The Path of the Sage

Chapter 15: Twilight of the Year


The children were a little unconvinced at first, but when they heard that Fang Yun was recommended to "Holy Way" by Grand Scholar Li, their dissatisfaction immediately turned into admiration, especially the younger children, who were vaguely admired.

In the Holy Yuan Continent, reading "The Holy Way" is the highest standard for poetry. There will be debates about those poems, but few people question the qualifications, because only the great bachelor has the right to recommend, and then the power of the temples will eliminate them. It is not up to anyone's will, not even a half-saint. In the end, it is up to the people of the Holy Court to decide when to go up and what position to go up.

Fang Zhongyong looked at Fang Yun enviously, but soon he felt awkward. When he thought about it carefully, he suddenly realized that the way he looked at Fang Yun was the same way others looked at him, a child prodigy.

Fang Li was so angry that he couldn't speak when he saw his son's expression. He worked hard to win honor for his son, but unfortunately, his son betrayed him!

Fang Li was even more unhappy. Forget it if someone else got the head of the case, but someone with the same surname actually took the head of the case, then the title of number one among the Fang clan in Dayuan Prefecture would not be his son's.

Just as Fang Li was about to speak, Wang Yuanjun said: "It's not two archways, it's three."

"Where did the third one come from?"

"Fang Yun was born before a saint." Although the Academy of Arts released the list, it did not indicate that he was a saint. Very few people knew about it.

There was an uproar.

Jingguo has only produced two sages in the past hundred years, and Fang Yun is the third.

Fang Li suddenly shut up and didn't dare to say a word. He knew that if he dared to continue to provoke Fang Yun, he would be the second shopkeeper Zhen.

Everyone was talking a lot and was extremely excited. For a while, many people toasted to Fang Yun. Fortunately, the alcohol content of this wine was very low, so there was no harm in drinking more.

After everyone finished discussing, Magistrate Cai said to Wang Yuanjun: "Fang Yun's "Spring Dawn" is the finale of this literary meeting. We will discuss it later. Fang Yun, did you write half of the poem before writing Spring Dawn?"

Fang Yun saw Magistrate Cai take out a wrinkled piece of paper and said, "I have written it, but that poem is suspected of making arrogant comments about government affairs, so I have not finished it."

"Write good poems and essays in the liberal arts academy, and those with high literary status can feel it. Although you have only written half of this poem, it still inspires your talent, and may reach the palace. You are now a child, and you have achieved fame and literary achievements. Sir, it is your duty to discuss government affairs, can you continue to write this poem, otherwise it would be a pity."

The expressions of everyone in the room were even more exciting. Many scholars could hardly write poems in their entire lives, but Fang Yun could not only write poems casually, but he was also reluctant to write them

Fang Zhongyong suddenly felt ashamed. He was only proud of having written a poem about leaving the county, which was far worse than Fang Yun.

Fang Yun said: "Last year, I was discussing the war with my classmate Lu Lin, and I felt sad and angry. I always wanted to say something for the soldiers who died in the battle, but unfortunately people were quiet and did not dare to say more. Now that I have a literary degree, I will finish writing this poem. "

The poem "The End of the Year" criticizes the inaction of court officials. Fang Yun could not write before he had no fame, but now that he has fame and academic status, it is easier to write this kind of poem to increase his literary reputation.

Literary position, official position, and literary name are all very important.

Someone had already prepared everything at the literary meeting. Fang Yun stood up, took the wrinkled paper, walked to the desk beside him, and began to study ink.

Fang Yun pondered for a moment and started to complete the five-character poem "Sui Mu".

At the end of the year, we are guests from far away, and we still use troops on the border;

Smoke and dust invade the snowy ridge, and drums and horns stir the river city.

Heaven and earth bleed every day, who will ask for a tassel in the imperial court

Ji Shi dared to love to death, and was lonely and frightened.

After Fang Yun finished writing, he read it again. The whole place was silent. Some people sighed, some were silent, and some were frightened.

In the process of writing the poem, Fang Yun vaguely understood Magistrate Cai's intention.

Because "Sui Mu" is suspected of criticizing left prime minister Liu Shan.

The thousand-year no-war agreement between Kong Sheng and Yao Man has long since expired, and now Yao Man is ready to make a move.

Last winter, when the wolf barbarians went south, according to the usual practice, Jingguo should send all its troops to attack the enemy. However, Liu Shan, the left prime minister, used various excuses to oppose the war and lost the best opportunity to start the war, resulting in a great victory for the Langmans. However, Jingguo lost one bachelor, two Hanlin officials, four Jinshi, 20,000 soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of border residents. Being kidnapped, the world was shocked.

As a result, Liu Shan not only refused to plead guilty, but also said that if the war started early, the casualties would be greater.

After the war, the ministers were furious and demanded that the Langman be conquered. However, Liushan advocated peace and not the war. He demoted many of the war officials and then sent people to negotiate peace with the Langman. Finally, he ceded territory to three mansions and compensated 10 million taels of silver and a large amount of money. Cloth minerals.

Jingguo's vitality was severely damaged.

Later, there were rumors that because the king of Jingguo was just three years old, the queen mother was assisting him in the government. If he succeeded in the battle, the queen mother's prestige would be greatly increased, which would be extremely detrimental to Liu Shan who wanted to be the prime minister. So Liushan first used the lack of food and grass as an excuse to delay, and later made trouble from it.

Although Fang Yun didn't have deep feelings for Jing Guo, he was extremely disgusted with Liu Shan's behavior of sacrificing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the struggle for power and even ceding territory to seek peace.

In addition, Fang Yun originally hated Liu Zicheng, so since it can disgust the Liu family, it was obligatory to write this poem.

