The Path of the Sage

Chapter 2: crisis


Today is the day for the county examination to select students, and Fang Yun is one of the candidates, but Fang Yun is full of despair about his future.

Fang Yun is a typical student from a poor family.

Students from prominent families, famous families, wealthy families, canonized families and even the supreme Confucius Mansion do not have to worry about food and drink, and do not have to be distracted by their livelihood and family, but Fang Yun cannot do so.

They could go directly to the best schools and colleges, but Fang Yun couldn't.

They can hire any kind of teacher they want and consult the teacher whenever they want, but Fang Yun cannot do that.

They could buy any sutras, annotations, commentaries, interpretations, collections, etc. they wanted, and they might even have them at home without buying them, but Fang Yun could not do that.

For poor students like Fang Yun, living is already very difficult. Being able to read some books is already the limit. As for getting a name on the list of successful candidates, having a brilliant youth, and having a wonderful life, all of these are beyond the reach of poor students.

Fang Yun couldn't help but clench his fists.

Afterwards, Fang Yun found himself in a desperate situation. The most critical issue now was not worrying about his family’s reaction after his death, but survival.

Just last night, Fang Yun was beaten to death by four masked men on his way home.

"Who wants to kill Fang Yun?"

Fang Yun quickly thought of the only possibility.

Before the Qingming Festival, Fang Yun took his child bride sister Yuhuan to the Wuhou Temple fifty miles away to burn incense and pray to Wuhou Zhuge Liang to bless him to pass the county examination and become a high-ranking student.

On the way back, the two men met a man in a carriage.

The man asked with a smile how to get to the Wuhou Temple, and Fang Yun politely pointed in the direction.

But after thanking Fang Yun, the man started chatting and introduced himself. His name was Liu Zicheng, and he had passed the imperial examination three years ago. He was the eldest branch of the famous Liu family in Dayuan Prefecture. His brother was very remarkable, and he had won the first place in the imperial examination in Jiangzhou last year, which was also the Jieyuan.

Just because Liu Zicheng was from a famous family was not a big deal, but all the scholars in Dayuan Prefecture knew that the Liu family of Dayuan had a powerful distant relative in the capital, the Left Prime Minister Liu Shan, the head of the four prime ministers in the Jingguo cabinet and an important minister entrusted by the late emperor. Some even said that half of the officials in Jingguo were Liu Shan's students and old friends.

Fang Yun's greatest wish was to pass the county examination and become a student. As for passing the prefectural examination and becoming a scholar, it was an unattainable dream for him. Liu Zicheng was polite and dignified, and he was an enviable scholar, so Fang Yun was caught off guard and answered whatever Liu Zicheng asked.

Afterwards, Fang Yun asked Liu Zicheng how to take the county examination. Liu Zicheng taught him everything he knew, and Fang Yun was extremely grateful.

When Fang Yun learned that Liu Zicheng had been to the "Book Mountain", one of the three holy places, and even climbed to the second pavilion, he respected Liu Zicheng even more.

Afterwards, Liu Zicheng sent his carriage to take Fang Yun and Yuhuan home. Along the way, the two scholars had a great conversation and even became brothers in the end.

That night, Liu Zicheng stayed at Fang's house and talked with him late into the night by candlelight, which made Fang Yun even more grateful.

The next day, Liu Zicheng left behind twenty taels of silver and a letter. The letter said that he and Fang Yun hit it off at first sight and hoped that Fang Yun would accept the silver note. If he really didn't want to accept it, he could return it to him after he passed the imperial examination.

Fang Yun thought Liu Zicheng was a real gentleman after seeing this. However, he gave the banknote to Yuhuan and told her to keep it safe, and he was determined not to use other people's banknotes.

But Yuhuan said that Liu Zicheng seemed to have ulterior motives, but Fang Yun was furious and accused Yuhuan of judging others by her own mean standards.

Later, Liu Zicheng came several times and gave Fang Yun some books, and their friendship gradually deepened.

Yuhuan said twice that she didn't like Liu Zicheng, but was reprimanded by Fang Yun both times and never said it again.

