The Path of the Sage

Chapter 146: Four praises of the role models of the knighted literati


Fang Yun walked into the house. Yang Yuhuan knew that the rain would not affect him, but she still changed his clothes and made him some hot tea.

"Please sit down, let's drink tea and enjoy the rain together." Fang Yun said.

"Yeah." The two of them sat together in the living room, drinking tea, looking at the summer rain in the courtyard, the little fox playing around, and talking to each other sweetly.

The rain stopped people from going outside, but it brought those who took the opportunity closer together.

"How's your piano practice going?" Fang Yun asked after putting down his teacup.

"Mrs. Lai keeps praising me. I feel a little embarrassed." Yang Yuhuan had a smile on her face and a hint of pride in her eyes.

"You are my sister Yuhuan, so you must be no worse than others. I also know a little bit about the art of playing the zither. I will write it down in a few days and you can learn from it." Fang Yun didn't want to waste the books and music scores in the world of strange books.

"That will delay your studies. I will go and learn from Mrs. Lai." Yang Yuhuan said.

"It's okay, it will only take a few hours. I bought some out-of-print piano scores when I was in the bookstore. Although I didn't bring them to Yuhai Mansion, I remember them all. I will write them down and let you play them when the time comes."

"Yeah." Yang Yuhuan was happy and her determination to play the piano for Fang Yun became stronger.

As the two were talking, they noticed that Nunu in the yard suddenly stopped and looked at the main gate in the drizzle.

"Maybe someone is coming." Yang Yuhuan stood up.

Sure enough, someone knocked on the door immediately. The doorman went to open the door and saw many people standing outside. One of them was Magistrate Dong who he had met at the banquet before. Magistrate Dong's eyes showed a mixture of joy and worry, which was very strange.

Fang Yun found the others' attire very familiar. These people were the same ones who had been conferred the eighth-rank Anren by the Empress Dowager on Yang Yuhuan that day.

Fang Yun didn't want Yang Yuhuan to get wet in the rain, so he asked her to stay in the living room. He walked quickly to the door and said seriously, "Student Fang Yun greets Mr. Dong."

Prefect Dong smiled and said, "From now on, you don't have to call yourself a student when you see me."

The people behind Prefect Dong immediately bowed and saluted, saying loudly, "Congratulations, Lord Fang. Congratulations, Lord Fang."

Fang Yun guessed the purpose of these people's visit. He smiled and said, "It's raining now, let's talk inside if you have anything to say. Come on, come in."

Seeing Fang Yun being so polite, everyone thanked him and followed him into the living room, put down their umbrellas, and shook the rain off their clothes.

Soon, Magistrate Dong took out a roll of bright yellow cloth embroidered with a dragon from a waterproof cloth bag.

Even though Fang Yun, Yang Yuhuan and others saw it for the first time, they immediately thought that this was the imperial edict.

Yang Yuhuan was an eighth-rank official, and she half-knelt on the ground to receive the order, while the others without literary rank could only kneel completely. Fang Yun did not even need to kneel, but only slightly bent over.

"In compliance with the will of Heaven, the King proclaims: Fang Yun, as a scholar, wrote "Humble House Inscription" to assist the emperor in killing the rebels, rowed the dragon boat to enhance the country's prestige, won the first place in the Book Mountain, and shined in the literary competition between the two countries, winning consecutive victories over the students of Qing State. He is truly a pillar of the country, a role model for students, a model for scholars, and a model for literati. He is specially conferred the title of Sixth Rank County Earl. One of his sons will be made a township baron."

Not to mention the scholars around, even Prefect Dong who was reading the imperial edict was stunned. Although he knew that Fang Yun would be conferred the title of Sixth Rank County Earl, he had not read the original text of the imperial edict because of the law. The sixteen words "pillar of the country, model for students, model for scholars, model for literati" were four compliments, which was amazing.

Fang Yun was also a little stunned. He knew that the number and level of praise for ministers in the imperial edict were strictly limited. Two praises were rare. Three praises were only for officials of the first and second ranks. If it was four praises, it would definitely be of extraordinary significance. Because the highest level was only five praises, which was a treatment only given to important ministers after their death. Living subjects could not achieve the great merit of five praises.

The four compliments this time were not only numerous in number but also at a very high level, because "a role model for literati" was already the limit, and the next step was "a role model for the world", which a monarch was not qualified to say, and could only be praised in this way after first obtaining the approval of the Holy Court.

"Model for the World" is the highest honor below semi-sainthood. "Model for a Hundred People" is the treatment of semi-saints and sub-saints. However, "Teacher for All Ages" and "Model for All Ages" can only be given to Confucius.

Fang Yun was stunned when he heard himself being praised as a "model of literati", but at the end, he felt a bit amused. Praising a sixth-rank county earl as a model of literati was simply an insult to the words, because at least a university scholar could be praised as a model of literati.

A sixth-rank county earl in Jing State is equivalent to a sixth-rank official. Because it is not hereditary and cannot be passed on to future generations, this title is really too stingy.

"The left prime minister has a good trick!" Fang Yun was very clear in his mind, because the sixth-rank county earl did not have the right to privately employ soldiers, but once he became a fifth-rank state earl, he would be able to obtain four private soldiers, regardless of whether they were human or demonic, just like a Jinshi. This "literati role model" was most likely the result of the queen mother's efforts, and the sixth-rank county earl was also the bottom line of the left prime minister.

However, overall this reward is still beyond the norm, because even Li Wenying and Zuo Xiang have never been praised as role models of literati. If scholars are asked to choose between being a role model of literati and a sixth-rank county earl, everyone will choose "role model of literati."

