The Path of the Sage

Chapter 189: The trend is beginning to take shape


Everyone in the room held their breath at the same time and looked at Zuo Xiang in fear. Even Zuo Xiang's eldest son, who was in his thirties, kept his mouth shut and dared not chew. The children did not dare to move and were almost frightened to tears.

Old Madam Liu put down her chopsticks silently and lowered her head.

Only the left prime minister's daughter secretly watched her father.

The left prime minister had an elegant appearance, with very few wrinkles on his face. The few hints of silver on his temples not only did not make him look old, but made him look more energetic.

His eyes were not distracted, and he steadily picked up the second piece of beef with his right hand and put it on his plate. He said slowly, "I lost my composure. Today I will be punished by writing the Analects 15 times ten times."

The two sons looked at each other and immediately remembered a saying of Confucius in the 15th chapter of "The Analects": "Be strict with yourself and lenient with others, and you will avoid resentment from others." It means that if you blame yourself more and others less, you will not be resented by others.

"The father taught by example, and the child learned from it."

"Even my father is reflecting on himself, so we should be more careful about what we say and do."

The left prime minister nodded.

After the meal, the left prime minister walked towards the study. The old butler quickly followed him and whispered, "How should we deal with that servant who doesn't know etiquette?"

"Bury it well, don't dirty the yard."

"Yes." The old butler was not surprised at all when he heard the left prime minister's order to kill, and left in a hurry.

In the Jing Kingdom Palace.

"This Fang Yun... is good, but it really gives me a headache. Forget it, I will reward him together after we get to the Holy Ruins."

The residence of Prime Minister Wen of Jing State.

"Now that Jingguo has this son, I can let go."

The demon world.

"A scholar who has a destiny of going against the grain, who killed Fang Yun, and is on the Hanlin hunting list, fourth!"

Fang family.

Barefoot Fang Daniu arrived at the door and started shouting loudly, causing the sleeping little fox to cry out in dissatisfaction, and then continue to sleep.

Fang Yunzheng came out of the bedroom, and when he saw Fang Daniu coming back, he nodded, and then went to eat calmly.

When Lazy Wenzong came to pick up the manuscript of "Three Character Classic", Fang Yun knew about this, so he was not surprised at all.

Fang Daniu took a few quick steps and handed the Holy Way to Fang Yun, saying, "That's the front page of the Holy Way. Are you not happy at all?"

"I understand." Fang Yun said.

Fang Daniu was filled with sincere respect and said, "Young Master, you are truly amazing. You are the calmest person on the front page of Holy Dao except for the Semi-Saints. Anyone else would be grinning so hard that their mouth would be crooked."

Fang Yun asked: "Where is the Wen Bao?"

Fang Daniu slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "Look at me. I was so busy telling you the good news that I forgot to buy the Wen Bao. I'll go buy it now."

"Put on your shoes." Fang Yun said and walked towards the dining table.

Fang Daniu looked down, smiled, and walked into his room. Yang Yuhuan put a plate of food on the table and said to Fang Daniu, "Put on your shoes and come to me to get some money. Go and buy a hundred copies of The Holy Way."

"Okay!" said Fang Daniu.

Fang Yun looked at Yang Yuhuan, who was wearing a white apron at the moment. She had the elegance of a young girl, and the virtue of a housewife.

"What are you buying so much for?" Fang Yun asked.

Yang Yuhuan smiled and said, "I bought it and gave it to someone. If anyone doesn't buy it in the future, I'll give them one copy. It's the front page of The Holy Way. No one in Jingguo has been on the front page for many years. Even a woman like me knows that a scholar on the front page is more remarkable than a double-class student who broke the record."

"Forget it, as long as you like it. How's Se's training going?"

The two of them ate while chatting about music.

Just after finishing his meal, Fang Yun found that Guan Yin had received a letter via carrier pigeon, so he went to check and found that it was a congratulation from Cai He.