After Fang Yun finished writing, he said loudly: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world! Scholars like us should talk about the battlefield and fight bloody battles, how can we be afraid of war!"

Everyone's eyes widened immediately. Not only did Fang Yun write a good poem, but his words were also very pertinent and novel. Those eight words were very weighty and could make people ponder over and over again.

Magistrate Cai slapped the table and said loudly: "What a great story, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world! With your words, it is not in vain for me to give you double armor! Cheers to 'Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world'! To those who are not afraid of war. Cheers!”

After Magistrate Cai finished speaking, he raised his wine glass. Although everyone was afraid of Liu Shan's power, their blood was not cold, so they agreed unanimously and raised their glasses to Fang Yun.

Especially the young scholars were extremely excited and almost regarded Fang Yun as a hero.

Fang Li had a look of shame on his face, and gave up the idea of embarrassing Fang Yun any more. He also completely understood that just the words "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" will never be able to compare with Fang Yun.

Wang Yuanjun nodded and said: "I never thought of discarding the remaining poems, but there is such an inner story. Please ask the county magistrate to check whether this poem reaches the government. If it reaches the government, I will report the events of the literary meeting to the great scholar Li, so that this poem can also be published. "Holy Path".


Fang Yun handed the piece of paper to Magistrate Cai, and Magistrate Cai placed the official seal above the poem page, and saw a two-and-a-half-foot-tall orange talent rising straight up.

One foot leaves the county, two feet reaches the mansion, and three feet reaches the state.

"Sure enough, the poem has reached Dafu. If it can be promoted by the "Holy Way", it will definitely make it famous! He is really the number one boy in Ji County!" Su Juren said with a smile.

"The so-called Holy Way is about educating all people, being loyal, filial, benevolent and courteous, and resisting foreign enemies. This poem is in line with the Holy Way and will definitely be included in the Holy Way!" Magistrate Cai made the final decision.

After that, Wang Yuanjun read "Spring Dawn" and explained the beauty of this poem, and everyone praised it.

Those who were younger were not deeply impressed by "Spring Dawn", while those who were a little older were silent after listening to it and kept thinking about that sentence.

How many flowers have fallen

At this point, everyone is convinced by Fang Yun.

Liu County Cheng on the side said: "Fang Yun wrote another poem today for Magistrate Cai, and it was heard by Lu Baotou. This poem is also very wonderful. Fang Yun, why don't you write this poem at the cultural meeting? , how about formally presenting it to Magistrate Cai?”

Magistrate Cai said: "It's just a poem, so don't waste everyone's time with a big fanfare. It's okay not to write it."

Wang Yuanjun smiled and said: "That won't work. I'm very curious about this poem. I must read it."

Fang Yun knew that those were magistrate Cai's humble words, so he said, "Then the student has made a fool of himself."

As Fang Yun spoke, he walked to the table next to him again, took up his pen and wrote the song "Giving Cai He", and read it while writing.

The tree beside the Cai family's inkstone washing pond,

The blossoming flowers have faint ink marks;

Don't let anyone praise the color.

Leave only pure energy to fill the universe!

When Fang Yun finished reading, Su Juren said in surprise: "This Fang Yun is simply a genius. The first two lines of this poem are average, but the last two lines stand out. The poetic meaning is straight up, and the artistic conception of the whole poem is extraordinary. County Zun He has always been noble and pragmatic, and never wastes money on people for vanity. The flower of pure energy complements the righteous person! What a poem! It doesn’t need to be tested by official seal, at least it is a poem from the county!”

"Su Juren was so complimentary. I just did my duty." Cai He was humble and respectful, without the slightest bit of pride.

"Only those who are full of pure energy can write such poems; only those who are full of pure energy can receive this poem as a gift." After Wang Yuanjun finished speaking, he looked at Fang Yun with a slightly different look in his eyes.

Fang Yun didn't understand it at first, but after thinking for a while, he realized that Wang Yuanjun also wanted to be gifted such a good poem.

Everyone praised him one after another, and many of them, like Wang Yuanjun, looked at Fang Yun with fiery eyes.

They all know that it is difficult for them to write poems and essays that will leave a name on Qingshi, but if they are included in the poems and essays that Qingshi will leave a name on, they would not exchange it for a hundred thousand taels of silver.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, County Magistrate Cai immediately interrupted the discussion and continued the discussion of poetry, saving Fang Yun's urgent need.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the cultural gathering ended, and Su Juren, who was in his fifties, asked Fang Yun to take his carriage and take Fang Yun home.

Su Juren was extremely well-maintained. At first glance, he looked like he was only in his early forties. He once served as the eighth-grade county magistrate in Ji County, equivalent to the county magistrate's deputy. Two of his three sons were scholars and all studied abroad.

The Su family has been a prominent family for three generations and firmly holds the position of being the first family in Ji County.

Fang Yun originally thought that Su Juren would talk to him about poetry and essays, but after sitting in the carriage, Su Juren opened his mouth and asked, "Has Young Master Fang ever been married?"

Fang Yun couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that Su Ju wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.

"I am not married yet, but I have decided to marry Sister Yuhuan."

Su Juren said nonchalantly: "Although Yang Yuhuan is the most beautiful in Jiangzhou, she is only a child bride. You marrying her as your concubine is already a great blessing for her. Now you are the head of a double-A case and a child born before a saint. You should marry a child." A well-matched and well-educated woman is a legitimate wife.”

Fang Yun said sternly: "I am not coveting her beauty. We have been together for several years and depended on each other. Without him, I would never be where I am today! I, Fang Yun, swear that the position of the first wife must be none other than Sister Yuhuan! If Yuhuan is given If my sister is my concubine, won’t I become a beast?”


During the new book period, the book will be updated with one chapter each at noon and around 8 o'clock, which will break out from time to time.