The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 1: Jedi reborn


"Didn't you say you like me? Then you die for me!"

Resounding these words in his mind, Ling Xiao yelled and sat up, sweating coldly.

In front of him was an empty room, with dark red blood splattered on the floor and walls of the room, scimitars for cutting certain special parts hanging around, ropes to restrain people from moving around, and special bed boards.

This room looks familiar... It's a clean room!

Ling Xiao reflexively looked at his crotch, he could see clearly what was lying peacefully under his crotch without any clothes on his body.

He quietly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, still...

But the arms and feet were tied. There was no one in the room, but the door was very noisy.

Ling Xiao was glad that his head and waist could still move freely, he bent down and lowered his head to bite off the rope around his wrist, removed the restraints on his feet, got off the bed, saw that he was still naked, and picked up the clothes beside him. Putting on his eunuch uniform, he approached the door and looked out of the door through the gap.

The noisy crowd gathered around, and there was a familiar figure of a woman in the middle.

The woman's appearance is extraordinary, she has a beautiful posture, and she prostrates on the ground in a posture that seems to have fallen, with tears rolling in her eyes, looking very pitiful.

It's Mo Qi! Ling Xiaowu opened his eyes wide, why is she here

No, why are they here

He remembered that just a second ago, he and Mo Qi were drinking wine in the palace, admiring the moon.

However, this glass of wine is poisonous wine that kills people!

Ling Xiao touched his body temperature, and frowned, since it was poisoned wine, why was his body still warm

what happened

While he was wondering, he suddenly saw several eunuchs walking towards the room where he was.

Ling Xiao was shocked, he naturally knew what it meant to be tied up and stripped in the cleansing room, it was not like he had never experienced it before.

Thinking of this, he could only let go of his doubts, scanned the room, and finally fixed his eyes on the wide open window.

With an idea, he ran over and fled through the window in a hurry.

While choosing the road, he also faintly heard the exclamation of the eunuch behind him, and the ensuing noise.

Playing the role of a passing eunuch and pretending to search with the eunuchs who were searching, he managed to hide his identity. Ling Xiao took advantage of his cleverness and others' negligence, and quietly left the team at a corner, heading towards a deserted place.

Seeing the search eunuch getting farther and farther away from him, Ling Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't know that, while advancing, he bumped into a warm object.

Startled, Ling Xiao hurriedly raised his hand and went over with a knife, but was stopped easily.

He froze for a moment, raised his head in astonishment, and faced a person.

The man had thick eyebrows and phoenix eyes, a straight nose and thin lips, and his hair was combed meticulously. He was dressed in a black robe with gold trimmings, with a serious expression on his face.

"Your Majesty." Ling Xiao called out in astonishment, the man raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and let go of his hand.

Ling Xiao woke up startled, took advantage of the moment the man let go, and hurriedly fled to the side.

The man frowned watching his running back, and put his hands behind his back.

When did such a rash and rude eunuch appear in the palace

Ling Xiao ran until he was gasping for breath, holding on to the fake mountain to calm his breath, how could he be so unlucky, he could run into the big head in the palace when he escaped.

But what on earth is going on!

Ling Xiao sat down with his back against the rockery.

His name is Ling Xiao, he is from the 21st century, and he is from the 21st century with a girl named Mo Qi, he has liked this girl for ten years, but they came to this world by accident, Mo Qi Much sought after in this world.

Then he protected Mo Qi all the way until she found someone she liked.

He also helped her find someone she likes...

However, in the end...

Ling Xiao was in a daze.

"Ling Xiao! Ling Xiao!" Mo Qi's call came from not far away, and Ling Xiao stood up.

Mo Qi also saw him because of this, and ran towards him happily: "I was still worried that you would be caught, why didn't you come to me! I'm so worried!"

Ling Xiao's long and narrow eyes looked at Mo Qi coldly, making Mo Qi feel panicked, she took two steps back slightly, and stammered: "What... what's wrong? Ling Xiao..."

What's wrong? Ling Xiao stared at the girl in front of him, feeling resentful in his heart.

He helped the girl finally get what she wanted.

Finally the man rewarded him with a deadly poisoned drink!

He remembered, he was dead!

Died under this woman's poisoned wine, died under the banquet she set for him, after she got everything she wanted, she resolutely poisoned him to death!

This vicious woman!

After using him thoroughly, he was abandoned!

Ling Xiao stared at Mo Qi coldly, his gaze seemed to crush her to ashes, Mo Qi seemed to feel a crisis, she backed away desperately, Ling Xiao approached step by step.

Mo Qi tried to talk to Ling Xiao: "Ling Xiao, are you still angry? Are you angry that Lan Wei brought you into the palace in a coma?"

"Don't blame him, he is for me, I can't bear you, I want you to accompany me."

"I know that there are no men in the palace, so I wrong you to pretend to be a eunuch."

"Lan Wei has already made arrangements! I have arranged a position for you, it's in my Chuxiu Palace, just wait for Nanny Lin to take us there."

"Ling Xiao, are you listening? What's wrong with you? You look so scary." Mo Qi's voice was filled with tears, and she, who had a stunning appearance, opened her innocent eyes at this time, and her timid and frightened appearance could arouse Any man's desire to protect can make any man reluctant to let her be sad.

However, the man in front of him was not another man, but Ling Xiao who had been poisoned by her.

Ling Xiao approached her step by step, thinking in his heart how to make the woman in front of him die the most painful death, and what kind of revenge would be worthy of his sincerity, infatuation and stupidity back then.

But suddenly, a voice came from behind the rockery.

"So you two are here, come with me quickly, we only have a stick of incense time."

A middle-aged woman with a lingering charm walked out from behind the rockery.

Seeing her, Mo Qi seemed to have seen her savior, and quickly hid behind her: "Nurse Lin, Ling Xiao is acting weird."

Nanny Lin walked away from Mo Qi without a trace: "It doesn't matter if it's strange or not, do you want to go to Chuxiu Palace?"

Mo Qi nodded quickly: "Yes."

Nanny Lin looked at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao pursed his lips, the situation was so familiar.

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