The Path of the Sage

Chapter 252: Offer Mist Butterfly


Except for Xun Ye's unnatural expression, everyone was filled with joy.

Kong Delun bowed and smiled, "Thank you for your courtesy. This time, so many human races have entered the gate of the Demon Ancestor in the Holy Ruins. It has not happened for thousands of years. This is a sign of the great prosperity of our human race. It is a cause for celebration!"

"Once we enter the Holy Ruins, Brother Kong, don't be as humble as we were on Shengxu Road. Our opponents are monsters and barbarians." Zong Wude said with a smile.

"I have some things given by my family, but the Comet Corridor is very special. Even the lake shells and cultural treasures cannot be used. I have to rely on myself for everything."

"As expected of a member of the Kong family, he knows so much about the Comet Corridor. We still don't know what's inside." Yan Yukong felt helpless.

Kong Delun said: "Actually, I don't know much, but since it is made from comets, it must be inextricably linked to comets."

"There has always been debate about comets. The saints should know what comets are, but they won't waste their time telling us about them." said one person.

A scholar next to Kong Delun smiled and said, "Fang Yun is a well-known all-rounder. He should know a thing or two about comets, right?"

Everyone looked at the scholar who was speaking, Weng Ming from the Wengsheng family of Gu State. He was a miscellaneous scholar but tended towards the Legalist school. He was one of the few candidates in Gu State with the best chance of competing for the top spot this year. This man had a kind smile on his face, without the slightest intention of provocation.

"Brother Weng, please don't make things difficult for Fang Yun. If someone from the Zhang Heng family who is in charge of the astronomy of the ten countries were here, he might be able to give a general idea. Fang Yun may not know it." Yan Yukong said.

"Zhang Heng's family is also in Jingguo, and Fang Yun is a Jing native. He should know more than we do. Let's just discuss countermeasures and speak freely." Weng Ming said with a smile.

Everyone was puzzled. Gu and Jing were competing secretly, one country was at peace with the barbarian leader, and the other was at war with the barbarian leader. But Weng Ming did not seem to embarrass Fang Yun, but he did not seem to have good intentions either.

Fang Yun took a look at Weng Ming. He had a typical Guguo appearance, with slightly dark skin, but nothing else was unusual.

Fang Yun pondered for a moment and said, "Since Brother Weng asked, I will answer. As far as I know, a comet is actually a large ball of ice and snow. In addition to ice and snow, there are also many stones, metals, dust and... unknown poisonous gases in this ball. Comets can be simply divided into a nucleus and a tail. The nucleus of the comet is affected by the sun or other forces. It will eject dust, ice, snow, poisonous gases and other substances to form a very thin tail. The tail looks very large, hundreds of millions of miles long, but it is actually thinner than the air we breathe, because we can only see it because of the sunlight. I am talking about an ordinary comet. This comet corridor should have similarities with ordinary comets, but there should also be differences."

Fang Yun did not go into too much detail about the comet. Things like methane and highly toxic cyanide cannot be mentioned casually.

"Ah? How do you know it so detailed? I have read thousands of books, but I have never seen such a detailed record." Weng Ming was shocked.

"Fang Yun. Is what you said true?"

Kong Delun nodded and said, "Yes, the elders mentioned comets during their casual conversation, and it was very similar to what Fang Yun said. The main body of the comet is indeed mostly broken ice."

"Fang Yun knows everything about astronomy and geography. He is truly a man of many talents in ancient and modern times." Weng Ming praised him without hesitation.

"It seems that Brother Fang also supports 'something in the air'. He is truly an enlightened person." Ma Xiong couldn't help but praise.

Fang Yun didn't want to get into a discussion about the study of things, so he said, "Brother Kong, you are a disciple of Confucius, can you tell me more about the Comet Gallery?"

