The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Chapter 70: Slap the face of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials


What did the emperor think, how did he want to confess to himself, and what kind of truth did he want to see

Being so puzzled, Ling Xiao couldn't help walking quickly to the gate of Concubine Xian's palace.

The maid entered the door to announce, and Ling Xiao followed closely.

In Concubine Xian's palace, the emperor was already sitting on the throne, and Concubine Xian and Hong Ye were kneeling in front of the emperor in formal attire.

Judging by the emperor's appearance, it seems that he has no intention of telling them to get up.

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, walked to the emperor's side, and was about to salute, the emperor stretched out his hand and pulled him past.

"The ceremony will be waived."

As he said this, his subordinates pulled Ling Xiao into his arms with force, letting Ling Xiao sit on his lap.

Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment, and wanted to struggle, but he also saw two women who were peeking at him below, their bodies were stiff, and they were looking at him with resentment or envy.

He paused for a moment, then changed his mind, relaxed his body, obediently sat on the emperor's lap, and obediently fell into the emperor's arms.

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, his penetrating eyes rolled over Ling Xiao and the kneeling Concubine Xian and Hong Ye, and he understood Ling Xiao's intentions in his heart.

Looking at the shyness on this man's face, and the cheek that was pressed against his chest, his expression and posture were like a cat protecting food, announcing his ownership to the enemy.

The emperor was in a good mood, and hugged Ling Xiao, and under his surprised gaze, kissed him softly.

Ling Xiao's body froze, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the emperor's gentle expression, his brows were smiling, and his stern aura softened instantly the moment he arrived, just like the spring breeze in the cold winter, blowing away the chill. .

Ling Xiao's heart beat suddenly, and his face couldn't help feeling hot. He had obviously done everything, but he was still shy and shy like his first love.

Concubine Xian looked at it in surprise, and lowered her eyebrows dimly. After following the emperor for a long time, she had never seen the emperor so disregarding the occasion, and she had never seen the emperor so gentle.

This person really approached the emperor's heart.

Whoever they were, there was no hope.

Concubine Xian understood very well in her heart, bowed her head submissively, and saluted Ling Xiao: "The emperor is Kang'an."

Hong Ye followed closely and saluted: "The Emperor Kang'an."

Two salutes brought back Ling Xiao's spirit, he hurriedly moved his gaze away from the emperor, and looked at Concubine Xian and Hongye.

Concubine Xian's obedient appearance was under his sight, and he could see everything at a glance, while Hongye's attitude of reluctance did not escape Ling Xiao's eyes.

"Get up." The emperor said.

Ling Xiao pursed his lips, sat obediently in the emperor's arms, and waited for the emperor to present him the scene he wanted to see.

"Thank you master." Concubine Xian and Hongye both responded, Yan Yanran got up.

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, Hongye called the emperor "master" because she was the emperor's secret clue, Ling Xiao knew, but why did this virtuous concubine follow Hongye and call the emperor "master"

Not only Ling Xiao but also Hongye were also surprised, Hongye's puzzled gaze remained on Concubine Xian from beginning to end, Concubine Xian felt it, smiled slightly, and said calmly: "This is what Master wants me to do, sister don't need to be surprised. "

Hongye and Ling Xiao were both taken aback when they heard this, but the emperor narrowed his eyes and sighed as if satisfied: "You finally understand me."

After finishing speaking, the emperor paused for a moment, then slightly softened his expression and said, "Because of this, I let you be this virtuous concubine instead of her."

The emperor looked at Hongye coldly, Hongye's body froze, her face was filled with sadness, and mist appeared in her eyes.

"But... After all, my sister is your fiancee, master."

"When did you see me take this false promise seriously?" The emperor snorted.

Concubine Xian was silent for a while, then sighed lightly, and changed the subject.

"Master, do you want the emperor to know about his subordinate and sister?"

The emperor remained silent, but the concubine Xian understood and said with a smile: "Then please ask the master to borrow the emperor for a while."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao looked at the emperor, and the emperor nodded slightly to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao understood, stood up with a frown, and walked in front of Concubine Xian: "Say something."

Concubine Xian smiled faintly, and politely gave way to Ling Xiao, saying: "Your Majesty and your subordinates go to the Imperial Garden for a walk."

Ling Xiao looked back at the emperor, the emperor took a sip of tea and said with a sigh of relief: "Go, I have something to talk to Hongye."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao pursed his lips and walked to the front, Concubine Xian has been following Ling Xiao unhurriedly.

Ling Xiao has been waiting for Concubine Xian to take the initiative to speak, but Concubine Xian has never opened her mouth. When she reached the depths of the imperial garden, she still had no intention of speaking.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Let's talk, this place is far enough."

Concubine Xian chuckled when she saw this: "This subordinate is still wondering how long the emperor can endure."

As she said this, her face was slightly narrowed, Ling Xiao frowned unhappily when he saw this.

Concubine Xian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, this subordinate just wants to know if you treat your master like a master treats you."

Ling Xiao's mouth twitched, he glanced at her coldly and said, "You'll know after walking with me all the way?"

Concubine Xian nodded lightly: "You look uneasy and anxious, it can be seen that you care about the master."

Ling Xiao was slightly annoyed, he...was it so obvious.

"Obviously, Your Majesty." Concubine Xian seemed to see what Ling Xiao was thinking, and said softly.

Ling Xiao raised his eyes in surprise, Concubine Xian said to herself: "Don't be surprised, this subordinate's observation skills have always been good, and it is precisely because of this that the master will let this subordinate be this concubine."

Concubine Xian said, looking past Ling Xiao to the distance and said: "This subordinate is the master's secret guard, I believe the emperor can also imagine it, and it is the master who arranges me as a secret guard in the harem for better control Harem."

"..." He had some thoughts, but he was still surprised when Concubine Xian said it himself. The emperor's hidden guards were indeed everywhere. How did he in his previous life escape the emperor's eyes and work for Mo Qi

Perhaps, in the previous life, I and Mo Qi never escaped the emperor's eyes, so the emperor finally killed Mo Qi...

Ling Xiao pursed his lips, and then he heard Concubine Xian say in a friendly tone: "It's the secret guard, and my master and I are just master and servant. The superficial identity is just a cover-up, does the emperor understand?"