Until one day, when Yuhuan went out to buy vegetables, she met some thugs, and Liu Zicheng happened to pass by. Liu Zicheng then activated the power of Wen Bao's "Mountain Pen", killed more than a dozen thugs with a sword, and saved Yuhuan, making Fang Yun burst into tears of gratitude.

Just half a month ago, Liu Zicheng talked about Fang Yun's attitude towards Yuhuan, and even pointed out that Fang Yun's family background would only harm Yuhuan.

Fang Yun also felt that he owed Yuhuan and felt sorry for her, so even though his relatives kept persuading him, he did not marry Yuhuan. He swore that he would marry Yuhuan in a grand ceremony after he passed the imperial examination.

Liu Zicheng asked Fang Yun how confident he was that he would pass the examination for a tongsheng. If he wanted to be famous, he had to at least become a juren. So how confident was he that he would become a juren

Fang Yun was silent.

So, Liu Zicheng said that he was willing to take Yuhuan as his concubine and was willing to pay a betrothal gift of two thousand taels of silver.

Fang Yun looked at Liu Zicheng in astonishment, but still did not realize Liu Zicheng's real purpose.

Just at this moment, Yuhuan came out and told what had happened.

It turned out that every time Liu Zicheng came, he would deliberately try to please Yuhuan and get close to her. Yuhuan said something but Fang Yun didn't believe it, so Yuhuan designed a plan to deceive Liu Zicheng, saying that as long as he could convince Fang Yun, she would marry Liu Zicheng as a concubine.

Liu Zicheng fell into the trap, and Fang Yun suddenly realized his mistake. He cursed Liu Zicheng and threw out the silver notes and various things that Liu Zicheng had given him.

Liu Zicheng became furious and threatened Fang Yun that if Fang Yun did not sell Yuhuan to him as a concubine before the county examination, he would make it impossible for Fang Yun to pass the examination for the rest of his life.

Fang Yun recalled Liu Zicheng's words.

"Shame on you! I married Yuhuan as my concubine hoping to create a good story: Liu Zicheng helps poor children, poor scholar entrusts beautiful child bride! I've already told my brother that I will marry a beautiful concubine, if he likes her I can give her to him, but you don't agree now, how can I face him! If Yuhuan disobeys me before the county exam, don't blame me for taking action! In Jing Country, our Liu family has the final say!"

After Liu Zicheng finished speaking, he walked away. Fang Yun still couldn't forget Liu Zicheng's loud laughter, nor Yuhuan's words.

"I, Yang Yuhuan, am a member of the Fang family in life and the soul of the Fang family in death!"

However, there was deep helplessness and sadness in Yang Yuhuan's eyes, and even a hint of despair.

At that time Fang Yun was just ashamed and moved, but now when Fang Yun recalled the scene at that time, Yang Yuhuan actually felt a kind of tragic heroism in going to her death!

Fang Yun felt pain at the back of his head. He reached out to touch it and heard a slight hiss. He discovered that his head was broken.

"Since I am alive, Liu Zicheng will definitely continue to take revenge! I can't escape now. The only way is to pass the county exam and become a student. With fame and position, he will never dare to kill me in Ji County! Students are only equivalent to 'reserve talents', and scholars are basic talents, so the county exam is the easiest, only testing 'Saint's Words' and 'Poetry'. As for 'Classics' and 'Strategy Essays', we will have to wait until later."

"The imperial examinations in the Holy Academy Continent are somewhat different from those in ancient China, but we should make the best of it."

Fang Yun thought to himself as he walked out of the alley. His injuries were too severe and his whole body was in pain. His clothes were also wet and very uncomfortable to wear, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Walking out of the alley, Fang Yun met an acquaintance, Duan Hu, who worked as a waiter in the restaurant with him and was four or five years older than him.

Fang Yun was about to greet him with a wry smile, but Duan Hu was stunned for a moment, then showed hesitation and said in a low voice: "Go home quickly, something happened at home."

Duan Hu wanted to say something, but Zhen, the shopkeeper at the door of the Jixiang Restaurant, five meters away, shouted, "Xiao Hu, are you itching for trouble? Go buy some groceries quickly, or I'll break your legs if you're late!"