Kong Delun smiled bitterly and said, "You are not unaware of the tempers of the elders. The elders of our Kong family are the same. They tell me the truth every day, but every time I want to ask about the secrets or special details, they change the subject. I actually knew about the Demon Ancestor's Gate, but the elders didn't tell me what the Comet Corridor was. I mentioned it several times, but they either kept silent or said that if I knew it in advance, it would go against the original intention of the Demon Ancestor to create the Comet Corridor. I will know it when I see the Comet Corridor."

Yan Yukong was like finding a confidant. He said with a bitter face, "My mentor said the same thing. He said there are too many secrets in the world and even he can't know them all. He asked me to 'seek knowledge and explore the source' on my own."

The disciples of the semi-saint families immediately resonated with each other and started to complain about their grievances, while Fang Yun secretly laughed on the side.

After a while, Kong Delun said, "Fang Yun, I heard from Xun Ye that you were injured by the evil king. How serious are your injuries? I found a longevity fruit in the Holy Ruins that can extend your life by about ten years. I'll give it to you to relieve your injuries." After saying that, he was about to take the longevity fruit.

Fang Yun said: "Thank you for your concern, Brother Kong. I have already given up my wheelchair and can walk normally. I don't need the longevity fruit anymore."

"Well, if you need anything, remember to tell me." Kong Delun said.

Weng Ming on the side said: "Fang Yun, we came here because we heard you were here. Did you have a conflict with the Wolf Barbarian Saint?"

"Nothing." Fang Yun didn't want to say more.

However, Weng Ming said, "We have already asked the Star Monsters here, and they said that someone questioned your identity as a Moon Guardian, and wanted to use the Moon God's relics to identify you. When did you become a Moon Guardian?" Weng Ming lowered his voice for the last sentence, his eyes full of curiosity and confusion, and even a hint of pity, as if he had determined that Fang Yun's identity as a Moon Guard was fake.

The smiles on everyone's faces gradually faded.

Li Fanming's face darkened and he said, "A gentleman should be careful with his words. Brother Weng's tongue is too long."

Weng Ming laughed dryly and said, "Brother Fanming, you are too polite. I was just asking a question. But Brother Fang is too arrogant. How can someone impersonate a Moon Guard casually? Never mind. I admit my mistake. I should have been more careful with my words." After saying that, he looked away.

Many people looked unhappy.

Fang Yun glanced at Weng Ming, then looked at the stone gate of the Moon Temple.

Different from the human custom, there are no words like "Moon Temple" carved on the stone gate. In front of the Moon Temple is a small square. As time goes by, more and more monsters come, but the number of humans has not changed.

Not long after, Fang Yun discovered that several powerful demon generals appeared here. Some of them went to the Wolf Barbarian Saint, while others stayed away and did not say hello to the Wolf Barbarian Saint.

The monsters who had killed the Demon King's Golden Guards together before also came one after another. Xiong Cang from the bear tribe and the ape monster general were all there. The ape monster general had a wisp of white hair on his head, which made him very eye-catching among the monsters.

Xiong Cang quickly ran to the Wolf Barbarian Saint, pointed at Fang Yun and whispered something, and the Wolf Barbarian Saint listened quietly.

Fang Yun noticed Xiong Cang's actions and sighed softly, knowing that the fact that he had obtained the Mist Butterfly would eventually be known to these monsters.

Many monsters pointed fingers at Fang Yun and others. The scholars here were elites from various countries, and more than a dozen of them were on the Jinshi hunting list in the monster world.

Another half an hour later, a demon came running over and handed the Ape Demon King a piece of jade.

The Ape Demon King was about to walk towards the Moon Temple when the Wolf Barbarian Saint suddenly said, "Wait a minute, sir."

"Oh?" The Ape Demon King stopped and looked at the Wolf Saint.

The Wolf Barbarian Saint looked at Fang Yun and said, "Fang Yun, give me the Mist Butterfly and I will let you go today. How about that?"

"Mist butterfly? How could he have a mist butterfly?"

Many monsters present looked at Fang Yun in surprise, with greed in their eyes.

