The Path of the Sage

Chapter 218: Alone in hospital bed


The moon was blocked by the mountain, and the shadow of the mountain pressed down on everyone, making the foot of the mountain even darker.

The barbarian Niu Shan came running back panting, his eyes red as he glanced at everyone fiercely, then his momentum faded and he said in frustration, "I can't catch up, where is His Majesty the Moon Emperor?"

"In your tent." Li Fanming said.

Watching Niu Shan enter the tent, Xun Ye walked over to Li Fanming and others, a smug smile flashed across his face.

Li Fanming and nine others discussed in a low voice.

"Yuqing, is there any other way? I have some medicines from doctors here, and even a Dipsacus asper fruit. Do you think it can help Fang Yun detoxify by taking it?" Li Fanming asked.

"No matter how good the medicine is, it can't be better than a medical book. Even the "Detoxification Chapter" can't do it, let alone your medicine. You can't possibly have the magical objects in the demon world that can expel this kind of poison, such as the Moon Lotus that grows in the Demon Moon, the Lava Fruit in the Burial Valley, etc. Who among you has them?"

"This... A Moon Lotus can extend one's life by a hundred years. It's something that saints would risk their lives for. But even if it existed, it couldn't possibly cure Fang Yun's poison." One person almost rolled his eyes.

"Or maybe we can meet the one from the Zhang Sheng family. His medical skills and medical books are better than mine, and he can help Fang Yun prolong his life until the end of the Holy Ruins. But the Holy Ruins is so big, it's not easy for us to meet each other, and the chance of meeting him is too small." Hua Yuqing said.

"If there is a magical object like the longevity fruit, is there any way to help Fang Yun prolong his life?"

"According to pharmacology, the longevity fruit contains a huge amount of vital energy. Although it cannot remove the poison, it can make him live a few more days." Hua Yuqing said.

"Then let's go find the longevity fruit! I won't let you suffer any loss. After we leave the Holy Ruins, I will pay you enough compensation. Our Jisheng family can still afford the price of a longevity fruit." Li Fanming said.

"Speaking of payment, I brought the spirit leopard here, so it's mine," said Han Shoulu.

"What Brother Han said just now makes sense. There is no order in the Holy Ruins. But I have courtesy in my heart. It's just a longevity fruit. Our Jia family is not so bad."

"I don't want any reward. I have always liked Fang Yun's poems and essays. It's just a side job for me to find the longevity fruit. There are more than just longevity fruits in this holy ruins, so I don't need any reward."

The others nodded and said they would not ask for any reward.

"Now that things have been decided, let's set out tomorrow to take a look around the Dead Lake. Eighteen years ago, someone from the Holy Ruins found three longevity fruits nearby." Han Shoulu said.

"Okay!" everyone agreed in unison.

Xun Ye walked closer and smiled, "Although Fang Yun has a grudge against my Xun family, if you find something like the longevity fruit that can save Fang Yun, I will not interfere and will not ask for any reward. One more person means one more force. You won't reject me, right?"

Li Fanming snorted coldly, Rabbit snorted lightly, and Han Shoulu said, "I hope Brother Xun Ye will keep his word and not embarrass Fang Yun again."

Xun Ye chuckled and said, "Brother Shoulu, you underestimate me too much. How could I be so fussy about a piece of waste paper? With his behavior, even if his life is saved, before returning to the Holy Ruins, Wen Gong will be corroded by the strange poison of the demon world, and his talents will be completely destroyed. He will become a piece of waste paper."

Everyone looked at Xun Ye angrily. They had tried not to mention Wen Palace in front of Fang Yun before, just because they didn't want Fang Yun to think about this, at least not to let Fang Yun despair before Wen Palace was destroyed. But Xun Ye's voice was so loud that Fang Yun might have heard it.

"Xun Ye, please be careful when you are alone!" Li Fanming's eyes were burning with anger.

"Haha. I'm just telling the truth. His Wen Palace is going to be destroyed, so why can't I say anything? I'm just speaking the truth. How can you be canonized by flattering the future semi-saint Fang Yunfang?"

Li Fanming gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Xun Ye! We are all from the Ten Nations, all in the Holy Ruins, and we have to face the monsters together. Even if you hate him, he should be more virtuous now that he has suffered such a great disaster! What's more, if he is not poisoned, you are worse than him!"

Xun Ye restrained his smile and said contemptuously: "Be more polite? I don't need you to teach me how to be a man! Who do you think you are! A descendant of a declining semi-saint family, no, not even a descendant, but only a son-in-law. Before Fang Yun was poisoned, it was understandable that you flattered him, which shows that although you are stupid, you at least know how to use people. But now Fang Yun is like a piece of waste paper and you are still like this, I say, are you stupid or stupid?"

Li Fanming was about to rush out to beat Xun Ye, but was held by the people around him. Li Fanming could not struggle. He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at Xun Ye, and said in a deep voice: "Although Fang Yun and I have known each other for a short time and cannot be considered close friends, there is a friendship between us! This friendship is enough for me to find a longevity fruit for him! I will also tell you the truth, you beast will definitely get retribution!"

However, Xun Ye smiled viciously and said, "Go ahead and keep scolding me. Can you save Fang Yun? In less than seven days, he will be a waste with his palace destroyed! You want to be an enemy of my Xun family? This will be the end!" After that, he left with a big laugh.

Jia Jing'an suddenly spat at Xun Ye and cursed, "Your Third Uncle Xun Qiong is so heroic, and Xun Tianling is so loyal, I never thought that you would have such a bastard in your generation! After leaving the Saint Ruins, I will cut off all ties with you! You are a sub-saint family, I, Jia Jing'an, can't afford to marry you! Bastard!"