Duan Hu sighed helplessly, gave Fang Yun a look that told him to be careful, and turned away.

Fang Yun didn't expect that something bad would happen to his family. He didn't bother to argue with Manager Zhen and quickened his pace.

But the shopkeeper Zhen gloated and shouted: "Three years ago, I said I could buy your Jiangzhou Xishi to support your studies. Now it's over, right? You've been targeted by the Liu family of Dayuan Prefecture, and you can't get a penny! There are only two prominent families in our entire county, and no one is famous. The Liu family is a famous family, and they eat people without leaving any bones. Look at the wounds all over your body. Was it done by the Liu family?"

The shopkeeper Zhen wore a green official robe and a black melon-shaped hat. He was in his early forties, had one wife and two concubines, and was mean. Because his last name sounded the same as the Chinese character for needle, the waiters in the restaurant privately called him "needle-eye".

Once, Fang Yun saw that Yang Yuhuan was too thin, so he stole some leftover meat from the guests and wanted to give it to Yang Yuhuan, but he was discovered by Manager Zhen, who snatched the meat, threw it on the ground, stepped on it, and kicked it to the dog in the yard.

"I wouldn't even give it to a dog!"

Fang Yun still remembers the contemptuous look in Manager Zhen's eyes when he spoke.

Fang Yun suppressed his anger and continued to move forward.

Shopkeeper Zhen said proudly: "Do you think I hired you as an assistant because you are capable? I hired you to be close to Yuhuan. Unfortunately, Yuhuan was bewitched and always stayed away from me, so I took it out on you. Since you have offended the famous Liu family, I can't bring trouble upon myself. You are fired!"

Fang Yun stopped, turned around and looked at Shopkeeper Zhen coldly, and said, "Then Shopkeeper Zhen, please pay the remaining wages."

"You have offended the famous Liu family. My restaurant may be the target of the Liu family's anger. It's already great that I don't ask you to pay compensation, but you still want your wages? Get out! If you dare to come to my Jixiang Restaurant again, be careful or I will break your legs!" Shopkeeper Zhen glared at Fang Yun viciously.

Fang Yun glared at Manager Zhen and said, "I've remembered your words. If you don't pay me the wages you owe me today, I'll make you pay me back a thousand times someday!" Then he left.

"Poor guy, you're not afraid of biting your tongue when you brag!" Manager Zhen sneered and entered the restaurant.

Fang Yun gritted his teeth and walked quickly. He wanted to go home to see what was going on, and then take pen and paper to take the exam. If he failed to pass the examination, Liu Zicheng would attack him a second time in three days at most, and he would be dead for sure!

As long as he passes the examination to become a student, Fang Yun will be temporarily safe. Even if Liu Zicheng is from a prominent family, he would not dare to kill a student with a literary title in Ji County.

Fang Yun didn't care about the eyes of passers-by at all. He digested his new memories while walking and found that there was a big gap between Shengyuan Continent and ancient China. Because of the emergence of talents, coupled with the conflict among ten countries and the covetous monsters, pragmatism clearly prevailed.

For example, scholars here usually write in regular script or running script, but the battlefield changes rapidly, and when they use "paper talk", they will use simpler cursive script to complete it as quickly as possible, which has led to the continuous simplification of cursive script over the past few hundred years.

The imperial examination system here is also very different. The ancient imperial examination on Earth began in the Sui Dynasty, but here it started in the Han Dynasty, seven or eight hundred years earlier. Moreover, the imperial examination was not held every three years, but every year.

The area of Shengyuan Continent is also much larger than that of China, with a total of ninety states, and one state is equivalent to a province.

Fang Yun soon discovered that his extra memories included not only memories of the Shengyuan Continent, but also some books he had never read before, including "The Complete Collection of Ancient Number One Scholar Palace Examination Papers", "Guliang Zhuan of the Spring and Autumn Annals", "Guidebook", "Zhu Xi's Five Classics", "Three Character Classic", "Complete Tang Poems", and so on.