The Path of the Sage

Chapter 260: Avalanche Slope (Part 3)


Everyone completely forgot that they had to cross a dangerous floating ice river and were all stunned by Fang Yun's dramatic method of crossing the river.

When those demon saints crossed this floating ice river, they were not as easy as Fang Yun. They all saw with their own eyes that several saints thought for a long time before jumping in front of the last area of water.

"I want to die!" Li Fanming said, covering his face.

The big rabbit also covered its face with its ears.

On the shore at the entrance of the second corridor more than ten miles away, the Star Demons cheered, and even they themselves didn't know why they were cheering for Fang Yun.

"Fang Yun, tell me the truth, do you have the ability to control ice?"

"Yeah, you are kidding us, right? Even if a scholar came here, he couldn't cross the floating ice river as easily as you did! We have no way of reacting, even if the Wolf Barbarian Saint took your route, he would fall into the river."

Fang Yun was about to explain, but suddenly he said to Yan Yukong with a tongue thunder: "Brother Yan, there is something wrong with the hexagonal ice block in front of you on the left. Don't step on it."

Yan Yukong was startled and looked at the ice.

Kong Delun pointed at the floating ice, and the golden eagle on his shoulder flew to the ice and stomped hard with its claws. Cracks immediately formed on the ice surface. The golden eagle was so scared that it screamed twice and quickly flew into the air. The ice slowly cracked and fell into the water.

"Thank you, Brother Fang, for the rescue, but how did you know about this?" Yan Yukong was very grateful. With his strength at the first level of literary talent, he would be able to swim to the nearby ice floes even if he fell into the water, but there was also a small chance of an accident.

Fang Yun had not told them how to cross the floating ice river before because he was afraid they would not believe it, but now that they had crossed it safely, there was no need to worry.

So Fang Yun said, "Confucius said: Observe what he does, see where he comes from, and examine where he is at ease. How can a person be thin? This is the way Confucius observed people, observing a person's motives, goals, words and deeds, and mentality. So how can this person hide? Confucius said: If you study without thinking, you will be lost. If you learn Confucius' method of observing people, can you also think about the method of observing the universe? Does the shape, color, stillness, movement, etc. of this floating ice river have the same rules as observing people? I thought about it for a long time and finally found that this floating ice river does have rules."

Fang Yun had learned so much from the scriptures that he was very good at quoting the contents of the saints' classics to conceal what he had learned in another life. The main reason was that many principles in the world were the same and had been explained by predecessors.

Afterwards, Fang Yun explained his classification method in detail.

After Fang Yun finished speaking, the monsters who could understand human language just thought that Fang Yun was powerful, but the scholars were stunned for a long time.

"I understand your 'ice splitting method'. It's a very good method, but if you really ask me to fully control this floating ice river, I simply can't do it! What you said makes me want to die even more!" Li Fanming said.

"Let's die together. Let's die together." Jia Jing'an smiled helplessly.

Yan Yukong said: "Fang Yun, your 'Ice Splitting Method' is simple, but clear and effective. Although not as good as the Holy Way, it seems that it can be derived into some 'minor techniques'. Unfortunately, it is not appropriate to discuss it in detail at this time. We will discuss it in detail after we leave the Comet Corridor."

"Alas, we all have a vague idea of this method. But we cannot make it so detailed, so reasonable, and so effective. One step short will make a world of difference. Fang Yun is indeed 'the scenery is different in four seasons', and you are among the best. You have the majestic demeanor of 'the lotus leaves connecting the sky are endless and green, and the lotus flowers are exceptionally red in the sun'. You can be our teacher." Kong Delun said.

"We may know, but not deeply, precisely, or extensively. We cannot express it in words or teach others. But you, Fang Yun, can teach us how to fish and let us learn how to cross the floating ice river. You are truly a wise man from ancient times!"

Shi Tang recalled the strange vision after the Minglei Stone Paint was made, and then thought about what everyone said, and felt more and more that Fang Yun’s blood must be the "blood of the great sage."

Many candidates were delighted because after listening to Fang Yun’s summary, they had a new understanding of the floating ice river.

"That ice looks big, but it is the lightest color. Don't step on it!"

"There are a lot of new gaps on the edge of this iceberg, and it is often hit. It was originally impossible to ride on it, but this ice is extremely hard, and as long as you are in the center, you are not afraid of being hit by other icebergs."

With Fang Yun's guidance, everyone knew the rules of the floating ice river and felt that the veil covering the floating ice river had been lifted.

Fang Yun looked at these scholars who learned how to apply it almost immediately and nodded slightly. They just lacked different ways of thinking. Once someone taught them, they would be able to understand and apply it quickly.

After two quarters of an hour, all the candidates had reached the shore. Although they had successfully crossed the floating ice river, they were far less relaxed and free than Fang Yun.

Those monsters who can understand human language find it difficult to learn and apply it as quickly as the Juren, not to mention Niu Shan and the dog monster General Quan Xi who cannot understand human language.

Fang Yun saw that there was no other way, so he used his tongue to guide the two of them across the river. The two of them reacted quickly and had strong jumping abilities, so they did whatever Fang Yun said and quickly jumped to the shore.

Some clever monsters followed Niu Shan and Quan Xi's path and went ashore, but most of them still relied on their instincts to jump around on the floating ice river.

Everyone entered the light gate and came to the square behind the second corridor.

The two stone lions are also in the third square. There is no monster inside. It seems that they have all gone to the third corridor.

