The Path of the Sage

Chapter 233: Giant claw chain true dragon bone


Fang Yun looked at the dragon bone carefully. The light on it dimmed, as if some force had left and the danger was gone. So he jumped back into the pit and picked up the animal skin.

The other side of the blood-dropping animal skin originally had three drops of blood arranged in a line, but now the three drops of blood are like the three vertices of an equilateral triangle, and a dark golden dragon pattern is located inside the triangle.

Apart from that, there was no change, and even the aura could not be felt, as if it was just an ordinary thing.

"These three drops of blood seem to be a little strange."

Fang Yun was at a loss for words, so he put the bloody hide into his pocket and tried to reach out and touch the dragon bone.

The keel was smooth and slightly cool. When I touched it, I felt as if a desolate and vast power was contained in the bone and was flowing gently, like waves hitting the shore, constantly washing the keel.

Fang Yun became even more certain in his heart that, apart from the bones of real dragons, no other bones of demons could still have the power of ocean waves after so many years.

Fang Yun used the spear head as an engineer shovel again and dug out the dragon bones quickly. The dragon bones were much harder than diamonds, so Fang Yun didn't need to be careful at all. In less than a quarter of an hour, Fang Yun dug out the ten-foot-long dragon bones.

This dragon bone is like a work of art. The white bones are like white marble. The dragon patterns on it are mysterious and full of beauty, and contain a primitive and mysterious power.

Fang Yun wiped the dragon bone clean and put it into the lake shell.

"Huh..." Fang Yun breathed a sigh of relief. With this real dragon bone, it meant that after becoming a Jinshi, he could immediately use sword-refining poems to wrap the real dragon bone to practice verbal sparring. He just didn't know how strong the verbal sparring that was practiced by the first real dragon in the world would be.

Fang Yun recited the war poem and quickly left the claw mark pit. He stood on the ground and silently recalled the instructions and map about Dragon Cliff. Then he ran to the highest hill nearby and looked around.

There are several peaks in the direction of the river source. One of the peaks is very strange. The highest point looks like a forked dragon horn. That is the landmark of Dragon Cliff. It is the direction of the exit.

Fang Yun looked in the opposite direction again.

There are also undulating hills there, which look particularly like waves. It seems that some force has blown up the ground, turning the ground into hills, and making the hills into waves, one after another, layer after layer, stretching as far as the eye can see.

Fang Yun was about to walk towards Longya when his eyes suddenly widened and he fell to the ground, lying behind the hill with his head exposed, looking in the direction of the wavy hills.

A giant black claw suddenly rose from a distance, reaching thousands of miles up. The claw was extremely sharp and moved extremely fast. The friction actually produced flames and thunder, tearing a thousand-mile-long dark void crack in the sky, and then penetrated deep into it.

The earth and heaven shook. The sun was about to fall.

When the giant claw rose up, it drove endless black fog up into the sky. After reaching the sky, the black fog spread in all directions, forming thick dark clouds. Soon, the sky was covered by thick dark clouds, except for the area around the void crack where there were no dark clouds, but there was only endless darkness.

All kinds of strange things kept erupting from the dark clouds, including shiny gems, red feathers dozens of miles long, golden ancient books, inkstones as big as a hill, fingers several miles long, and dragon heads dozens of feet long... All kinds of strange things scattered with the dark clouds and landed around the giant arm.

In addition to this, a large number of boulders, magma, etc. were flying in all directions, dragging long tails of flames and black mist, like a volcanic eruption and a meteor falling to the ground. Some stones even flew near the huge claw mark but could never fly into it.

The aftermath of the power from the rising giant claws and arms rolled in all directions like air waves, stirring up sand and causing the hills to change.

Soon, under the dark clouds and in the yellow sand, only a giant black arm, who knows how many thousand miles high, stood there, like a pillar supporting the sky. The giant arm was covered with dense scales, and each scale had a strange green symbol on it.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the crack in the void, and raging flames suddenly gushed out from the crack, instantly dispersing the dark clouds in the sky, submerging the giant arm and then rolling back. Then, a strange liquid like blood and fire flowed out from the crack in space, and continued to flow down along the giant claws and arms.


The earth shook and a violent cry came from deep underground. At the same time, the giant arm shook violently and slowly fell back.

Fang Yun's eyes were already dazzled by the strange scream, and when he heard the sound from deep underground, his vision went dark. Wen Gong felt like he was going to collapse at any moment.

These two sounds are exactly opposite to the Holy Sound of Thunder. The Holy Sound of Thunder sounds like a spring breeze, while these two sounds are like devilish sounds penetrating the brain.

The giant claw retreated from the crack in the void, holding an extremely huge heart, like a mountain, beating wildly, and every beat made Fang Yun dizzy. Blood like magma flowed on the heart, all over the giant claw and arm. Suddenly, the black giant claw stretched out towards Fang Yun.

"Give it back to me..."

A language that Fang Yun had never heard of but could understand appeared. At this moment, the world of strange books shook slightly, and a new book appeared. The words "Give it back to me" appeared on the first page.

Fang Yun no longer had time to care about the purpose of Qishu Tiandi's actions. Facing the giant claws that could tear the sky and split the earth, Fang Yun's even thought of escaping was blocked by the invisible pressure. It was as if his body had changed its owner, and he involuntarily walked towards the giant claws and arms.