There was a soft sigh inside Niu Shan’s tent.

The moon sets and the sun rises.

Everyone woke up one after another, looked up at the sun, and squinted their eyes. Even if they were successful candidates in the imperial examinations, they could not stare directly at the sun in the Holy Ruins.

The sun here seems to be a hundred times brighter than that of Shengyuan Continent. It seems to be hanging overhead, extremely hot, making this place much hotter than the desert.

However, the strange fog still exists, it just becomes lighter.

Early in the morning, Li Fanming and others bid farewell to Fang Yun and headed towards the bottom of the Dead Lake. Xun Ye also followed, but most people ignored him, and he didn't care.

Outside the tent, Niu Shan said, "Your Majesty the Moon Emperor, they are gone."

In the tent, the big rabbit stood upright and used its two paws to bring a bowl of water to Fang Yun. There was a straw tube in the water.

The rabbit suddenly became anxious, because its two front paws were holding the bowl, and it couldn't put the straw tube to Fang Yun's mouth, and Fang Yun couldn't move. It was so anxious that it kept shaking its ears. Suddenly, it widened its eyes, lowered its head, and used its long ears to slowly push the straw tube to Fang Yun's mouth.

After Fang Yun drank some water, the big rabbit grinned, carefully put the water aside, and then squatted beside Fang Yun.

Fang Yun glanced at the rabbit and wanted to smile to express his gratitude, but he couldn't smile at all. He could only sigh softly and close his eyes.

Fine beads of sweat oozed out of Fang Yun's forehead.

The tingling in the body became more frequent and the pain in the head more severe.

Fang Yun knew that Hua Yuqing had underestimated the poison of the evil king. Not to mention the palace of a scholar, even if the palace of a juren encountered this poison, it would definitely be destroyed. But his palace was too big, and even if the poison was very strong, it would take at least three days to corrode the outer wall of the palace.

"What a vicious and evil Lord! This poison cannot be randomly prepared. It is likely a special secret recipe. Evil Lord, as long as my Wen Palace is not destroyed and the Holy Path can be continued, I will repay you a hundredfold and a thousandfold! I want you to know the price of harming my destiny. Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

Fang Yun did not give up hope. Even though he was enduring the pain of the strange poison, he still closed his eyes and silently recited the saints' scriptures in his heart.

He read books like "The Analects of Confucius", "The Book of Changes", "The Book of Rites", "The Spring and Autumn Annals", "The Book of History", "Mencius", etc. After a while, he remembered "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases".

"Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is a magnum opus by the semi-sage Zhang Zhongjing. It has a total of 18 volumes and even contains methods of artificial respiration. It is a rare book in Chinese medicine and is still the most important classic for doctors.

"Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is one of the sage classics. It is a compulsory subject in the examinations for students of higher learning and scholars, and at least one question from it will be asked every year.

Fang Yun had memorized the book a long time ago. Now that he was poisoned, he subconsciously began to recite "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and other medical books over and over again.

He recited medical books over and over in his mind; these books seemed to be his only solace and hope.

As the sun sets, everyone returns.

Everyone came to see Fang Yun, and then left one after another. Li Fanming stayed and told some of the things he encountered today. Finally, he said: "Although we didn't find the longevity fruit today, we did find some monster king bones. Some of the power was lost, but it also has a certain value. We didn't return empty-handed."

Fang Yun knew that he was comforting himself, so he listened carefully and blinked from time to time to show that he could hear him.

Li Fanming talked for a quarter of an hour and then left, leaving Fang Yun alone.

Fang Yun felt helpless. After four baptisms of talent, his physique was no worse than those candidates from semi-saint families. His hearing was still very strong and he could hear clearly even when people outside spoke in a low voice.

No one went out at night, but gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Han Shoulu even took out the family's Secret Records of the Sacred Ruins and talked about some of the things mentioned above.

This time, Xun Ye seemed to have seen nothing. He completely forgot that it was the secret that the Han family ancestors had exchanged for with their blood, and he had no intention of stopping it.

Late at night, everyone made a decision to go to the Youshui River tomorrow. As long as they didn't encounter a river eruption and didn't run into any powerful strange objects or monsters, they would be sure to find the treasure. The level of danger there was second only to Dragon Cliff.

Everyone set out early.

Fang Yun did nothing like yesterday, just memorizing all the medical books, hoping to find a way to detoxify. Just like military books, medical books must also master the principles of medicine before they can be used. If you don't have a deep understanding of pharmacology, you can't treat a certain disease or prescribe a certain medicine, and you can't use the medical books.

As time went on, the poison became more and more potent, more parts of Fang Yun's body were damaged, and the outer wall of Wen Palace became weaker and weaker.

However, Fang Yun held on with his strong will and silently memorized the medical books.

At this moment of facing death, Fang Yun's fighting spirit was much stronger than usual. He tried his best to understand and comprehend the medical books, and his efficiency increased countless times.

In the evening, a group of figures appeared in the fog.

Niu Shan and Rabbit, one big and one small, one savage and one beast, stood outside the tent, looking at the people coming out of the fog.

The sunset is like blood.

The rabbit was startled when he saw those people and rushed over quickly.

Two people lost their arms, two people lost parts of their legs and feet, and the other six people's clothes were soaked in blood, and there were many broken parts on their bodies. They walked slowly.

Niu Shan took a closer look and whispered, "It looks like we've encountered a vicious creature." (To be continued...)