two of them got mixed up. During his youth, Ning Xingzhou protected him time and time again.

He was very happy, but also very... unwilling.

He wanted to stand by Ning Xingzhou's side, or even in front of him, instead of hiding behind Ning Xingzhou for the rest of his life. During that time, he desperately wanted to have the ability, and he was willing to suffer no matter how much he suffered.

Perhaps God heard his wish, and soon after, Calamity 003 appeared. The people who discovered it were him and Ning Xingzhou.

Disaster is the name given by humans to these naturally born destructive energies. Every time a disaster occurs in this world, people will be devastated. But at that time, they were still young and didn't know how powerful this thing was.

Ning Xingzhou's clothes were inadvertently stained with black flames. The terrifying black flame's energy level was too high, and it quickly broke through Ning Xingzhou's defense and spread to his skin. He anxiously tried to extinguish the flames with various things, but to no avail, the black flames would not be extinguished, only Ning Xingzhou's screams could be heard more and more clearly in his ears.

He frantically used his body to put out the fire, and the flames spread to his body, igniting a burst of burnt flesh. Fortunately, after having him, Calamity seemed to have discovered something delicious, and the black flame slowly detached from Ning Xingzhou's body and merged into his body little by little.

When he regained consciousness, he and the calamity merged into one.

He is the host body of Calamity. Calamity is attached to him, but is also subject to him. He always wants to destroy his will and completely gain control over his body.

From the moment he merged with the disaster, his life was always hanging on the tip of the knife. But he had to admit that it was because of the disaster that he possessed unparalleled power. This power was destructive, but it also made him realize for the first time that he could protect Ning Xingzhou.

He has no regrets.

For countless days and nights afterwards, he struggled endlessly with the consciousness of calamity. Whenever he had a splitting headache and wished he could hit the wall, thinking of Ning Xingzhou would allow him to hold on for a while longer.

He has since become a frequent visitor to the laboratory, and Ning Xingzhou, who has always been the first in the fault system when he is approaching job selection, gave up the combat department and chose an auxiliary psychiatrist.

When the news was released, public opinion exploded. People couldn't figure out why a good "God of War" ability user would make such a choice. For a time, there were countless notorieties, and people thought that Ning Xingzhou was a coward who fled the battle.

But he knew that Ning Xingzhou did this for him. In order to make him suffer less, for him not to go crazy under the endless torture.

Even so, he also experienced several times out of control. In fact, he wasn't born immune to the black flame's damage, but he was constantly scorched, recovered, burned, and recovered, and so on, so that his skin and flesh completely adapted to the temperature of the black flame.

However, in terms of protracted warfare, human consciousness will not be the opponent of disaster consciousness after all, and he will reach the limit sooner or later. That's why, this time, there was a desperate situation.

Not as smooth as expected, but not too bad. At least for now, they still have a chance.

Li Yuan stood outside for a whole night, and also thought about it all night. If he has any regrets in reality, it is probably because there is a knife hanging above his head all the time, which makes him worried and unable to express his love as he wants.

Unexpectedly, this little regret can be realized in the conscious world. Moreover, he could feel that Ning Xingzhou also had feelings for him.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan looked at the white belly gradually rising from the sky, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly. Regardless of the outcome of this attempt, it was well worth it.

In the sky, black flames could be vaguely seen spreading, but Li Yuan had no intention of going forward to fight at all, but waited in place calmly. Sooner or later, they will have a life-and-death battle, but the initiative of this battle must be in his hands.

But before that, he had to make sure of one thing.

He turned around, and just as his palm was close to the door, he heard a "squeak" and the door opened before he had time to exert force.

He was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ning Xingzhou who pushed the door out.

"Why this expression, why don't you want to see me so much?" Ning Xingzhou gave him a dissatisfied look, with a bad tone.

"How come? It's just a little unexpected." Li Yuan looked down at Ning Xingzhou, and intuitively felt that the system was unreliable. However, he had to admit that under the heavy worry, there was still A trace of joy that cannot be concealed.

"Unexpectedly, why haven't I left yet?" Ning Xingzhou snorted softly, looked at the increasingly darker tone of the sky, his heart sank slightly, he raised his hand and squeezed the flesh around Li Yuan's waist, and threatened viciously : "I'll settle the score with you after the matter is settled."

After finishing speaking, he was still a little worried about what outrageous things Li Yuan would do, and he warned: "I warn you, don't try to push me away when you meet an opponent, be active and face it together, understand? "

Ning Xingzhou is not a brainless person. If he stayed, it would really only hinder him, and he would not persist like this. But in fact, it should not be the case.

Although he couldn't remember the specific past, one thing was clear. He traveled through the worlds with great effort to save A Yuan. In this case, his existence at this moment must be useful. Otherwise, he has tossed for a long time, but still needs Ah Yuan to face it alone, what's the point

Li Yuan looked at Ning Xingzhou with a serious face, and smiled suddenly.

His family's baby has talked about this point, no matter how stubborn he is, it will be a bit unjustifiable.

In a certain way, Ning Xingzhou is... very similar to him. No one wants to blindly shrink back. In this case, it feels good to fight side by side once in a while.

What's more, what he gave Ning Xingzhou was enough to guarantee that Ning Xingzhou would be able to escape unscathed.

He raised his hand and gently stroked the thick and colorful flame marks on Ning Xingzhou's forehead, his eyes were filled with tenderness.

"Okay, then we will fight together."

The author has something to say: Hey, I couldn’t hold back and did a memory kill. The next chapter ends with the end of the world, and then enters the last few chapters of the present world. The end is just around the corner, so go!