The giant claws swept across the sky, the heaven and earth surrendered, and all things became slaves.

Those ancient books, inkstones, fingers, feathers, etc. that were ejected were all pulled by an invisible force and flew back under the giant arm.

The sky and the earth became even darker, and the giant claw was like a piece of sky falling down and smashing towards Fang Yun.

Suddenly, thick golden chains appeared, instantly covering the entire giant claw and arm. The chains crisscrossed and moved slowly, making clear metal collision sounds and dragging the giant claw downwards.

The golden chain is linked together, and each link is flowing slowly. Each link is made up not of any metal, but of words.

The horizontal chain is composed of many words full of strange power, such as lock, suppress, seal, trap, destroy, slaughter, kill... Sometimes it is big, sometimes small, constantly flowing and changing.

The text on the vertical chain was not a single word, but a series of sentences connected together to form a circle, and the sentences were connected into a text to form the entire chain. Fang Yun saw that most of those sentences were the works of the saints of the Shengyuan Continent.

The giant claws split the sky and enslaved all living things, but no matter how they struggled, they were eventually slowly dragged back underground by the golden chains.

The strong wind started to blow again, and all the winds blew from outside towards the direction of the giant claw, and the direction of the surging wave hill changed again.

There was no change in that huge footprint.

Fang Yun stared blankly at the giant claw falling back to the ground and disappearing into the endless hills. His body softened and he sat on the hill. Fang Yun's clothes were soaked with sweat. This was not the way a man who had swallowed three dragon balls should be.

Fang Yun stared blankly in that direction for a long time, trying to recall the giant claws and chains, but there was no specific picture in his mind, only a very unrealistic feeling. Then he suddenly had a splitting headache, Wen Gong shook, and had to stop recalling.

"The power of the text on the horizontal chain seems to be similar to the power of the heaven and earth's vitality, strong but emotionless. But the text and articles that make up the vertical chain are full of strong righteousness, crushing all evil spirits and having a firm belief in rebuilding the heaven and earth. Other than that, I have forgotten what the text is on it."

Fang Yun had an illusion that the two chains, one vertical and one horizontal, could even lock up the heaven and earth.

Fang Yun sat on the hill in a daze, unable to guess what the giant claw, the crack in the void, and the chain were. But when he thought of the various visions and powers described in ancient books, he felt a chill all over his body.

"I have never imagined the power of the saints, but now I realize that even if I did, the power of the saints could only be stronger than I imagined. Fortunately, I am only using the poems in the strange book of heaven and earth, and I am not touching the core ideas of Confucianism and other schools of thought, and I am not "debating". If I were to argue with my current literary status, I would be courting death, and I would certainly be crushed by the majestic power of the saints. I have to be a university scholar or a great scholar to "debate". Now I can only "compete for fame" and "compete for talent" to lay a foundation for the future."

"This is definitely not the Holy Ruins! It is very likely that there is a mysterious place connected to the Holy Ruins, and this place is Dragon Cliff, and the Youshui River is similar. No wonder the Holy Ruins are so important. I am afraid that even the Saint Families do not know all the secrets here. No wonder those demon saints killed Zilu Bansheng and other three saints because of a disagreement. It is because this place is too important. The so-called demon saint tomb is very likely to cover up the truth!"

Fang Yun clearly didn't want to think about the giant claws and chains, but he couldn't help thinking about them. His head hurt every time he thought about them, and finally he had to give up.

"Let's go back to Longya Mountain first."

Fang Yun knew that all the good things that had erupted were sucked back by the giant claw. If he went deeper now, he would be courting death. Even the remaining power of the giant claw might kill him.

Fang Yun took one last look at that place, slowly walked down the hill and walked towards the river.

After walking a few steps, Fang Yun remembered the little action in Qishu Tiandi, and immediately flipped through the new book in Qishu Tiandi. There was nothing on the cover, and at the beginning of the first page there were only two words "Give it back to me", and under the two words there was a claw and a chain.

Fang Yun frowned, because this painting was simply drawn by a dog's paw. He could draw better by holding the brush with his feet. The Strange Book of Heaven and Earth was not a record of paintings at all, it was just random scribbles.

"Maybe there's something special?" Fang Yun stared at the painting for a while, but couldn't see anything, so he gave up and walked along the river.

After walking a few steps, Fang Yun felt an inexplicable chill behind him. Looking back, he saw a black fog full of monsters rolling towards him.

"I told you there was something wrong with that giant claw!"

Fang Yun cursed inwardly and immediately used the Sprint War Poem to speed up his running.

As he was running, the scenery in front of Fang Yun suddenly changed. There was clearly nothing there, but it suddenly turned into a forest and he ran head-on into a giant tree.

"Not good!" Fang Yun hurriedly controlled his body to dodge, brushed past the giant tree, and quickly stopped.

Fang Yun looked back and saw no hills, footprints or black fog monsters. It was just a steep rock wall. Looking up, he could not see the top of the mountain and had no idea how many thousand feet high it was.

Fang Yun touched the Hanhu shell in his arms and thought that no matter what happened, he was not dead and picked up a real dragon bone, which was the biggest gain. (To be continued...)