The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 7: Slap the prime minister's house in the face


Even though he thought so, Ling Xiao didn't dare to say so, he knelt on the ground tremblingly, his eyes swept forward slightly, and found that there was only the emperor's hem around him, and there were no eunuchs or guards.

Ling Xiao wondered why the emperor was always running around in the palace by himself.

The first time I said it was a coincidence, the second time I said it was in the Royal Garden, so the chance of meeting was too high, so this time, he stayed in Chuxiu Palace, why did he also meet him

Could it be that he came to see the beautiful girl from Chuxiu Palace to inspect the goods in advance

"Get up."

Just as he was thinking, the emperor spoke, Ling Xiao dared not disobey.

Lifting his hem, he stood up, but he didn't dare to stand up straight, and bowed slightly, showing full respect to the emperor.

With a sound of "哐", Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment, the jade pendant he was holding accidentally fell out, and fell right in front of the emperor's feet, Ling Xiao wondered whether he should pick it up or pick it up.

However, before he could think about it, the emperor had already bent down, picked up the jade pendant in his hand, looked at it for a while, and then raised his eyes to look at him.

"Head up."

Ling Xiao was startled, pondering the emperor's intentions in his heart, he slowly raised his head.

The eyes were facing the deep eyes of the emperor, and the eyes met briefly.

The emperor approached him, Ling Xiao quickly closed his eyes.

"He looks pretty, but he doesn't look like a little eunuch."

The emperor's eyes fixed on Ling Xiao's lower body, Ling Xiao's body froze, he moved the corners of his lips, pulled at the flesh of his face and said, "This slave just entered the palace not long ago."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at the jade pendant in his hand: "That's it."

Ling Xiao bowed his head and saluted.

"You come with me." The emperor was silent, with his hands behind his back, he walked to the front, and the jade pendant was held in his hands.

Ling Xiao frowned, hunched over and followed in small steps.

The emperor looked back at him slightly: "It's not long since I came here, but I learned etiquette pretty well."

Ling Xiao broke into a cold sweat. Naturally, he had learned these few steps of saluting in the palace in his previous life. When he first entered the palace, although he had been taught verbally, how could he know these complicated etiquettes? The older generation of nuns and eunuchs in the palace, We all know that the new eunuchs will inevitably be reckless, so most of them will not arrange for them to go to the master of this palace, but only let them practice in some side halls.

In his previous life, Ling Xiao was in Mo Qi's favor, so as a new eunuch, he also met the emperor, but he also made mistakes in front of him several times, and he verbally reprimanded him for getting past him. Ling Xiao remembers all of this. Clearly.

So, in this life, when he saw the emperor, Ling Xiao reflexively performed the salute too perfectly. In this way, instead, he forgot when he first entered the palace, which made the emperor suspicious.

Ling Xiao's face turned pale, he was thinking about how to reply, making up lies is naturally not acceptable, what the emperor hates most is lies, but how can he tell the truth.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, they reached their destination.

The emperor didn't ask any more questions about him, Ling Xiao quietly heaved a sigh of relief, and slightly raised his eyes to see that their destination was the main hall of the harem beyond the Chuxiu Palace, which was the imperial study, where the emperor usually worked.

Ling Xiao frowned, what did the emperor bring him here for

Just as he was thinking, Manager Xu, dressed in auspicious cloud red attire, came up with two young eunuchs behind him, and saluted the emperor.

The emperor nodded lightly: "Get up, is anyone here?"

Manager Xu responded: "Here we are. The Prime Minister and Young Master Lan Wei are here, waiting for the Emperor in the room."

After hearing this, the emperor took two steps forward, Director Xu followed closely behind, Ling Xiao intended to keep up, but was stared at by Director Xu in front, and stopped in his tracks.

The emperor turned his head, looked at Director Xu, and said, "Let him come with you."

Director Xu's complexion was black and blue, Ling Xiao closed his eyes indistinctly while leaving him alone, and followed closely behind the emperor with Director Xu.

"I see the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

"Cao Min Lan Wei sees the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

As soon as I entered the room, I heard two greetings, one old and one childish.

Ling Xiao glanced quietly, and it was Lan Wei and his son who were kneeling in front of the emperor.

His old acquaintances in this world lived in the prime minister's mansion before he entered the palace. The prime minister, Lan Kan, was fifty years old, with gray hair and a gray beard. He was an old minister, and he was usually loyal to the court. But he cares about rights.

He has only one son, Lan Wei.

At this time, the emperor summoned these two people, and why did he call him up

Ling Xiao couldn't figure it out, but saw Lan Wei raised his head slightly, and met his gaze.

Lan Wei's eyes widened, and she stood up in shock: "It's you!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at Lan Wei. Lan Wei was pulled back by the prime minister, and immediately regained consciousness and knelt on the ground.

The prime minister's face turned pale, and he pleaded guilty: "My son is not sensible, it's my minister who is not strict in teaching, and I ask the emperor to forgive me."

The emperor looked back at Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao pretended to be calm, and scolded the innocent and brainless Lan Wei in his heart.

The emperor looked at him with great interest, twitched the corners of his mouth and turned his head, went to his seat and sat down and said, "Get up, the prime minister is straightforward and innocent, I appreciate it very much."