"..." Ling Xiao nodded, and asked, "I don't want to know your details, it's Hongye..."

Concubine Xian gave a low laugh and interrupted Ling Xiao: "Thinking about it, even though I am a concubine Xian, the master has never 'spoiled' me, and the emperor was not a stingy person..."

Saying that, Concubine Xian sighed and said: "Hongye is my biological sister, our sisters originally followed Concubine Xianhui."

Saying that, Concubine Xian paused, afraid that Ling Xiao would not understand, and explained: "Concubine Xianhui is the mother concubine of the master, Hongye once saved Concubine Xianhui's life when she was young, before the master became the king, Hongye was pointed out by the grateful Concubine Xianhui to be the main wife of the master, but the master has always had his own ideas in doing things, and after the death of Concubine Xianhui, he never fulfilled this promise and instead 'brought' his subordinates into the palace."

Ling Xiao frowned when he heard that. Speaking of it this way, he understood why the emperor made exceptions to Hongye several times. After all, he was the one left to him by his mother, and the one who had saved his mother.

However, he was curious, why did Hongye become a hidden guard

"Hongye's heart is simple, and she is devoted to her master. When the master was not the king of the shepherd country, he wanted to cultivate his own power. Hongye was the first to bear the brunt. When the master was using someone, he did not refuse. This job, the master has used Hongye for eight years. "

With sighs and emotions, Concubine Xian wryly smiled and said: "Master has become a monarch, but he never called Hongye back, but sent Hongye farther. Although food and clothing are not close to Hongye, but the thought of pushing Hongye away, It's already on the surface, Hongye understands it in her heart, and I understand it too."

"When the master found me who had been silently guarding the mausoleum since Concubine Xianhui's death, and asked me to enter the palace as a virtuous concubine, both Hongye and I understood that in the master's heart, there is no way to choose the concubine you like. The meaning of liking is only suitable or not.”

"Because I didn't like it, Hongye didn't complain, even if I entered the palace, even if Concubine Ran, Concubine Li, and many other concubines entered the palace..."

Concubine Xian smiled wryly as she spoke, her eyes were set in the distance under her slightly frowned brows, full of sorrow.

The tone of the speech was obviously gentle, but the deep sorrow was like a hammer, hitting Ling Xiao's heart heavily.

Ling Xiao sighed softly, Concubine Xian took a look at Ling Xiao, her expression eased, and she said softly: "The emperor is a kind-hearted person, Hongye once told me that."

"Hongye?" Ling Xiao was surprised.

Concubine Xian nodded with a smile, looking dignified and polite: "Hongye told me that the time I was with you was very real. He could feel the kindness you treated her, and he also said that your dancing skills are unparalleled in the world."

Ling Xiao frowned and closed his eyes: "Even so, she still..."

Concubine Xian suppressed her smile when she heard the words, lowered the corners of her raised lips, and said sadly: "Yes, even if that's the case, even if she understands the truth, she still did something bad to you."

Concubine Xian smiled weakly: "My jealousy is something that is very difficult to control."

"Your Majesty." Concubine Xian called Ling Xiao, looked back at Ling Xiao and said, "Even if she did something wrong, she also knew she was wrong. For the master, she worked hard for eight years and suffered a lot. Now , the master has already punished her, and I hope the emperor will stop complaining about her."

"Punishment?" Ling Xiao's mind was already shaken. Although what Hongye had done to the emperor made him feel uncomfortable, it also made him admire. A woman can be so dedicated, after all, it is pitiful.

But when it comes to punishment, Ling Xiao pursed his lips, how does the emperor look like punishing her? !

Concubine Xian saw Ling Xiao's complex dissatisfaction and doubts in her eyes, she pursed her lips and said, "The Emperor Xu Shi is still wondering why Hongye stayed in the palace."

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Ling Xiao to speak, she said to herself: "This is not the master's intention, I begged for mercy, our sisters didn't talk about the past after Hongye became a dark guard, I begged the master Promise, Hongye will stay with me for a few days, the master gave us a one-month deadline, and now there are only a few days left."

Ling Xiao paused when he heard the words, and suddenly realized that this was not the emperor's idea, not the red leaves left by the emperor...

Concubine Xian carefully looked at Ling Xiao's face in secret, seeing that his expression was slightly relaxed, she knew she had said the right thing, she couldn't help but speak again: "Master punished Hongye not to stay in the secret guard department, nor in the palace anymore, you and Master's side, so after this month, Hongye will leave."

"" Ling Xiao felt relaxed for a while, the stone that had been pressing on his chest was gone, Ling Xiao only felt that he missed the emperor very much at this moment.

I want to see his eyebrows, kiss the corners of his eyebrows, and tell him that I like him a little more than before.

Thinking like this, Ling Xiao seemed impatient, turned and walked back.

Concubine Xian was taken aback, and raised her heel.

When they arrived at Xianfei's palace, the emperor was coming out of the palace, followed by the wilting red leaves.

Ling Xiao trotted over, saluted the emperor quickly, and then looked at the emperor's face with a trusting and admiring expression.

The emperor was slightly taken aback, then turned to glance at the concubine Xian who was following behind, the concubine saluted the emperor silently, and nodded slightly, the emperor turned his head, chuckled lightly, and raised his hand to rub Ling Xiao's Fa: "Do you know everything?"

Ling Xiao nodded obediently.

The emperor put his hands behind his back, hooked the corners of his lips, and then walked to the front and said, "Well, let's go back."

"En." Ling Xiao responded briskly, and quickly followed behind the emperor: "Your Majesty, I know everything, so what did you tell Hongye?"

"What? Still suspicious?" The emperor raised his eyebrows, and looked at Ling Xiao slightly sideways, with disapproval on his face.

Ling Xiao shook his head: "No, I'm curious."

Ling Xiao blinked his wet eyes, the trust and admiration in front of him, like a ray of dawn, shone into the emperor's heart, warming the emperor's heart, he was reluctant to take his eyes off his face, but the thirst for knowledge on his face was still there. It was so obvious that the emperor couldn't ignore it. The emperor sighed slightly and said helplessly: "I will let her leave tomorrow."

