The Path of the Sage

Chapter 258: Floating ice river


Fang Yun felt that the Wenqu Star Power here was far inferior to the Wenqu Star Power he had obtained before, but the origin was the same. This method was far beyond that of a semi-saint. He secretly sighed in his heart that the Demon Ancestor was so powerful that he could create such a place suitable for all races.

The power of Wenquxing goes straight into the Wen Palace, literary courage is quietly sounded, and talent is increased.

When Fang Yun was a scholar before he became a saint, his talent was as thick as his index finger, only one inch high. However, after being canonized as the Moon Queen by the Moon Goddess, his talent reached one and a half inches. After passing the first corridor, his talent quickly increased by two points, almost reaching two inches.

For others, an inch of growth is just an inch, but Fang Yun is now three times more talented and has three talents. His actual talent is three times that of others.

After three breaths, there was no longer a large amount of Wenqu star power injected into the Wen Palace, but the Wenqu star power in this second square was still dozens of times stronger than that in the Shengyuan Continent, making it a good place for cultivation.

Niu Shan and the other four demon barbarian generals rushed over. Niu Shan bowed and apologized: "Your Majesty, we wanted to follow you, but you walked too slowly. If we stayed in the First Corridor for so long, we would surely die. So we told you before we left, but you couldn't hear us. We suspected that you were meditating on something, so we didn't dare to disturb you and had to rush out of the First Corridor first. I know very well that the First Corridor cannot stop you. You have a chance to compete for the Star King!"

Fang Yun smiled and said, "I understand, no need to explain. Did everyone else go to the second corridor?"

"Yes. All the candidates went to the second corridor, and the blood demons also left. I have to say that the blood demons are indeed stronger than us star demons. You see, most of those who stayed here are star demons. They are not as greedy as the blood demons. They are lucky to pass the first corridor, and they don't force themselves to fight for the star king."

Fang Yun looked at the Star Monsters who were practicing there and said, "If you lose something, you gain something. If you gain something, you lose something. I'm going to the second corridor. What about you?"

The four demon barbarian generals hesitated, and another bull barbarian general said, "If you can help us, we will dare to go, but I am afraid that you can't help us in the corridor in the future. I will stay here to absorb the star power, and then go forward when my strength increases."

"I... I'd better follow you." Niu Shan finally chose to follow, and the dog demon general also chose to follow, and the last Niu Man general stayed here.

"If you stop to move forward, it is accumulation. If you stop because of fear, no one will wait for you. Let's go." Fang Yun said, and continued to move forward with firm steps.

After passing through another foggy door, Fang Yun arrived at the second corridor.

In front of us is a broad blue river with lots of white floating ice on the river.

Normally, river water flows in one direction, but this river is very strange. The water in different areas flows in different directions. Even in the same area, the river sometimes flows east, sometimes flows south, and sometimes forms whirlpools. Because of the strange water flow, the movement direction of the floating ice is also messy.

The water flow is relatively gentle near the place and the ice floes are relatively large. The farther away the ice floes are, the smaller they are and the water flow is relatively fast.

Many monsters and barbarians were scattered on the ice floes, using them as springboards to move forward.

Before Fang Yun could take a closer look, he saw a bull demon suddenly jump and land on a piece of floating ice. With a crackling sound, the floating ice exploded and the bull demon fell into the river.

"Moo..." The bull demon's blood and qi surged all over its body. It struggled desperately, but its blood and qi dissipated at an extremely terrifying speed, just like snow meeting boiling water. It swam desperately towards the nearest floating ice. It was only three feet away from touching the floating ice, and its blood and qi were exhausted.

“Ah…” the bull demon screamed, and his body was dissolved into nothing by the river water in the blink of an eye, without any residue left.

The entire second corridor became silent. From falling into the water to death, the bull demon lasted less than four breaths. The river water was truly terrifying.

Everyone was still in shock when suddenly, two icebergs in an area of water changed direction and collided violently. The ice on the edge of the iceberg broke, and a tiger-barbarian on it fell into the water with a splash. Screaming in fear, he used his hands and feet to quickly climb up onto the iceberg to save his life. He quickly stood in the middle of the iceberg, looking at the water with lingering fear.

Fang Yun carefully observed the river water. It was not strange that the water could dissolve flesh and blood. However, the bull demon could only swim after entering the water and could not run on the water relying on the power of qi and blood. This showed that the river water was very strange.

"Idiot!" A barbarian saint cursed and kept jumping forward on the ice. It was smooth at first, but after jumping far away, the time he stood on the ice increased, and he often jumped back. Occasionally, the ice under his feet shattered just as he jumped away.

Relying on his strong body and excellent reaction ability, the barbarian saint jumped farther and farther, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight. He officially passed through the second corridor, making everyone envious.

Fang Yun recalled the reaction of the barbarian saint and understood in his heart that this floating ice river tested the comprehensive strength of the monsters, such as observation and reaction. No matter how strong the human race was, they could not compare to the monsters in terms of reaction, bounce, strength and other aspects. This was the essential gap between the races and it was impossible to make up for it.

"It is ten times more difficult for humans to cross this floating ice river than for the demons!" Fang Yun thought to himself.

Fang Yun carefully glanced at the people on the ice floe. The most outstanding monsters had already passed the floating ice river early. For them, the test of the floating ice river was a piece of cake, but it was difficult for ordinary monsters.

