The Path of the Sage

Chapter 265: Zong Wude's lottery


On the white avalanche slope, two rows of verdant pine trees opened up a path that stretched for more than sixty feet, and people ran up quickly.

"One person's poem calls upon seven people's tree. We have a chance to reach the top!"

“The first sound of poetry can reach sixty feet, and if it is written later, it can reach more than thirty feet, and the possibility of reaching the top in the end is very high!”

"Those monsters are so miserable."

Several people ran and looked around.

The twelve monsters in front were the most unlucky. When the "green pines stand tall and straight" was formed, the pine trees that emerged from the ground pushed the six monsters off the ground, making it impossible for them to hold on to the ground. Then the power of "wait until the snow melts" was formed, and snow water more turbulent than an avalanche rushed down, immediately making them covered in wounds and rushing down at a high speed.

And those monsters and barbarians who followed the human race and waited for an opportunity to strike also suffered a devastating disaster.

The monsters of the holy clan are better off, as they have powerful blood and energy to protect themselves even if they are attacked, but the ordinary monsters are in a miserable state.

Fang Yun saw with his own eyes that several demons following the Tiger Barbarian Saint had their blood and qi defenses broken by the snow and water in an instant, and their bodies were shattered.

The power of this avalanche is not formed naturally, but is formed under the influence of the comet corridor. It can maintain high speed both at the top and at the bottom of the mountain. The density of snow water is at least five times that of ordinary snow, and its destructive power is greatly increased.

The snow water quickly condensed into broken ice, which was no different from rocks at that speed, causing all the monsters behind the human route to suffer heavy losses.

"It's not a war poem, but it's better than a war poem!" Han Shoulu praised.

Everyone quickly ran to the end of the new road. Fang Yun continued to give orders, and everyone used their remaining little talent to repeat the previous poems, turning the virtual into the real and continuing to move forward.

Soon, everyone looked at Fang Yun, now it was his turn.

"Let's go with this song, Snow Covering Green Pines. We can't waste our talent."

Fang Yun nodded and repeated "Green Pine". Because it was not the first sound, the power was reduced by half, but it still stretched for more than thirty feet. The poem still made everyone feel amazed. The lush and green pine tree was simply towering, sweeping away all the pessimism of the people.

Everyone continued to climb, and every time it was Fang Yun's turn to rewrite "Green Pine", everyone's hope grew a little more.

After the three saint sons of the demon race, several saint sons and a few saint race demon barbarians reached the top one after another. After the wolf barbarian saint son Lang Li reached the top, he said something to a saint race bull barbarian beside him, then smiled sinisterly at Fang Yun, left quickly, and disappeared in the third corridor.

Fang Yun and others hurried on their way without paying any attention to those monsters.

Soon, all the candidates looked up the hill and saw that the Saint Clan demons suddenly started to roar one after another, and they simply spoke in a demon language that everyone could understand. Everyone heard it clearly. Everyone changed color.

"Not good! Too many monsters have been killed or injured because of us, and they are actually trying to imitate us! Fang Yun, find a way quickly!" Li Fanming exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw the last thirty or so Saint Clan demons gathering quickly and heading towards the human race. They were all blood demons from the demon world, while the Saint Clan star demons stayed far away.

Those blood demons suddenly began to release a large amount of blood and energy, forming a hot force that melted the surrounding snow and water.

Fang Yun's expression remained unchanged, but a hint of anxiety flashed in his eyes. Because the thirty or so Saint Clan monsters used their full strength to release their blood and qi, turning a large amount of snow into water, which then condensed into ice.

The monster is actually using his own method to retaliate.

The falling snow turned into crushed ice. Now only a small amount of snow turned into crushed ice. If it was not stopped, in a hundred breaths at most, more than half of the snow in front would turn into crushed ice. By then, even if there was the power of heavy snow to crush the green pine, it would be instantly crushed by the large amount of crushed ice.

Several scholars were horrified. If so many holy tribe demons joined forces, they would all be killed without a doubt if the stone lions guarding the Comet Corridor did not stop them.

"Sure enough, we can't underestimate the Saint Clan monsters!"

Fang Yun took a deep breath and picked up the pen to write.

"In the cold weather, the white flowers are as sharp as knives, and a single green plant reaches the sky. I don't know if ice and snow are the colors of winter, but I see the willow catkins floating in the spring."

There seemed to be a brief calm ahead, and then all the ice and snow were blown up by an invisible force, becoming light and floating, flying to both sides like catkins.

The holy monsters in front were as light as catkins and ice and snow, floating to both sides and could no longer threaten Fang Yun and others.

All the candidates were very happy.

"Great poem! Especially the line 'I don't know that ice and snow are the colors of winter', which clearly shows the contempt of pine and cypress for the cold winter."

"First, the snowflakes are compared to white jade flowers, which seem beautiful but are as sharp as a knife in winter. Then, the pen turns to describe the state of pine and cypress, not taking the sharp ice and snow seriously at all, treating them only as catkins. This heroic reversal of seasons can be called true snow-defying!"

"We've passed the third corridor!" Yan Yukong said with a smile.

Without the obstruction of the saints and demons, the road ahead was extremely smooth. Although talent was decreasing, everyone was full of confidence because Fang Yun was there.

Finally, everyone climbed up the avalanche slope.

The moment they stepped onto the top of the mountain, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Tang simply sat down on the ground and said, "I'm so tired. I'll take a rest first."

"Alas, my talent has been exhausted." Li Fanming said, and then sat on the top of the mountain.

