The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 3: The counterattack begins


After the previous time travel, Ling Xiao could only be thankful for this rebirth, but he lacked a lot of surprise that he should have.

Surprised, perhaps more sad and angry.

Betrayed by the girl who has been guarding her for ten years, this feeling cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

It is impossible to be used by Mo Qi again after reliving the whole life.

But the timing of his heavy work was not right, he had already entered the palace, so he had no choice.

Moreover, he was not willing to leave like this. He had been hurt so much and lost his life because of it. How could he just leave like this!

But Mo Qi already has a place in the palace, and, if he remembers correctly, there are many hidden clues that Lan Wei has arranged for her in the dark, and now he is just a man without identity in the harem. The man who was executed, even if he wanted to take revenge, there is no good way now.

He must stand firm, save his life, and then think about the next thing.

It has to be said that sometimes, Ling Xiao is terrifyingly calm and rational, obviously full of resentment towards Mo Qi, wishing to strangle her immediately, but he can judge the situation faster and take the most beneficial action for him.

He was originally extremely intelligent, but he fell into the hands of a woman.

Now, he suddenly realized that it would not be so easy for someone to plot against him again!

Mother Lin arranged for him the same position as in his previous life, just next to Mo Qi, a young eunuch at the lowest level in the palace.

Anyone in the palace can crush to death at will.

Back then, his main purpose was to accompany Mo Qi, and he was satisfied with such an arrangement, but now, he was not for Mo Qi.

On the contrary, he hated Mo Qi so much that he didn't even want to see her.

Nanny Lin's arrangement became what he was most dissatisfied with, but he had no choice.

Mo Qi came back within an incense stick of time between them, she seemed very angry at Ling Xiao leaving her behind, so she just took a look at Ling Xiao and rushed into her room.

Ling Xiao stared at her back and sneered. If he had rushed to appease her, at this moment, he could only disdain her. She, Mo Qi, had lost his Ling Xiao's love, and she could do whatever she wanted in front of him. presumptuous


Ling Xiao turned around.

He did remember one thing.

Lan Wei has arranged many people to cover Mo Qi, but he knows most of these people!

Moreover, now is the time when Mo Qi first entered the palace, and Lan Wei just realized that he needs to put people in the palace. He doesn't have many people available now. Even if he did, he helped Mo Qi with many things in his previous life. One thing is to keep in touch with Lan Wei all the time, he remembers the appearance, name, position and location of the little eunuch he meets with very clearly!

If you want to attack Mo Qi, don't you have to take advantage of the time when she is only protected by Lan Wei

You know, after entering the palace in the previous life, Mo Qi seemed to have some kind of magical power, which attracted almost everyone's attention, and supported everyone's protection of her, all the way to the top of her life.

Of course, the maintenance of all these people includes his share.

This is like Mo Qi's unique halo and gold finger.

Chuxiu Palace was not as rigorous as other palaces in the harem, and compared to other palaces, it was easier to deploy people. Ling Xiao thought carefully about the position of the eunuch that Lan Wei had placed, and walked all the way to the kitchen of Chuxiu Palace.

In this world, Chuxiu Palace has its own small kitchen.

Lan Wei, the son of the Prime Minister of the Mu Dynasty, is innocent and straightforward in nature. Before he met Mo Qi, he probably would not have thought of placing eyeliner in the palace and harem. Therefore, when Mo Qi just entered the palace, his original purpose should be It is necessary for the eyeliner to take good care of Mo Qi. Taking care of Mo Qi is reflected in Mo Qi's food, accommodation, and transportation. Mo Qi loves to eat, and Lan Wei will work hard on this small kitchen.

Here, just as Ling Xiao thought, there really is such a little eunuch.

Ling Xiao remembered that this little eunuch was named Li Yuan, a villain who loved money and was greedy for profit. In his previous life, in order to let him do things for Mo Qi, he gave him gold, silver and jewelry, and also received his cold eyes.

And Lan Wei initially only had this little eunuch at his disposal, and Nanny Lin, Ling Xiao remembered that he was from the prime minister's residence, and he obeyed the prime minister's orders, not Lan Wei's.

As soon as he reached the small kitchen, Li Yuan passed in front of him with a food box, Ling Xiao blinked, turned around, and followed without a trace.

The little eunuch wandered out of Chuxiu Palace, walking more and more stealthily, Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes and followed straight away.

Finally, the little eunuch stopped behind a rockery, looked around, Ling Xiao hurriedly hid.

The little eunuch didn't see anyone, so he secretly opened the food box, and there was a big white pigeon in the food box, Ling Xiao stared.

Such luck, bumping into the little eunuch to deliver the letter

Isn't this just picking on him for nothing!

Thinking about it, Ling Xiao wanted to go out, but as if he suddenly realized something, he paused again.

No, if you just go out like this, the white pigeon can't explain anything. The little eunuch is a person in the kitchen, and when the time comes, he said that he just caught a white pigeon to make soup, but bit him for slander, and his efforts were wasted.

Ling Xiao pursed his lips, continued to hide on the other side of the rockery, moved lightly, but quietly approached the little eunuch.

The little eunuch was holding the white pigeon, and with the other hand he took out the letter paper from his waist, and was about to tie it to the white pigeon's feet. Ling Xiao was waiting for this moment, when he jumped out suddenly, snatching the letter from the little eunuch's hand. Letterhead, looking at him proudly.

The little eunuch screamed in fright, and backed up against the rockery. The pigeon also fell to the ground in response, and flew away with a flutter.

"You... you you you... what are you doing?"

Ling Xiaoxie smiled and looked at the letterhead in his hand: "I want to ask my father-in-law about this."

He opened the letterhead, glanced casually at the contents of the letter, looked at the little eunuch Li Yuan, cleared his throat and read: "Young Master Lan Wei, Mo Xiunu is fine, don't worry!"

"Heh... Father-in-law, are you helping Xiunv to have an affair?"

"You, you... nonsense!" The little eunuch pointed at the orchid, and came to snatch the letterhead from Ling Xiao's hand.

Ling Xiao dodged and sneered, "Young master Lan Wei, isn't he the prime minister's son! This prime minister's son had an affair with a beautiful girl in the palace? This crime... tsk tsk tsk."

"I tell you, don't talk nonsense!"

"This evidence is all here! If you dedicate this to the emperor, what will happen?" Of course, this is just Ling Xiao's threat. If he can dedicate it to the emperor, the emperor will avenge him and will not be here with this The little eunuch is talking nonsense, the problem is that others are so light-hearted and never see the emperor at all, Ling Xiao doesn't think that the "good luck" last time will happen to him again, moreover, offering this to the emperor is very risky, Believe it or not, the emperor believes that he is one, and there is another one. If the emperor values Mo Qi because of this letter, the loss outweighs the gain.

Ling Xiao has seen Mo Qi's golden finger and halo. In his previous life, the emperor wanted her to be his empress. Although Ling Xiao didn't think that a normal man would still have an affair with someone else when he saw the woman who was about to become him. He could have a good impression of her, but after seeing Mo Qi's halo, Ling Xiao really didn't dare to take the risk. If Mo Qi had the emperor's protection, it would be difficult for him to seek revenge in this life!

What's more, the emperor is also one of the people he wants to take revenge on!

"You... what do you want!" Li Yuan snatched the letter paper many times to no avail, gritted his teeth and looked at Ling Xiao.

"What do I want..." Ling Xiao smiled wickedly.

"What do you want?" Before he could speak, a thick male voice suddenly appeared behind him.

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then the little eunuch in front of him shook his head, bent over, and knelt softly on the ground.

"The emperor... long live!"
