The Path of the Sage

Chapter 117: The first pavilion


Compared with the complete Wendan whirlpool, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

Fang Yun glanced at the crowd and said: "Since there are still people who are hostile to me, then go with them! I, Fang Yun, never leave any trouble in my work!" Fang Yun's voice was like the cold winter coming, and he stretched out his fingers. To more than twenty people.

Those twenty-odd people were all from Wu or Qing countries, and there was even one from Jing country.

Fang Yun clicked his fingers twenty-five times in succession, and the text vibrated, forming invisible spiritual power that fell on the twenty or so people.

These people think they are covering up well, but everyone here is a pure concentration of spiritual thoughts. With the power of Wen Dan, no one can hide from Fang Yun.

"You... help! I don't dare anymore! I wanted to harm you, but I didn't do it! I..." A person shouted, and his body turned into ice and disappeared.

All the other twenty people were like this.

It was so quiet under the mountain of books that even those who were screamed by the strange wind were so scared that they shut up.

Fang Yunqian raised his hands to the people who came to rescue him and said, "Thank you all literary friends. If you can remember what happened today after leaving Shushan, you will definitely be richly rewarded."

But everyone still hasn't woken up from the shock, and many people are still extremely scared. If Fang Yun has harmful intentions, just walking around the mountain will defeat everyone's spiritual thoughts.

They are not afraid of failure in going to Shushan, but because there will be more serious consequences.

If one's spiritual thoughts are defeated outside the Book Mountain, one will be completely demented. However, if something happens inside the Book Mountain, although one will not be completely demented, unless a semi-saint takes action, one will be permanently cut off from the Wen Palace and will no longer be able to use one's talents.

Even if a semi-saint takes action, the most he can do is mobilize his talents. From then on, it was impossible to make any further progress in the literary position.

"Then I'll go up the mountain first."

After Fang Yun finished speaking, he turned around and stepped onto the single-plank bridge. No matter how strong the wind was, his clothes did not move at all. Couldn't bring him any pain.

Only when they were far away from the river did everyone gradually wake up.

"What a great Fang Wujia. It turns out that we all underestimated him. If word spreads about the scholar's literary courage, the world will be in chaos. Fortunately, Shushan was created by Confucius and has been blessed by saints of all ages. Even half-saints can only read it. Where we were, we had no idea what was going on inside.”

"Even a semi-saint would not believe that Fang Yun has gathered his literary courage now. He would probably think that those people's spiritual thoughts were blown away by the strange wind."

"Fang Yun's potential is probably still higher than that of Yi Zhishi, Lu Huaijiang and others!"

"It's a pity! It's a pity that I can't remember everything after leaving Shushan. Otherwise, even if we start a civil war with the Qing Kingdom and the Wu Kingdom, I will persuade my father to make good friends with the Qing Kingdom, or simply drag Fang Yun to my Shu Kingdom."

"Your Highness, you are thinking too much. If you can really remember all this, I promise to let Duke Yan Sheng use all means to let Fang Yun join the Kong family, and then agree to let his eldest son serve as the next head of the Kong family and Duke Yan. "

"You Kong family are willing to give it up!"

"Which pavilion do you think Fang Yun will reach?"

"As far as climbing Shushan, he will definitely be able to climb the third mountain and the third pavilion."

"Not necessarily. He may have had an adventure and gained his literary talent, but the content of the test in this book mountain is very complicated. How can he compare to a wealthy family like mine."

One person chuckled and said: "I don't mean to look down on Fang Yun. I also know that he is proficient in the holy scriptures of poetry, but I'm afraid he can't even pass the second mountain. Have you ever seen a child from a poor family pass the second mountain when he was a scholar? of?"

Many children from wealthy families also laughed. Nod.

"That's right. It's not that the children from poor families are not talented enough, it's that they learn too little. It's not like us who learn a lot for Shushan."

"You can't blame him. After he is admitted as a scholar, he spends three to five years studying, and after passing the examination, he climbs the Shushan Mountain for the second time. Maybe he can pass the three mountains in one go and win his first literary heart."

"Yes, but his scholar's trip to Shushan will soon come to an end."

"However, I heard that he made a bet with the Qingguo people that if he can't reach the second pavilion of the third mountain this time, he will destroy Wen Palace."

"Ah? Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know about it?"

"It's useless to talk more. When we get out of Shushan, all the truth will be revealed."

"Let's go to Shushan together, don't be too late. Look, Fang Yun has already arrived at the first pavilion."

At the same time, in the Holy Temple in the center of the Holy Cathedral.

Nine peaks composed of light appeared in front of the three semi-saint examiners. Under the first peak, there were many light spots, each of which represented the spiritual thoughts of a scholar.

The lights of the more than twenty people whose spiritual thoughts were suppressed by Fang Yunwendan gradually disappeared.

"The juniors from Wu and Qing are really useless."

"He was decisive when he assassinated the rookie of the human race."

"This year's Shushan seems to have consumed more talent than in previous years."

"Perhaps due to the influence of the Five Movements of Wenqu, this year's talents are better than in previous years."

"The questions in this book mountain are related to the sum of the talents' potential. The higher the potential of these talents, the more difficult the questions will be. Excellent talents may be fine, but other ordinary talents will be unlucky."