Ling Xiao stared in surprise, and blurted out doubtful words: "But didn't you just promise Concubine Xian to give them a month?"

Hearing this, the emperor stopped in his tracks, turned around and cast a accusatory glance at Ling Xiao, that glance seemed to say, who is this for.

Ling Xiao shrunk his neck and laughed twice, he really wanted to say, in fact, there are only a few days in a month, so there is no need to be in a hurry, but seeing the emperor's gloomy gaze, Ling Xiao finally couldn't speak.

On the second day, Hongye still left, no matter what thoughts she had before, Ling Xiao couldn't complain about her anymore when she left this palace gate.

When Hong Ye was leaving, she begged to see the emperor, but the emperor was in Ling Xiao's palace at that time, and none of the maids and eunuchs dared to disturb the announcement, and finally nothing happened.

It was not Ling Xiao who awakened the emperor, but a young eunuch from Concubine Ran's palace.

He entered in a panic, bringing a shocking news.

Concubine Ran hanged herself...

Knowing this news, Ling Xiao has been in a state of bewilderment.

It is said that Concubine Ran could not accept the fact that her appearance was ruined and fell out of favor, so she hanged herself last night.

When the emperor heard the news, he just ordered someone to bury her, but he didn't show up in person, as if he was dealing with an insignificant person.

Ling Xiao, on the other hand, always felt that Concubine Ran had a deep scheming mind, and she shouldn't have died like this. In terms of her scheming, it was unlikely that she would hang herself.

The funeral lasted for three days. Concubine Ran was not considered the emperor's favored concubine. In her funeral, the emperor kept everything simple. After the funeral, the emperor rewarded some treasures to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, which was regarded as a comfort to Concubine Ran's natal family.

The emperor did not go to court for these three days, which was regarded as a sacrifice to Concubine Ran, but in fact he had been with Ling Xiao for three days.

However, for these three days, Ling Xiao was restless.

Seeing him like this, the emperor thought that Ling Xiao was blaming himself, so he rarely tried to persuade him: "Don't worry too much, it's not your fault, she's going to go after all."

Ling Xiao turned his head to look at the emperor, his face was calm and without disturbance, as if he had expected this matter long ago.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao trembled all over, looking at the emperor thoughtfully, what does the emperor mean by saying that he is going after all

Ling Xiao was about to ask the emperor, but the emperor raised his hand to rub Ling Xiao's long hair, got up and said, "Get up, go to court."

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that today is the fourth day, the emperor will go to the morning court, and he also agreed to go to the morning court with the emperor.

But Concubine Ran has just left, and the court is afraid that someone will make trouble...

For example, Concubine Ran’s father, Minister of the Ministry of Officials—Ran Sheng Chieftain

As the main perpetrator of this incident, he may be the focus of impeachment.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao shrank a little: "Your Majesty, you said that this happened, should I avoid the limelight?"

"Do you want to avoid it?" The emperor cast a casual glance at Ling Xiao, that glance had a profound meaning, and the extended meaning made Ling Xiao's heart spin, and he felt that the emperor seemed to be scornful.

Unconvinced, Ling Xiao seemed to hold his breath in his heart, and blurted out the unintentional words: "Ling Xiao and the Emperor are advancing and retreating together, how can we escape alone this time."

"Very good." The emperor kissed Ling Xiao on the forehead in satisfaction, got up and walked out of the house first.

"..." The corners of Ling Xiao's mouth twitched.

It was the first time that the emperor had prepared an official uniform for himself, and Ling Xiao stood in the line of ministers wearing it, and he seemed to look decent.

However, his arrival was really too exciting for some people in the court.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials bore the brunt of the attack on Ling Xiao.

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach the Emperor Ling Xiao!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Ling Xiao with resentment on his face, as if he wanted to tear Ling Xiao apart.

"As a minister of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in the court, he did not lead by example. He did not go to court for a few days, and his eyes were lawless. As an emperor, he did not set an example. Instead, he made things difficult for Concubine Ran, ruined her appearance, and caused her death. Poor Concubine Ran and her servants died in vain! Your majesty, please be the master of the veteran!"

Ran Shengqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, said with tears and grief on his face, but there was a hint of calculation in his eyes from time to time.

Although his daughter is dead, he can give another one to the emperor, but the emperor only favors Ling Xiao, if it goes on like this, he has no chance, and must not allow Ling Xiao to continue to favor him alone, the only way is to borrow the money from his own daughter. Death, blaming Ling Xiao on him, greatly reduced his image in the emperor's heart. In this way, even if Ling Xiao could not be brought down, at least it could make him fall out of favor.

Thinking of this, Ran Shengjiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, cried even more vividly.

Ling Xiao's heart trembled, he raised his head slightly to look at the emperor, and saw that he was looking at the Minister of the Ministry of Officials with a half-smile, he neither refuted nor agreed, his tightly pursed lips were slightly slanted, evoking an unpredictable arc .

The indifferent expression on the face, under those transparent eyes, seemed to know everything, and the courtiers below were flustered and did not dare to say a word.

In the instant court, the only one who came out was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials frowned slightly, bent his waist to block the sight of the emperor, and secretly glanced at a few officials. Those people froze, and after a while, they all came out and stood beside the Minister of the Ministry of Officials .

It appears that this is a calculated impeachment.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes, under the premise of not knowing the situation, it would be wrong to say too much, Ling Xiao quietly stood where he was, wanting to see more about the situation.

"Do you all think this is the emperor's fault?" The emperor finally opened his mouth, and a soft sentence, sandwiching the dragon's power, was transmitted from all directions to the ears of the courtiers present, making everyone's expressions tremble, and the coldness turned From the soles of the feet straight up and spin.

No one dared to speak out.

The emperor sneered, and was about to speak, when a person came out to salute, "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"The emperor is a man of temperament. It must be that Concubine Ran disregarded the rules first, and she hoped that the emperor would learn from her."

This speaks for itself

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then slightly raised his head to look at the person in front of him, suddenly it was the uncle Mu Xiuning who was dressed in the official uniform of a prime minister.

Ling Xiao was surprised that this person was willing to believe in him after only meeting him once...

"The prince's partiality is too obvious. You said that the courtier disregarded the rules first, but do you have evidence? Can you kill the courtier in vain just by saying that you are a good-natured person!"