Fang Yun wrote a short letter in reply, and after he finished replying, one after another, wild geese came with messages.

Fang Yun did not expect that he would actually encounter the scene of hundreds of geese coming together. Some of these wild geese were letters sent by friends, but most of them were from people from all over Jing Country through the Holy Temple, and there were also some from people abroad.

Shi Jun, Li Fanming, Yan Yukong and others also sent their congratulations.

After reading hundreds of letters sent by carrier pigeons, Fang Yun finally understood the significance of the front page of "The Holy Way", because all the wealthy families in the capital and all the semi-saint families in Jing Kingdom sent their congratulations.

Among the five semi-saint families in Jing Kingdom, except for the Chensheng family which was purely congratulating, the other four semi-saint families invited Fang Yun to participate in the literary gatherings they held. The head of the Zhang Heng family even asked Fang Yun whether he was married or not, and said that several young people from the Zhang family would come to Yuhai City in a few days, and then they would accompany Fang Yun to the Mid-Autumn Literary Gathering.

After reading these letters, Fang Yun suddenly remembered what Li Fanming said when he met him: the trend is about to come.

Fang Yun did not show favoritism. Regardless of whether the congratulations came from the saintly families or from his former ordinary classmates, he responded to them one by one. One of the letters came from Fang Zhongyong's father Fang Li, who shamelessly called Fang Yun his nephew and said that when Fang Yun returned to Dayuan Prefecture, he would definitely bring Fang Zhongyong to visit him.

When replying to Zhang Heng's family, Fang Yun thought for a long time.

There are three semi-saint families with the surname Zhang. Except for the family established by the Medical Saint Zhang Zhongjing, which can be called the Zhang Saint Family, the other two cannot be called that because Zhang Zhongjing was the first person among doctors to be canonized as a saint, and his contribution to the Shengyuan Continent was enormous. When the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" was completed, the star of literature moved, which established the status of doctors.

Although Zhang Heng's status is not as high as Zhang Zhongjing, it is also above that of an ordinary semi-saint. He not only mastered the techniques of Mohism and Gongshujia, and created the seismometer, armillary sphere, compass chariot, flying wood carving and other items, but he was also one of the four great writers of Han Dynasty, and was as famous as the three saints Ban Gu, Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong. He had achievements in astronomy, geography, arithmetic and painting, and was a real all-rounder.

After Zhang Heng was canonized as a saint, even people from the Mohist and Gongshu schools came to seek advice from him, and claimed that the gears made by Zhang Heng were as good as those made by Mozi and Lu Ban.

The people of Zhang Heng's family inherited Zhang Heng's temperament. They did not seek fame or wealth, but devoted themselves to the study of astronomy, geography, and mechanisms, with the aim of fulfilling Zhang Heng's last wish.

What Fang Yun cares most about are the seismometer and armillary sphere of Zhang Heng's family. Both are semi-saintly treasures. The seismometer is in the Zhang family, while the armillary sphere is placed in the Holy Courtyard.

Legend has it that if the armillary sphere does not move, it will shake the world, comparable to the first killer zither "Hao Zhong". However, more people doubt that no one except Zhang Heng can use the armillary sphere, not even other semi-saints.

Fang Yun replied with a proper letter, thanking the Zhang family for their kindness, but saying that he would marry no one but Yang Yuhuan. He also said that he was very interested in astronomy and geography, and would be happy to discuss them with the Zhang family's children and go to the Holy Ruins together.

After replying to all the letters, Fang Yun suddenly felt that his mind was particularly sharp. His mind was particularly clear, and the world in front of him was particularly clear, as if the things that had been blocking his view had disappeared.

"Those letters sent by wild geese are the recognition of the wealthy families and semi-saint families in Panorama Country, and also a sign of great momentum. So what if you don't have a foundation! So what if you don't have a semi-saint teacher! You can also establish a foundation by entering the Holy Temple with a penny!"

Fang Yun’s gaze was more determined than ever.