"Do you think anyone can go to Three Mountains and Three Pavilions this year?"

"If Fang Yun was born in a wealthy family, he might be able to go to the Three Mountains and Three Pavilions. If there is no Wenqu Wudong this year, he might also have the opportunity to go to the Second Mountain. But this year, Shushan has consumed too much talent, and the questions may be extremely difficult. If Not surprisingly, he can’t even pass the first level. This year’s Shushan is too difficult.”

"What a pity for a great talent. He was too reckless."

"Oh, if I had known that Shushan would change like this, even if I didn't have the shame, I would have gone to Yuhai City to protect him that day."

"Pity… "

Fang Yun slowly walked up the stairs without encountering any resistance. He easily and smoothly stepped onto a small square paved with stone slabs, with a pavilion in front of him.

There is a plaque hanging on the attic, which reads "the word". It is simple and has nothing shocking about it.

Fang Yun was a little disappointed. He thought Shushan was a particularly majestic place.

On the mountain road above the first pavilion, there are two people climbing up, which means that they have answered the questions of the first pavilion correctly and are about to enter the second pavilion.

Fang Yun glanced around and found that everyone was looking down at a blank page in front of him, but there was nothing on the page. There were still a few people whose mouths were moving, but no sound could be heard.

"It seems this is to prevent us from cheating. But I'm afraid this is only the first pavilion on the first mountain. Only two people who came up before left. Is this first pavilion so difficult?"

As Fang Yun was thinking, a piece of white paper appeared in front of his eyes. It said that Fang Yun was asked to read out ten words and explain them. If he got seven correct, he could pass the level and enter the second pavilion.

When Fang Yun looked at the ten words, his eyebrows ached. Each one was more unfamiliar than the last. The ten words were more than the words on an ordinary page.


"No wonder it is said that Shushan is a dead end for children from poor families. If they don't study these specifically, no one can recognize all these ten words. Even though I have read so many books in the past few months, I still can't recognize them all. What about those children from poor families? They may take the time to recognize these words, but only those children from wealthy families who have guessed the types of test questions will remember these rare words.”

Fang Yun looked at the first word carefully.


"This is not bad. It is the same as the word 'star', with the same pronunciation and meaning." Fang Yun thought to himself.

Then Fang Yun looked at them one by one. In the end, he only recognized six characters: 猣, 皣, 屶, 興, 馫 and 鶗. Moreover, he could not fully recall the meanings of two of them. He only remembered how to pronounce them, but he could not determine the other four characters.

The world of strange books moved slightly, and the complete pronunciations and meanings of the ten characters emerged. The six characters Fang Yun recognized were all correct, but one of the interpretations was wrong.

"The reason why those people don't have confidence in me going to Shushan is probably because they know that I have read too few miscellaneous books. This Shushan is really difficult. Disciples from poor families can only study for more than ten years after passing the scholar examination, and then take the imperial examination. I only had the opportunity when I climbed Shushan for the second time. I am naturally inferior to those wealthy families. The two people in front of me seem to be from the All Saints family. They are amazing!"

Fang Yun stood there and read out the pronunciations of the ten characters and explained them.

When Fang Yun finished speaking, he saw the first pavilion shake slightly, and the plaque released a strange white light that fell on Fang Yun.

Fang Yun closed his eyes and slowly enjoyed the baptism of white light. He didn't know what this white light was, but he guessed that it should be a good thing and made people feel very comfortable.

After a while, the white light dissipated and Fang Yun opened his eyes.

At this time, many people came up from behind, hundreds of people stepped onto the square of the first pavilion, and thousands of people were crossing the single-plank bridge at the foot of the mountain.

Fang Yun immediately stepped aside to make way for those people.

One person made a gesture of invitation to Fang Yun. Fang Yun smiled and thanked him, then walked forward and entered the first pavilion.

The person who made the gesture of invitation froze on the spot and said: "I asked him to continue. How come he has already passed the first pavilion? Just now I said that it is very difficult for a child from a poor family to cross the mountain of books. How come he is so fast? Just passed it? It seemed to be faster than the two in front."

Others did not hear what he said. Many children from wealthy families watched Fang Yun pass through the first pavilion and step onto the stairs to the second pavilion.

These people looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes, and then the same idea came to them at the same time.

"Is this year's topic easy?"

So everyone lowered their heads to look at their own questions. As a result, some had blank eyes, some rubbed their temples, and some immediately raised their heads to look at Fang Yun.

Not long after, many people looked at each other again, their eyes full of suspicion, as if they had the same question again.

"How did Fang Yun get this answer right?"

These scholars were astonished, but the three examiners from the Temple were a hundred times more astonished than these scholars. They were speechless for a long time.

On the mountain of light and shadow in front of them, the light representing Fang Yun's fate doubled in brightness!

"Am I wrong?"

"You read that right."

"Only when he answers all the questions in the first pavilion perfectly, without any omissions, will his light shine twice as bright. But he is just a disciple from a poor family, and he is already great after passing the first pavilion. How can he answer all the questions correctly without any omissions? I don't know The content of this year’s No. 1 exam is very high, but if I had participated in this exam when I was a scholar, let alone being perfect, I would have been lucky to have passed the No. 1 exam.”

The other two Half-Saints were silent. They couldn't say that they were not as good as Fang Yun. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update will be around midnight