Fang Yun heard that the Wolf Barbarian Saint was so arrogant, and he rebuked him without any politeness: "You want the Mist Butterfly? Sure, give me your life in exchange! You don't even have this awareness, and you stand there and ask for it. How could I not have realized that you were so stupid before! Give it to you? You are just a wolf barbarian. Are you a great scholar who is familiar with the Spring and Autumn Annals or a literary master who can annotate the Analects? Are you a benevolent monarch or a semi-sage? Are you worthy of using the word 'offer'? You ignorant beast!"

"How dare you insult me!" The Wolf Barbarian Saint was furious.

"The Shuowen Jiezi says: 'Humiliation' means shame. Write down the four characters 'propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame' and let me see them! It's a pity that you can't write them. You don't even understand propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame. You don't deserve to be insulted. Don't think too highly of yourself! Do you know what shamelessness means? Do you know what lack of integrity means? I'm talking about you!" Fang Yong used his scholar's eloquence to refute him harshly.

The Wolf Barbarian Saint was so angry that his face turned red. Many monsters had to read human classics translated into monster language in order to understand the power of humans. He could understand Fang Yun's words, but if he really wanted to "literarily curse" a scholar like Fang Yun, even a million monsters would not be able to stop him.

All the monsters and barbarians hurriedly shut their mouths. They didn't expect that Fang Yun, who looked gentle and refined, could be so sharp-tongued. The monsters and barbarians were most unwilling to provoke this kind of human being, because there was once a great scholar who cursed them in front of the battle, causing the monsters to vomit blood countless times, and he scolded thousands of troops alone.

The Wolf Barbarian Saint gritted his teeth and dared not say another word, because with every word he said, Fang Yun would definitely find a loophole in his words and counterattack. The more he said, the more embarrassed he would be.

The Wolf Barbarian Saint clenched his fists. As a saint, he was scolded by humans so much that he dared not speak. He would definitely be ridiculed if he returned to the demon world.

The Star Demon Barbarians laughed secretly when they saw how unlucky the Blood Demon Barbarian was. No one was helping the Wolf Barbarian Saint.

The scholar beside Fang Yun also smiled and felt relieved after listening to this.

After secretly laughing for a while, the Ape Demon King said, "Your Highness, are you still waiting?"

The Wolf Barbarian Saint rolled his eyes. If the person who spoke was not the Demon King, he would have cursed back.

The Ape Demon King said: "Then I will open the Moon Temple and use the Moon Phase Divine Stone to test the authenticity of the Moon God Stone Sculpture, and then let the Moon God Stone Sculpture determine whether Fang Yun is a Moon Guardian."

The Wolf Barbarian Saint looked at Fang Yun with gritted teeth and whispered, "Speak now, say a few more words, or you will never be able to open your mouth again!"

Many human candidates had worried looks on their faces, but Xun Ye, who had been keeping his head down, suddenly raised his head, glanced at the demon race, and then looked at Fang Yun with a flashing gaze.

The gate of the Moon Temple opened with a rumbling sound, dust scattered, and the Ape Demon King slowly entered.

Fang Yun followed closely behind. After entering the cave and taking a closer look, he saw a huge stone sculpture as tall as two people standing deep in the cave. The green stone sculpture was an upright disc with a tree carved on it. The branches supported a full moon, which looked very much like the moon tree in the legendary demon world.

For some reason, Fang Yun felt that the stone sculpture was very familiar when he saw it for the first time.

The Wolf Barbarian Saint glared at Fang Yun fiercely, then raised his head high, smiled and held up the Moon Phase Divine Stone, saying: "I am the Wolf Barbarian Saint, Lang Li, and in order to prevent humans from impersonating the Moon Guards, I have used the Moon Phase Divine Stone to test the things left by the Moon God. I hope the Moon God will judge for me."

As soon as the words fell, the Moon Phase Divine Stone shone brightly and slowly flew towards the stone sculpture. (To be continued...)