"How the facts are, the emperor has his own decision. Lord Ran, the loss of his daughter is very sad. This king deeply sympathizes, but this is not a reason to slander others."

"Heh... the minister wants to uphold justice for the minister's daughter, is he slandering others? The minister's daughter's death, saying that Ling Xiao is not at fault, are the ministers blind!"

Ran Shengji pointed at Ling Xiao emotionally and said.

"..." Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, and now that things have happened, he can no longer be a coward.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao stepped forward and said: "Lord Ran, Ling Xiao also regrets the death of Concubine Ran, but it is true that she came to the door to provoke first."

"Provocation? My daughter has been educated since she was a child. Before you entered the palace, she had some conflicts with other concubines. How come she became the one who came to provoke you and forgot the rules once you entered the palace!" Ran Ran The chief is aggressive.

Ling Xiao frowned, and said with displeasure: "What? Lord Ran thinks that Ling Xiaozhi is wrong?"

As he said that, Ling Xiao didn't give Chief Ran Sheng a chance to speak, and continued: "Your Excellency Ran, you know that the Emperor is considerate of Ling Xiao. Those few days were the days when the Emperor asked the concubines in the harem not to disturb Ling Xiao Qingxiu? Can Concubine Ran see you?" When it comes to this gentleman, isn't it already 'forgot the rules'?"

"You..." Ran Sheng Chief pointed at Ling Xiao and gritted his teeth.

Ling Xiao faced it calmly, and emphasized: "This 'forgetting the rules' is still forgetting the rules set by the emperor, which is much more serious than Ling Xiao doing it yourself."

"Ling Xiao!" Ran Shengji looked at Ling Xiao, as if he wanted to tear Ling Xiao apart, his resentful gaze made Ling Xiao's heart shudder.

"You used lynching under the eyes of the emperor, and you are so confident, where do you put the emperor!"

"I keep it in my heart." Ling Xiao said calmly, looked at the emperor and said loudly: "It is precisely because I put it in my heart that I am angry that Concubine Ran disregarded the emperor's order and came to provoke him. Ling Xiao wanted to relieve the emperor's worries. So I taught her a lesson for the emperor."

"Have you learned a lesson? You obviously forced her to death!" Ran Shengqi said nonsense.

"Master Ran, what you said just now, Ling Xiao will return it to you intact, but you must pay attention to evidence."

As Ling Xiao said, he said in a deep voice: "If you continue to slander Ling Xiao like this, then Ling Xiao won't mind telling you about the secret things Concubine Ran did."

"My daughter has been well-versed in books and etiquette since she was a child, and she keeps herself safe in the palace. She has always been a good concubine of the emperor. How about my daughter, the emperor has witnessed it with his own eyes. Don't talk nonsense here!"

"I think it's Lord Ran who is talking nonsense!" Ling Xiao said in a serious tone, "Ling Xiao never took Concubine Ran's life, but you pushed Concubine Ran's death on Ling Xiao. There is no law in the palace, ignoring the emperor's orders time and time again, and even counting on the emperor, giving the emperor medicine, with such deep scheming, yet you say she keeps her own place!"

Ling Xiao sneered: "Isn't Lord Ran just talking nonsense about what? Are you blind?"

"Ling Xiao! You bastard!" Chief Ran Sheng was so angry, his eyes widened, he stepped forward to pull Ling Xiao regardless of the situation, and raised his fist to beat Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao didn't expect Ran Sheng Chief to be so bold that he dared to make a move in front of the emperor. He couldn't help being taken aback, and missed the best time to dodge. Seeing that the fist was about to hit his face, Ling Xiao panicked for a while, Suddenly, a hand appeared beside him, firmly grasping Ran Shengji's fist, and saved Ling Xiao just in time.

Ling Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look, only to find that it was Lan Wei, an old acquaintance.

Ling Xiao smiled at him, Lan Wei pursed her lips slightly, pulled Ran Sheng Chief away from Ling Xiao, and said coldly: "Master Ran, this is in court."

Ran Shengji suddenly woke up, broke out in a cold sweat, and turned to look at the emperor.

Seeing the emperor staring at him intently, Ran Shengqiu suddenly felt cold all over.

"Ran Aiqing, you are truly a pillar of talent."

With ironic words, the stabbing Chief Ran Sheng's complexion turned from red to white, he plopped, knelt down on the ground, and said sadly: "I am only eager to protect my daughter, and I hope the emperor will forgive me."

As he said that, Chief Ran Sheng did not forget to pull Ling Xiao into the sewer, "It was Ling Xiao who slandered his ministers and daughters and made them lose control. Not only was he undisciplined, but he also dared to execute punishments for the emperor. "

Hearing this, Ling Xiao glared at Chief Ran Sheng angrily. This man really knew how to find a way, so he saw that he had crossed the emperor and punished Concubine Ran. I am already suspicious, if I don't love and trust myself enough, maybe I will really doubt myself.

Ling Xiao also followed with a plop, and knelt down in front of the emperor: "What about Ling Xiao, your majesty, you know that Ling Xiao has never had anything that he shouldn't have, please enlighten me, and return Ling Xiao innocent."

The emperor sat on the dragon chair with a cold face, wondering what to do, the surrounding was eerily quiet, only the sound of his heartbeat "boom, boom, boom" remained in the huge hall.

A sound announced the passage of time rhythmically.

After a long time, the emperor finally opened his mouth, looking at Chief Ran Sheng.

"I know Ran Aiqing's grief at the loss of her daughter, but what Ling Xiao said is not nonsense, Concubine Ran is in the palace, lawless, and she gave me medicine, it is all true."

As he said that, the emperor winked at the eunuch behind him, and the eunuch handed over the things in his hands to Chief Ran Sheng.

"This is the evidence found after Concubine Ran's death, you can see for yourself." The emperor snorted coldly.

Chief Ran Sheng raised his head, and when he saw what the eunuch sent, his face turned pale instantly. What he had in his hand was a kind of medicine—rosemary.

He naturally knew about this medicine, even when he asked Concubine Ran to give it to the emperor at the beginning, it would not harm the emperor's life, it would only improve the emperor's sexual interest, but it would do some harm to the emperor's body.

