The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 25: Heaven-defying letterhead


"If you want me to help you, fine." Ling Xiao had a plan in mind, and put down the bait.

Mo Qi was overjoyed, and quickly got up, looking up at Ling Xiao with her bruised and purple face, her eyes longing.

Ling Xiao glanced at her lightly and said: "There is a condition, you have to do one thing for me..."

Mo Qi pouted dissatisfiedly: "Do you want me to help you?!"

Ling Xiao glanced at her sideways and asked: "Then are you going to do it or not?"

Mo Qi gritted her teeth: "Do it."

"Very good." Ling Xiao smiled satisfied.

In the prime minister's mansion, there was a gloomy cloud.

Mr. Lan Wei in the mansion was found unconscious at the door of the house by a servant a few days ago.

The prime minister hurriedly asked Lan Wei to be carried into the house, and asked the best doctor in the capital to see him.

But Mr. Lan Wei is still in a coma.

The prime minister stayed in Lan Wei's room, his head turned white with worry, looking at Lan Wei with a pale face on the bed, he sighed and shook his head again and again.

Lan Wei had many burns on his body, and his clothes were burnt to pieces. He looked like he had experienced a fire. Recently, there was only one place where water leaked out, and that was the residence of the chief eunuch in the palace. Lan Wei When he was found passed out at the door, he was wrapped in the chief eunuch's red coat embroidered with auspicious clouds.

These signs are enough to show that Lan Wei went to the palace these two days!

But before Lan Wei left home, the prime minister still remembered that his face was bright, and he told himself that he was just going out for two days.

This game...but I went to the palace...and came back wrapped in the clothes of the chief eunuch with injuries all over!

The prime minister wanted to blame his son, but Lan Wei has not woken up yet, even if he had thousands of words to blame, he could only swallow it in his stomach.

Looking at Lan Wei's pale complexion, the Prime Minister was very distressed and wanted to complain for his son, but he didn't know what happened to Lan Wei!

Moreover, the chief eunuch is in the harem, and no man is allowed to enter the harem without the emperor's permission!

This makes the prime minister dare to speak up.

I had no choice but to let the word go, Lan Wei had been sick at home since the last time she went to the palace to face the saint, and never went out.

And everything that happened can only be understood when his troublesome son wakes up.

The prime minister stood by the bed, looked at Lan Wei worriedly, sighed leisurely, and leaned over to tuck the corner of the quilt for him.

"My lord." Suddenly a servant called from the door.

The prime minister looked out slightly and replied, "Come in."

The servant came in from the outside, holding a letter in his hand and handing it to the prime minister: "My lord, the letter from the palace is said to be for Mr. Lan Wei."

The prime minister took the letter with his hand, frowning and wondering, who in the palace will deliver the letter to Wei'er

Thinking about it, the prime minister opened the letter, but his face suddenly changed. He suddenly put the letter away, looked at the boy and asked, "Where is the person who sent the letter?"

"Already gone." The servant replied respectfully.

"Then has anyone else read this letter?" the prime minister asked.

The boy shook his head: "This time, the small one will be sent to you, and no one else has seen it."

The prime minister seemed relieved when he heard the words, calmed down a bit, waved his hands and said: "Okay, you go down!"

After the boy left, the prime minister held the letter in his hand and read it several times, his face getting more and more ugly.

Just at this time, the people in the bed moved and slowly opened their eyes. Seeing this, the Prime Minister looked at Lan Wei who was awake severely.

Lan Wei looked at the prime minister's figure in a daze, felt relieved, and called out in a hoarse voice: "Father."

"Am I back?" Lan Wei coughed dryly, looked around, and struggled to sit up.

"You are lucky to come back this time!" The prime minister sneered.

Lan Wei was stunned for a moment, knowing that she had caused trouble this time, so she struggled and knelt down in front of the prime minister and said, "Father, I know my mistake."

"Knowledge? You know it!" The Prime Minister suddenly threw the letter in his hand on Lan Wei's face, his face full of anger.

