The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 58: The emperor bent


"Very good." Hearing Fu Yujun's words, the emperor narrowed his eyes and said two words.

Those two words hit Ling Xiao's heart like ice scum, making Ling Xiao tremble all over, he knew that Fu Yujun... was going to be over.

Sure enough, the next second the emperor signaled to Lan Wei, and Lan Wei stepped forward knowingly, but after a while, he joined forces with Anya to subdue the injured Fu Yujun, and escorted him to the emperor.

The emperor waved his hand, as if he had no interest in Fu Yujun who was kneeling on the ground and showed obedience, so Lan Wei and others took him down.

He took Ling Xiao and walked away in a sedan chair.

Ling Xiao was extremely nervous, he didn't know how the emperor would treat him.

The appearance of the emperor does not seem to be angry with him.

However, if he thought that the emperor would let him go, Ling Xiao would never believe it.

The sedan chair stopped in front of Wangchun Building, Ling Xiao was taken off the sedan chair by the emperor, and went all the way to the second floor.

After going to the second floor, Ling Xiao was taken to a hidden box, which was a small bedroom with a bed, table and chairs, incense burning on the desk, and steaming tea.

It seems that the emperor has always lived here in Shao Kingdom.

Ling Xiao sized him up without any trace, the emperor let him go suddenly, and sat in front of the desk in a high position.

Ling Xiao quickly knelt down in front of the emperor knowingly.

Seeing this, the emperor frowned, slightly lowered his head to look at Ling Xiao, and leaned back on the chair.

"It seems that you are really afraid of me."

When the emperor said this, he seemed a little unhappy. Hearing this, Ling Xiao didn't dare to answer casually, and only lowered his head extremely low.

The emperor stared at the top of Ling Xiao's head for a long time, crossed his hands in front of his body, and asked with a sigh: "What are you afraid of me?"

"..." The emperor's question made Ling Xiao very surprised, but he knew that the emperor didn't like lies, and now that he was guilty of a serious crime, there was no need to hide it from the emperor, so he spoke frankly.

"Your Majesty, you are the sovereign, the Son of Heaven, you hold Ling Xiao's life in your hands, and Ling Xiao is a person who cherishes his life."

The emperor raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, played with his palm, and said casually: "If you have done nothing wrong, why are you worried that I will kill you?"

Ling Xiao was taken aback when he heard the words, and raised his head with some black lines. Didn't he just do something wrong, he used the emperor to deceive the emperor all this time, that's why he was so afraid of the emperor's blame!

The emperor knew what he had committed, but still asked him like this!

Isn't this indirectly saying that I have a guilty conscience!

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes, and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "Your Majesty, you know that Ling Xiao has done something wrong..."

The tone of the little eunuch was full of grievance and dissatisfaction, his expression seemed to be angry and resentful, as if he was blaming himself for mentioning it, the emperor pursed his lips, this little eunuch obviously did something wrong by himself, and he looked like he was wronged first up

The emperor shook his head, took out a token from his bosom, and threw it in front of Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao blinked blankly, staring at the golden token on the ground with some confusion.

There is a word "free" on this token. If I remember correctly and read it correctly, it is a gold medal for avoiding death.

With it, even the emperor would not easily take his own life.

Did the emperor mean to give this to himself

Ling Xiao was surprised, and saw a pair of black boots with gold trim appeared in front of him.

It turned out that the emperor had already walked in front of Ling Xiao at some point.

With his hands behind his back, he looked down at Ling Xiao and said, "If you are afraid of death, I will give you a barrier. As long as you don't betray me or judge the country, I will protect you from death."

Ling Xiao stared in astonishment, the emperor meant...

He will not pursue the things he has been doing all along!

Including the fact that he is not a eunuch

"Get up." The emperor said.

Ling Xiao stood up blankly holding the death-prevention gold medal, feeling at a loss that the happiness had come too suddenly.

Ling Xiao's eyes were slack, his movements were stiff, and he stood in front of the emperor in a trance, looking extremely stupid. Seeing this, the emperor pursed his lips and said, "Why? Are you not satisfied?"

"No, no, no." Ling Xiao shook his head hastily, and tightly held the death-prevention gold medal in his hand, as if he was afraid that the emperor would regret it.

The emperor raised his eyebrows.

Ling Xiao realized that his actions were very disrespectful, and quickly let go of his hands, and quickly replied: "I just feel that happiness comes too suddenly."

"Happiness?" The emperor raised his eyebrows: "Just avoiding death is happiness?"

"..." Ling Xiao was silent, of course it was impossible for him to answer yes to the emperor, but in fact, it was like this, avoiding death was already happiness, after all Ling Xiao always thought that he would die with the emperor.

Even though the two were already physically close, even if the emperor issued a notice to confer the title of emperor, Ling Xiao did not get rid of this thought.

In his previous life, Ling Xiao had a deep memory of the emperor's deep aversion to lies, he really didn't think the emperor would let him go so easily.

Even now, he has already held the gold medal for avoiding death, Ling Xiao is still at a loss, he always has a sense of unreality, has he really been let off by the emperor? Or is the current self just dreaming

Ling Xiao's look of being at a loss suddenly fell into the eyes of the emperor.

From the emperor's point of view, Ling Xiao's dumbfounded look was different from any time before, but it made the emperor find it very novel, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

These few glances made him discover that Ling Xiao's face was handsome, his facial features were exquisite, and he was obviously stunned to do nothing. However, the emperor felt that Ling Xiao was bewitching everywhere, especially the lips that made him most happy. It grew slightly, and the white teeth in Ling Xiao's mouth could be clearly seen through the opening and closing gap.

He couldn't help but think of how soft and lingering Ling Xiao's mouth was, and how ecstasy the taste in his mouth was.

The emperor's eyes darkened, and he moved slightly closer to Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao didn't notice anything, and looked at the emperor purely and straightforwardly. Those pure eyes directly hit the emperor's heart, making the emperor's heart calm. Ripples appeared in a circle.

He slightly rudely pulled Ling Xiao closer, wrapped him in his arms, and domineeringly sucked those dreamy lips.

Overcoming Ling Xiao's defense in one fell swoop, the emperor went straight into the area that belonged exclusively to Ling Xiao, driving Ling Xiao's soft and slippery tongue to linger and dance with him.

After the kiss was over, both of them breathed a little.

Ling Xiao lay softly in the emperor's arms, his face flushed, but the emperor seemed dissatisfied, and pecked Ling Xiao lightly on the mouth several times.

"Happiness is not just about avoiding death. You once said that you liked me and hoped to stay by my side all the time. Now that I give you this opportunity, I will see all the great rivers and mountains with you, and we will grow old together hand in hand."

The emperor said calmly.

In Ling Xiao's ears, these words woke Ling Xiao up like a heavy hammer. Ling Xiao knew that the emperor never made promises easily, and if he made a promise, he would definitely do it.

It was also because of this that Ling Xiao knew the weight of these words, and also understood the emperor's determination.

Only then did he really realize it.

The emperor... bent!