As long as there is any harm to the dragon's body, it is the crime of murder, which will implicate the whole family!

Ran Shengji's complexion turned pale, and he fell on the ground regretting endlessly: "Your Majesty, please spare me!"

The emperor was silent, Long Wei attacked Ran Sheng Chief, making him tremble unceasingly, the sweat on his face had already dripped to the ground, forming a small puddle on the ground.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Ran has contributed a lot to the court and made great contributions. I hope the Emperor will forgive you." Suddenly one person begged for mercy, and then most of the officials knelt on the ground to intercede for Chief Ran Sheng.

Ling Xiao remained silent, he had long heard that the forces in the court were leaning toward Ran Sheng Chief, but after looking at it today, it was indeed true.

The emperor may not be able to move the chieftain Ran Sheng now.

"My lords' words are not unreasonable. Ran Aiqing has indeed worked hard and made great achievements, but I once said that the emperor will be equal to me in front of you, but today Ran Aiqing is so disrespectful to my emperor in the court, and treats the court like this. Disrespect, how can I forgive this?"

As he said that, the emperor's face was gloomy, and his coercion hit the ministers wave after wave, so that the ministers who begged for mercy could only tremble in sincerity, but could not utter a word of begging for mercy.

Ling Xiao knelt among these ministers, until now, he did not know the emperor's original intention of bringing him to the court.

He just wanted to make himself angry with Ran Sheng, and make Ran Sheng angry with him, so that he could find an excuse to punish him...

What the emperor said, coupled with Ran Shengji's performance just now, even if most of the officials interceded, the emperor could still punish Ran Shengji.

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Come here, take the Minister of the Ministry of Officials to the prison and wait for the trial."

With that said, the emperor turned to Ling Xiao, and his expression softened slightly: "Ling Xiao, although you are doing everything for the sake of me, as the ministers said, you have to accept the punishment for lynching Concubine Ran, but there is no objection. ?”

Hasn't the emperor punished him? Could it be that the punishment was for the concubine in the harem, and now he has an official position in the court, so he has to be punished again

Ling Xiao was thinking so depressedly, but he didn't dare to show face to the emperor, he lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "Ling Xiao has no objection."

"Very good." The emperor squinted his eyes in satisfaction: "Then I will punish you. You will not be allowed to go to court early for a month, and the former minister of the Ministry of Industry will take over."

"..." There is no difference between this penalty and no penalty.

He seldom went to court, especially after meeting the emperor every night, he couldn't get up in the morning because of the unspeakable part behind him.

Ling Xiao saluted: "Ling Xiao thanked the emperor for his kindness."

"Get up." The emperor said, winking back, and the little eunuch stepped forward cleverly, and declared: "Retire."

The crowd shouted "Long live the emperor".

The emperor didn't pull Ling Xiao to go with him, but everyone knew clearly about Ling Xiao's position in the emperor's heart.

For a while, no one dared to provoke Ling Xiao.

Seeing everyone leaving, Lan Wei stepped forward angrily, and gave Ling Xiao a glare.

"You really stole the limelight, Your Majesty." He said sarcastically, but there was a lot of concern implied in his tone.

"Have you ever heard of the words "Shu Da Fa Feng Feng?" Lan Wei asked with a glance at him.

Ling Xiao twitched his mouth and glanced at Lan Wei: "If you want to remind me to be careful, just say it frankly, don't be so yin and yang."

Saying that, Ling Xiao walked out, and Lan Wei hurriedly followed: "Hey, let me tell you, don't repay your kindness. If I hadn't stopped Ran Shengji just now, I think your face would have to be the same as that of the dead Concubine Ran. Same."

"You cursed me?"

Ling Xiao stopped in his tracks. Here, he and Lan Wei were about to separate, he was going to the harem, and Lan Wei was leaving the palace.

Lan Wei also stopped, and was surprisingly silent for a while: "You know that I care about you."

Ling Xiao sneered: "Every time you care about it, it's so awkward."

"..." Lan Wei turned her head: "I never expected to see you today."

"Miss me?" Ling Xiao teased.

Lan Wei's uncomfortably flushed face was tinged with rosiness, and she complained loudly, "Who thinks you're an idiot."

Ling Xiao's mouth twitched: "I'm an idiot? Heh..."

Ling Xiao suddenly raised his foot and kicked Lan Wei: "Try to say it again?"

"" Lan Wei was in pain, clutching her feet and glaring at Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao looked at Lan Wei with a look of embarrassment, like a cat stealing fish, with an unflattering and heart-stirring expression .

Lan Wei pursed his lips, and his heart couldn't help but quicken his rhythm. He silently turned his face away, feeling unbearably sore in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Ling Xiao turned his head to look at him: "Why are you so silent all of a sudden?"

Lan Wei avoided Ling Xiao's gaze and said, "Okay, go back quickly, the emperor should be in a hurry."

"Then I'm leaving?" Ling Xiao observed Lan Wei's expression and said, and found that when he said this, Lan Wei's body froze obviously, as if she didn't want to leave by herself, she took a step towards her position, but one step Afterwards, he silently lowered his head again, with no intention of holding back.

Ling Xiao frowned, always felt that Lan Wei was a bit strange, but he couldn't say what was so strange, he sighed softly, pulled Lan Wei to sit down on the steps and said: "Okay, just say what you have to say, don't be so blah , I can see that if you don't want me to go, you must have something to say, so go ahead."

"..." Lan Wei smiled wryly, "I have nothing to say."

"Really?" Ling Xiao asked.

Lan Wei nodded, Ling Xiao curled his lips: "Alright, then I'm leaving."

With that said, Ling Xiao stood up, turned around and left as if he really didn't miss it.

Lan Wei watched, and involuntarily grabbed Ling Xiao's sleeve.

"?" Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at Lan Wei suspiciously.

Lan Wei quickly let go, and said in a cover-up manner: "Concubine Ran died strangely, you should be careful."

"You also think Concubine Ran died strangely?" Ling Xiao looked at Lan Wei in surprise.

Lan Wei frowned and said, "She doesn't seem like someone who would commit suicide, but the emperor didn't pursue the truth, so you can just assume that she committed suicide."