As soon as they entered the square, Fang Yun and all the other candidates were once again baptized by the power of Wenquxing, and their literary talent, literary courage and ability were qualitatively improved.

Fang Yun suddenly closed his eyes and entered the literary palace.

Fang Yun did not look at his literary courage and talent which had just been enhanced, but looked at the two lamps of literary mind.

The "extremely talented" literary mind did not change, but Fang Yun felt that the "fast writing" literary mind seemed to have changed. Upon closer inspection, there was no difference compared to before except that it was slightly brighter.

The same literary mind is divided into three levels: low, medium and high. Fang Yun knows that the high-grade literary mind is already the limit. Although there are miscellaneous books saying that there may be other magical powers above the high-grade literary mind, but like the five realms of poetry, it has never appeared in the Shengyuan Continent and can only be regarded as a guess.

"Unfortunately, perhaps it's just an illusion."

Fang Yun looked carefully at the Wen Xin who was writing furiously, found nothing, and left Wen Palace.

Fang Yun opened his eyes and found that many people were sitting in the square to rest, and all the scholars were either chanting the holy scriptures or reciting them silently, trying to recover their talents as quickly as possible.

Everyone knows that Fang Yun can help them temporarily, but not forever.

After obtaining the star power of two corridors, everyone is determined to obtain the third corridor. As long as they pass the third corridor, their talent, literary courage or strength will be greatly improved, which will be of great help to becoming a great scholar.

If one wants to gain power useful for canonization, one must at least pass through the sixth corridor.

Fang Yun's talent increased further, reaching one inch and nine points.

Soon, everyone stood up and walked towards the third corridor. Li Fanming said to Fang Yun, "What a pity. Except for you, our talents have reached ten inches, which is the limit of a juren. Now we get the power of Wenquxing, which will not increase the total amount of our talents, but it can make our talents more condensed, which is of great benefit. But your talent is less than ten inches, and the current Wenquxing power can only increase the total amount of your talents, which is not good for condensing them."

"It doesn't matter. There will be opportunities in the future." Fang Yun did not say that his talent had reached the level of "talent as vast as water". The degree of refinement far exceeded that of everyone present. Moreover, because he had been blessed by the star of literature when he passed the imperial examination before becoming a saint, his talent as vast as water might go even further in the near future.

Once it exceeds the level of talent like water, the power of war poems written with this talent will be significantly improved, and the chances of triggering powers such as poetic soul, summoning saint, and golden voice and jade resonance will be far greater than before.

"Let's go to the third corridor!"

The candidates were in high spirits and entered the fog gate one after another and stepped onto the third corridor.


Before they could see what the third corridor looked like, everyone's ears were hurt by the loud noise.

Fang Yun looked carefully and saw a very long ramp in front of him. The ramp was about forty-five degrees and very steep. Moreover, the ramp was extremely long, just like the previous two corridors, nearly twenty miles long.

A twenty-mile slope is nothing, but this slope is experiencing a continuous avalanche!

Snow several feet thick poured down from the highest point of the hillside, mixed with hard stones.

An avalanche may seem like just fluffy snow pressing down without much power, but in fact, the impact force created by an avalanche is extremely terrifying. This is because the speed of an avalanche can reach 400 kilometers per hour, which is one-third the speed of sound. As a result, a shock wave with great destructive power is formed at the front end of the avalanche, which is equivalent to the power of an explosion. Being hit by snow at this speed is more terrible than being hit by a group of elephants.

In his previous life, Fang Yun had heard about an avalanche in Alaska that destroyed all the buildings within 20 miles of the mountain, and heavy snow flew all over the sky for 300 miles.

The avalanches and rocks alone were deadly enough, but when the snow splashed and fell on their bodies, everyone discovered that the snow was just like the cold wind in the first corridor, and its power was close to that of strange wind and weak water. Once the snow touched the human body, it would not only freeze the person, but also freeze the Wen Palace.

"This kind of snow is called frozen snow. Look, that monster seems to have been frozen to death." Sun Naiyong said.

When everyone looked over, they saw a large snowball rolling over from the front and landing on the flat ground. Then a mysterious force took away the snowball and a large amount of snow, leaving only the frozen body of the monster on the ground.

The holy sons of the Demonic Barbarians had passed the first and second corridors early on. Everyone thought they had reached the fourth corridor. However, three or four kilometers away from the top of the hillside, three figures were bearing the impact of an avalanche. They parted the rushing thick snow and slowly moved forward.

The three powerful figures were none other than the Jiaolong Dou Ji, the Eagle Demon Ying Yan, and the Dragon Barbarian Long Ling.

The three-headed demon saints had raging blood all over their bodies, and not a single snowflake could touch their bodies. However, these three powerful demons looked extremely embarrassed under the avalanche. They were slowly climbing up step by step, and occasionally even took a half step back.

Ma Xiong said, "It's over. I didn't expect it to be a pure test of strength. There is no way that humans can pass through this third corridor. Even among the monsters, only the saints and saints can pass. Ordinary monsters will die if they go up there."

"And this corridor has certain restrictions. Eagle Flame can fly, but now he has to walk upwards against the avalanche like the other demon barbarians."

"We humans are far less powerful than the Demon Saint Son. If we want to cross this avalanche slope, we may need to join forces." (To be continued...)

ps: This is the fifth three-update this week! Ask for a recommendation vote in the early morning.