Lan Wei was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why, so she picked up the letter and looked at it, her eyes widened in astonishment: "Father... this..."

"I warned you before, don't get close to that woman Mo Qi, she has a wicked mind and is not good enough for you! You don't listen, this time you are so good, you actually went to assassinate Ling Xiao for her! Just because she said she didn't like Ling Xiao ! And because of this, I got hurt all over my body!"

"I... I'm not, father..." Lan Wei frowned and explained, wondering in her heart, this letter was written by Qiqi, but why did she write this letter.

These two days he was obviously imprisoned by Ling Xiao, but this letter said that he was with her...

Obviously she wanted to help her blackmail Ling Xiao, why did Qiqi say that all of this was because of her? Could it be that she was afraid that she would be reprimanded by her father

"You still make an appointment with her to leave together? Okay, very good, Lan Wei, you disregarded the safety of the prime minister's mansion and your gray-haired parents for the sake of a woman! You! You are fine!"

The prime minister was furious, and pointed at Lan Wei with a trembling finger, with a heartbroken look on his face.

Lan Wei felt guilty for a while, he really thought about taking Mo Qi away, but Mo Qi rejected him, it was not the meeting and leaving together as said in the letter...

Why did Qiqi write such a letter at this time, is this letter asking him to leave together

Lan Wei's eyes flickered, and the prime minister said angrily: "Lan Wei, remember clearly, you couldn't touch Mo Qi before, and you can't touch her even more now! She was turned over by the emperor, even if the emperor didn't like it She will never touch her for the rest of her life, she is also the emperor's woman! No one can touch her!"

"Do you understand!" the prime minister said harshly.

Lan Wei gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, his face full of pain and hesitation, the prime minister suddenly understood something, he took two steps back, his face flushed with anger: "The son I have taught for seventeen years is so incompetent!"

"Father..." Lan Wei murmured softly, lowering her head with red eyes.

The prime minister hated that iron could not be made into steel, turned around and stepped out of the room, closed the door vigorously, and ordered: "Go and find me some more people, and watch over you, young master, and don't allow him to leave the door for half a step."

"Yes, my lord."

Lan Wei looked at the layers of guards outside the door, and leaned against the bed weakly and weakly. This letter was indeed written by Qiqi, but none of the contents of the letter was correct, and there was no time even to make an appointment to leave together... She didn't really want to go with him, the whole letter just picked out the culprit Ling Xiao, is this Qiqi's favoring Ling Xiao

Are you reminding him not to hold grudges for what Ling Xiao did to him, and not to use the power of the prime minister's office to take revenge on Ling Xiao

Why? He was so humiliated... and this time he almost died!

Lan Wei closed her eyes in pain, and when she closed her eyes, all she saw was the scene of Ling Xiao rushing into the fire and saving him at the last moment, Lan Wei suddenly opened her eyes, and slammed her fists against the bed board in hatred !

Ling Xiao, this lingering man!

Ling Xiao, who was being naughty by Lan Wei, returned to his Ningxuan Palace in a rather good mood at this time.

A letter from Mo Qi solved one of his problems.

This letter can make the prime minister completely turn his attention away from himself and turn to his son and Mo Qi.

And Lan Wei, because of this letter, will not take revenge on herself for the time being. After all, he loves Mo Qi so much, there is no reason why Mo Qi wants to "favor" someone.

Ling Xiao smiled in a good mood, it seems that this Mo Qi can be of some use if he makes good use of it.

Ling Xiao wandered all the way back to his dormitory, pushed open the door of his own room, and walked in with his hands behind his hands in a rather pompous manner.

As soon as he entered, he found a person sitting in the room.

Dressed in a black robe embroidered with gold, his hair combed meticulously, his face handsome and serious, that man was the emperor who was supposed to approve the memorial in the imperial study!