So far, no human has passed the second corridor. The one who has gone the furthest is Mo Shan, who actually relies on a mechanical tiger to move forward. The second is Sun Naiyong, whose physical fitness and reaction ability far exceed those of ordinary scholars. Yan Yukong, Kong Delun and others are actually far behind, and the other humans are even worse.

Fang Yun knew that the people must use the Sprint War Poem to have the same jumping power as the monsters, but their talent was limited, and the duration of the Sprint War Poem was also limited. They often observed a piece of ice for a long time before moving to the next piece of ice. The next piece of ice could only be a very close one, within ten feet. If it was farther away, they might fall into the river.

The monsters are different. They can easily jump out three or four feet. The only problem is to be careful not to crush the ice and fall into the river.

The situation of the human race in the first corridor and the second corridor is completely opposite.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to carry you on my back?" Niu Shan asked.

Fang Yun said: "If you can get through by yourself, then go through by yourself. Don't worry about me. I will get through in my own way."

"Okay." Niu Shan and the dog demon general began to move forward.

Even though there were many large and safe icebergs nearby, Fang Yun did not step onto them blindly. Instead, he observed each piece of ice by the river and used his powerful memory to remember all the details of each piece of ice, including its shape, color, thickness, moving direction, speed, etc.

Fang Yun knew that since the human race did not have the same powerful reaction and jumping abilities as the demon race, they would have to rely on their greatest advantage to pass through the second corridor.


Fang Yun not only observed the empty ice floes, but also observed the changes in those ice floes that carried people.

Soon, Fang Yun sorted and classified all the floating ice into ten categories, ranging from ten feet to three feet; and ten categories of thickness, ranging from three feet to two inches above the water surface. There were seven types of color depth, and the color of the floating ice determined the hardness of the floating ice. The two types of floating ice with the lightest colors were very likely to break if they were hit or stepped on by multiple people. In addition, there were some other more detailed classifications.

Then, according to the flow of floating ice, Fang Yun began to record and calculate the flow conditions in various waters, such as direction, flow speed, whether there are whirlpools, and so on.

This was a very large project, but with the power of talent, Fang Yun constructed a map of the floating ice river in his mind and mastered the conditions of every body of water.

After a full quarter of an hour, Fang Yun raised his head and looked at the other candidates, frowning and realizing that their ideas for crossing the river were very similar to his own, just like playing chess. They calculated the possible routes of the floating ice in an area, and then chose the floating ice according to their own calculations.

But Fang Yun found that these scholars had a common shortcoming, they only focused on the floating ice in the nearby area, and did not observe from the overall and macro perspective. The most fatal thing was that they obviously judged based on feelings and superficial phenomena, rather than systematically summarizing the floating ice.

"These people are not stupid. But they are still young after all. They are not weak in knowledge, but they are far behind in other aspects and thinking patterns."

Fang Yun saw that Yan Yukong and other most outstanding candidates had already walked seven-tenths of the way, stopping and starting, and there were dangers everywhere.

Many monsters on the shore have returned. Some of them almost died in the river, while others found that their reactions were too slow and their brains were not very smart, so they decided to wait a while.

Fang Yun stepped onto the first piece of ice, then walked at a normal walking pace, naturally walked to the second piece of ice, and then continued to move forward on one piece of ice after another.

Fang Yun not only looks at his own ice floe, but also takes a look at the ice floes in front of him from time to time, constantly correcting and improving his judgment, so as to understand the dynamics of the ice floes more accurately.

At first, no one paid attention to Fang Yun. After all, Fang Yun was at the end of the second corridor. Even the monsters that retreated to the shore had gone further than Fang Yun. However, after Fang Yun had walked one-tenth of the distance, some monsters noticed something was wrong.

"Look at the Moon Emperor!" said a fox demon.

"What's so good about this? I originally thought that this demon king had three heads and six arms, and was an incredible figure. But now I see, tsk tsk, he is so stupid. Not to mention that he walked so slowly in the first corridor and almost died there, he stood in the second corridor for so long and didn't dare to move. He is as timid as a mouse!"

"Hey! The human race is inherently deficient in this regard. Look at the saints of the Blood Demon Barbarians. They passed the second corridor long ago, but none of the human race has passed it yet. But the human race is also careful enough, and no one has died so far."

The fox demon asked doubtfully, "You are right, but look carefully at His Majesty the Moon Emperor. He is different from others. Let me think... Oh, right, look carefully at his footsteps. He walks on the ice as if he were walking on flat ground. Even though his route is crooked and he moves left and right, his next step is always on the ice, as if he already knew that the next piece of ice would flow to his feet."

"You are talking nonsense. Humans are smart, but not to this extent!"

"If you don't believe me, look carefully!"

So many monsters on the shore all stared at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun walked forward step by step. Although the route was rather tortuous, his steps were very steady. And unlike others, he did not jump hard to the next piece of ice from time to time.

"It's strange, he always seems to be able to find the nearest ice floe to land on."

"It should be said that the most suitable ice floe always appears under his feet, and then carries him to find the next suitable ice floe."

"We hop like rabbits, why doesn't he have to hop? He looks slower than us, but he's actually much faster than us. He doesn't have to wait and think, and he doesn't worry about the ice breaking under his feet." (To be continued...)