"I don't have much talent left. I can only write one more poem at most." Han Shoulu said with a smile.

Everyone sat down, and it was only at this point that many people realized that their bodies had reached their limits, and they did not want to stand up again. These people were afraid that climbing a 20-mile long slope would have exhausted their physical strength, and they had to endure the coldness of the snow. Now their energy was about to be exhausted. If there was a slight accident, everyone might die in the avalanche.

Even a few demon generals from the Saint Clan could not withstand the impact of the avalanche, let alone the human race, who had no chance of survival without any cultural treasures.

When Jia Jing'an sat down, he kept gasping for air from his mouth. His body had been injured by the strange coldness in the snow, and he had only managed to come up with one breath. Now that the breath was gone, he was in so much pain that he couldn't even walk.

Like Jia Jing'an, more than half of the candidates suffered great physical injuries and beat their legs lightly.

Everyone looked down and saw that all the monsters who tried to hinder them were swept away by the power of poetry and were slowly climbing up the mountain from the foot or the mountainside. At the foot of the mountainside were more than a dozen monster corpses and a large number of body fragments.

"Evil will be punished! They will climb again, which will consume a lot of their physical strength and blood. At least half of those who could have climbed up the avalanche slope will fail."

“It’s very satisfying.”

"Guess what Xun Ye is thinking?"

Everyone looked towards Xun Ye at the foot of the hillside and saw him staring at the top of the hill with wide eyes. His face was paler than snow and he looked like he was frozen stiff. He did not move for a long time.

The star monsters beside Xun Ye were laughing and mocking Xun Ye for being a fool. If they had followed him at that time, they could have reached the top of the hill with their eyes closed without any effort. But now they could only watch others at the bottom of the hill enter the fourth corridor and get more benefits.

Soon, Xun Ye felt that all the candidates were looking at him. Suddenly, his face was filled with shame. He turned around to avoid everyone's gaze and took out the ice stone.

Ten breaths later, the ice stone turned into white light, wrapped around him, and sent him back to the previous square.

Before leaving, Xun Ye clenched his fists and cursed under his breath.

"You won't succeed! If you fight with the three saints of the demon barbarians, you will all die here! The one who becomes the Star King must be one of the three saints. If he becomes the Star King, he can kill all the demon barbarians in the Comet Corridor in a snap of his fingers. I must leave the Comet Corridor before the Star King appears!"

Yan Yukong pointed at the demon barbarians below and said, "Although this avalanche literary gathering was a battle between us and a few hundred blood demon barbarians, it cut off the possibility of more than half of the blood demon barbarians passing through the third corridor, and at least reduced the appearance of three demon kings. This is equivalent to saving tens of thousands of human beings! Everyone remember, this is the result of our combined efforts, and more than half of our credit goes to Fang Yun!"

Kong Delun immediately took out a purple-black fruit from the Yinjiangbei, which was like a larger plum, but with a faint white glow on the surface.

"We agreed before that whoever made the greatest contribution to crossing the avalanche slope will get it. This is yours. If anyone objects, I will kick him off the avalanche slope!"

Amid the laughter of the crowd, Kong Delun handed the longevity fruit to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun took the longevity fruit and threw it to Li Fanming.

"You used Blood and Heart once when you were in the Star Demon Village, and lost ten years of your life. Take it now to replenish your life. We still have to continue walking along other corridors." Fang Yun said.

Li Fanming held the longevity fruit and wanted to say something, but in the end he just nodded vigorously, said thank you, and then ate the longevity fruit silently.

Surging waves of heaven and earth energy emanated from his body, impacting everyone around him like gentle air waves, and Li Fanming's skin turned red and white, and sweat on his head rose like white mist.

It was the first time that Fang Yun saw someone eating the longevity fruit, and he looked at him carefully.

Hua Yuqing then handed Li Fanming a pill and said, "Take this medicine after you finish eating it, and it will increase the efficacy of the longevity fruit by 10%."

Li Fanming nodded and took the medicine immediately after eating the longevity fruit.

Afterwards, Yan Yukong and others took out the prizes they had agreed on and handed them to Fang Yun. Zong Wude had only said that he would also offer a prize without saying anything else. He selected from the Yinjiang Berries for a long time and handed Fang Yun a small cloth bag the size of a palm.

"Take it." Zong Wude said.

Fang Yun nodded and put the bag directly into his own Yinjiangbei. It was not appropriate to open other people's gifts in person in Shengyuan Continent. However, Fang Yun was curious about Zong Wude's prize and "looked" at it through the Yinjiangbei.

Fang Yun was stunned after seeing what was in the bag. He stayed there for a long time, as if he understood something. He sighed and said, "Brother, you don't have to be like this."

Zong Wude smiled slightly and said, "I will always pay back what I owe you."

Everyone was very curious, but did not ask any questions as they were afraid of touching upon the two's private parts.

"Let's go to the next square to rest, and then prepare to cross the fourth corridor! With this experience in the Comet Corridor, we will have a better chance of going to the sea of learning after the palace examination next year!"

"This year's Imperial Examination will select Jinshi, and next year's Palace Examination will select the champion. Then some of the Jinshi will go to Xuehai. We will definitely meet in Xuehai. Let's encourage each other."

"In the golden autumn of October, the results of the palace examination will be announced. I wonder which ten of last year's Jinshi will become this year's top scorers."

Everyone talked as they walked.

Fang Yun listened to their discussion.

The imperial examinations in Shengyuan Continent are rather peculiar, especially the imperial examinations for the imperial examinations, which are actually divided into two sessions, spanning nearly a year. (To be continued...)