After finishing his chores, Fang Yun continued to practice the piano and study military tactics, and found that he seemed to see everything more clearly and farther.

The Fang family was discussing the matter secretly for the entire day.

"Have you noticed? The young master's spirit and energy seem different today."

"Yes, he's not arrogant. He's still polite to us, but I'm a little afraid of him. I always feel like he's a bit like the emperor in a play."

"Yes! Even the Madam is secretly looking at the Young Master, but she is not worried, but she is attracted to him."

"Pfft, be careful, Madam will tear your mouth apart."

"The only one in the family who didn't notice the young master's changes is the little fox. He is still the same as before."

"It eats all day long, sleeps after eating, and plays after waking up. What can it know?"

"Oh oh!" Then a snow-white little fox was seen holding its head high and walking like a cat, slowly walking past those people. As it passed by, it did not forget to give them a proud and disdainful look.

"Don't you think it's infuriating?"

"Forget it. Why get mad at a fox?"

That night, Fang Yun carried the Zhendanqin on his back and headed for the Pinghu Lake. Along the way, the autumn wind blew and the autumn leaves fell. The autumn was chilly.

The autumn cicadas seemed to be resisting the cold autumn wind with all their might, and their calls became even deeper.

Along the way, Mr. Pang looked at Fang Yun in surprise.

"Fang Yun is not right today. In the past, he seemed like a person who passively felt the autumn. But today, he was a little bit unmoved by the autumn wind. Going a step further, he was like a king controlling the autumn wind. Incredible, really incredible! No wonder his article can be on the front page of "Sacred Way"."

Soon, Fang Yun walked to the pavilion he often visited. With the dragon horn harp pad, the stone table was not damaged at all. Fang Yun played "Autumn Wind Tune" as usual.

Halfway through listening, Mr. Pang felt strange, wondering why he could not feel the autumn mood at all, it was played without any emotion at all. He played it three times, and not a single autumn cicada fell.

Fang Yun continued to play, and Mr. Pang became more and more surprised, because although Fang Yun's "Autumn Wind Tune" had great progress in fingering, the more important emotional aspect was not a regression, but a complete lack of emotion, as if a mechanical man made by the Mohist school was playing the piano, a person without a heart at all.

"There must be something I can't see through."

Mr. Pang stood in the woods beside the pavilion, leaning against a big tree that was as thick as an embrace, staring at Fang Yun, hoping to see something.

Soon, Mr. Pang discovered something strange: Fang Yun's hair was fluttering all the time. At the same time, the cicada closest to Fang Yun stopped chirping, as if it was frightened by an invisible force.

Mr. Pang widened his eyes and looked more carefully.

After Fang Yun finished playing a piece of music, he stopped playing and placed his hands on the strings. The strings stopped and the cicadas stopped chirping.

After a while, Fang Yun raised his hand and played again.

As the sound of the piano began, the fallen leaves around Fang Yun suddenly flew in all directions, and Fang Yun's robe seemed to be filled with wind, swelling up.

Fang Yun played "Autumn Wind Tune" at a speed three times faster than normal. The sound of the piano was urgent and full of sadness, and a chill of late autumn erupted in all directions.

Mr. Pang subconsciously shrank his neck and hugged his arms, but then he realized that this was just the autumn feeling contained in the music, and the weather was not actually that cold.

Mr. Pang laughed at himself, thinking that he, a distinguished scholar, could be so deeply affected by an ordinary piano piece. However, the self-deprecating smile froze on his face.

Because the area around Pinghu is extremely quiet.

"Where are the cicadas chirping?" Just as this thought came to Mr. Pang's mind, he felt something falling on his head. He reached out and touched it, and it was an autumn cicada.

Suddenly, there was a dense sound nearby, and Mr. Pang immediately realized that it was the sound of autumn cicadas falling to the ground after they died. He had been listening to this kind of sound these days, but there had never been a day with such a dense sound as today. (To be continued...)