The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 21: Surprise


Ling Xiao hurriedly saluted, but the emperor turned a blind eye to him.

He directly bypassed him and took away the five people kneeling behind him.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes and frowned, sent the emperor away and got up.

Seeing the emperor this time, he only saw the back and hem of the emperor, not even the front.

Ling Xiao frowned, returned to his place slightly disappointed, his mind was all thinking about how to let the emperor see him.

However, when he walked halfway, he found that the place where he lived was filled with thick smoke.

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, quickly lifted his hem and ran back.

At the gate of his palace, many young eunuchs were already standing there, all rushing to put out the fire.

Ling Xiao frowned, pulled a little eunuch casually and asked, "Why is it on fire?"

"The slave doesn't know, it caught fire all of a sudden, and the fire came from inside." The little eunuch said tremblingly.

Ling Xiao pushed him away angrily, gritted his teeth, picked up the bucket of water in front of him, poured it all over himself, took a cloth towel to cover his mouth and nose, and ran in.

That boy Lan Wei was still under his bed, these two days Ling Xiao intentionally taught him a lesson, he didn't feed him anything, he gave him some water to drink, he didn't let him go, just let him spread out under the bed.

That person was honest yesterday, Ling Xiao thought he had a long memory, but he became restless today, this fire must have something to do with him!

However, Ling Xiao couldn't let Lan Wei die, who told him that he was the only son of the Prime Minister!

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao scolded Lan Wei all over the place in his heart, but his actions were unambiguous, he dodged left and right and ran to his room, only to see Lan Wei struggling feebly on the ground.

The fire had already burned to his side, and he was lying on the table with an upturned candlestick beside him. .

It seems that Lan Wei tried to use the candle on the candlestick to burn the rope and escape, but accidentally set the whole palace on fire.

What an idiot.

Ling Xiao cursed, and ran over, Lan Wei was gagged, and could only breathe through her nose, and a lot of smoke was inhaled through her nose, at this time, her immature face was distorted in great pain.

Ling Xiao quickly took off his gag, Lan Wei panted heavily and coughed violently.

Ling Xiao hurriedly covered Lan Wei's mouth and nose with his own wet tissue, and untied his hands.

However, the fire had already ignited Lan Wei's clothes.

Ling Xiao frowned, took off Lan Wei's coat in one go, took off his own coat and put it on for him. In his haste, the list that he was going to give to the emperor was engulfed in flames.

Ling Xiao wailed, but in desperation, he had no choice but to run back to the bed, to look for the portion left at the bottom of the bed.

Fortunately, this copy of Ling Xiao is stored in an iron gate, so it will not be burned.

But the iron gate had already been burned red, and Ling Xiao let out a cry of pain when he held it in his hand.

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth, he couldn't think much of it, he wrapped the iron gate with his sleeve, put it in his hand, ran over and put his arms around the unconscious Lan Wei and ran out.

But he suddenly remembered that Lan Wei cannot be exposed, so he broke the route halfway and ran to the window.

His back window is connected to a suburb of the Imperial Garden, Lan Wei cannot be known by others, Ling Xiao can only move him there.

Quickly leading Lan Wei out of the window, Ling Xiao dragged him to a hidden place where he lay on the ground panting heavily.

He had used up all his physical strength in his life, and his right hand was still hurting. Ling Xiao looked at it and found that his sleeves were stuck to the wound, and the iron gate was also partially embedded in his flesh. Ling Xiao pulled it away with pain. After pulling it, he found that he couldn't pull it off, Ling Xiao bit his lip, and could only let the iron gate go, thinking, Ling Xiao went to see Lan Wei, and found that Lan Wei was motionless.

He was startled, and checked his breath, but fortunately, his breathing was still there, Ling Xiao stretched out his hand to pat him twice, and called him twice.

Lan Wei frowned uncomfortably, but did not show symptoms of sobriety.

Ling Xiao thought for a while, then stood up again. At this time, most of the people were fighting the fire in front. When the defense of the Imperial Garden was at its lowest level, Ling Xiao dragged Lan Wei all the way to dodge, and led him to the hidden lake. He splashed some water on his face, dripped on his lips with dead skin, and poured it into his mouth.

"Your Majesty, please walk slowly and be careful of your steps." Just when Lan Wei seemed to be looking better, suddenly, a familiar voice came, but the content of the words scared Ling Xiao enough.

Ling Xiao quickly held his breath, and led Lan Wei to hide by the lake.

The voice belonged to Xiao Lizi, which meant that the emperor was not far from them.


Ling Xiao became nervous, but fortunately, the emperor seemed to be walking in a hurry and did not notice Ling Xiao and Lan Wei.

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and slowly climbed up from the lake, and found that the direction the emperor was heading was exactly where the fire was.

Ling Xiao was surprised, did the emperor go looking for him

Ling Xiao closed his eyes, whether it was true or not, his absence at this time was too suspicious.

Concentrating his eyes and thinking for a while, Ling Xiao dragged Lan Wei, hid him in a rockery, and ran towards his palace.

However, before Ling Xiao ran into the sea of flames in front of other people, it might not be easy to explain why he appeared from the other side, especially in front of the keen emperor.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao stopped behind his own palace, in front of the raging fire.

The terrain here is rugged and it is not easy to fight fires, so there is no one here.

The fire in front of him was already burning, and it was too difficult to rush in and then run out through the front door.

However, he has no choice! Ling Xiao clenched his fists and took a deep breath! Gritting his teeth, he rushed into the flames again.

When the emperor arrived, more than half of the palace in front of him had already been burned, surrounded by a lot of people, he glanced over, but did not find Ling Xiao.

The emperor frowned, looked at the little eunuch who was prostrate on the ground and asked, "Where is Ling Xiao?"

The little eunuch lowered his head and replied tremblingly: "Ling... Director Ling just... just rushed in."

"Did you rush in?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at the flames in front of him.

There was no emotion in the deep eyes, but the downturned corners of the lips showed the emperor's displeasure.

"Firefighting." The emperor did not pause for long, and gave the order with his lips pursed.

The kneeling eunuch didn't dare to delay, got up in a hurry, bucket after bucket of water was brought over, and rushed towards the fire.

The emperor closed his eyes and waited for a while, then quietly clenched his hands behind his back.

Suddenly, a figure in a state of distress ran out of the fire, he couldn't see clearly, he was coughing and panting.

He staggered towards the emperor, but was blocked five steps away by the guards around the emperor.

Ling Xiao swallowed his dry and sore throat, and called out hoarsely and weakly: "Your Majesty, it's me."

After finishing speaking, he fell down in a daze.

The emperor came in front of him, Ling Xiao propped his head up and glanced at him, biting his lips slightly, tremblingly raised the iron gate in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the list... name... list..."

After the words fell, Ling Xiao fainted.