"What do you mean?" Ling Xiao frowned.

Lan Wei thought about it and said: "The power of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has been expanding, which is not allowed by the emperor, and Concubine Ran's death must be a big blow to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, so who do you think will most hope that Ran Is the concubine dead?"

"Emperor..." Ling Xiao stared.

Lan Wei hurriedly covered Ling Xiao's mouth: "Don't talk nonsense, since the emperor didn't pursue the truth, you can just pretend that the emperor is telling the truth."

"..." Ling Xiao nodded.

Lan Weiwei put down his hand with reluctance, tightly held the hand that was still stained with the warmth of the soft red lips, and said sadly: "It is not wise for the emperor to deal with the Minister of the Ministry of officials at this moment, but he has already dealt with it, I am afraid it is because of him. I bumped into you, the emperor treats you very well, so..."

I also feel at ease.

Lan Wei said silently in his heart, Ling Xiao looked at Lan Wei strangely and asked: "So what?"

"It's nothing." Lan Wei shook her head, turned around and said, "If you don't go back, I will go back."

After finishing speaking, he walked quickly, as if someone was chasing him from behind, and disappeared in a flash.

"..." Ling Xiao was silent, this Lan Wei was always frizzy.

However, Concubine Ran was bestowed to die by the emperor...

Ling Xiao closed his eyes, the emperor indeed had such a motive.

The affairs of the court were far more complicated than what he originally thought.

On the way back, Ling Xiao met a person on the way.

She is also someone he is familiar with, one of the emperor's harem concubines—Concubine Li.

She ran out of his palace in a panic with a little maid, Ling Xiao felt something tricky, so he couldn't help following her.

"Master, why are you running?" As soon as she got close to her, she heard the maid behind her say so.

Concubine Li panted, clutched her chest, and tremblingly said: "The emperor... the emperor... the emperor is..."

"Isn't it better for the emperor to be in the emperor's palace? Master, if you go to visit the emperor and still see the emperor, isn't this an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone? Why are you running away?" Ying'er looked resentful.

"I..." Concubine Li frowned tightly, shaking her head silently: "Ying'er, let's go back."

"Master, have you not seen the emperor?" Ying'er looked surprised: "Now, the emperor is in favor, if he uses you as an excuse for not visiting, and says you are not polite, he will sue you at the emperor, and the servants will look at you." what to do?"

"But, Ying'er, the emperor ordered you not to disturb the emperor before."

"That was before." The maid frowned and said, "Who doesn't know that it is different from before, master, the emperor first gave Concubine Xian a disgrace and asked Concubine Xian to send the red leaves away, and then Concubine Ran hanged herself , this is a powerful character! You have to pay a visit."

"Can… "

"It's nothing, master, let's go, the emperor is also here, maybe he can still be gentle when he sees you."

"Ying'er." Concubine Li scolded, and said with a troubled face: "You know that I'm not good at being alone with the emperor, and I don't compete with my sisters for favor. Concubine is also good, if you don't argue with me, there is nothing wrong with me, I believe that the emperor is also... "

"It's not that you won't have a problem if you don't fight." Ying'er interrupted Concubine Li: "This emperor is different from the previous ones. If you don't fight, he will come to you sooner or later. If you fight for the emperor's favor, you will be fine." Protect yourself, if you don't have the emperor's favor, you will be in danger."

"..." Ling Xiao heard the conversation between the two clearly, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. Is he as scary as this Yinger said

Ling Xiao pretended to clear his cough.

Ying'er was on guard immediately, and hid Concubine Li behind her back: "Who?!"

Ling Xiao came out from his hiding place, and looked at Concubine Li and her maid indifferently.

Today Concubine Li was wearing a pink gauze dress, a pink hairpin, and light makeup, looking playful and cute, while his maid was dressed as a court lady, tightly protecting Concubine Li behind her, with a serious expression on her face. Apparently, a loyal servant.

Ling Xiao smiled slightly: "Don't be nervous, I..."

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes, afraid that he would scare them by saying that it was the emperor, so he lied and said: "I am Lan Wei who just came to court early, and I was summoned by the emperor to pass by here to meet the concubine Li."

Ling Xiao pretended to salute Concubine Li, but he scolded himself all over in his heart.

His lies are full of loopholes. First of all, when the courtiers were summoned, they only went to the imperial study room to wait. How could they be in the imperial garden... Secondly, Lan Wei and Li Fei had never met before, and they knew Li Fei’s identity when they met and saluted. Well, that doesn't make sense at all.

It is strange that this can be hidden from them.

However, Concubine Li opened her innocent eyes, and responded: "It turns out that it is General Lan who is well-known, please hurry up, the emperor is in the emperor's palace, you go quickly."

"..." Ling Xiao stared in astonishment, slowly becoming unbelievable in his heart.

Did Li Fei believe it

Ling Xiao raised his head, and saw the maidservant pulling Concubine Li's sleeve, as if she wanted to remind Concubine Li of something, but Concubine Li ignored it, and just looked at him innocently, raising her hand to point him the way...

The maid is smarter than the master, and the maid has contributed a lot to living in the harem for so long.

It seems that the Concubine Li he saw in his previous life was all an illusion made up by this Concubine Li.

Ling Xiao came to a conclusion in his heart, and without getting involved with Concubine Li, thanked him and turned to leave.

"Master!" Going far away, you can still hear the maidservant gnashing her teeth.

It was for the interesting servant, Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

Walking into the palace with a smile on his face, he saw the emperor writing a memorial on the desk, and seeing Ling Xiao approaching with a smile, he asked a casual question.

"What's the matter, so happy?"

"I met two interesting people." In private, Ling Xiao was used to not saluting the emperor, so he walked to the emperor's side naturally, and he didn't hide from the emperor, and said bluntly: "One of them, your majesty It's also very familiar."

The emperor did not stop what he was doing, and asked, "Who is it?"

"Concubine Li." Ling Xiao laughed.

The emperor paused, raised his eyes, and looked at Ling Xiao: "Did she provoke you?"

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile: "No, why are you asking such a question, Your Majesty?"

When the emperor heard this, he lowered his head again: "It's good if there is no one."