Ling Xiao's smile froze, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground spontaneously, in front of the emperor, and saluted him: "Long live the emperor."

first son

The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at him, Ling Xiao knelt on the ground and sweated coldly, wondering how much the emperor had seen his unruly and stupid behavior just now

There is a code of conduct and etiquette in the palace, his appearance just now is completely unseemly in front of the master, if the master does not blame him, he can be regarded as invisible, if the master cares, he can even be executed.

Although Ling Xiao didn't think that the emperor would execute him for such a trivial matter, he was always feeling uneasy.

Fortunately, the emperor chose not to see this time, and calmly called Ling Xiao to get up.

Ling Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, got up and walked to the emperor's side in small steps.

"Why are you so happy?" Just when Ling Xiao thought the matter was over like this, the emperor suddenly asked.

Ling Xiao froze for a moment, he didn't want to say it and he couldn't say it, so he could only lower his head and say, "Your Majesty, it's a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning."

"Let's listen to it." The emperor was very persistent this time.

Ling Xiao wiped the sweat from the bottom of his heart, and in his eagerness, an excuse flashed in his mind, he bowed his head and replied: "The slave just passed by the Chuxiu Palace, heard a family rhyme, and remembered the joys in his hometown."

"Chuxiu Palace..." The emperor looked at Ling Xiao's expression as if he had seen something, his eyes gradually became cold.

Ling Xiao sensed that the emperor was wrong, and hastily said: "Your Majesty, this servant will sing for you."

The singing was loud, and the clear voice showed a unique attraction, which attracted the emperor's mind. The emperor stared at the little eunuch in front of him in surprise, his head was slightly lowered, his eyes were lightly narrowed, and his brows frowned slightly with the singing. Sometimes lightly, quite agile and angry.

The emperor admired it, leaned on the back of the chair comfortably, and relaxed listening to Ling Xiao's singing.

After the song was over, the emperor stopped asking about the previous matter, Ling Xiao smiled in his heart, knowing that this matter had ended like this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, seeing the slight tiredness in the emperor's brows, Ling Xiao walked over , Put your hands on the emperor's shoulders and massage.

Feeling Ling Xiao's movements, the emperor finally softened his gaze, he stretched out his hand to hold Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao followed the emperor's lead, and came in front of the emperor.

The emperor said: "The ballad is good, maybe you can sing it to me from time to time."

Ling Xiao bowed his head and saluted "Yes".

"You don't have to worry about me if your hands are not well." The emperor stroked Ling Xiao's bandaged hands lightly.

Seeing this, Ling Xiao's heart warmed slightly, he bowed his head and replied respectfully: "The slave's hands are fine, the emperor doesn't need to worry."

Hearing the words, the emperor groped for Ling Xiao's hand, and untied the bandage on his hand. Ling Xiao froze, retracted his hand slightly, and called out in doubt, "Your Majesty?"

"Don't move." The emperor gave Ling Xiao a warning look.

Ling Xiao didn't dare to move anymore, he watched the emperor remove his bandage with trembling hands, his hand was bleeding a little, maybe it was because he pressed it hard just now, now when he tore off the bandage, his palm felt a slight tingling pain.

The emperor's movements were very gentle. After undoing the bandage, he turned his palm over, looked carefully, and took out a silver box from his arms. The box was exquisitely crafted. When he opened the box, there was a light green ointment inside.

The emperor touched some with his hand, and was about to smear it on Ling Xiao's injured palm. Ling Xiao was startled, surprised in his heart, couldn't help taking a step back, and said rather flattered: "Your Majesty, as for applying the medicine, it's fine for the servant to do it himself. Now, you are the Ninth Five-Year Lord, how can you give medicine to the slaves?"

The emperor seemed a little displeased when he heard the words, he held Ling Xiao's hand forcefully and squeezed his lips tightly, "Ling Xiao, I think you probably haven't figured out the situation yet, although I have fulfilled you, but what I said is not true. Take it back, in front of me, you are already my first son, that is, my emperor."

Ling Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, his heart was surging.