In the Shengyuan Continent, the imperial edict is not just words, it also possesses the power of a country's destiny!

Once the four words "model of literati" are announced, they will form a powerful force, which is the "golden words".

With this "literary example", scholars in Jing State would no longer be able to attack Fang Yun's character in any way.

From then on, the people of Jing could criticize his poems and essays, but without absolute evidence, anyone who knew that he was a role model of literati and dared to say that he had moral problems would be immediately suppressed by the country of Jing. At the very least, he would be stripped of his official position, and at the worst, he would be directly convicted as a criminal.

The most terrifying thing about being a role model for literati is that "one word can convict someone". As long as anyone whose official or literary rank is lower than Fang Yun makes a mistake, Fang Yun can reprimand him, causing that person to be suppressed by the national destiny and thus be noticed by the court of Jing State. Unless there is support from a senior official who is responsible for the national destiny, he will inevitably be strictly investigated. However, if evidence of guilt is found and Fang Yun reprimands him again, even the king cannot exonerate him. This shows the power of this title.

The imperial edict praising a role model for literati can be said to be the highest honor that literati from all countries can pursue, because it is almost impossible to obtain anything higher than this.

Fang Yun guessed that this was a form of protection from the Queen Mother and that the Left Prime Minister would never agree to it. This must have been the result of the Queen Mother's efforts.

Fang Yun used to have complaints about the Queen Mother. After all, the previous rewards were too light. But now Fang Yun is grateful. This reward is enough to offset the previous injustice.

However, the "literary role model" of Jingguo will not influence people outside Jingguo, and has no power outside the territory of Jingguo.

Not only were the scholars present shocked by the phrase "a model of literati", but even people like Fang Daniu and Yang Yuhuan widened their eyes. Even they knew the power of the imperial edict's praise of "a model of literati", because this phrase often appeared in operas and was as famous as Shang Fang's sword.

"County Lord Fang, please accept it." Prefect Dong handed the imperial edict to Fang Yun respectfully.

"Thank you for your grace." Fang Yun took the imperial edict with both hands, and then the imperial edict turned into a stream of light and entered his forehead.

Fang Yun was stunned for a moment, gestured to Prefect Dong, and immediately entered the Wen Palace.

The imperial edict was rolled up and suspended under the statue of Fang Yun. Apart from that, there was nothing magical about it.

When Fang Yun opened it, it looked no different from what it looked like from the outside, but this imperial edict had the power of golden words.

"Empress Dowager is like this, Jingguo can still be saved."

Fang Yun sighed lightly and left Wen Palace.

At this time, all of Magistrate Dong's subordinates were driven to the corridor outside the door by Magistrate Dong, for fear that they would attack Fang Yun when Fang Yun's spirit entered the Wen Palace.

"Thank you, Mr. Dong." Fang Yun said.

"Sir Fang, you're welcome." Prefect Dong said with a smile.

Fang Yun nodded. From the moment he received the imperial edict, he had the title of sixth-rank county earl.

Afterwards, Magistrate Dong's subordinates came in and handed Fang Yun a copper seal of the title of county earl. The seal of the county earl was only half the size of a fist and was very small.

This official seal has no power in normal times, because the title is only a title after all, not an actual official position, and has no real power. But in special moments, one can temporarily become a sixth-rank official, allowing this official seal to have the power of a real official seal.

Then, Prefect Dong announced the Empress Dowager's decree, raising Yang Yuhuan's status from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, Anren.

After the enthronement ceremony was over, Fang Yun asked Fang Daniu to lead Magistrate Dong's subordinates to the side rooms to rest, while he entertained Magistrate Dong in the living room.

"Master Dong, why didn't I get the news in advance?" Fang Yun asked.

Prefect Dong took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and said, "Not only you, even the governors of the states didn't get the news. When the news of your literary fight with ten people from Qing State spread yesterday, the whole country was shocked. All the shops on Xuegong Street in the capital actually collectively discounted their sales. Whether it was books, stationery or desk toys, all the shops were selling things at cost price."

"So exaggerated?" Fang Yun couldn't believe it.

"What's even more outrageous is what's coming up. Today, not only are all the shops on Xuegong Street offering discounts, but many shops in the capital, whether they're restaurants or red-light districts, are also offering discounts. I don't know how many people are thanking you."

Fang Yun was happy but remained sober and asked, "Is there something behind this?"

Prefect Dong smiled and said, "As expected of you, you are Fang Banxiang. There are certainly some wealthy families behind this. They couldn't participate before because of the power of the Miscellaneous Family and the Diplomatic Family. If they resist too fiercely now, what if Jing Kingdom is divided by Qing Kingdom and Wu Kingdom in a few years? Wouldn't they be held accountable later? Now that you have won, they are also happy, so they naturally want to celebrate in this way to express their gratitude to you."

"Let's not talk about anything else for now. How did I become Fang Banxiang?" Fang Yun asked curiously.

"You are not in the officialdom, so you naturally don't know. Generally speaking, only the left prime minister, right prime minister, assistant prime minister, and literary prime minister as well as great Confucian scholars are qualified to be named 'Model of Literary Men'. If an official other than the four prime ministers has this title, then once the prime minister position is vacant, he must be qualified to become one of the four prime ministers. Therefore, the 'Model of Literary Men' is called 'Half Prime Minister'."

"But my official position is too low. Even if I have this title, I can't make up for the position."

“Of course, but there is no problem in calling you Fang Banxiang. From now on, you can become one of the leaders of the literary world of my Jing country.” Prefect Dong was so happy for Fang Yun that he started joking.

"You haven't answered my previous question yet." Fang Yun smiled and poured tea for Governor Dong.

. (To be continued..)

ps: The third update will be in the second half of the night