Hearing the words, Ling Xiao paused, his heart warmed up, he boldly leaned over and kissed the emperor's cheek, then he got up hurriedly, his eyes dodged and he said: "I'll go and show the emperor your breakfast."

The standing figure could still see the blush spreading from the base of his ears. The emperor smiled, stretched out his hand to grab the figure who was about to run away, and pulled him into his arms.

"I don't want to eat anything else now, I just want to eat the one in front of me."

Saying so, the emperor leaned forward, sniffing the fragrance of Ling Xiao's body lightly, it seemed to be the fragrance of checking the food before the meal.

Ling Xiao's complexion turned red with a "boom", and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if jumping up to his throat, making one's heart unbearable.

Ling Xiao swallowed hard, and called out with difficulty: "Emperor... Your Majesty... prostitution in the daytime... no... not a wise... king... ah~"

The last words were interrupted by the emperor gently teasing him through his clothes. Ling Xiao's eyes were moist, and he kept his last rationality, wanting to persuade the emperor.

But the body reacted most honestly.

Under the emperor's hands, it trembled neatly, burned with shame, and comfortably limp, no matter how rational Ling Xiao was, he couldn't control his body that pursued pleasure.

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth and tried his best to open his eyes to look at the emperor, but the moist mist in his eyes covered the scene in front of him with a layer of water.

Hazy and ethereal, the emperor in front of him softened his lines and looked particularly beautiful.

It made Ling Xiao's heart tremble accordingly, and his body became more sensitive because of the unclear vision.

With a little teasing, you can tremble so much that you can't help yourself, and you can't stop groaning...

The consciousness drifted away a little bit, but the refreshing feeling became more and more clear, and the longing desire became stronger and stronger. Finally, Ling Xiao stretched out his hands, but he didn't know whether to cater or refuse.

The emperor smiled softly, looked at the absent-minded Ling Xiao below, and gently wiped away the silver thread overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

After licking his soft lips, he went down a little bit, as if tasting something delicious, he tasted the whole body below.

"Ah... emperor... emperor... um..."

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, his eyes were closed tightly, and his absent-minded expression seemed to be hovering on the edge of pain or pleasure, and his groans rose and fell like songs, clearly showing the stimulation he was receiving.

This time, it seemed that he had greatly flattered the emperor. The emperor's eyes were dark, and within a short time, he was already buried in Ling Xiao's body...



... ...

The room was exhausted, and when Ling Xiao woke up, the emperor was no longer by his side, and there were two maidservants waiting beside him.

Ling Xiao moved slightly, his back felt sore.

Ling Xiao blushed slightly, sat up carefully, and the two maidservants quickly helped Ling Xiao get dressed.

"Where's the emperor?" Ling Xiao asked.

The maid replied respectfully: "The emperor has gone to the imperial study to deal with government affairs. He will come back at dinner time, so that the emperor can rest well."

"En..." Ling Xiao responded softly, recalling the scene just now, couldn't help but blush and heartbeat.

"Young master." There was a call from the door, Ling Xiao slightly raised his head to look, it was Anxiang, he was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Come in."

"My lord, Concubine Li brought the maidservant to see you." An Xiang said in a difficult way: "Although the master told you to rest well, Concubine Li insisted on seeing you, this subordinate..."

Ling Xiao was speechless, recalling the pair of master and servant just now, and smiled softly.

It is estimated that the maid named Ying'er persuaded Concubine Li to come.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao asked: "How long have they been here?"

"When the emperor leaves, they will arrive." An Xiang replied.

So accurate

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows, it seemed that he had been squatting at the door and waiting for the emperor to leave...

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Young Master has been asleep for two hours."

Then he has been sleeping for a while, could it be that the master and servant have been standing by the door

Ling Xiao looked at the sky outside, but the sun was too big for this pair of master and servant.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao felt a rare feeling of compassion, and ordered: "An Xiang, ask someone to take them to the pavilion in the courtyard and wait, I will be there soon."

"My lord, if it's inconvenient for you, just resign." Seeing Ling Xiao's tired look, An Xiang said.

Ling Xiao shook his head: "It's rare that they are interested, so I'll go and see them."

"Yes." An Xiang saw that Ling Xiao was not really reluctant, so she went out in response.

Seeing Concubine Li again, her complexion was a little pale, maybe she had sunburned too much in the sun, Ling Xiao asked someone to prepare two bowls of sour plum juice, then waved away the crowd, and appeared in front of Concubine Li alone.

Concubine Li was very surprised to see Ling Xiao, and blurted out: "General Lan, why are you still here? The emperor is gone..."

"Master, can't you see it? This 'General Lan' entered the palace and didn't go out. Moreover, he changed into casual clothes, he can come and go here freely, and he is quite familiar with the palace. People outside the palace, but there is only one person in the palace who dares to wear casual clothes except the emperor, servants and servants, this 'General Lan' is probably the emperor we have been wanting to see."

Ying'er pulled Concubine Li's sleeve and said in a low voice.

Concubine Li stared at Ling Xiao in astonishment, obviously frightened.

Ying'er hurriedly said: "Quickly salute and apologize."

Concubine Li immediately knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty forgive me, the concubine did not intend to offend."

Seeing Yinger's whisper just now, Ling Xiao could guess what they were talking about.

The appearance of Concubine Li pleading guilty is somewhat similar to that of Concubine Li who kept her own life in her previous life, and it was indeed an illusion taught by her servants.

Ling Xiao walked over slowly and methodically: "Get up, I don't mean to blame you."

Ling Xiaoyou smiled and sat in the gazebo, but because of the injury behind him, his face was a little stiff.

Concubine Li cautiously stood by her side, swallowed, Ying'er handed the gift box to Concubine Li, Concubine Li hurriedly took it, and smiled politely at Ling Xiao: "Before, this concubine was not feeling well and will not visit the emperor in the future , I also hope that the emperor will not blame me, this thousand-year-old ginseng is some of the wishes of my concubine, please accept it."

Saying that, Concubine Li put the gift box in front of Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao opened it with a smile and looked at it, it was far from what the emperor rewarded him, but it was probably the best thing Concubine Li could offer. , compared to the other two concubines, she herself is not very favored.

Ling Xiao accepted it with a smile, and motioned: "Sit."