The ointment smeared on the hand, bringing coolness, and removed the burning heat of the palm, but when touched by the emperor's fingers, it seemed to bring another unusual burning heat, which made his whole body hot.

After putting the medicine on, the emperor personally tied the bandage on him, and finally put the ointment in Ling Xiao's hand.

"This is Shao Guo's ointment. It has miraculous effects on burns, knife wounds, and sword wounds. It also has the effect of removing putrefaction and regenerating muscle. With this, you don't have to worry about leaving scars on your hands."

Holding the exquisite small box, Ling Xiao quickly saluted and thanked him: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

"En." The emperor responded softly: "Get up."

Ling Xiao stood up, perhaps much lighter this time, his sleeves fluttered and a gust of wind blew up, but the wind carried a smell that shouldn't be there.

The emperor frowned, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Ling Xiao's wrist, pulled Ling Xiao hard into his arms, and leaned towards Ling Xiao with confidence to smell it.

Ling Xiao let out a cry of surprise, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. At this moment, he was sitting on the emperor's lap, and the emperor grabbed his wrist.

They were so close to each other because of this, Ling Xiao didn't know if he was frightened or had other reasons, his heart was beating like thunder, he felt the emperor's breath on his neck, his whole body was burning hot, he couldn't help swallowing, Nervously and suspiciously called: "Emperor... Your Majesty..."

The emperor seemed to have confirmed it clearly, straightened up, but his expression was not good, he stretched out his hand to pinch Ling Xiao's chin and asked: "Who is Chuxiu Palace seeing?"

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, didn't this matter pass by? Why did the emperor suddenly ask again

Ling Xiao pursed his lips. At this moment, his chin was pinched, and he could only face the emperor directly. At this time, lying would definitely be discovered by the perceptive emperor.

Thinking about this, Ling Xiao replied: "'s Mo Xiunv."

The emperor narrowed his eyes, and there was a cold expression on his face: "What did you do with her?"

What do you mean by that? Is the emperor doubting himself and Mo Qi

Ling Xiao thought about it, and tentatively replied: "Your Majesty, this slave is a eunuch..."

Hearing this, the emperor frowned, and withdrew his hand. As soon as Ling Xiao was free, he hurriedly got down from the emperor's lap, and knelt down in front of the emperor.

"The emperor forgives the sin. This servant is from the same hometown as Mo Xiunu. Her songs aroused my homesickness. That's why I went to Chuxiu Palace to meet her. I didn't do anything with her."

Hearing this, the emperor pursed his lips and looked down at Ling Xiao who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were penetrating, as if he wanted to see whether Ling Xiao was true or false, after a long time, he closed his eyes and reminded: "Mo Qi is not upright, you should avoid contact with her. "

Ling Xiao lowered his head, his face was full of astonishment, does the emperor know what kind of person Mo Qi is

Then why did he keep Mo Qi

Ling Xiao knew clearly that this was not the time to ask questions, but the doubts in his heart were too heavy, he couldn't help but boldly gritted his teeth and asked: "Your Majesty, this servant has always been unclear about one thing. This servant knows that you don't like Mo Xiunu, so...why did you stay?" Where is Mo Xiunu?"

The little eunuch kneeling on the ground was trembling, knowing that the words were taboo, but he still asked resolutely, the figure lying on the ground was trembling, looking so thin, which aroused pity.

The emperor wanted to reprimand him a few words to make him understand that he should not talk too much, but seeing this, he couldn't bear it, and finally he slightly mentioned: "I have my own considerations, you shouldn't ask."

Ling Xiao closed his eyes, lowered his head and dared not speak any more.

The emperor stood up, Ling Xiao knew that the emperor was going to leave, so he leaned over to see him off.

The emperor ordered: "I will go back to the imperial study, you will come and wait later."

"Yes." Ling Xiao replied.

The emperor glanced at Ling Xiao, and said again: "Change your clothes before coming here, I don't like the smell of makeup all over my body."

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, the emperor had already left.