Hearing this, the prime minister breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Lan Wei to stand up.

"I called the two of you here this time, and I just want to return two things to Aiqing." After speaking, the emperor glanced at Mr. Xu, who understood, walked up to the prime minister, and handed him a note , Ling Xiao recognized the note, it was Lan Wei and Mo Qi's letterhead that was handed over from him last time.

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows, knowing that the prime minister's family was in great trouble, he put on a gesture of watching the show.

After reading the contents of the letter, the prime minister turned pale, and with a "bang", he pulled Lan Wei to kneel on the ground again: "Your Majesty, there must be a misunderstanding on this letter!"

The emperor picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, as if he hadn't heard the prime minister's words, he just said: "This is just one of them, the prime minister might as well see the other one before talking."

The prime minister's face turned pale, and he lowered his body with trembling hands.

The emperor gave Director Xu another item, Ling Xiao was taken aback, that item was just picked up from him by the emperor.

Ling Xiao was startled, feeling a little terrified.

Director Xu took the jade pendant and handed it to Lan Wei, the emperor looked at Ling Xiao and said: "If I remember correctly, this jade pendant was given to Lan Wei, the son of Aiqing, by the late emperor. The chancellor wants Lan Wei to take good care of the things, don’t lose them again.”

Saying that, the emperor looked away from Ling Xiao's face, and looked at Lan Wei.

Lan Wei held the jade pendant, her face ashen.

The prime minister shook his lips and bowed his body: "My family was careless and lost the jade pendant. This minister is not strict in teaching, and I ask the emperor to forgive me!"

The emperor lowered his head, blew on the tea in his hand, and seemed to be drinking tea leisurely, but did not respond to the prime minister's words.

This made the prime minister panic even more, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I can explain this matter."

"Kang." The emperor put the teacup on the table and made a sound that was neither heavy nor light. He looked at the prime minister with a cold expression on his face: "Then the prime minister will explain it to me."

The prime minister swallowed his saliva and said: "A few days ago, my family met a man and a woman. The woman's name was Mo Qi and she was beautiful. The man's name was Ling Xiao. He was clean and restrained. He was Mo Qi's servant. The man was starved of food and looked distressed, so he developed a heart of compassion and took her back to the mansion for resettlement, and soon, the family was able to make friends with Mo Qi, and the minister also regarded her as his own."

"A while ago, when the emperor was drafting a talent show, I saw that Mo Qi was beautiful and dignified, so I wanted to present it to the emperor, but I knew that the emperor always hated such offerings, so I let her enter the palace as a beautiful girl. At the beginning, I went through layers of screening to reach the emperor, the emperor and the ministers are also sincere!"

"My family and Na Mo Qiqing are brothers and sisters. When she enters the palace, my family is afraid that she will be wronged. Therefore, from time to time, let people pay attention to her movements, ensure her safety, take care of her, and do not overdo it. The matter! Please also ask the emperor to observe clearly!"

"That Ling Xiao is the little eunuch behind the emperor. He has disappeared since Mo Qi entered the palace, and the ministers don't know where he is. Who would have seen him here today, so my son saw him like this just now. surprise."

"The prime minister's words are very well organized. Judging from the letter paper alone, it is true that nothing can be seen." The emperor said.

The prime minister wiped off his sweat, and the emperor looked at Lan Wei: "What's your opinion?"

Lan Wei was stunned for a moment, bent down and gritted his teeth: "Cao...Caomin...'s statement is the same as that of my father, and everything is true!"

The emperor turned cold.

The prime minister took the opportunity and said: "Please also ask the emperor to learn from you!"

The emperor leaned back on the chair, clasped his hands and looked at the person kneeling below.

"The prime minister and the young master have worked hard, let's go back first."

The prime minister saluted Lan Wei, Lan Wei had something in mind, gritted his teeth with a frown, and finally asked before leaving: "Your Majesty, Caomin has something else to ask your Majesty."

The emperor looked at him: "You say."

"How does the emperor plan to deal with Mo...Xiu Nu?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, and the prime minister glared at Lan Wei secretly, but said tactfully, "Your Majesty, that's right, this Mo Xiu girl is a strange woman in the world, I can assure you that Lan Wei, my son, has absolutely no selfishness with her. You and your family look like siblings, I hope the emperor will not blame you."

"Since it was given to me by the prime minister, I will naturally keep it well."

The prime minister heaved a sigh of relief, saluted the emperor, turned around and planned to leave.

The emperor said leisurely: "By the way, the prime minister is old and has worked hard for me. I am deeply comforted. Therefore, I hereby grant a two-month leave so that the prime minister can take care of himself and rest."

"What..." The prime minister was astonished, turned around and knelt down: "Your Majesty! My minister..."

"Director Xu." The emperor interrupted him: "Send the prime minister back to the residence to rest."

"Yes." Mr. Xu agreed, and walked up to the Prime Minister with his whisk in his hands: "Please, Your Excellency Prime Minister."

After Lan Wei and the prime minister left, the emperor looked at Ling Xiao.

Startled, Ling Xiao knelt down in front of the emperor.