Concubine Li sat down stiffly, with panic on her face.

Ling Xiao looked amused, and asked with a light smile, "Am I so scary?"

"...No..." Concubine Li was about to answer, but Ling Xiao interrupted her, pretending to be angry and said: "The truth!"

"Terrible." Concubine Li said with a bitter face, but was bumped by Ying'er behind her, and quickly changed her words: "Your Majesty, your name is Weixin."

"Heh..." Ling Xiao let out a chuckle, the changing faces of the master and servant were so funny.

"Young master, sour plum soup." An Xiang came forward with a drink.

Ling Xiao gestured: "Give it to the two of them."

"..." Anxiang was taken aback, and looked at Concubine Li and her servant Ying'er, this is the first time that the young master is so friendly to the concubine of the master...

Putting down the drink silently, Dim Xiang withdrew respectfully.

"Try it, the sour plum soup in my palace, it's a good thing to quench your thirst."

"Okay." Concubine Li swallowed hard, she was very thirsty and interested in sour plum juice.

However, being bumped by Ying'er behind her, she slightly pushed the sour plum soup away, and said with a forced smile: "The concubine is not thirsty yet, the emperor please drink."

"..." Ling Xiao was silent, looking at Ying'er behind Concubine Li, Ying'er lowered her head from beginning to end so that Ling Xiao could not see her expression, but Ling Xiao could tell from her posture that she was On guard, all tensed up.

Ling Xiao was a little displeased, and sneered, he had all kinds of ways to make these two people drink the soup, threatening to order, coercing and inducing, but at this moment he didn't want to use any of them.

He stretched out his hand, took the bowl of sour plum soup that Li Fei pushed away, raised his head and took a sip, placed it in front of Li Fei and said: "If you are afraid that I will poison you, is it credible now?"

"..." Concubine Li was stunned, and even Ying'er raised her head in disbelief, not knowing how to react.

Ling Xiao looked back at Ying'er, and said displeasedly: "Why, do you want me to test the poison for you?"

Ying'er was startled, shook her head quickly, picked up the sour plum juice, drank it all in one gulp, then knelt down in front of Ling Xiao and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, forgive me."

"Get up." Ling Xiao frowned: "I don't like people always kneeling."

"Xie Huangjun." Ying'er got up with lingering fear, but found that her master had picked up the bowl of sour plum juice and drank it with a satisfied expression.

And her mouth was directly facing the place where Ling Xiao drank just now.

Ying'er was shocked and couldn't help calling out: "Master!"

"En?" Concubine Li turned her head and looked at Ying'er innocently.

The corner of Ying'er's mouth twitched: "'t drink..."

Concubine Li blinked her eyes, she didn't seem to understand why, but she put down the bowl obediently, but her expression was very nostalgic.

Ling Xiao's depression just now was swept away, seeing this, he laughed out loud.

"It's really interesting." Ling Xiao laughed disregarding his appearance: "Your servant is apologizing for you, but you are drinking sour plum juice... Isn't it too unkind of you to be a master?"

Concubine Li blushed and said, "Your Majesty, you won't hurt her, but this concubine is really thirsty."

"Don't talk about it just now, aren't you thirsty?" Ling Xiao asked narrowly.

Li Fei blushed and said, "Yes... we were wrong."

"The emperor is wrong, you are different from the rumors outside." Concubine Li said simply.

"Master..." Ying'er was a little worried.

Ling Xiao smiled and said: "Okay, Ying'er, you don't have to be so guarded against me, I have no malice towards you."

"You are so smart, you should know that if I had malicious intentions, you would have been dragged out long ago." Ling Xiao pointedly said.

Ying'er understood in her heart, she saluted and responded, "Thank you, the emperor, for his death."

Ling Xiao waved his hands, looked at Concubine Li and said, "You are so stupid, how did you live in the palace for so long?"

"I..." It was probably the first time Li Fei was called stupid so bluntly, her face flushed with shame.

Then, he retorted in a low voice: "I'm not stupid..."

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, Concubine Li said: "Maybe I won't fight, Emperor, I won't fight with you for being the emperor, can you let me and Ying'er live a good life?"

Concubine Li suddenly spoke bluntly, got up and knelt down in front of Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Really indisputable?"

Concubine Li raised her head and nodded, her face was calm, her eyes were extremely sincere, she didn't look like she was lying, Ling Xiao felt relieved, he helped her up and said: "Okay, I promise you, as long as you don't fight, I will It won't happen."

"En." Li Fei smiled relaxedly.

Feeling dizzy suddenly, he fell on the pillar beside him, Ling Xiao was taken aback, and stretched out his hand to support her: "What's wrong with you?"

Ying'er also stepped forward at this time, seeing this, she frowned and said: "Your Majesty, the master may have suffered from heat stroke..."

"Then call the imperial physician!" Ling Xiao ordered with a wave of his hand.

"..." Seeing this, Anxiang stepped forward with a slight frown: "My lord, it's getting late, even if you invite the imperial physician, you should let Concubine Li go back first, the emperor will be back soon, there is a difference between you and Concubine Li after all."

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but An Xiang's words gave him a dose of sobriety, reminding him of his identity, although he had no intention of it, and neither did Li Concubine, but their identities are special, so it is indeed inappropriate.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao withdrew his hand and sighed: "Ying'er, you send Concubine Li back first and wait, I'll send someone to find the imperial physician."

"Yes." Ying'er took the order and supported Concubine Li all the way to leave.

"An Xiang, go and call them the imperial physician, you can move faster." After Concubine Li left, Ling Xiao turned around and said to An Xiang.

"..." An Xiang frowned, and left silently.

In the imperial study room, the emperor looked at An Yong with a respectful face, and said with a cold expression: "You said, the emperor met Concubine Li today?"

"Yes, master." An Yong lowered his head and replied.

"Still having a good conversation with her, behaving intimately?" The surrounding air pressure dropped sharply, An Yong replied with trembling lips: "Yes, master."

"They drank a bowl of sour plum soup together?" The emperor's words were like ice scum falling on An Yong's heart, making her whole body cold, she insisted, and replied: "Yes, master."

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, the emperor used his internal force to break the brush in his hand into two pieces, shook his sleeves, stood up, and walked out.